I am trying to match a Java version in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall by iterating over the subkeys within Uninstall. I am trying to match a regular expression to Java 7 Update 40, but the regex is matching all DisplayName entries. Below is the code:
On Error Resume Next
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Dim oReg
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim sPath, aSub, sKey
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
objRegEx.Pattern = "\w{4}\s\d{1}\s\w{6}\s\d+"
objRedEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = False
sPath = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sPath, aSub
For Each sKey In aSub
disName = "HKLM" & "\" & sPath & "\" & sKey & "\DisplayName"
unString = "HKLM" & "\" & sPath & "\" & sKey & "\UninstallString"
reDisName = objShell.RegRead(disName)
reUnString = objShell.RegRead(unString)
If objRexEx.Test( reDisName ) Then
Wscript.echo "Match"
End If
'Wscript.echo ObjShell.RegRead(disName)
'Wscript.echo ObjShell.RegRead(unString)
Sorry if the formatting is off, I put a ctrl-k in front of each code line. This is my first time posting here so go easy...
You should start all your scripts with Option Explicit and Dim all your variables. Then you wouldn't need sln's eagle eyes to spot your typo:
Option Explicit
Dim objRegEx : Set objRegEx = New RegExp
objRegEx.Pattern = "\w{4}\s\d{1}\s\w{6}\s\d+"
objRedEx.IgnoreCase = True
cscript 19188400.vbs
...\19188400.vbs(4, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Variable is undefined: 'objRedEx'
If you insist on using a global On Error Resume Next (a most dangerous mal-practice) then you should disable it until your script is thoroughly debugged. Keeping the OERN in a script known to have even the slightest problem is inviting desaster. Asking for help with code containing a global OERN is futile. So run you program without the OERN and see if the cause for its misbehaviour in't obvious.
Diagnostic output should be as specific as possible. Your WScript.Echo "Match" just shows that the statement is executed; a WScript.Echo "Match", disname would be a bit better. Using .Execute and looking at the Match's details could be more revealing.
The .Pattern should be more specific to. If you look for java updates, anchoring a literal "java" at the start of the string, and asking for "upgrade" instead of "\w{6}" may help to avoid false positives. OTOH, my display names don't look like
Java 7 Update 19
but like
Java(TM) 6 Update 19
and who knows what the next owner of Java will put into the display name.
You seem to have a few typo's
objRedEx.IgnoreCase = True
If objRexEx.Test( reDisName ) Then
What am I doing?
I am writing a data analysis program in Java which relies on R´s arulesViz library to mine association rules.
What do I want?
My purpose is to store the rules in a String variable in Java so that I can process them later.
How does it work?
The code works using a combination of String.format and eval Java and RJava instructions respectively, being its behavior summarized as:
Given properly formatted Java data structures, creates a data frame in R.
Formats the recently created data frame into a transaction list using the arules library.
Runs the apriori algorithm with the transaction list and some necessary values passed as parameter.
Reorders the generated association rules.
Given that the association rules cannot be printed, they are written to the standard output with R´s write method, capture the output and store it in a variable. We have converted the association rules into a string variable.
We return the string.
The code is the following:
// Step 1
Rutils.rengine.eval("dataFrame <- data.frame(as.factor(c(\"Red\", \"Blue\", \"Yellow\", \"Blue\", \"Yellow\")), as.factor(c(\"Big\", \"Small\", \"Small\", \"Big\", \"Tiny\")), as.factor(c(\"Heavy\", \"Light\", \"Light\", \"Heavy\", \"Heavy\")))");
//Step 2
Rutils.rengine.eval("transList <- as(dataFrame, 'transactions')");
//Step 3
Rutils.rengine.eval(String.format("info <- apriori(transList, parameter = list(supp = %f, conf = %f, maxlen = 2))", supportThreshold, confidenceThreshold));
// Step 4
Rutils.rengine.eval("orderedRules <- sort(info, by = c('count', 'lift'), order = FALSE)");
// Step 5
REXP res = Rutils.rengine.eval("rulesAsString <- paste(capture.output(write(orderedRules, file = stdout(), sep = ',', quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)), collapse='\n')");
// Step 6
return res.asString().replaceAll("'", "");
What´s wrong?
Running the code in Linux Will work perfectly, but when I try to run it in Windows, I get the following error referring to the return line:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
This is a common error I have whenever the R code generates a null result and passes it to Java. There´s no way to syntax check the R code inside Java, so whenever it´s wrong, this error message appears.
However, when I run the R code in brackets in the R command line in Windows, it works flawlessly, so both the syntax and the data flow are OK.
Technical information
In Linux, I am using R with OpenJDK 10.
In Windows, I am currently using Oracle´s latest JDK release, but trying to run the program with OpenJDK 12 for Windows does not solve anything.
Everything is 64 bits.
The IDE used in both operating systems is IntelliJ IDEA 2019.
Linux run configuration:
Windows run configuration:
I have some issues with getting the java version out as a string.
In a batch script I have done it like this:
for /f tokens^=2-5^ delims^=.-_^" %%j in ('%EXTRACTPATH%\Java\jdk_extract\bin\java -fullversion 2^>^&1') do set "JAVAVER=%%j.%%k.%%l_%%m"
The output is: 1.8.0_121
Now I want to do this for PowerShell, but my output is: 1.8.0_12, I miss one "1" in the end Now I have tried it with trim and split but nothing gives me the right output can someone help me out?
This is what I've got so var with PowerShell
$javaVersion = (& $extractPath\Java\jdk_extract\bin\java.exe -fullversion 2>&1)
$javaVersion = "$javaVersion".Trim("java full version """).TrimEnd("-b13")
The full output is: java full version "1.8.0_121-b13"
TrimEnd() works a little different, than you might expect:
results in: 1.8.0_19 and so does:
The reason is, that TrimEnd() removes a trailing set of characters, not a substring. So .TrimEnd('-b12') means: remove all occurrences of any character of the set '-b12' from the end of the string. And that includes the last '1' before the '-'.
A better solution in your case would be -replace:
'java full version "1.8.0_191-b12"' -replace 'java full version "(.+)-b\d+"','$1'
Use a regular expression for matching and extracting the version number:
$javaVersion = if (& java -fullversion 2>&1) -match '\d+\.\d+\.\d+_\d+') {
$javaVersion = (& java -fullversion 2>&1 | Select-String '\d+\.\d+\.\d+_\d+').Matches[0].Groups[0].Value
Is there a way to bypass the 32-bit java version (maybe a different way to start a proccess in VBA to invoke the 64-bit version cmd, turn off the UAC or some other sort of tweek) that is being "forced" by the following VBA code (this is just an assumption, I am explaining the debugging process below):
handleDbl = Shell("javaw -cp theJar.jar com.java.SampleClass", vbNormalFocus)
The main point here is that I want to share my macro and avoid putting extra instructions on the recipient so I am trying to do everything on the code (I am using late binding on VBA code to avoid to setting References manually and that kind of stuff).
Debugging Process
An error was thrown so I used the following line instead:
handleDbl = Shell("cmd /k java -cp theJar.jar com.java.SampleClass", vbNormalFocus)
And got the error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version so I checked the java -version and tried to find out which java was running with:
C:\>where java
C:\Program Files\Java\_anyJava.x.x.x_\bin\java.exe
I went to System32 folder and there was no java there but I knew that redirection happens from there to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 so I compared the previously extracted java version against C:\Windows\SysWOW64\java.exe -version and they matched.
After that I checked my Outlook version and turned out to be a 32-bit installation. That was a hint but it was mostly that and that big *32 next to the cmd.exe in the Task Manager. I don't know if a 64-bit Outlook would make a difference or it would be the same because of the VBA implementation but that's how I concluded the Shell function from VBA is causing 32-bit java call.
Normally there is a JAVA_HOME environment variable set. If so, then you can do something like this:
Dim JavaExe As String
JavaExe = """" & Environ("JAVA_HOME") & "\bin\java.exe"""
handleDbl = Shell("cmd /k " & JavaExe & " -cp theJar.jar com.java.SampleClass", vbNormalFocus)
If it isn't set, you'll have to find it by some searching, before compiling the command.
Sam's answer is great but I just felt uneasy about user going through more settings so I wrote some functions to check java's versions and notify the user if it is not there (would have to install java in that case anyway) so here is my code. It might contain some helpful stuff.
Private Function IsJavaAvailable(ByVal displayMessage As Boolean, Optional ByVal isJavaMandatory As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim availability As Boolean
Dim minJavaVersion As Integer
minJavaVersion = 8
'isJavaSetup is a global variable
If (Not isJavaSetup) Then
javawPathQuoted = GetMinimumJavaVersion(minJavaVersion)
If StrComp(javawPathQuoted, "") <> 0 Then
isJavaSetup = True
End If
End If
If javawPathQuoted = Empty Then
availability = False
availability = True
End If
If (displayMessage) Then
If (isJavaMandatory) Then
If Not availability Then
MsgBox "This functionality is NOT available without Java " & minJavaVersion & "." & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Please install Java " & minJavaVersion & " or higher.", vbCritical, _
"Mimimum Version Required: Java " & minJavaVersion
End If
If Not availability Then
MsgBox "Some features of this functionality were disabled." & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Please install Java " & minJavaVersion & " or higher.", vbExclamation, _
"Mimimum Version Required: Java " & minJavaVersion
End If
End If
End If
IsJavaAvailable = availability
End Function
Private Function GetMinimumJavaVersion(ByVal javaMinimumMajorVersionInt As Integer) As String
'Run a shell command, returning the output as a string
Dim commandStr As String
Dim javawPathVar As Variant
Dim javaPathStr As Variant
Dim javaVersionStr As String
Dim javaMajorVersionInt As Integer
Dim detectedJavaPaths As Collection
Dim javaVersionElements As Collection
Dim javaVersionOutput As Collection
Dim detectedJavaVersions As Collection
Dim suitableJavawPath As String
'Check available javaw executables in the SO
commandStr = "where javaw"
Set detectedJavaPaths = GetCommandOutput(commandStr)
Set detectedJavaVersions = New Collection
For Each javawPathVar In detectedJavaPaths
'Look for java.exe instead of javaw.exe by substituting it in path
' javaw.exe does NOT return version output like java.exe
javaPathStr = StrReverse(Replace(StrReverse(javawPathVar), StrReverse("javaw.exe"), StrReverse("java.exe"), , 1))
commandStr = """" & javaPathStr & """" & " -version"
Set javaVersionOutput = GetCommandOutput(commandStr)
javaVersionStr = javaVersionOutput.item(1)
Debug.Print "Getting java version: ", commandStr
Debug.Print "Version detected: "; javaVersionStr
Set javaVersionElements = SplitOnDelimiter(javaVersionStr, " ")
'Check that output is not an error or something else
'java version "1.8.0_75"
If javaVersionElements.Count > 2 Then
If StrComp(javaVersionElements.item(1), "java", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
If StrComp(javaVersionElements.item(2), "version", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
detectedJavaVersions.Add javaVersionStr
'Remove quotes from "1.8.0_75", split on '.', get 2nd item (java major version) and cast it to Integer
javaMajorVersionInt = CInt(SplitOnDelimiter(SplitOnDelimiter(javaVersionElements.item(3), """").item(1), ".").item(2))
'JAR will only run in Java 8 or later
If (javaMajorVersionInt >= javaMinimumMajorVersionInt) Then
'Validate that "javaw.exe" exists since the validation was made with "java.exe"
Debug.Print "Verifying if javaw.exe exists: ", javawPathVar
If Len(Dir(javawPathVar)) > 0 Then
suitableJavawPath = javawPathVar
Debug.Print "A suitable javaw.exe version found: ", suitableJavawPath
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next javawPathVar
GetMinimumJavaVersion = suitableJavawPath
End Function
Private Function GetCommandOutput(ByRef commandStr As String) As Collection
'Run a shell command, returning the output as a string
Dim shellObj As Object
Set shellObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'run command
Dim wshScriptExecObj As Object
Dim stdOutObj As Object
Dim stdErrObj As Object
Set wshScriptExecObj = shellObj.Exec(commandStr)
Set stdOutObj = wshScriptExecObj.StdOut
Set stdErrObj = wshScriptExecObj.StdErr
'handle the results as they are written to and read from the StdOut object
Dim fullOutputCollection As Collection
Set fullOutputCollection = New Collection
Dim lineStr As String
While Not stdOutObj.AtEndOfStream
lineStr = stdOutObj.ReadLine
If lineStr <> "" Then
fullOutputCollection.Add lineStr
End If
If fullOutputCollection.Count = 0 Then
While Not stdErrObj.AtEndOfStream
lineStr = stdErrObj.ReadLine
If lineStr <> "" Then
fullOutputCollection.Add lineStr
End If
End If
Set GetCommandOutput = fullOutputCollection
End Function
Groovy is the preferred scripting in JMeter
We advise using Apache Groovy or any language that supports the Compilable interface of JSR223.
The following code in JSR233 Sampler works in Java but not in Groovy
String a= "0"+"1" +
I found the reasons for + operator not to work as expected,
but what is the solution is I want to concatenate several variables to a script?
I failed to use answer of using three quotes """The row Id is: ${row.id}..."""
Currently I use Java as script language and use JMeter ${variable} although is also not recommended:
In this case, ensure the script does not use any variable using ${varName} as caching would take only first value of ${varName}
String text ="...<id>${id}</id><id2>${id2}</id2>...";
What's a better approach in groovy in such case?
Try using << but different error where it split to new line
String text ="<id>" <<vars["id1"] << "<id><id2>"
<< vars["id2"] << "<id2>";
Receives an error:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script12.groovy: 2: unexpected token: << # line 2, column 1.
<< vars["id2"] << "<id2>";
Groovy uses the new line character to indicate end of statement except in cases where it knows the next line must extend the current one. Numerous binary operators on the start of the next line are supported. The '+' and '-' operators have binary and unary variants and currently (Groovy versions at least up to 2.5.x) don't support those operators at the start of the next line. You can place the operator on the end of the previous line (as in your first line) or use the line continuation character at the end of the previous line:
String a = "0" + "1" +
"2" \
+ "3"
Why don't you use :
String text ="<id>" <<vars["id1"] << "<id><id2>" << vars["id2"] << "<id2>";
It works for me
If I had a hashmap to concat like yours, I would try:
def vars = ["id": "value", "id2": "value2", "id3": "value3"]
String text = ""
vars.each { k, v ->
text += "<${k}>${v}</${k}>"
println text
Alright so I've finally figured out how to go about code-signing the executable created by the JavaFX Bundler BEFORE (I hope) it is placed by the INNO script into a setup file : There's just one problem :
I've broken myself into pieces trying to resolve this stupid problem but the Access Denied error keeps popping up. This is the VBScript I'm using to try and make this work.
Initially I thought it was a permission error but as I was able to successfully call the script elevated, and still got this error, I can only assume I am mistaken. So...
Can someone please tell me what it is I am doing wrong here?
<?xml version = "1.0" ?>
<job id="CodeSign">
<script language = "VBScript">
WScript.Echo "Setting bElevate to False. . ."
bElevate = false
If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Arguments.Count > 0"
If WScript.Arguments(WScript.Arguments.Count-1) <> "|" Then
WScript.Echo "Arg N - 1 != ""|"" . . ."
bElevate = true
End If
End If
If bElevate Or WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Elevating . . ."
End If
Dim Shell
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Shell.Run "C:\Sign.bat ""Registration Test\Registration Test.exe""", 1, True
Set Shell = Nothing
Sub ElevateUAC
sParams = "|"
If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
For I = WScript.Arguments.Count - 1 to 0 Step -1
SParams = " " & WScript.Arugments(I) & sParams
End If
Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "wscript.exe", """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ """ & sParams & """", "", "runas", 1
WScript.Echo "Elevated . . ."
End Sub
Okay so I found it. This is pretty painful because there's (if I'm using this term in the correct context) "race conditions" here in that if the code signing doesn't finish before you start running the process again, it fails because it can't do anything with the .exe because it's being used by another process.
Turns out as long as your IDE is running in Admin (for Windows anyway) there's no need to elevate your script either.
Anyay, my problem was that the file was being set as Read-Only. VERY annoying but fortunately VBScript allows for you to change a files attributes so it was just a matter of doing that before trying to code-sign it :
<?xml version = "1.0" ?>
<job id="CodeSign">
<script language = "VBScript">
'Set File as Normal. . .
Dim objFSO, objFile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile("<Relative Path>\<File.exe>")
objFile.Attributes = 0
Dim Shell
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Shell.Run "<Code Sign> ""<Relative Path>\<File.exe>""", 1, True
Set Shell = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
So now, finally, at LONG LAST we have a complete and viable answer to this, evidently very esoteric question that no one but myself has dealt with (or is a very closely guarded secret, I'm not sure which) : How do you code-sign the executable created by a JavaFX bundle before it gets stored?
Create a WSF file with either JavaScript or VBScript (your
Add the directory in which the file is being stored to the Class Path (for NetBeans you go to Tools -> Options -> Java Tab, select Add Directory next to Class Path, browse to the directory, and add it).
In your WSF file, in the Script section, get the file object and set its attributes to normal (0).
Then Shell.Run your preferred method of code signing applications. 1 is for showing the Code Sign window, True is to make the VBScript wait until it's finished to hopefully avoid a race condition.
The .exe will ALWAYS be stored one directory up from the WSF script file so the relative path is always going to be <FILENAME>\<FILENAME.exe>.
I really, REALLY hope this saves someone a LOT of grief some day...