I'm having a lot of trouble understanding what this assignment is asking me to do. I'm an absolute beginner, a few weeks of learning Java/programming in general, and this is very hard for me. So apologies for not being very specific in the title.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain to me, perhaps with a bit of sample code for one example (I'm not asking people to do the task for me, I just find it easier to understand that way) so I can get the idea of what to do.
Thank you.
Specification of Summing:
This programs takes input from the command line.
The first input is K, an integer, followed by an arbitrary number a_1, ..., a_N of floating-point numbers.
If K=0, then N is output.
If K > 0, then the a_i are grouped in groups of size K, inside the groups the numbers are multiplied, and all the products are added, yielding the output.
If K < 0, then the summation sums up the reciprocal values of the products.
In the special case K=1 the output thus is a_1 + ... + a_N.
In the case K=-1 the output is 1/a_1 + ... + 1/a_N.
There are two error cases:
If no command-line argument is given, then error-code 1 is to be returned.
If K < 0, and one of a_i = 0, then error-code 2 is to be returned.
In both cases there must be no output.
The return-code of a program is set via System.exit(code);
Note that the return-code of a program is obtained on the command line via echo $?.
There must never be any other output. Also no additional spaces or line breaks are allowed.
Here are the examples for the case of no errors: http://pastebin.com/F2uz262v
You will find the command line arguments here:
public static void main(String args[]) {
// ^ these are the command line arguments
So to get K,
int K = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
but actually that's not how you should write it, because this is Java and Java variables should start with a lower case letter.
int k = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
First let's deal with the case where k=0. We have to test if k is 0:
if(k == 0) {
and if it is, then N is the number of additional arguments, which is
int numberOfAdditionalArguments = args.length - 1;
and then we print it (with no line breaks afterwards, like it says!)
then we close the } block
I think that's enough to get you started.
Basically, I am trying to print lines of characters, specifically asterisks. Every subsequent line should have one less asterisk than the previous line. Additionally, they should all be aligned to the right.
My knowledge of Java is not too strong, so bear with me.
Here's an image of the output and the instructions:
Let's start off with a simpler example:
What pattern do you see? The pattern is that on each line, the sum of the amount of asterisks and the amount of spaces is constant. I'll call this constant L for now on, which stands of the line length.
From this, we can infer that amountOfSpaces is L - amountOfAsterisks, and vice versa (as the magical laws of Algebra also apply here).
So from this, we can deduce that on each line we need to print L - amountOfAsterisks spaces first, and then amountOfAsterisks. For cases like these, for loops are a life-saver (In more professional code (as professional as you can get with fancy terminal graphics) this would be done a bit differently, as in actuality using for-loops for such a thing makes the function O(N)).
The rest is up to you
Can modify the variables as you see fit. Key is to use a bunch of for loops and keep track of all the variables.
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { //line number your on
for(int k = 0; k<i;k++)//keeps track of number of spaces to use, line number minus 1 spaces printed
System.out.print(" ");
for (int j = 8; j >i; j--) {//prints out 8 * and reduced by 1*line number
System.out.println();//prints new line and initiates new line by i++
Having a tough time with the below code, I have answered the first call correctly as the condition is immediately correct. However, the second call of 4 is causing me great confusion, I came to the answer 2, 1 however it is incorrect- I am clearly getting things mixed up. Can someone explain to me exactly why my answer is wrong and the correct breakdown of the process of Recursive tracing in this example. I do understand elements of recursion however I am having issues following the process of tracing.
public void mystery1(int n) {
if (n <= 1) {
} else {
mystery1(n / 2);
System.out.print(", " + n);
Recursion is beautiful yet very powerful and when it comes to observe it, people get tricked.
Let me explain you how i learnt it when i was preparing for my GATE(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering).
Think of each Function call as 2 parts:
Calling with halving itself
Now all the operations will be stacked upon the older one until unless we are out of recursion and only Printing is left in the function cycle.
We will print out in stack format i.e FIFO
Example, if we have these elements in stack:
It will print 4 3 7 2 .
Now taking your Question:
Lets break your Conditional statements in two halves, 1st will be if condition with Print 2nd will be else with its print.
Note: Only one part i.e 1st will print 1 and that too without commas (,).
I have attached the Image below kindly refer it, think as print statement as on stack, and the lowest print statement will be executed first as we will end out of function calls.
Now combining mystery1(1),mystery1(4),mystery1(16) the final output will be: 1
, 2
, 4
, 2
, 4
, 8
, 16
PS: If you are going to give interviews of Amazon , Google or any Reputed Product based company they will ask question with flavor of recursion and that too without using any compiler, they wanna test your concepts via programming.
When you call mystery1(4), it goes to the else part and calls mystery1(2) since n>1. The print statement will be executed only after mystery1(2) has finished executing.
The same thing happens for mystery1(2) and it calls mystery1(1). It waits for mystery(1) to finish execution.
When mystery1(1) is called, it prints "1".
Then, mystery1(2) will continue and print ",2".
Finally, mystery1(4) will continue and print ",4".
So your output will be 1,2,4
In your method:
public static void mystery1(int n) {
if (n <= 1) {
} else {
mystery1(n / 2);
System.out.print(", " + n);
try to replace the position of System.out.print(", " + n); before mystery1(n / 2); call.
In the first case, when System.out after mystery1 call, you have result as 1, 2, 4, because, first you have to get result, then print it.
In the second case, when System.out before mystery1 call, you have result as , 4, 21, because, first you print the result, then calculate the next result in function.
This question already has answers here:
Understanding recursion [closed]
(20 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Before you get started, I have used google countless times in hopes of searching for a very brief and simple explanation of how recursion works when it has a return type. But I guess I'm not as bright as I thought since i still cant understand it quite well.
Take the following code snippet (in java) as an example
public static int recursion(int num)
int result;
if (num == 1)
result = 1;
result = recursion(num - 1) + num;
return result;
I grabbed this code from my professors lecture slide and he said this will return 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + num.
I just need someone to explain how the process works in the method that i provided. Maybe a step by step approach might help me understand how recursion works.
recursion(5) = recursion(4) + 5, let's figure out recursion(4) and come back to this later
recursion(4) = recursion(3) + 4, let's figure out recursion(3) and come back to this later
recursion(3) = recursion(2) + 3, ...
recursion(2) = recursion(1) + 2, ...
recursion(1) = 1, we know this!
recursion(2) = 1 + 2, now we can evaluate this
recursion(3) = (1+2) + 3, and now we can evaluate this
recursion(4) = (1+2+3) + 4, ...
recursion(5) = (1+2+3+4) + 5, the answer to our original question
Note: Without knowing recursion(1), we'd have gone to 0, -1, -2, and so on until forever. This known quantity is called the base case and it is a requirement for recursion.
Basically when there is a stack buildup for each item that is created beyond the last iteration. (Where num=1)
When n>1 the if statement kicks the iteration to the else which 'saves' the result in a stack and calls the same funtion again with n-1
what this effectively does is keep calling the same function until you hit your designated 'base case' which is n=1
Recursion is all about solving a problem by breaking it into a smaller problem. In your case, the question is "how do you sum the numbers from 1 to n", and the answer is "sum up all the numbers from 1 to n-1, and then add n to it". You've phrased the problem in terms of a smaller or simpler version of itself. This often involves separating out a "base case"—an irreducibly simple problem with a straightforward answer.
public static int recursion(int num)
int result;
if (num == 1)
result = 1; // Base case: the sum of the numbers from 1 to 1 is 1.
result =
// This is the sum of numers from 1 to n-1. The function calls itself.
recursion(num - 1)
// Now add the final number in the list, and return your result.
+ num;
return result;
You're defining the unsolved problem in terms of itself, which works because the solution always involves either the base case or a simpler version of the problem (which itself further involves either the base case or an even simpler version of the problem).
I'll close with one of my favorite jokes:
How do you explain recursion to a five-year-old?
You explain recursion to a four-year-old, and wait a year.
Going by the classic code example you posted. if you call your method like so with number passed in as 5:
In layman terms just to understand, your function will create & call another copy of your function in the else block as below:
and then
as the number keeps decrementing.
Finally it will call the if part in the final copy of the method as num will satisfy num == 1. So from there it starts unwinding & returning each value to the previous call.
As each method call has its own stack to load method local variables on, there will be n number of stacks created for n calls. When the deepest call in recursion is made, then the stacks start unwinding. Hence recursion achieved
The most important thing however to note is that there is a base-most call in your code, which is done at 1 just because you have the check if (num == 1). Else it would be infinite recursion & of course a fatal & wrong program to write. The base-most call is from where its called as stack unwinding in recursion terms.
Example: Finding the factorial of a number is the most classic examples of recursion.
Performance: Do look into recursion vs iteration and recursion vs looping to see what are the performance impacts of recursion
I have just started taking a Computer Science class online and I am quite new to Programming(a couple of week's worth of experience). I am working on an assignment, but I do not understand what a mystery method is. I have yet to find an answer that I can wrap my head around online, in my textbook, or from my professor. Any explanation using this code as an example would also be greatly appreciated!
This is the equation where I saw it in:
public static void mystery1(int n) {
System.out.print(n + " ");
if (n > 0) {
n = n - 5;
if (n < 0) {
n = n + 7;
} else {
n = n * 2;
If anybody can help, that would be amazing! Thank you!
First of all, I voted your question up because I think it's a valid question for someone who is just beginning in computer programming, and I think that some people fail to understand the significance and purpose of Stack Overflow, which is to help programmers in times of need.
Secondly, I think that the couple of users that have commented on your post are on the right track. I have personally never heard of a mystery method, so I think the goal here is for you to simply figure out what the method does. In this case, the method takes a parameter for int 'n'. This means that if, at any point in the application, the 'mystery1()' method is called, an integer will have to be passed as the variable.
Let's say that a user enters the number '9'. The method would be called by the code mystery1(9). This would then run the first part of the 'if' statement, because n is greater than 0. So, n would be equal to n - 5, or 9 - 5, which is 4. (So, n=4.)
I hope my answer was somewhat helpful to you. Take care.
Your assignment is probably to figure out what this method does. More specifically, what does it print to the screen. I'll walk you through how to figure this out.
You have a function, also called a methood, called mystery1. A function is just a named block of code that you can use throughout other pieces of code. This function takes an integer argument called n. Let's assume n=12 for this example.
The first thing that happens in your function when it is called is that n is printed out via the System.out.print method. Notice that it prints a blank space after it. Notice also at the end it prints another value of n that gets assigned within the method. So the method is going to print "12 ?" without the double quotes. The question mark is what we have to figure out. The code says if n > 0 then n = n-5. Since 12 is greater than 0, n gets the new value of 7. The next if statement says if n is less than 0, n gets assigned n+7. But it is not less than zero, it is 7 at this point, so we move to the else statement. In this statement n gets multiplied by 2 which is 14. So the last statement prints 14.
So for an input value of 12 this method prints:
12 14
I hope this helps. If not, please give more detail about your assignment and what you don't understand about my explanation.
The point of this kind of exercise is that you are given a method, but they don't tell you what it does (hence the "mystery"). You are supposed to figure out what it does on your own (like "solving the mystery"). It doesn't mean that the method is special in any way.
Say I give you a "mystery" method like this:
public static void mystery(int n) {
You would "solve the mystery" by telling me that this method prints out the number that comes after n. Nothing else is special here.
In the example you gave, your job would be to tell me why the method prints out 0 0 when n = 0, or 6 2 when n = 6.
I think the usage of the term "mystery method" is rather misleading, as it has clearly made you (and many, many, many others) believe that something about these methods is special and something that you need to learn about. There isn't anything special about them, and there's nothing to learn.
I think a lot of people would understand this better if instructors just said "tell me what this method does" instead of trying treat students like 5 year olds by saying "Here's a mystery method (ooh, fancy and entertaining). Can you play detective and solve the mystery for me?"
I don't want the answer, I just don't understand how to scan the first number to tell the program how many pairs there are. If you could nudge me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
"Most programs should be able to make some choices and decisions. And we are going to practice conditional programming now.
This is usually done by a kind of if ... else statements which may look like:
IF some_condition THEN
Depending on your programming language syntax could be different and else part is almost always optional. You can read more in wikipedia article on Conditional statements.
Of two numbers, please, select one with minimum value. Here are several pairs of numbers for thorough testing.
Input data will contain number of test-cases in the first line.
Following lines will contain a pair of numbers to compare each.
For Answer please enter the same amount of minimums separated by space, for example:
5 3
2 8
100 15
3 2 15 "
Firstly, you might want to format your example data a bit. I understood it, but mostly only because I've seen that question format before.
Well, to answer your question but not the question's question (heh), note this:
Following lines will contain a pair of numbers to compare each.
Note the "lines" (plural) and the "each." We're going to need a loop.
We also know each line is a test case.
So modify the instructions:
Loop over the following test cases, comparing each pair
But how many times do we loop?
Input data will contain number of test-cases in the first line
That's the first number.
So here's our code skeleton:
//We can use a Scanner for convenience, it has a readInt() method
Scanner input = new Scanner(/*your input*/);
int numCases = input.readInt();
for(int i = 0; i < numCases; i++) {
int first = input.readInt(); //readInt() will also skip newlines, just a tip.
int second = input.readInt();
/* Compare two inputs, do stuff*/
For the record, you could also simply ignore the first input and just loop until there is no more input, but that's sloppy.
First you need to create a Scanner. If you're reading from the console, then this will work:
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
If you need to read from a file, then you can add this line as well.
System.setIn(new FileInputStream("inputFileName"));
For your specific case, you can do something like:
int numPairs = scan.nextInt();
You can find out more about Scanner and its methods from the Oracle documentation here.