How to open desktop application inside a web browser - java

Is it possible to open an exe application (Not launch an application) inside a web browser. I want it to be like you have embeded the application in your browser. Is that posible in VB.NET or in JAVA? I have provided the launch application. but my boss wants it to be inside the web browser, not launched by the browser. Thanks in advance

The browser naturally prevents this capability because it would be an enormous security hole. The only way I could see you achieving this is to write some sort of browser plugin or browser extension which would allow you to achieve this but with all of the responsibilities and risks of writing this kind of code.


How to run a Swing application on a web page?

I have created a Swing application in Netbeans that is basically a chat system (between multiple clients and server using socket programming).
Now I wanted to run this application on a webpage. Is this possible without changing any code?
Now I wanted to run this application on a webpage. Is this possible without changing any code?
No. It would have to be a JApplet to be embedded in a web page, and applets have been effectively killed off. See Java Plugin support deprecated and Moving to a Plugin-Free Web.
On the other hand, a desktop application (based on a JFrame) can be launched from a link on a web page using Java Web Start.
Scrap that advice regarding JWS, apparently it too is being deprecated as of Java 9.

Launch an application on button click from a web page

In my web application I need to launch a Windows application installed on client machine when a button in the page is clicked.
I know there are security policies in browsers that avoid this by default, but I also know application that do this. An example could be online meeting, web conferencing applications like WebEx or GoToMeeting.
How they do that?
I'm working with Java, so I'm wondering if Java Applets are an option to achieve this.
Is there some other well known way to solve this issue?
NOTE application execution MUST be allowed by user
The best way to deploy a Java desktop application is using Java Web Start.
And forget applets. Soon Chrome won't be able to load them (along with a number of other plug-ins) at all.
you can achieve it with applet. but user must allow to run it. it is hard to run some extern application from button or link because this is potentially danger behaviour. Remember the applet can not get access to the files on user computer and other servers (unless it is digitally signed)

How to run Java Applet in browser without activating plugin?

I know this may sound like a silly question, but I was wondering if there was a way to run Java Applets on my server and embed them to a page in a way that the user would not have to "allow access" to the applet, because it wouldn't have direct connection with their computer. In other words, make an embedded java applet which wouldn't download to the client side? I understand that the lifetime of an applet is only in the web browser when a user activates a plugin and all of that.. So how can I run Java APplets on my server?
Theoretically everything is possible. Applet is a special java application that extends Applet or JApplet. Applet just extends Panel. You can simulate applet container by implementing your own dummy appet context and run applet on server side.
Now, you can capture its UI and stream it to browser using AJAX or even web sockets. You can catch mouse and keyboard events in browser, send them using ajax to server where your applet is running and emulate the same events on your applets.
But may I ask you "why?" I think these efforts can be reasonable only if you have a huge applet and do not want to re-implement it using other technologies. But IMHO it is easier to re-write your applet using ExtJs or GWT. In GWT it is probably the better way because GWT is a java that is compiled to javascript, so you will probably be able to reuse most of your code.

Execute application from web browser?

How can I execute a desktop application from a browser?. I have a web page with a button, when user click this button a simple java desktop application must run. How can I do this using jsp or javascript?
Java Web Start might be your solution.
To start a Java Web Start application, you simply direct the browser to the location of the JNLP file. Basically, the browser detects that instead of simply downloading the file, it should run it in Web Start.
Most major browsers support Java Web Start. Java Web Start is cross platform (works on Mac and PC).
So, in Javascript, it's done simply like this:
window.location = "";
You'll also need to sign your Java application, or the user will get a nasty warning.
You should take a look at the Java Web Start technology.
This would be the closest thing: Java Web Start
Managing this through Applets is another option though the underlying scheme is the same, the user needs to accept the generated certificate.

Launching a desktop application from a web site

Is it feasible to launch an application via a browser / URL? What are the options for doing this?
I know the way to do it with IE and Windows (which usually doesn't work). Ideally, I would like this to be browser independent.
Our application is RCP, so in theory Java Web Start could work, we would just have to do some significant changes to how we deliver our application to users, which I would like to avoid. Our web server code is currently all Java if that makes a difference.
I pretty much gave up on this until I clicked a url on Apple's site, which in turn launched iTunes.
How does Apple do that?
iTunes registers itself as a protocol handler for custom itms:// and itmss:// protocols. When you hit a URL with that protocol - after a step of indirection on Apple's web servers, in this case - iTunes launches to handle it, much like your browser launches to handle http:// URLs or your email program launches to handle mailto: URLs.
This isn't "cross-platform", per se, but it does work on every platform out there, as URL handlers exist and do the same thing everywhere.
It has the disadvantage of only working if the application is already installed, which is why you may want to have a splash page that instructs people to install the application if necessary.
Silverlight 3 and Adobe Air will let you launch applications outside the browser.
If this is OS independent, then you can't rely on any specific program being available. What kind of program would you want to launch anyway?

