I am trying to make a memory card game with 3 conditions:
when the player start the game the first click reveal the first card
if the player click in the second card there are 2 options
a. the second card have the same value as the first card. Hence keep both of them.
b. the second card have different value. Hence flip both back when click
I don't know what is the best way to deal with this problem. I thought of using if statement and making new method "state" which should have 3 outputs.
public void mousePressed() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if(mouseX >= cards[i].x &&
mouseX <= cards[i].x+cards[i].WIDTH &&
mouseY >= cards[i].y &&
mouseY <= cards[i].y+cards[i].HEIGHT) {
else if (state==FIRST_CHOSEN){
I would break the problem into smaller problems.
Have several different methods that solve a little task that is required to tackle the larger end goal:
public void revealCard(Card card)
public boolean isMatch(Card card)
public void flipCardsBackOver(Card card1, Card card2);
And add an instance variable that stores the card that is already up. Once you have broken apart all of the separate challenges, then your problem becomes an easy one:
private Card CardOne; //instance variable
public void revealCard(Card myCard) {
myCard.flipCard(); //Whatever task you need to flip the card
if (CardOne = null) {
myCard = CardOne;
if myCard.isMatch(CardOne)) {
//Do whatever you need to do when there is a match
else {
this.flipCardsBackOver(myCard, CardOne) //Flip all up cards over and set Card1
//to null
I've been given an assignment to edit a game and add different elements to it, one was the ability to restore player life when interacting with an object which I have completed.
The next step is to stop this from working when the players life is max (100).
My idea then was to create a method with a condition (and if it is true, stop my life adding method from working / being called.)
private void checkMaxLife() {
if (playerLife==100) {
//Stop method addLife from working
Would this be possible and what is the syntax?
This was the fix, added playerLife < 100 to the collision method instead.
private void foodAddLife() {
//Check food collisions
for (int i = 0; i < food.length; ++i) {
if (playerLife < 100 && food[i].getX() == player.getX() && food[i].getY() == player.getY()) {
//We have a collision
It seems you don't need checkMaxLife, just use the attribute playerLife in the method addLife
private void addLife() {
if (playerLife < 100) {
playerLife++; // or whatever value
With 2 methods, you see that one is useless
private boolean isFullLife() {
return playerLife >= 100;
private void addLife() {
if (!isFullLife()) {
playerLife++; // or whatever value
You just return the function when player life is MAX_VALUE.
private void addLife() {
// Do Whatever you need to do
I was trying to make a battleship clone but ended up running into one problem. I made a BattleShipGrid class that had two 2D arrays, one for each player. The array called p1/p2grid holds their ship and the locations the other player has shot at. The second array called p1/p2fire is the one that shows only where they shot, and not where the enemy ship is, though they can see where they’ve hit it. Im having a problem where I want to print player 1's fire grid after them firing to show if they missed or not. But each time I print player 1's fire grid it still sets everything as 0, like they never even fired on anything. I made 1 a miss and 3 a hit and 2 to represent the location of a ship.
Here is my code in my main:
boolean player1Turn = true;
if (player1Turn) {
fire = grid.fireAtPlayerTwo(x, y);
} else {
fire = grid.fireAtPlayerOne(x, y);
if (fire == 0) {
} else if (fire == 2) {
if (player1Turn) {
System.out.println(grid.printP1Fire());/* printing regular old empty array filled with zeros like when a player just starts and hasn't fired on anything.*/
} else {
Here is my methods that I called when firing on the other player( fire at player one and fire at player two do the same thing but are named different ) :
int Empty = 0;
public int fireAtPlayerTwo ( int x, int y)
int result = p2Grid[x][y];
if (result == EMPTY) {
p1Grid[x][y] = MISS;/* This should change the value in p1Grid at that coordinate but it is not refelcting back in the main*/
p2Fire[x][y] = MISS;
} else if (result == SHIP) {
p1Grid[x][y] = HIT;
p2Fire[x][y] = HIT;
return result;
public static ArrayList<Hand> getPossibleHands(Hand h) {
ArrayList<Hand> allPossible = new ArrayList<Hand>();
addNext(allPossible, h);
return allPossible;
public static void addNext(ArrayList<Hand> poss, Hand h) {
if (h.cards.size() == 5)
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
Card c = Card.makeCard(i);
if (!h.contains(c))
The code above is supposed to essentially take an incomplete poker board (anywhere from 0-4 cards) and return all possible complete boards (5 cards). The logic that I feel like it should follow is as follows: recurse through every combination of adding valid (not on the board already) cards until the size of the board is equal to 5 in which case it will add the board to the list and skip over the rest of the function.
However upon using a print statement at the beginning of the function I see that hand sizes of greater than 5 or being created. Since the first part of the function should catch all hands at 5 and terminate it there, I don't see how the code executes at the rest of the function.
Your class should receive stack overflow with an empty hand.
You send new Card(0) to the hand. This is added.
Then you call add next again - and the 'for' starts from 0 again. Checks adds 1. Then starts from 0 - it is there, does not add anything and starts over. Where it starts from 0. Does not do anything. Starts from 0. Ad infinum -> StackOverFlow.
You also need to reset to previous state of the hand every time you finish with 5 cards and backtrack.
If you want a recursive solution you can try :
private static ArrayList<Hand> getPossibleHands(Hand h) {
ArrayList<Integer> except;
if (h.cards == null) except = new ArrayList<>();
except = h.cards.stream().map(c -> (c.getCard())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
ArrayList<Hand> allPossible = new ArrayList<>();
addNext(allPossible, h, except);
return allPossible;
private static void addNext(ArrayList<Hand> poss, Hand h, ArrayList<Integer> except) {
//assuming hands 0-4 - we don't need to check on entry, only when we add
Hand localHand = h.copy();
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
if (except.contains(i)) continue;
Card c = Card.makeCard(i);
if (!localHand.contains(c)) {
addNext(poss, localHand.copy(), copyExcept(except, i));
if (localHand.cards.size() == 5) {
private static ArrayList<Integer> copyExcept(ArrayList<Integer> except, int i) {
ArrayList<Integer> clonedExcept = new ArrayList<>(except);
return clonedExcept;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Hand {
ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<>();
public boolean contains(Card c) {
for (Card card : cards) {
if (card.getCard() == c.getCard())
return true;
return false;
public void add(Card c) {
Hand copy() {
Hand temp = new Hand();
for (Card c : cards) {
temp.add(new Card(c.getCard()));
return temp;
class Card {
private int card;
public Card(int card) {
this.card = card;
public static Card makeCard(int i) {
return new Card(i);
public int getCard() {
return card;
Initially, h is (presumably) empty. So addNext will loop through all possible cards, and since none of them are in the hand, add each card to the hand, regardless of how many cards are currently in the hand.
It looks to me like your for loop is eventually adding whole deck to hand.
In your loop you run 52 iterations. On each iteration you (conditionally) add a card to the hand and then you call your function recursively. But after that recursive call has returned, you go to the next iteration and again add a card to the hand.
So that '5 card restriction' does not restrict anything here.
I'm actually working on a memory game and I'm stuck at the point where I should write the gameplay-part of the game.
I have an array of N card objects. Each object has an attribute called cardNum - an identifier. I think I should write an actionListener on that array, so when I flip a card, it puts the flipped card's cardNum in an array of two elements and if the two elements of the array are equal, a pair is found.
The problem is that I just don't know how to get the last flipped card's cardNum.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here's the way I tried:
private void easyGame(Card[] cards) {
int flippedCards = 0;
int card1;
while(flippedCards != 24) {
for(int i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
flippedCards ++;
if(flippedCards % 2 == 0 && flippedCards > 0)
for(int i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
card1 = getCardIndByCardNum(cards[i].getCardNum(), cards, i);
if(!cards[card1].getIsFlipped()) {
for(int j=0; j<cards.length; j++) {
flippedCards = 0;
The problem is that if I call this method, the game won't be drawn. May I use use threads somehow?
Here is how I get the indexes of the clicked cards, and I call it in the UI:
private void setCardHandlers() {
for(final Card card : cards) {
card.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
clickedCardInd = getChildren().indexOf(card)-1;
Than here is how I am using it:
setOnMouseReleased(new EventHandler<MouseEvent> () {
public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
int cardIndex = clickedCardInd; // get index of what user clicked
clickedCardInd = -1;
if (cardIndex != -1 && moveRequestedFlag) { // our controller waits for the move
// get the position and report
moveRequestedFlag = false; // we handled the move
nextMove.setMove(cardIndex); // this will unblock controller's thread
It has a delay on fliping cards, also in the easyGame the requestMove method sets both indexes to the same.
I would recommend splitting you responsibilities a bit into Model/View/Controller modules, which, in simplest case would look like :
Model - your game current state and data, i.e. cards array Cards mCards = new Cards[24];
View - your UI, that can reflect current state of mCards(model) on screen in Main thread
Controller - your main game logic. This is most complex part, responsible for
requesting/handling user move,
updating mCards(model) based on user move,
Requesting UI to re-draw.
Contoroller's code (easyGame method) should run on separate thread to not block the UI.
Below I sketched a skeleton code that should fit your requirements :
class Game {
* controller - main logic
void startEasyGame() {
// initialize cards array, shuffle if needed
// we start with zero cards flipped
int flippedCards = 0;
// main loop
while (flippedCards != mCards.length) {
// 1. show updated UI
// 2. request player move
// and block current thread to wait till move is done
// the result of the move - index of the card
int index1 = requestMove();
// temporarily flip first card face-up
// show it on screen
// same for second card
int index2 = requestMove();
// 3. check the result
if (mCards[index1].getCardNum() == mCards[index2].getCardNum()) {
// hooray, correct guess, update count
// possibly show some encouraging feedback to user
flippedCards += 2;
} else {
// incorrect, flip cards back face down
} // end of while loop
// game ended -> show score and time
Extra details on how to await for result from UI thread :
int requestMove() {
// 1. show user prompt to make a move
// ...
// 2. construct latch to wait for move done on UI thread
mBoard.moveRequestedFlag = true;
NextMove nextMove = new NextMove();
mBoard.nextMove = nextMove;
// 3. await for move and get the result
return nextMove.getMove();
then, somewhere in UI code :
// handling card onClick somewhere on UI thread
if (mBoard.moveRequestedFlag) { // our controller waits for the move
// get the position and report
int cardIndex = ... // get index of what user clicked
mBoard.moveReqestedFlag = false; // we handled the move
mBoard.nextMove.setMove(cardIndex); // this will unblock controller's thread
and NextMove utility class to sync threads :
public class NextMove {
private volatile int mCardIndex;
private final CountDownLatch mMoveReady = new CountDownLatch(1);
public int getMove() throws InterruptedException {
return mCardIndex;
public synchronized void setMove(int selectedCardIndex) {
if (mMoveReady.getCount() > 0) {
mCardIndex = selectedCardIndex;
I'm making a simulation in a 3D environment. So far, I have the movements of all the creatures, but it is not "smooth". I've tried quite a few things but was horribly wrong. Now I just have no idea what to do. I was thinking of implementing a vector (not vector class) but don't really know how.
import env3d.EnvObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
abstract public class Creature extends EnvObject
* Constructor for objects of class Creature
public Creature(double x, double y, double z)
public void move(ArrayList<Creature> creatures, ArrayList<Creature> dead_creatures)
double rand = Math.random();
if (rand < 0.25) {
} else if (rand < 0.5) {
} else if (rand < 0.75) {
} else if (rand < 1) {
if (getX() < getScale()) setX(getScale());
if (getX() > 50-getScale()) setX(50 - getScale());
if (getZ() < getScale()) setZ(getScale());
if (getZ() > 50-getScale()) setZ(50 - getScale());
// collision detection
if (this instanceof Fox) {
for (Creature c : creatures) {
if (c.distance(this) < c.getScale()+this.getScale() && c instanceof Tux) {
import env3d.Env;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* A predator and prey simulation. Fox is the predator and Tux is the prey.
public class Game
private Env env;
private boolean finished;
private ArrayList<Creature> creatures;
* Constructor for the Game class. It sets up the foxes and tuxes.
public Game()
// we use a separate ArrayList to keep track of each animal.
// our room is 50 x 50.
creatures = new ArrayList<Creature>();
for (int i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
if (i < 5) {
creatures.add(new Fox((int)(Math.random()*48)+1, 1, (int)(Math.random()*48)+1));
} else {
creatures.add(new Tux((int)(Math.random()*48)+1, 1, (int)(Math.random()*48)+1));
* Play the game
public void play()
finished = false;
// Create the new environment. Must be done in the same
// method as the game loop
env = new Env();
// Make the room 50 x 50.
env.setRoom(new Room());
// Add all the animals into to the environment for display
for (Creature c : creatures) {
// Sets up the camera
env.setCameraXYZ(25, 50, 55);
// Turn off the default controls
// A list to keep track of dead tuxes.
ArrayList<Creature> dead_creatures = new ArrayList<Creature>();
// The main game loop
while (!finished) {
if (env.getKey() == 1) {
finished = true;
// Move each fox and tux.
for (Creature c : creatures) {
c.move(creatures, dead_creatures);
// Clean up of the dead tuxes.
for (Creature c : dead_creatures) {
// we clear the ArrayList for the next loop. We could create a new one
// every loop but that would be very inefficient.
// Update display
// Just a little clean up
* Main method to launch the program.
public static void main(String args[]) {
(new Game()).play();
You haven't shown enough of your program. Basically, if you want animation to be smooth, and you want to do it yourself (as opposed to using JavaFX or something), then you need to do lots of inter-frames. So rather than advancing an entire timer tick, advance a 10th of a timer tick, move everything on a screen a tiny bit, and then advance again. You should have the background redraw happening every 10th of a second for smooth animation.
As vy32 mentioned, we need to see more of your code. But it looks like you are missing timing code.
What you probably want to do is check the time each iteration of your game loop and then sleep for a certain amount of time to achieve some desired frame rate. Otherwise your game loop will run hundreds of thousands of times a second.
Alternatively, you should be advancing your creatures by a distance that is proportional to the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous frame.
Here is an example of a very simple regulated loop ("fps" is the desired framerate):
private long frameLength = 1000000000 / fps;
public void run() {
long ns = System.nanoTime();
while (!finished) {
//Do one frame of work
//Wait until the time for this frame has elapsed
try {
ns += frameLength;
Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, (ns - System.nanoTime())/10000000));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
It should be very easy to retrofit this into your game loop.