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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm not able to find the zip file of Spring Framework. But on Stackoverflow I found that we can download the JARs using maven repo by configuring POM.xml. But by having the latest version of Eclipse IDE I was only able to get a folder named .m2 into that a repository folder and into that .cache and org, and so on. No POM.xml. So due to this I'm not able to create a Maven project or a Spring project.
Try using Spring Tool Suite. It is eclipse with plugins added, made to work good with Spring.
You need to first install maven with your eclipse via m2e plugin .
Then later run Maven clean/install on project to download and build project jars automatically. You can see tutorial here.
Don't download anything manually - use a dependency management framework such as Maven or Gradle.
Almost every guide on the web site provides details of what to put in the Maven pom.xml (or build.gradle). Here's one to get you started:
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm learning spring before I learn spring-boot I wish to install spring from Spring.
I have downloaded and unzipped, I need help as to where to place the folder so I can start working using a import org.springframework.stereotype.Component on a Mac. I know this is trivial question but I haven't found an installation of this kind, majority of the tutorials use to generate a zip file, or use maven to do the installation.
Looks like you need to use a build tool like Maven or Gradle to have the ability to add Spring Core to your project.
otherwise, you need to download the jar file and add it to the classpath.
Firstly let me tell you about CLASSPATH, according to the oracle website The Classpath tells the JDK tool where to find third-party and user defined classes that are not extensions or part of the Java platform.
On a Mac you need to type echo $CLASSPATH to see if you have any CLASSPATH set up, if you have never worked with third party classes this will be blank.
To add to CLASSPATH run the following command in the terminal
export CLASSPATH=/Users/{Path} this will clear all the classpaths , if you want to add to existing classpath run export CLASSPATH={$CLASSPATH}:/Users/{Path}
You can find a detailed article on this topic here
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm currently working on a large shared project consisting of many smaller sub-projects. Recently the team migrated the build system to maven, however we currently have no source/javadoc information showing up in the eclipse editor for any of our referenced libraries.
I've been looking into a solution and gotten pretty far, with the maven dependency plugin I was able to copy source jars from my maven local repository into a shared folder one level above the sub-projects. I then used a linked folder in the sub-projects to reference the shared source jars folder. Finally I referenced the local linked folder from the .classpath files of each sub-project. This could all be done in a relative manner by making use of various variables.
I'm wondering now, if there's an even better way to do it. If I can create a linked folder in each project that goes straight to the maven local repository then I can eliminate the need to create an extra copy of all the source jars.
So far I have been unable to figure out a way to do this without specifying an absolute path, or making assumptions about the location of the maven local repository relative to the workspace directory (or something similar).
You don't need to do any of this.
If you use a jar as a <dependency> in Maven, then Eclipse automatically finds the x-sources.jar that lies next to the dependency.
So if you build a project with attached sources jar and then use it in another Maven project, the sources jar is found without further configuration.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want do program like here:
and I would like to import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; but java unknown apache
Or do I have to upload a library?
Thank you
You need to add the Apache Commons Codec library to your project. You either need to download the *.jar file and add it to the project folder and project configuration or you let your build processor automatically download it.
Latest is version 1.15
This website provides a download link for the *.jar file as well as configuration settings for different build processors (Maven, Gradle, ...)
org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 is not part of the default java language, it is part of a library.
To use it you have to put said library on the classpath.
If you use a build and dependency management tool like maven you can add it as dependency in the pom.xml file.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Hello everyone I have downloaded CalendarFX from github and I'm trying to build it to obtain the .JAR files but I haven't been able to make it work someone could help me? It would be very helpful thank you. Here is the link of the github repository:
I'm using Eclipse by the way.
The directions on the Github repository are simply telling you to install, but it isn't explicity stated that you are supposed to do it with Maven. The pom.xml file (stands for Project Object Model) is fundamental to Maven projects.
Using command line, change directory to path of this project, then:
mvn install
... assumes you have Maven installed.
Finally, as stated on the repository's readme:
Once completed you will find the installation inside the target folder of the assembly module.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I found an interesting open-source layout library on Github which I'd like to incorporate into an Android project I'm working on in Eclipse. However, I noticed that the library in question seems to have been developed using Gradle, which I don't have. I'm not sure what IDE was used to develop the library, but in any case, I'm not familiar with Gradle at all... Are Gradle-d projects fully compatible with non-Gradle-d Eclipse? Would it depend on the IDE used? (In which case, how can one tell what was used to develop it?)
What are the steps (if any) I would need to take to properly incorporate this library? Would I need to install & run certain plugins, for example?
Thank you very much for your help.
Gradle is the build system that Android Studio uses (the new IDE that is being developed by Google for Android development). You can use the Gradle Eclipse plugin to load Gradle projects into Eclipse.