In my gradle script I've been able to successfully read properties like this:
def environment = hasProperty('env') ? env : 'dev'
Using this I can execute a build script like this:
gradlew clean assemble -Penv=prod
My issue comes in when I tried moving this to an init.gradle file. The file is recognized and I'm able to use other properties that I define in the script, however I'm not able to get any from the command line. How can I do this?
My init.gradle file:
allprojects {
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
project.ext['nexusDomainName'] = ''
project.ext['compileSdkVersion'] = 19
project.ext['buildToolsVersion'] = "19"
project.ext['minSdkVersion'] = 8
project.ext['targetSdkVersion'] = 19
project.ext['sourceCompatibility'] = '1.7'
project.ext['targetCompatibility'] = '1.7'
//hasProperty('release') is always false
project.ext['archiveType'] = hasProperty('release') ? '' : '-SNAPSHOT'
project.ext['archiveUrl'] = hasProperty('release') ? "$nexusDomainName/content/repositories/releases/" : "$nexusDomainName/content/repositories/snapshots/"
// This buildEnv property won't read either
project.ext['buildEnv'] = hasProperty('env') ? env : 'dev'
println "prepping for $buildEnv"
project.ext['archivesBaseNameSuffix'] = (project.ext['buildEnv'] == 'stage' || project.ext['buildEnv'] == 'dev') ? '-' + project.ext['buildEnv'] : ''
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username 'username'
password 'password'
url "$nexusDomainName/content/groups/public/"
-P sets a project property, which isn't immediately available in an init script. (You can access projects and their properties from an init script, but that access will be deferred until the projects have been created.) However, using a system property (-D) should work.
I have a lambda function that is written in nodejs (using AWS nodejs SDK) and we are using gradle (build.gradle) to package and deploy that to AWS.
Deployment is working fine but when I am trying to update tags on this Lambda and redeploying then the new tags are not being applied to that function.
So if I am deploying Lambda using build.gradle first time with TAG A then its working fine (By first time I mean when I am creating a new Lambda) and tag is being applied and I can see that on AWS Console. But when I am re-deploying it again by adding another tag "TAG B" then the new tag is not being applied and it is not updating the existing Lambda tags. Any idea or suggestion what I am doing wrong? Thanks
Below is the section of build.gradle file where I am applying the tags for Lambda.
createOrUpdateFunction {
handler = 'index.handler'
role = cfo.DataDigestContentSearchLambdaIamRoleArn
runtime = 'python3.7'
timeout = 10
tags = [
tagA: 'data-team',
tagB: 'someValue'
Here is the complete build.gradle file
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/yarn-webpacked-lambda.gradle')
nodejs {
packaging {
name = '#abc/data-fulfillment-facebook-lambda'
dependency project(':core:js')
dependency project(':platforms:facebook:js:core')
dependency '#abc/data-ingest-api', abc_INGEST_SEMVER
dependency '#abc/data-ingest-core', abc_INGEST_SEMVER
dependency 'aws-sdk', AWS_SEMVER
webpackPackageJson.dependencies << ['fb': FB_SEMVER]
lambdaRepository {
artifactName = 'data-fulfillment-facebook'
lambda {
functionName = "${}-${lambdaRepository.artifactName}"
def cfo = cloudformation.outputs as Map<String, String>
createOrUpdateFunction {
handler = 'index.handler'
role = cfo.DataFulfillmentFacebookLambdaIamRoleArn
runtime = 'nodejs12.x'
memorySize = 256
timeout = 30
tags = [
team: 'data-team',
name: 'someName'
environmentAsMap << [
FACEBOOK_LEDGER_TABLE_NAME: cfo.DataFulfillmentLedgerTableName,
INSTAGRAM_DISCOVERY_TOKEN_SECRET: cfo.DataFulfillmentInstagramDiscoveryTokenSecretName
task registerTaskProcessor(type: RegisterTaskProcessorTask) {
client 'target'
tableName = cfo.DataFulfillmentTaskProcessorRegistryV2TableName
entryName = 'facebook'
rules << [regex: ['^facebook', [var: 'task.type']]]
type = 'lambda-dispatch'
params << [functionName: lambda.functionName, qualifier: 'live']
I'm using JIB (not super relevant) and I want to pass in variables from command line in my deployment script.
I append using -PinputTag=${DOCKER_TAG} -PbuildEnv=nonprod in my gradle command, which is cool. But when it's missing, I want that ternary to kick in.
I'm getting the error:
Could not get unknown property 'inputTag' for project ':webserver' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
def inputTag = inputTag ?: 'latest'
def buildEnv = buildEnv ?: 'nonprod'
jib {
container {
mainClass = 'com.example.hi'
to {
image = 'image/cool-image'
tags = ['latest', inputTag]
container {
ports = ['8080']
jvmFlags = ['' + buildEnv]
Found Solution
def inputTag = project.hasProperty('inputTag') ?'inputTag') : 'latest'
def buildEnv = project.hasProperty('buildEnv') ?'buildEnv') : 'nonprod'
This seems to be working, is this the best way?
How about this?
image = 'image/cool-image:' + (project.findProperty('inputTag') ?: 'latest')
Note are additional tags. = 'image/cool-image' already implies image/cool-image:latest, so no need to duplicate latest in
So for a little context: I have recently set up an Artifactory repository and I am new to working with Artifactory, everything I have been doing thus far has been from their user guide.
Now for the question: I would like to deploy a master plugin to Artifactory, but have it also include the shadowed dependencies on this using Gradle.
I have a general idea of deploying, and I have done so before, though I do not know how to deploy the code with the shadowed dependencies included and I am looking for some guidance that will allow me to do this.
I have included the parts of build.gradle that I believe is relevant for this:
artifactory {
contextUrl = "${artifactory_contextUrl}"
publish {
repository {
repoKey = 'sunace'
username = [REDACTED]
password = "${artifactory_password}"
defaults {
publishConfigs('archives', 'published')
properties {
all 'fun.sunace.master:MasterController:1.?:*#*', key2: 'val2', key3: 'val3'
publishBuildInfo = true
publishArtifacts = true
publishPom = true
publishIvy = false
publishForkCount = 8
clientConfig.setIncludeEnvVars(true)'time.published',new java.util.Date().toString())'MasterController')'' + new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(20000))
clientConfig.timeout = 600
resolve {
repository {
repoKey = 'gradle-dev'
username = [REDACTED]
password = "${artifactory_password}"
maven = true
If you need anything else, just ask and I will amend the post with the requested assets.
Thanks to all those who help!
How can I access resources from dependencies? I have something like this:
Wrapper project build.gradle
dependencies {
Those subprojects have some files in THEIR resource directories e.g. src/main/resources/liquibase/changelog.xml
There can be n of these subprojects and I need my gradle task to
pass through all dependencies and grab all changelog.xml files and create new file from them which will be later used.
It was actually not that hard:
doFirst {
println 'Generating master changelog...'
def changelogFiles = []
configurations.runtime.each {
def zip = new ZipFile(it)
def entries = zip.entries()
entries.findAll { entry ->"liquibase") }
.findAll { entry -> entry =~ /changelog.xml/ }
.each { entry ->
changelogFiles.add(((ZipEntry) entry).name)
def resDir = sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir.path + '/liquibase'
def changelogFile = new File("$resDir/changelog-master.xml")
changelogFile.write("<databaseChangeLog xmlns=\"\"\n" +
" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n" +
" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n\n")
changelogFiles.each {
println("Including $it to changelog.")
changelogFile << " <include file=\"classpath:$it\"/> \n"
changelogFile << "\n</databaseChangeLog>"
This code just loops through dependencies and digs up file paths for files named 'changelog.xml' and having 'liquibase' in path.
Possible issue would be if 2 dependecies had file with same name and path, I don't know what would be on classpath in that case.
I am trying to apply a plugin on a project that is a company specific findbugs plugin. In my Parent gradle project I have the following:
dependencies {
findbugs ''
findbugs configurations.findbugsPlugins.dependencies
// Here we specify the findbugsPlugins
findbugsPlugins ''
task findbugs(type: FindBugs) {
classes = fileTree(project.rootDir.absolutePath).include("**/*.class");
source = fileTree(project.rootDir.absolutePath).include("**/*.java");
classpath = files()
pluginClasspath = project.configurations.findbugsPlugins
findbugs {
toolVersion = "3.0.1"
sourceSets = [sourceSets.main]
ignoreFailures = true
reportsDir = file("$project.buildDir/findbugsReports")
effort = "max"
reportLevel = "high"
includeFilter = file("$rootProject.projectDir/include.xml")
excludeFilter = file("$rootProject.projectDir/exclude.xml")
tasks.withType(FindBugs) {
reports {
xml.enabled = false
html.enabled = true
However, when I build the project, the build fails with an exception reporting:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':findbugsPlugins'.
> Could not find
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
Any reason why gradle is adding the version twice at the end of the path?
You have incorrectly defined the Gradle dependency, colon is missing between GroupId and ArtifactId:
and the same most likely applies for