I am newbie in cdi and these are my first steps.
I have a bean in ejb module:
public class TestBean {
public String getIt(){
return "test";
I have a POJO in war module (I tried with #EJB and #Inject - same result)
public class SaveAction extends Action{
private TestBean bean;
public void execute(){
String test = bean.getIt(); //HERE I GET java.lang.NullPointerException
Both war and ejb are inside ear. In log I see
EJB5181:Portable JNDI names for EJB TestBean:
From that I conclude that bean is initialized - but I can't find it. What am I doing wrong?
CDI and other dependency injection containers don't use magic! It's just ordinary java code that cannot do more or less than any other java code written anywhere. So it is impossible for a framework to do injection when an object is instantiated directly via new:
SaveAction action = new SaveAction();
// don't expect any injection has happened - it can't! no magic!
// action.bean is still null here!
The framework does not have any idea that an object like SaveAction has been instantiated. (Therefore it would be necessary to somehow inform the framework about the newly created object - but neither the constructor nor the 'new' statement do this! Just think one minute about how you would write such a framework code! It's not possible!* ).
To make injection work, the object must be created by the container instead! Otherwise it is NOT managed! (See also chapter 3.7 of the Web Beans specification (JSR 299)).
The best way to do this is to let the container inject the object into another already managed bean. It seems this just deferes the problem, but there are some already managed beans in your application, like the servlet!
Suggestion: Make your SaveAction CDI aware (e.g. annotate it with #Default) and let it be injected into your servlet!
*) In theory it should be possible using aspect oriented programming or instrumentation to manipulate the constructors of beans to notify the container if they are invoked. But that's a very complex concept with many unsolved issues I think.
Suppose I have some class with injections:
class MyBean {
Helper helper;
// all sorts of data
and this class was created in a way the CDI container is not aware of it like reflection, serialization or new. In this case the helper is null because the CDI did not initialize it for us.
Is there a way to tell CDI to "activate" the bean or at least its injection? e.g., as if it was created with Instance<MyBean>#get?
Right now I have a hack where I do the following:
class SomeClass {
Instance<MyBean> beanCreator;
void activateBean() {
MyBean mybean = ... // reflection/serialization/new
MyBean realBean = beanCreator.get();
Helper proxy = realBean.getHelper();
This looks pretty bad but it works for everything I tested. It just shows what the end result is that I want.
Using Wildfly 10.1 if it matters.
First of all, the way you use MyBean is not a CDI way; in fact you operate on so called non-contextual object. What you are doing is taking a non-CDI managed object and asking CDI to resolve injection points. This is quite unusual, as you handle part of the lifecycle (creation/destruction), while asking CDI to do the rest.
In your case, the MyBean class needs to become InjectionTarget, and that is the way you should start looking. In order to trigger injection you will want to do something like this (during creation of MyBean):
// Create an injection target from your given class
InjectionTarget<MyBean> it = beanManager.getInjectionTargetFactory(beanManager.createAnnotatedType(MyBean.class))
CreationalContext<MyBean> ctx = beanManager.createCreationalContext(null);
MyBean instance = new MyBean();
it.postConstruct(instance); // invoke #PostContruct
it.inject(instance, ctx); // trigger actual injection on the instance
Please note that this approach is usually clumsy (as in hard to make it work and maintain) and it might be better to instead turn your MyBean into a true CDI bean and leaving whole lifecycle management to CDI. For that, however, your question doesn't provide enough information.
Say I have an EJB with the following configuration:
package com.main.notsimulated
#EJB(name = "java:/sample/MainOne", beanInterface = MainOne.class)
public class MainOne {}
This ejb needs to be present for some other deployables to work. However, using this MainOne modue is not very feasable for me in a testing env. Instead, I would rather inject my own custom version at runtime.
package com.main.simulated
#EJB(name = "java:/sample/MainOne", beanInterface = MainOne.class)
public class MainOne {}
(Note, these are two different jar files)
Hence, my idea here is, let's try to replace the currently deployed with a custom version on the fly. The reason I want to do this is because I do not want to change the nonsimulated version at all, nor effect the consumers of the ejb in any way. i.e All that the consumer currently does is look for that particular jndi name, and performs an indejection and a casting to a particular interface.
I have looked at this post in hopes of figuring out if my MainOne Class from com.main.simulated can evict the currently instantiated MainOne class. However, the the selected answer states it is not programatically possible to start or stop an ejb. I have also looked at this post, but this is more of a practical guide as to how we can inject these beans inour calls.
Hence, my question is, can my latter implementation (com.main.simulated) somehow "replace" the other bean, and ensure the com.main.notsimulated version is never executed?
Deploying two classes, with the same binding is obviously not possible. When trying to do so, one will get a binding exception. However, contrary to my original research, programatically binding a bean is entirely possible. Hence, the solution as to how one can "hijack" an old binding, and replace it with the new is as follows: (Note, replace the class names with what you need)
package com.main.simulated
public class MainOne {
private void rebindClass() throws NamingException {
final Context context = new InitialContext();
context.rebind("java:/sample/MainOne", this);
// other methods that will be called
Three important things about this class are: Removal of the #EJB annotation, the #Startup annotation and the rebind of context. The #Startup ensures the #PostConstruct method gets called when our container loads our class. When this happens, the method rebinds a class for a value. Hence, this is the hijack location.
Hope this helps someone.
I am trying to use and understand CDI, when I use #Inject in a simple pojo class, it throws me NPE.
public Class Greeting {
public String greet() {
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class Test {
private Greeting greeting;
public void testGreet() {
When I call testGreet() it throws NPE, why is the greeting instance null. Does #Inject way of adding dependency only be used in container managed bean?
Note: jar is not the problem here.
#Inject-annotated fields are only populated for container-instantiated beans.
Long version:
The CDI container provides you a lot of utilities for easily injecting dependencies to your beans, but it doesn't work by magic. The container can only populate the annotated fields of a client bean if the client bean itself was instantiated by the container. When the container is instantiating the object the sequence of events is as follows:
Your bean's constructor is called.
#Inject-annotated fields (and some other
annotations, #PersistenceContext and #EJB for instance) are
#PostConstruct-annotated no-args method is called.
Your bean is finished.
You're facing a classic bootstrapping problem, how to move from non-container-managed code into container-managed code. Your options are:
Get access to an instance of BeanManager from your JavaEE container via JNDI lookup. This is technical and a bit clumsy.
Use a CDI extension library such as Apache DeltaSpike. (Example: BeanProvider.getContextualReference(Test.class, false);)
Modify your application to start in a situation where you can inject your Test class rather than calling new Test();. This can be done for example by setting up a startup singleton ejb, which calls your test in it's #PostConstruct-annotated initialisation.
Hope this helps.
You need a JavaEE container, and than you need to define Greeting and Test as managed beans. After that you can inject one in another.
Try to take a look at:
Your class should be implemented from Serializable for being injectable as a "CDI Bean"
I just want to confirm that I fully understood the prerequisites for CDI to work. If I have a class A:
public class A {
#Inject private B b;
Now when I instantiate this class using:
A a = new A();
In that case, A.b will be null.
But if I define in another class a member:
#Inject A a;
and later use a, a.b will be correctly populated?
Does CDI only work if the class requiring an injection was also created by CDI container? Or what am I missing if injections turn out to be null while creating a POJO using ordinary instantiation with new (yes, I got beans.xml in place)?
Does CDI only work if the class requiring an injection was also
created by CDI container?
Yes, that's pretty much it. The lifecycle of a ManagedBean is controlled by the container and should never be instantiated with the new keyword (BTW: the same is true for EJBs & Spring beans). If you need to create a new ManagedBean you will probably want to use a producer method.
While others have stated correctly that for the most part DI containers will not inject dependencies into bean that they did not instantiate this is not entirely true.
Spring has a wonderful feature that will autowire the bean when you create it using new A().
You just have to use AspectJ and mark your bean with the #Configurable annotation.
public class A {
#Inject private B b;
Its actually kind of an awesome feature cause you can do Active Record style POJO's while still honoring your DI (its in fact how Spring Roo does it).
You should also know that with Spring you can autowire a bean programmatically after its been instantiated with the AutowireCapableBeanFactory. This is how it typically autowires JUnit Test Case Classes because JUnit creates the test case classes.
Yes Spring is not CDI but in theory you could write your own #Configurable for CDI or there is probably a CDI way of doing the above.
That being said the above is sort of a sophisticated feature (and kind of a hack) and as #JanGroth mentioned understaning the lifecycle bean management of the container is critical whether its CDI, Spring, Guice etc.
You may use BeanProvider.injectFields(myObject); from Apache DeltaSpike.
Yes, #Inject works only inside a container because it is done using interceptors on method calls. When the container creates a bean it wrappes it in interceptors which perform injection, and in the case of instantiation using new no interceptors will be called during bean method invocation, and there will be no injection.
Here's the conditions needed for a class to be a managed bean (and hence, for the #Inject annotation to work on its fields/methods):
a standard case - you have a controller (#Controller) with #Scope("session").
classes put in the session usually are expected to implement Serializable so that they can be stored physically in case the server is restarted, for example
If the controller implements Serializable, this means all services (other spring beans) it is referring will also be serialized. They are often proxies, with references to transaction mangers, entity manager factories, etc.
It is not unlikely that some service, or even controller, hold a reference to the ApplicationContext, by implementing ApplicationContextAware, so this can effectively mean that the whole context is serialized. And given that it holds many connections - i.e. things that are not serializable by idea, it will be restored in corrupt state.
So far I've mostly ignored these issues. Recently I thought of declaring all my spring dependencies transient and getting them back in readResolve() by the static utility classes WebApplicationContextUtils and such that hold the request/ServletContext in a ThreadLocal. This is tedious, but it guarantees that, when the object is deserialized, its dependencies will be "up to date" with the current application context.
Is there any accepted practice for this, or any guidelines for serializing parts of the spring context.
Note that in JSF, managed beans (~controllers) are stateful (unlike action-based web frameworks). So perhaps my question stands more for JSF, than for spring-mvc.
In this presentation (around 1:14) the speaker says that this issue is resolved in spring 3.0 by providing a proxy of non-serializable beans, which obtains an instance from the current application context (on deserialization)
It appears that bounty didn't attract a single answer, so I'll document my limited understanding:
public class SpringConfig {
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
MyService myService() {
return new MyService();
public IndexBean indexBean() {
return new IndexBean();
public DetailBean detailBean() {
return new DetailBean();
public class IndexBean implements Serializable {
#Inject MyService myService;
public void doSomething() {
public class MyService {
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
Spring will then not inject the naked MyService into IndexBean, but a serializable proxy to it. (I tested that, and it worked).
However, the spring documentation writes:
You do not need to use the <aop:scoped-proxy/> in conjunction with beans that are scoped as singletons or prototypes. If you try to create a scoped proxy for a singleton bean, the BeanCreationException is raised.
At least when using java based configuration, the bean and its proxy can be instantiated just fine, i.e. no Exception is thrown. However, it looks like using scoped proxies to achieve serializability is not the intended use of such proxies. As such I fear Spring might fix that "bug" and prevent the creation of scoped proxies through Java based configuration, too.
Also, there is a limitation: The class name of the proxy is different after restart of the web application (because the class name of the proxy is based on the hashcode of the advice used to construct it, which in turn depends on the hashCode of an interceptor's class object. Class.hashCode does not override Object.hashCode, which is not stable across restarts). Therefore the serialized sessions can not be used by other VMs or across restarts.
I would expect to scope controllers as 'singleton', i.e. once per application, rather than in the session.
Session-scoping is typically used more for storing per-user information or per-user features.
Normally I just store the 'user' object in the session, and maybe some beans used for authentication or such. That's it.
Take a look at the spring docs for configuring some user data in session scope, using an aop proxy:
Hope that helps
I recently combined JSF with Spring. I use RichFaces and the #KeepAlive feature, which serializes the JSF bean backing the page. There are two ways I have gotten this to work.
1) Use #Component("session") on the JSF backing bean
2) Get the bean from ELContext when ever you need it, something like this:
public static <T> T getBean(String beanName) {
return (T) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getELResolver().getValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext(), null, beanName);
After trying all the different alternatives suggested all I had to do was add aop:scoped-proxy to my bean definition and it started working.
<bean id="securityService"
<property name="identityService" ref="identityService" />
securityService is injected into my managedbean which is view scoped. This seems to work fine. According to spring documentation this is supposed to throw a BeanCreationException since securityService is a singleton. However this does not seems to happen and it works fine. Not sure whether this is a bug or what the side effects would be.
Serialization of Dynamic-Proxies works well, even between different JVMs, eg. as used for Session-Replication.
#Configuration public class SpringConfig {
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
MyService myService() {
return new MyService();
You just have to set the id of the ApplicationContext before the context is refreshed (see: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.setSerializationId(String))
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
// all other initialisation part ...
// before! refresh
// now refresh ..
Works fine on Spring-Version: 4.1.2.RELEASE