BitSet(JAVA) is throwing outofBoundsException in the implementation of Sieve Of Eratosthenes - java

Here is my function for the implementation of Sieve Of Eratosthenes,
void solve() throws IOException {
int n = 200000;
ArrayList<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
BitSet bs = new BitSet(n + 1);
for(int i = 0; i <= n + 1; i++)
//setting bits at 0 and 1 to 0, since these are not considered as primes
for(int i = 2; i <= n + 1; i++) {
if(bs.get(i)) {
//cross out multiples of i starting from i*i (lesser one would have always been crossed out)
for(int j = i*i; j <= n + 1; j += i)
primes.add(i); //add this prime to the list
for(int e : primes)
When I run this I get and arrayOutOfBoundsException during the inner for loop, i.e.
for(int j = i*i; j <= n + 1; j += i)
bs.clear(j); //EXCEPTION is raised here
Error Message that I am getting is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: bitIndex < 0: -2146737495
at java.util.BitSet.clear(
I dont understand where is the problem, if I reduce n to 20000, then my code works fine, but after n = 168000 (approx.), it shows this OutofBoundsException.
Is it something specific to BitSet, some property that I am not getting?

You are initialising (in the worst case) the variable i to be a large number close to 200,000 (specifically a large prime number?). That means j, which is initialised as i * i, will be in excess of 40,000,000,000, which is significantly over the max value of int (approx. 2,147,000,000) That means they will overflow over to negative values, which will definitely be out of range.
To solve the problem in this case, declare your variables to be of type long which is 64-bit and can hold much larger values.

You are getting an integer overflow in this line (i*i is negative):
for(int j = i*i; j <= n + 1; j += i)
System.out.println(168000 * 168000);
Which is negative, so is less than n + 1 and passes cycle condition.

I think it could be because you are using an int and the number is getting too big i.e.
200,000 * 200,000 is a huge number and should probably be a long instead.


ArithmeticException division by zero... how to fix this method?

The purpose of this method is to iterate through a 2D array of integers called grid[][], and translate the integers based on the maximum and minimum values into a smaller range between 100 and 250 (the original minimum value becomes 100, the original maximum value becomes 250, and everything in between is calculated respectively). When this method is called, division by zero ArithmeticException occurs.
Clearly I'm making some logic mistakes here... I just don't see the fix. Can anyone help?
public int greenValues(int arrayVal) {
int max = 0;
int min = 0;
int colorValue = 0;
int temp;
for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { // finds maximum and minimum numbers in file
for (int j = 0; j < grid.length; j++) {
if (max < grid[i][j]) {
max = grid[i][j];
if (min > grid[i][j]) {
min = grid[i][j];
int arrayRange = (max-min); // arrayVal, arrayRange, and max and min are 0
temp = (((arrayVal-min) * COLOR_RANGE) / arrayRange) + 100; // map values to range of 100 - 250
colorValue = temp;
return colorValue;
This line is culprint for producing ArithmaticExcpetion.
temp = (((arrayVal-min) * COLOR_RANGE) / arrayRange) + 100;
your calculating arrayRange dynamically as you don't know when that value will be 0. so you can wrap this line with try catch block to do some exception handling.
Solution by Dilip is perfect. Or you can also add a conditional statement which lets it pass only when arrayRange is not 0 & execute something else if it is 0. But it'll increase overhead by executing the conditional statement every time arrayRange is calculated.

Java Prime calculator according to Sieve of Eratosthenes

I've stumbled on the following problem: I have a class to get and print all primes between 1 and N. The N is a parameter which you have to insert by yourself. When I insert 10000 for N, the code works and prints out all primes out from 2 to the closest prime to N.
When I insert 40000 the code still works. When I insert 50000 (or higher), the code gives an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. Why?
This is the code I use:
ArrayList<Integer> priemGetallen = priemGetallen(n);
for (Integer i : priemGetallen) {
And uses
ArrayList<Integer> priemgetallen = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = i; j * i <= n; j++) {
if((j*i) < priemgetallen.size()){
return priemgetallen;
The point "priemgetallen.remove(j*i)" is where I receive the error.
I'd really appreciate it if someone can tell me why this doesn't work for all N's bigger then approx. 40000.
Thanks in advance!
The maximum value a Java int can hold is 2,147,483,647, so j * i is overflowing when i and j reach 46,341.
To extend the range, change the types of i, j and n to long.
See How does Java handle integer underflows and overflows and how would you check for it?
P.S. You'll also need to change priemgetallen into an array list of Long rather than Integer.

in Java, design linear algorithm that finds contiguous subsequence with highest sum

this is the question, and yes it is homework, so I don't necessarily want anyone to "do it" for me; I just need suggestions: Maximum sum: Design a linear algorithm that finds a contiguous subsequence of at most M in a sequence of N long integers that has the highest sum among all such subsequences. Implement your algorithm, and confirm that the order of growth of its running time is linear.
I think that the best way to design this program would be to use nested for loops, but because the algorithm must be linear, I cannot do that. So, I decided to approach the problem by making separate for loops (instead of nested ones).
However, I'm really not sure where to start. The values will range from -99 to 99 (as per the range of my random number generating program).
This is what I have so far (not much):
public class MaxSum {
public static void main(String[] args){
int M = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int N = StdIn.readInt();
long[] a = new long[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
a[i] = StdIn.readLong();}}}
if M were a constant, this wouldn't be so difficult. For example, if M==3:
public class MaxSum2 {
public static void main(String[] args){
int N = StdIn.readInt(); //read size for array
long[] a = new long[N]; //create array of size N
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { //go through values of array
a[i] = StdIn.readLong();} //read in values and assign them to
//array indices
long p = a[0] + a[1] + a[2]; //start off with first 3 indices
for (int i =0; i<N-4; i++)
{if ((a[i]+a[i+1]+a[1+2])>=p) {p=(a[i]+a[i+1]+a[1+2]);}}
//if sum of values is greater than p, p becomes that sum
for (int i =0; i<N-4; i++) //prints the subsequence that equals p
{if ((a[i]+a[i+1]+a[1+2])==p) {StdOut.println((a[i]+a[i+1]+a[1+2]));}}}}
If I must, I think MaxSum2 will be acceptable for my lab report (sadly, they don't expect much). However, I'd really like to make a general program, one that takes into consideration the possibility that, say, there could be only one positive value for the array, meaning that adding the others to it would only reduce it's value; Or if M were to equal 5, but the highest sum is a subsequence of the length 3, then I would want it to print that smaller subsequence that has the actual maximum sum.
I also think as a novice programmer, this is something I Should learn to do. Oh and although it will probably be acceptable, I don't think I'm supposed to use stacks or queues because we haven't actually covered that in class yet.
Here is my version, adapted from Petar Minchev's code and with an important addition that allows this program to work for an array of numbers with all negative values.
public class MaxSum4 {
public static void main(String[] args)
{Stopwatch banana = new Stopwatch(); //stopwatch object for runtime data.
long sum = 0;
int currentStart = 0;
long bestSum = 0;
int bestStart = 0;
int bestEnd = 0;
int M = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // read in highest possible length of
//subsequence from command line argument.
int N = StdIn.readInt(); //read in length of array
long[] a = new long[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {//read in values from standard input
a[i] = StdIn.readLong();}//and assign those values to array
long negBuff = a[0];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { //go through values of array to find
//largest sum (bestSum)
sum += a[i]; //and updates values. note bestSum, bestStart,
// and bestEnd updated
if (sum > bestSum) { //only when sum>bestSum
bestSum = sum;
bestStart = currentStart;
bestEnd = i; }
if (sum < 0) { //in case sum<0, skip to next iteration, reseting sum=0
sum = 0; //and update currentStart
currentStart = i + 1;
continue; }
if (i - currentStart + 1 == M) { //checks if sequence length becomes equal
//to M.
do { //updates sum and currentStart
sum -= a[currentStart];
} while ((sum < 0 || a[currentStart] < 0) && (currentStart <= i));
//if sum or a[currentStart]
} //is less than 0 and currentStart<=i,
} //update sum and currentStart again
if(bestSum==0){ //checks to see if bestSum==0, which is the case if
//all values are negative
for (int i=0;i<N;i++){ //goes through values of array
//to find largest value
if (a[i] >= negBuff) {negBuff=a[i];
bestSum=negBuff; bestStart=i; bestEnd=i;}}}
//updates bestSum, bestStart, and bestEnd
StdOut.print("best subsequence is from
a[" + bestStart + "] to a[" + bestEnd + "]: ");
for (int i = bestStart; i<=bestEnd; i++)
StdOut.print(a[i]+ " "); //prints sequence
StdOut.println(banana.elapsedTime());}}//prints elapsed time
also, did this little trace for Petar's code:
trace for a small array
array: length 5
index value
0 -2
1 2
2 3
3 10
4 1
for the for-loop central to program:
i = 0 sum = 0 + -2 = -2
sum>bestSum? no
sum<0? yes so sum=0, currentStart = 0(i)+1 = 1,
and continue loop with next value of i
i = 1 sum = 0 + 2 = 2
sum>bestSum? yes so bestSum=2 and bestStart=currentStart=1 and bestEnd=1=1
sum<0? no
1(i)-1(currentStart)+1==M? 1-1+1=1 so no
i = 2 sum = 2+3 = 5
sum>bestSum? yes so bestSum=5, bestStart=currentStart=1, and bestEnd=2
sum<0? no
2(i)-1(currentStart)+1=M? 2-1+1=2 so yes:
sum = sum-a[1(curentstart)] =5-2=3. currentStart++=2.
(sum<0 || a[currentStart]<0)? no
i = 3 sum=3+10=13
sum>bestSum? yes so bestSum=13 and bestStart=currentStart=2 and bestEnd=3
sum<0? no
3(i)-2(currentStart)+1=M? 3-2+1=2 so yes:
sum = sum-a[1(curentstart)] =13-3=10. currentStart++=3.
(sum<0 || a[currentStart]<0)? no
i = 4 sum=10+1=11
sum>bestSum? no
sum<0? no
4(i)-3(currentStart)+1==M? yes but changes to sum and currentStart now are
irrelevent as loop terminates
Thanks again! Just wanted to post a final answer and I was slightly proud for catching the all negative thing.
Each element is looked at most twice (one time in the outer loop, and one time in the while loop).
O(2N) = O(N)
Explanation: each element is added to the current sum. When the sum goes below zero, it is reset to zero. When we hit M length sequence, we try to remove elements from the beginning, until the sum is > 0 and there are no negative elements in the beginning of it.
By the way, when all elements are < 0 inside the array, you should take only the largest negative number. This is a special edge case which I haven't written below.
Beware of bugs in the below code - it only illustrates the idea. I haven't run it.
int sum = 0;
int currentStart = 0;
int bestSum = 0;
int bestStart = 0;
int bestEnd = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum += a[i];
if (sum > bestSum) {
bestSum = sum;
bestStart = currentStart;
bestEnd = i;
if (sum < 0) {
sum = 0;
currentStart = i + 1;
//Our sequence length has become equal to M
if (i - currentStart + 1 == M) {
do {
sum -= a[currentStart];
} while ((sum < 0 || a[currentStart] < 0) && (currentStart <= i));
I think what you are looking for is discussed in detail here
Find the subsequence with largest sum of elements in an array
I have explained 2 different solutions to resolve this problem with O(N) - linear time.

finding all prime numbers in a given range

I'm writing this Java program that finds all the prime numbers between a given range. Because I'm dealing with really big numbers my code seems to be not fast enough and gives me a time error. Here is my code, does anyone know to make it faster? Thanks.
import java.util.*;
public class primes2
private static Scanner streamReader = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
int xrange = streamReader.nextInt();
int zrange = streamReader.nextInt();
for (int checks = xrange; checks <= zrange; checks++)
boolean[] checkForPrime = Primes(1000000);
if (checkForPrime[checks])
public static boolean[] Primes(int n)
boolean[] isPrime = new boolean[n + 1];
if (n >= 2)
isPrime[2] = true;
for (int i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
isPrime[i] = true;
for (int i = 3, end = sqrt(n); i <= end; i += 2)
if (isPrime[i])
for (int j = i * 3; j <= n; j += i << 1)
isPrime[j] = false;
return isPrime;
public static int sqrt(int x)
int y = 0;
for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--)
y |= 1 << i;
if (y > 46340 || y * y > x)
y ^= 1 << i;
return y;
You'll get an enormous improvement just by changing this:
for (int checks = xrange; checks <= zrange; checks++)
boolean[] checkForPrime = Primes(1000000);
to this:
boolean[] checkForPrime = Primes(1000000);
for (int checks = xrange; checks <= zrange; checks++)
Your current code regenerates the sieve zrange - xrange + 1 times, but you actually only need to generate it once.
The obvious problem is that you're computing the primes up to 1000000 many time (zrange - xrange times). Another is that you dont need to compute the primes up to 1000000, you just need to check to primes up to zrange, so you're wasting time when zrange < 1000000, and getting a buffer overflow when zrange > 1000000.
You can start your inner loop from i*i, i.e. instead of for (int j = i * 3; j <= n; j += i << 1) you can write for (int j = i * i; j <= n; j += i << 1) for a minor speed-up.
Also, you have to be sure that your zrange is not greater than 1000000.
If xrange is much greater than sqrt(zrange), you can also split your sieve array in two, for an offset sieve scheme. The lower array will span from 2 to sqrt(zrange). The upper one will span from xrange to zrange. As you sieve your lower array, as each new prime becomes identified by it, inside your inner loop, in addition to marking the lower array up to its end also sieve the upper array. You will have to calcuate the starting offset for each prime i, and use the same step of 2*i as you do for the lower half. If your range is wider than a few primes, you will get speed advantage (otherwise just trial division by odds will suffice).
Another thing to try is, if evens > 2 are not primes anyway, why represent them in the array and waste half of the space? You can treat each i as representing an odd number, 2*i+1, thus compressing your array in half.
Last simple trick is to eliminate the multiples of 3 in advance as well, by marking ON not just odds (i.e. coprimes with 2), by { ... i+=2; ...}, but only coprimes with 2 and 3, by { ... i+=2; ... i+=4; ... } instead. Also, when marking OFF multiples of primes > 3, use { ... j+=2*i; ... j+=4i; ...} too. E.g., in 5*5, 5*7, 5*9, 5*11, ... you don't need to mark OFF 5*9, if no multiple of 3 was marked ON in the first place.

review of a codility test - pair_sum_even_count

I recently took an online test on codility as part of a recruitment process. I was given two simple problems to solve in 1 hour. For those who don't know codility, its an online coding test site where you can solve ACM style problems in many different languages.
If you have 30 or so mins then check this
My weapon of choice is usually Java.
So, one of the problems I have is as follows (I will try to remember, should have taken a screenshot)
Lets say you have array A[0]=1 A[1]=-1 ....A[n]=x
Then what would be the smartest way to find out the number of times when A[i]+A[j] is even where i < j
So if we have {1,2,3,4,5}
we have 1+3 1+5 2+4 3+5 = 4 pairs which are even
The code I wrote was some thing along the lines
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<A.length-1;i++){
for (int j=i+1;j<A.length;j++){
if( ((A[i]+A[j])%2) == 0 && i<j) {
There was one more restriction that if the number of pairs is greater than 1e9 then it should retrun -1, but lets forget it.
Can you suggest a better solution for this. The number of elements won't exceed 1e9 in normal cases.
I think I got 27 points deducted for the above code (ie it's not perfect). Codility gives out a detailed assessment of what went wrong, I don't have that right now.
The sum of two integers is even if and only if they are either both even or both odd. You can simply go through the array and count evens and odds. The number of possibilities to combine k numbers from a set of size N is N! / ((N - k)! · k!). You just need to put the number of evens/odds as N and 2 as k. For this, the above simplifies to (N · (N - 1)) / 2. All the condition i < j does is to specify that each combination counts only once.
You can find the sum without calculating every pair individually.
A[i]+A[j] is even if A[i] is even and A[j] is even; or A[i] is odd and A[j] is odd.
A running total of odd and even numbers up to j can be kept, and added to sum depending on whether A[j] is odd or even:
int sum = 0;
int odd = 0;
int even = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < A.length; j++) {
if(A[j] % 2 == 0) {
sum += even;
} else {
sum += odd;
If you look at A={1,2,3,4,5}, each value of j would add the number of pairs with A[j] as the second number.
Even values:
A[j]=2 - sum += 0
A[j]=4 - sum += 1 - [2+4]
Odd values:
A[j]=1 - sum += 0
A[j]=3 - sum += 1 - [1+3]
A[j]=5 - sum += 2 - [1+5, 3+5]
Please check this
if (A == null || A.length < 2) {
return 0;
int evenNumbersCount = 0;
int oddNumberCount = 0;
for (int aA : A) {
if (aA % 2 == 0) {
} else {
int i = (evenNumbersCount * (evenNumbersCount - 1)) / 2 + (oddNumberCount * (oddNumberCount - 1)) / 2;
return i > 1000000000 ? -1 : i;
If someone has a problem with understanding what Sante said here is another explanation:
Only odd+odd and even+even gives even. You have to find how many even and odd numbers are there. When you have it imagine that this as a problem with a meeting. How many people distinkt pairs are in the odd numbers list and even numbers list. This is the same problem as how many pairs will say hallo to each other at the party. This is also the number of edges in full graph. The answer is n*(n-1)/2 because there are n people, and you have to shake n-1 peoples hands and divide by 2 because the other person cant count your shake as distinct one. As you have here two separate "parties" going on you have to count them independently.
It's very simple
First you need to find the number of odds and even number in collection.
eg. x is odd if x&1 ==1, even otherwise,
if you have this, knowing that adding two even or two odds to each you get even.
You need to calc the sum of Combinations of two elements from Even numbers and Odd numbers.
having int A[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int odds=0, evens=0;
for (int i=0; i< A.length; ++i)
if (A[i]&1==1) odds++;
else evens++;
return odds*(odds-1)/2 + evens*(evens-1)/2;
// Above goes from fact that the number of possibilities to combine k numbers from a set of size N is N! / ((N - k)! · k!). For k=2 this simplifies to (N · (N - 1)) / 2
See this answer also
int returnNumOFOddEvenSum(int [] A){
int sumOdd=0;
int sumEven=0;
return 0;
for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++)
return factSum(sumEven)+factSum(sumOdd);
int factSum(int num){
int sum=0;
for(int i=1; i<=num-1; i++)
return sum;
public int getEvenSumPairs(int[] array){
int even=0;
int odd=0;
int evenSum=0;
for(int j=0; j<array.length; ++j){
if(array[j]%2==0) even++;
else odd++;
evenSum=((even*(even-1)/2) + (odd *(odd-1)/2) ;
return evenSum;
A Java implementation that works great based on the answer by "Svante":
int getNumSumsOfTwoEven(int[] a) {
long numOdd = 0;
long numEven = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if(a[i] % 2 == 0) { //even
} else {
//N! / ((N - k)! · k!), where N = num. even nums or num odd nums, k = 2
long numSumOfTwoEven = (long)(fact(numOdd) / (fact(numOdd - 2) * 2));
numSumOfTwoEven += (long)(fact(numEven) / (fact(numEven - 2) * 2));
if(numSumOfTwoEven > ((long)1e9)) {
return -1;
return numSumOfTwoEven;
// This is a recursive function to calculate factorials
long fact(int i) {
if(i == 0) {
return 1;
return i * fact(i-1);
Algorithms are boring, here is a python solution.
>>> A = range(5)
>>> A
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> even = lambda n: n % 2 == 0
>>> [(i, j) for i in A for j in A[i+1:] if even(i+j)]
[(0, 2), (0, 4), (1, 3), (2, 4)]
I will attempt another solution using vim.
You can get rid of the if/else statement and just have the following:
int pair_sum_v2( int A[], int N ) {
int totals[2] = { 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
totals[ A[i] & 0x01 ]++;
return ( totals[0] * (totals[0]-1) + totals[1] * (totals[1]-1) ) / 2;
Let count odd numbers as n1 and count even numbers as n2.
The sum of Pair(x,y) is even, only if we choose both x and y from the set of even numbers or both x and y from odd set (selecting x from even set and y from odd set or vice-versa will always result in the pair's sum to be an odd number).
So total combination such that each pair's sum is even = n1C2 + n2C2.
= (n1!) / ((n1-2)! * 2!) + (n2!) / ((n2-2)! * 2!)
= (n1 * (n1 - 1)) / 2 + (n2 * (n2 - 1)) / 2
--- Equation 1.
e.g : let the array be like: {1,2,3,4,5}
number of even numbers = n1 = 2
number of odd numbers = n2 = 2
Total pair such that the pair's sum is even from equation: 1 = (2*1)/2 + (3*2)/2 = 4
and the pairs are: (1,3), (1,5), (2,4), (3,5).
Going by traditional approach of adding and then checking might result in an integer overflow in programming on both positive as well as on negative extremes.
This is some pythonic solution
x = [1,3,56,4,3,2,0,6,78,90]
def solution(x):
sumadjacent = [x[i]+x[i+1] for i in range(len(x)-1) if x[i] < x[i+1]]
evenpairslist = [ True for j in sumadjacent if j%2==0]
return evenpairslist
if __name__=="__main__":
int total = 0;
int size = A.length;
for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
total += (A[size-1] - A[i]) / 2;
System.out.println("Total : " + total);

