I'm trying to get a distinct result of one Column from my Database with Panache+Hibernate. Normally in Hibernate you would get an ArrayList<String> back from the query.
List<String> list = repo
.find("select DISTINCT(a.country) from TMdBrandAll a order by a.country")
But if I try this Approach with Panache I get the ErrorMessage
Comiler Error Message
If I change the variable "list" to the returnType List<TMdBrandAll> the compile error is gone.
List<TMdBrandAll> list = brandAllRepo
.find("select DISTINCT(a.country) from TMdBrandAll a order by a.country")
When I now inspect the executed code in the debugger I get.
Debugger output
How can I tell Panache that the outcome of the query will be an ArrayList<Strings> and not an ArrayList<PanacheEntity>?
Thanks for your answers
Code of Repo:
public class BrandAllRepo implements PanacheRepositoryBase<TMdBrandAll, Long> {
public void updateBrand(String brandName, String soundexCode, String countryCode, Long active, Long isNew, String user, Long brandAllId) {
update("set brandName = ?1, soundexCode = soundex(pkg_util.f_escape_special_char1(?2))," +
" countryCode = ?3, active = ?4, isNew = ?5, modifiedAt = sysdate, modified_by = ?6 where brandAllId = ?7",
brandName, soundexCode, countryCode, active, isNew, user, brandAllId);
Working Code from Repo:
EntityManager em;
public List<String> findCountries() {
List<String> qres = em
.createQuery("select DISTINCT(a.countryCode) from TMdBrandAll a order by a.countryCode", String.class)
return new ArrayList<>(qres);
With injected EntityManager and standard hibernate query it works.
This is a limitation of Panache.
Have a look at the code https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/blob/master/extensions/panache/hibernate-orm-panache/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/hibernate/orm/panache/PanacheRepositoryBase.java
It always returns a List of the entity.
Either create a finder method in BrandAllRepo that returns a List of Strings or use an untyped list:
List list = brandAllRepo
.find("select DISTINCT(a.country) from TMdBrandAll a order by a.country")
You know that there will be Strings in the list.
The second option is not so nice. I would use the first option.
I was running in the same problem, but I figured that it works if I use .project(String.class) and GROUP BY instead of DISTINCT:
List<String> list = repo
.find("select a.country from TMdBrandAll a "
+ "group by a.country "
+ "order by a.country")
It seems that Panache gets confused by the DISTINCT clause.
Following up on a question I posted yesterday: How to populate POJO class from custom Hibernate query?
Can someone show me an example of how to code the following SQL in Hibernate, and get the results correctly?
select firstName, lastName
from Employee
What I'd like to do, if it's possible in Hibernate, is to put the results in their own base class:
class Results {
private firstName;
private lastName;
// getters and setters
I believe it's possible in JPA (using EntityManager), but I haven't figured out how to do it in Hibernate (using SessionFactory and Session).
I'm trying to learn Hibernate better, and even this "simple" query is proving confusing to know what form Hibernate returns the results, and how to map the results into my own (base) class. So at the end of the DAO routine, I'd do:
List<Results> list = query.list();
returning a List of Results (my base class).
select firstName, lastName from Employee
You can't use above code with Hibernate 5 and Hibernate 4 (at least Hibernate 4.3.6.Final), because of an exception
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.github.fluent.hibernate.request.persistent.UserDto cannot be cast to java.util.Map
at org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessMapImpl$SetterImpl.set(PropertyAccessMapImpl.java:102)
The problem is that Hibernate converts aliases for column names to upper case — firstName becomes FIRSTNAME. And it try to find a getter with name getFIRSTNAME(), and setter setFIRSTNAME() in the DTO using such strategies
PropertyAccessStrategyChainedImpl propertyAccessStrategy = new PropertyAccessStrategyChainedImpl(
Only PropertyAccessStrategyMapImpl.INSTANCE suits, in opinion of Hibernate, well. So after that it tries to do conversion (Map)MyResults.
public void set(Object target, Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
( (Map) target ).put( propertyName, value );
Don't know, it is a bug or feature.
How to solve
Using aliases with quotes
public class Results {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
String sql = "select firstName as \"firstName\",
lastName as \"lastName\" from Employee";
List<Results> employees = session.createSQLQuery(sql).setResultTransformer(
Using a custom result transformer
Another way to solve the problem — using a result transformer that ignores method names case (treat getFirstName() as getFIRSTNAME()). You can write your own or use FluentHibernateResultTransformer. You will not need to use quotes and aliases (if you have column names equal to DTO names).
Just download the library from the project page (it doesn't need additional jars): fluent-hibernate.
String sql = "select firstName, lastName from Employee";
List<Results> employees = session.createSQLQuery(sql)
.setResultTransformer(new FluentHibernateResultTransformer(Results.class))
This transformer can be used for nested projections too: How to transform a flat result set using Hibernate
See AliasToBeanResultTransformer:
Result transformer that allows to transform a result to a user specified class which will be populated via setter methods or fields matching the alias names.
List resultWithAliasedBean = s.createCriteria(Enrolment.class)
.createAlias("student", "st")
.createAlias("course", "co")
.setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
.add( Projections.property("co.description"), "courseDescription" )
.setResultTransformer( new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(StudentDTO.class) )
StudentDTO dto = (StudentDTO)resultWithAliasedBean.get(0);
Your modified code:
List resultWithAliasedBean = s.createCriteria(Employee.class, "e")
.add(Projections.property("e.firstName"), "firstName")
.add(Projections.property("e.lastName"), "lastName")
.setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(Results.class))
Results dto = (Results) resultWithAliasedBean.get(0);
For native SQL queries see Hibernate documentation:
13.1.5. Returning non-managed entities
It is possible to apply a ResultTransformer to native SQL queries, allowing it to return non-managed entities.
This query specified:
the SQL query string
a result transformer
The above query will return a list of CatDTO which has been instantiated and injected the values of NAME and BIRTHNAME into its corresponding properties or fields.
You need to use a constructor and in the hql use new. I let you the code example taken from this question: hibernate HQL createQuery() list() type cast to model directly
class Result {
private firstName;
private lastName;
public Result (String firstName, String lastName){
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
then your hql
select new com.yourpackage.Result(employee.firstName,employee.lastName)
from Employee
and your java (using Hibernate)
List<Result> results = session.createQuery("select new com.yourpackage.Result(employee.firstName,employee.lastName) from Employee").list();
YMMV but I've found that the key factor is you must make sure to alias every field in your SELECT clause with the SQL "AS" keyword. I've never had to use quotes around the alias names. Also, in your SELECT clause use the case and punctuation of the actual columns in your database and in the aliases use the case of the fields in your POJO. This has worked for me in Hibernate 4 and 5.
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
String sqlQuery = "SELECT firstName AS firstName," +
"lastName AS lastName from Employee";
List<Results> employeeList = sessionFactory
If you have multiple tables you can use table aliases in the SQL as well. This contrived example with an additional table named "Department" uses more traditional lower case and underscores in database field names with camel case in the POJO field names.
String sqlQuery = "SELECT e.first_name AS firstName, " +
"e.last_name AS lastName, d.name as departmentName" +
"from Employee e, Department d" +
"WHERE e.department_id - d.id";
List<Results> employeeList = sessionFactory
java.lang.ClassCastException: "CustomClass" cannot be cast to java.util.Map.
This issue appears when the columns specified in SQL Query doesn't match with the columns of the mapping class.
It may be due to:
Non-matching casing of column name or
The column names are not matching or
column exist in query but missing in class.
JPQL case from hibernate 5.4:
Query<Employee> queryList = session.createQuery("select new xxx.xxx.Employee(e.firstName,e.lastName) from Employee e", Employee.class);
List<Employee> list = queryList.list();
Query<Long> queryCount = session.createQuery("select count(*) from Employee", Long.class);
Long count = queryCount.getSingleResult();
The select statement in JPQL is exactly the same as for HQL except that JPQL requires a select_clause, whereas HQL does not.
setResultTransformer #Deprecated It should not be used
more on Hibernate_User_Guide.html#hql-select
In case you have a native query, all answers here use deprecated methods for newer versions of Hibernate, so if you are using 5.1+ this is the way to go:
// Note this is a org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery NOT Query.
NativeQuery query = getCurrentSession()
"SELECT {y.*} , {x.*} from TableY y left join TableX x on x.id = y.id");
// This maps the results to entities.
query.addEntity("x", TableXEntity.class);
query.addEntity("y", TableYEntity.class);
Below is a result transformer that ignores case:
package org.apec.abtc.dao.hibernate.transform;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessStrategyBasicImpl;
import org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessStrategyChainedImpl;
import org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessStrategyFieldImpl;
import org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessStrategyMapImpl;
import org.hibernate.property.access.spi.Setter;
import org.hibernate.transform.AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer;
* IgnoreCaseAlias to BeanResult Transformer
* #author Stephen Gray
public class IgnoreCaseAliasToBeanResultTransformer extends AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer
/** The serialVersionUID field. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3779317531110592988L;
/** The resultClass field. */
private final Class resultClass;
/** The setters field. */
private Setter[] setters;
/** The fields field. */
private Field[] fields;
private String[] aliases;
* #param resultClass
public IgnoreCaseAliasToBeanResultTransformer(final Class resultClass)
if (resultClass == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("resultClass cannot be null");
this.resultClass = resultClass;
this.fields = this.resultClass.getDeclaredFields();
public boolean isTransformedValueATupleElement(String[] aliases, int tupleLength) {
return false;
* {#inheritDoc}
public Object transformTuple(final Object[] tuple, final String[] aliases)
Object result;
if (this.setters == null)
this.aliases = aliases;
result = this.resultClass.newInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++)
if (this.setters[i] != null)
this.setters[i].set(result, tuple[i], null);
catch (final InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e)
throw new HibernateException("Could not instantiate resultclass: " + this.resultClass.getName(), e);
return result;
private void setSetters(final String[] aliases)
PropertyAccessStrategyChainedImpl propertyAccessStrategy = new PropertyAccessStrategyChainedImpl(
this.setters = new Setter[aliases.length];
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++)
String alias = aliases[i];
if (alias != null)
for (final Field field : this.fields)
final String fieldName = field.getName();
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(alias))
alias = fieldName;
setters[i] = propertyAccessStrategy.buildPropertyAccess( resultClass, alias ).getSetter();
* {#inheritDoc}
public List transformList(final List collection)
return collection;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if ( this == o ) {
return true;
if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) {
return false;
IgnoreCaseAliasToBeanResultTransformer that = ( IgnoreCaseAliasToBeanResultTransformer ) o;
if ( ! resultClass.equals( that.resultClass ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! Arrays.equals( aliases, that.aliases ) ) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = resultClass.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + ( aliases != null ? Arrays.hashCode( aliases ) : 0 );
return result;
Writing (exist this type of Challenges working with hibernate)
Custom Queries
Custom Queries with Optional Parameters
Mapping Hibernate Custom query results to Custom class.
I am not saying about custom EntityRepository interface which extends JpaRepository on SpringBoot which you can write custom Query with #Query -> here you can't write query with optional params
e.g. if param is null don't append it in query string. And you can use Criteria api of hibernate but it not recommended in their documentation because of performance issue...
But exist simple and error prone and performance good way...
Write your own QueryService class which are methods will get
string(answer for first and second problem) sql and will map result to
Custom class (third problem) with it's any association #OneToMany, #ManyToOne ....
public class HibernateQueryService {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HibernateQueryService.class);
private JpaContext jpaContext;
public HibernateQueryService(JpaContext jpaContext) {
this.jpaContext = jpaContext;
public List executeJPANativeQuery(String sql, Class entity){
log.debug("JPANativeQuery executing: "+sql);
EntityManager entityManager = jpaContext.getEntityManagerByManagedType(Article.class);
return entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql, entity).getResultList();
* as annotation #Query -> we can construct here hibernate dialect
* supported query and fetch any type of data
* with any association #OneToMany and #ManyToOne.....
public List executeHibernateQuery(String sql, Class entity){
log.debug("HibernateNativeQuery executing: "+sql);
Session session = jpaContext.getEntityManagerByManagedType(Article.class).unwrap(Session.class);
return session.createQuery(sql, entity).getResultList();
public <T> List<T> executeGenericHibernateQuery(String sql, Class<T> entity){
log.debug("HibernateNativeQuery executing: "+sql);
Session session = jpaContext.getEntityManagerByManagedType(Article.class).unwrap(Session.class);
return session.createQuery(sql, entity).getResultList();
Use case - you can write any type condition about query params
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<ArticleDTO> findWithHibernateWay(SearchFiltersVM filter){
Long[] stores = filter.getStores();
Long[] categories = filter.getCategories();
Long[] brands = filter.getBrands();
Long[] articles = filter.getArticles();
Long[] colors = filter.getColors();
String query = "select article from Article article " +
"left join fetch article.attributeOptions " +
"left join fetch article.brand " +
"left join fetch article.stocks stock " +
"left join fetch stock.color " +
"left join fetch stock.images ";
boolean isFirst = true;
query += isFirst ? "where " : "and ";
query += "stock.store.id in ("+ Arrays.stream(stores).map(store -> store.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))+") ";
isFirst = false;
query += isFirst ? "where " : "and ";
query += "article.brand.id in ("+ Arrays.stream(brands).map(store -> store.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))+") ";
isFirst = false;
query += isFirst ? "where " : "and ";
query += "article.id in ("+ Arrays.stream(articles).map(store -> store.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))+") ";
isFirst = false;
query += isFirst ? "where " : "and ";
query += "stock.color.id in ("+ Arrays.stream(colors).map(store -> store.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))+") ";
List<Article> articles = hibernateQueryService.executeHibernateQuery(query, Article.class);
* MapStruct [http://mapstruct.org/][1]
return articles.stream().map(articleMapper::toDto).collect(Collectors.toList());
Example classes:
public Class Order{
private Integer id;
private Customer customer;
public Class Customer{
private Integer id;
private String name;
Example query that I want to execute in PostgreSQL syntax:
SELECT order_alias.id
FROM (select * from order where customer is not null) order_alias
WHERE order_alias.customer < 10;
How can I do this in Hibernate?
The reason I'm asking this is because Hibernate seems to be throwing an "Unknown entity: null" error when the customer property is null.
This is what I was trying to do with Criteria:
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Order.class, "o");
dc.add(Restrictions.lt("o.customer.id", 10);
Criteria query = Session.createCriteria(OtherClass.class, "oc");
query.add(Subqueries.propertyIn("oc.id", dc);
List<OtherClass> listOC = query.list();
And I was getting an error which seemed to be coming from line 2.
You can define alias and use it. Like this
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Order.class, "o");
dc.createAlias("customer", "customer");
dc.add(Restrictions.lt("customer.id", 10);
I am using a JPA query to get a result set, then within the same class, I would like to conditionally get more data. Here's what it looks like:
public SchoolUser getCandidatesAsJson(#PathParam("applicationId") String applicationId, #PathParam("userPassword") String userPassword ) {
EntityManager em = createEM();
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT su FROM SchoolUser su WHERE su.applicationId LIKE :applicationId and su.userPassword LIKE :userPassword", SchoolUser.class);
query.setParameter("applicationId", applicationId);
query.setParameter("userPassword", userPassword);
List <SchoolUser> schoolUser = query.getResultList();
if(!schoolUser.isEmpty()) {
SchoolUser loginRecord = schoolUser.get(0);
int teacherId = loginRecord.getTeacherId();
int studentId = loginRecord.getStundentId();
TypedQuery<Classroom> query2 = em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Classroom c where c.teacherId = :teacherId ORDER BY c.period", Classroom.class);
query2.setParameter("teacherId", teacherId);
List <Classroom> teacherClassList = query2.getResultList();
//put 2nd results set in SchoolUser object - line is commented because it causes an erro
} else if(studentId!=0){
TypedQuery<ClassroomStudent> query3 = em.createQuery("SELECT cs FROM ClassroomStudent cs where cs.statusId = 1 AND cs.studentId = :studentId", ClassroomStudent.class);
query3.setParameter("studentId", studentId);
//put results in SchoolUser object
return loginRecord;
} else {
SchoolUser emptyRecord = new SchoolUser();
return emptyRecord;
The error comes from putting the Classroom JPA object into the SchoolUser object - since these two objects don't have a direct relationship.
Any way that I can accomplish this with JPA?
If you do not want to persist the classroom (or any other attribute for that matter) then the #Transient annotation allows you to ignore a particular field so that JPA won't try to map it.
This annotation specifies that the property or field is not
persistent. It is used to annotate a property or field of an entity
class, mapped superclass, or embeddable class.
public class Employee {
#Id int id;
#Transient User currentUser;
I made a class called SpecializationBean which has two private fields:
private ArrayList<SelectItem> specializationItems= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
private String specializationName;
I have ofcourse a getter and setter for those two.
and a buildSpecializationList method which builds the specializationItems list: (I call this method in the getter):
public void buildSpecializationList(){
List<Object[]> specializations = null;
Session mySession = HibernateUtil.getAdmSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Transaction transaction = mySession.beginTransaction();
String sql = "SELECT J_Specialization_ID, Specialization_Name_Ar FROM J_Specialization WHERE J_Department_ID = '1000001'";
Query query = mySession.createSQLQuery(sql).addScalar("id", Hibernate.LONG).addScalar("name", Hibernate.STRING);
specializations = query.list();
catch(Exception e){
this.specializationItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(90);
for(Object[] sp: specializations ){
this.specializationItems.add(new SelectItem(sp[0],(String) sp[1]));
The problem is that I get a null pointer exception which shows that the list specializations (defined in the buildSpecializationList()) is null. I have tried the query myself on the table and it returns a result. I also tried HQL query (istead):
String sqlQuery = "Select JSpecializationId, specializationNameAr FROM JSpecializationWHERE JDepartmentId = '1000001'";
Query q = mySession.createQuery(sqlQuery);
But still, I get a null pointer exception which shows that the query returns me null result. Do you have any suggestions?
For anyone who encounters this problem using Hibernate ...... creating a new class and rewriting the whole thing may actually solve the problem!!!