I have my first application written in Netbeans, with supporting libraries. After building the project, the file NetbeansProjects/PDF/dist/PDF.jar runs fine.
I'm ultimately trying to build a OSX app, but think(?) that the first step is to bundle the PDF.jar and the /lib/*.jar files together.
To this end, I'm using JarSplice, but can't work out how set the Main Class. I think it should be found in the manifest.mf file, but it doesn't seem to contain anything. JarSplice requests:
Enter your applications main class file below, complete with any packages that it maybe in.
E.g: my package.someotherpackage.MainClass
Adding System.out.println(main.getClassName()); to my main method gives me "PDF" in the output window of Netbeans.
Can someone tell me how I go about finding the main class, and ideally, because I'm an idiot, exactly what to input into as the main class into JarSplice?
It depends were you put your main class when developing.
Try the class name that contains your main method, if you put your main method in Test.java then put;Test
If your main class is nested in a package then put something like org.package.Test
Once you export your .jar open up the Manifest file and next to Main-Class: should have the main class, just copy and paste
I currently don't have a working way to edit and run Java on my computer, so I'm trying to get Atom working with Java (I realize it's not a Java IDE and I'm not trying to make it one, I just want to be able to do some light Java work on my laptop). I've installed the script and instant-build packages for Atom and wrote the following test code in a file called "main.java' in my project folder:
class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
When I try to run the code with cmd+i (I'm on a 2012 MacBook Pro) and get the following error message:Error: Could not find or load main class main.
I'd be happy to provide any further information; thanks for helping!
The huge problem of learning Java is that you need to launch the projects in a very strict way, and setting the classpath is always problematic. The solution lays in the following (pretty enigmatic) line of the "Script" documentation:
Project directory should be the source directory; subfolders imply packaging.
So, instead of opening a plain file, open the project (folder) with .java classes or define inside the file, the package to which your .java belong.
It's due to the fact that JDE needs to create a virtual target in form of .classess and single .java file definitely can't be launched as standalone file. I suppose that "Script" is not able to locate the source folder when you try to execute seperate .java file.
Before launching your .java files always "Add Project Folder..."
Please remember that it's not possible to have several folders opened if they don't belong to the same project. Such situation cause problems of locating the right classpath and in the end javac prompts the error.
You have to name your file with the first letter in upper case Main.java, since it must match the name of your class
I replicated the issue quite easily. If I created a new directory in Atom itself and then tried to run the code it didn't work as your error message came up for me as well. Error: Could not find or load main class main.
I used an existing directory and then created a file inside that folder in Atom and ran the same code it worked. I then copied and pasted that same file into the directory of my choice and it worked.
I want to create an executable jar in eclipse. I tried the option that said create executable jar but it didn't let me. Then I tried creating a normal jar file with a manifest like this:
Main-Class: Game.Game
Class-Path: AppletSource.jar
Here, the executable class is an applet (not JApplet) inside the package Game and a class called Game.class. It uses a package called AppletSource.jar. When I create it, it does not run. It says it failed to load the Main-Class manifest atribute. The AppletSource.jar is in there. Did I miss anything? and is the Main-Class wrote like that if it is inside a package?
PS: I added a main method to the Game class and now it gives me noclassdefounderror. It cant find the AppletSource.jar
I'm trying to run theme studio for jscookmenu, by double-clicking the file js-cook-menu_2.30.jar. But when I do that, I get the following message:
"Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from C:\dev\tapestry-jsmenu_2.30\js-cook-menu_2.30.jar"
After searching on the internet, I found that it is necessary to specify a main class in the file manifest.mf of a jar file in order to run it. I thought that if I modified js-cook-menu_2.30.jar and I add a manifest.mf specifying a class with a main method, I could run the program.
I looked on the source code provided with the downloadable package, but no success.
Could someone help me with this?
Your error is exactly what it says it is. A main class and a main method of another class are very different things. Per your error message, the documentation and what you found from looking you need to add a main class, so that's what I would recommend doing.
I have written two simple Java classes (one of them containing "main()", and the other called by "main()").
Class #1 (containing "main()"):
package daniel347x.outerjar;
import daniel347x.innerjar.Funky;
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
Class #2 (called by "main()"):
package daniel347x.innerjar;
public class Funky
public static void foo()
System.out.println( "Funky!" );
The above classes appear in different project root folders, and use Maven as the build system (each project has its own POM). The pom.xml file for the main project includes the proper entry to add daniel347x.outerjar.App as the main class, and it properly includes the dependency on daniel347x.innerjar. Both projects build successfully into JAR files.
I use NetBeans to wrap these as Maven projects (in fact, I used NetBeans to create both projects). When I run the main project from within NetBeans, it runs successfully and I see Funky! as the output.
However, when I attempt to run the main class straight from the Windows command line (cmd.exe), passing the JAR file containing Funky on the command line's classpath, as such:
java -classpath "P:\_Dan\work\JavaProjects\JarFuckup\innerjar\target\innerjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" -jar "P:\_Dan\work\JavaProjects\JarFuckup\outerjar\target\outerjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
... I receive the dreaded NoClassDefFoundError:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: daniel347x/innerjar/Funky
at daniel347x.outerjar.App.main(App.java:7)
I have carefully confirmed that, inside the innerjar JAR file noted above containing Funky, that the path structure is daniel347x\innerjar and that inside the innerjar folder is the Funky.class file - and this file looks correct within a HEX editor where I can see the ASCII strings representing the name of the class.
The fact that the class can't be found defies my understanding of Java, which I thought allows you to pass JAR files as a -classpath parameter and it will be able to find classes inside those JAR files.
This very basic point has me flummoxed - an answer that explains what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
The classpath is ignored when using the -jar option. A way to run your app would be java -classpath "P:\_Dan\work\JavaProjects\JarFuckup\innerjar\target\innerjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar";"P:\_Dan\work\JavaProjects\JarFuckup\outerjar\target\outerjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" daniel347x.outerjar.App
Perhaps a better approach would be to add a manifest file to the Jar that specifies the class path of the dependent Jars by relative paths. Then..
java -jar "P:\_Dan\...\outerjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
..should do it.
Double clicking the main Jar will also launch it. That is mostly useful for GUIs.
I have a java project. I can run it through command prompt but can not able to run through Eclipse or NetBeans. When I run it, the error come main class is not found.
What can i do ?
How are you trying to run it in Eclipse and Netbeans? Basically you need to tell them which class to execute - which class has the main method in.
In Eclipse you can just go to the relevant class and hit Alt-Shift-X, J to launch it.
A few steps for eclipse
create a new project: Menu File/New/Project...
place your java source in the src folder of your project
through the context menu (right click the project name in navigator) you define the build path, and add required libraries.
now your code should be ready to run using the green (>) button
Is your project using libraries? I had the opposite problem where I could run my program in Netbeans and not from the jar (or command line) because the libraries were in my Netbeans folder and not my "distribution" folder.
EDIT: By libraries I mean third party libraries.
When you create a project in NetBeans, it will create a default Main class for you, complete with a main(String[] args) method. To access your code, just rename your class main method, copy it (and any dependnt classes into the project and change the package names to reflect the project name) and instantiate the class containing it in the default NetBeans main method and call the renamed main method e.g. if your class is called HelloWorld and the main method was renamed "hello" the call would look like:
HelloWorld hw = new HelloWorld();
Simples :)