Let's say I have some javadoc available online. Is it possible to download it as a .jar or .zip so I could attach it to library and use in my IDE (NetBeans)?
I am not looking for a way of attaching Java documentation. I am after third party library docs which cannot be downloaded, but are available online.
third party library docs which cannot be downloaded, but are available online.
I have spend 2 hours to search how I can setup the protobuf in windows for java. I really tied by searching and didn't find any way. Some say download the binary protoc.exe from https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases and some say download the source code then generate the binary.
I stopped my self by searching after reading about each page related to this from first google search. But still didn't find a way to solve it. There is no protoc.exe file in google release page and I don't know how I can create it because I don't have good experience in C++ ( Just know the basics ).
So I posted the question here to get help. Please let me know how I can download protoc.exe file. If not then how I can create it? I just downloaded protobuf-java-3.4.1.zip from google release page.
You can find the precompiled binary on the 3.4.0 release.
The archive to download for windows is protoc-3.4.0-win32.zip.
The 3.4.1 release contains only minor bugfixes, so they probably didn't bother to create the binary for it.
Download the package for CPP from the github
Below is the download link,
Extract it, goto "cmake" directory and read the readme.md doc.
It lists line by line procedure for windows environment setup.
How can I attach the openCV API docs to my project? Currently when I hover over a specific openCV method I do not see any docs, and I have to refer to the docs website every time I need get familiar with any method.
Note: I am using openCV 2.4.11 in eclipse
As there is no offical Maven repository for OpenCV and the project does not provide a javadoc JAR file. The only possible solution seems to be
download the source repository
build the javadoc JAR yourself (see: http://code.opencv.org/issues/1847)
I downloaded the netbeans provided CVS API for java from https://netbeans.org/projects/versioncontrol/downloads/download/org-netbeans-lib-cvsclient.jar
But I cannot find any documentation besides basic usage anywhere.
Where can I download the source files for this library. I tried downloading from netbeans using mercurial client, as explained here, but even after 3-4 hours and few hundred megs of data transfer, I was not able to find any file!
I'm looking for a Java library that can open .vhd files. I wants to create a program that can navigate inside it. I also want it to be
cross-platform. I have googled for an library a while now but found nothing. I did only find an old unanswerd question here on stack overflow.
Can anyone help me?
Consider libguestfs. libguestfs is a C library, but it has a Java binding.
It claims to be cross-platform, working on Linux and Mac OS X, and "[s]ome virt tools have been ported to Windows". Check to see whether the features you need work on Windows.
libguestfs does support VHD images (under the format name vpc).
Obtaining libguestfs
The Java bindings, which contain the com.redhat.et.libguestfs package, are available as part of the source distribution tarball. This can be obtained from the libguestfs download page; select the latest version, currently 1.18.8.
Alternatively, a pre-compiled JAR might be available from the Maven repository.
Either way, on Windows you likely have to compile the native libguestfs library yourself.
Where can I find the source code for the Java library classes? I mean classes in rt.jar.
Platform: Windows.
For old versions of Java with separate JRE and JDK downloads, download the JDK. The sources for the public classes are in src.zip.
Here's the browsable source code for OpenJDK 7.
Update: As of June 2018 grepcode seems to be down. Here you can find an alternative.
Update^2: As of October 2020, the two previous links do not work. View it at OpenJDK and vote up the answer by Nosrep, which I got it from.
Sources are in src.zip located in the installation folder:
On Windows, the JDK includes src.zip by default if I remember well.
On a Linux distro, you may have to install the sun-java6-source package.
On Mac, you'll have to download the Developer Documentation. Have a look at this answer.
If you only need to have a look at the source/implemenation, i would suggest using
GrepCode is even better
You can directly browse the code online here for Java : https://zgrepcode.com/java/openjdk/10.0.2/
It is a great tool also for browsing most of the open source projects as it gives you internal linking to classes.
As almost all the suggestions seem to be either grepcode or zgrepcode which are both down, I found one from OpenJDK here: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk/file/tip/src/share/classes/
Edit: a more complete version of all OpenJDK projects and JDK 6-15 can be found here: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/
As mention above, most of the source files can be found by downloading the SDK.
However for some classes you can find the source code (javax.ssl etc') for I suggest adding the jad eclipse plugin that will decompile any class without using external site such as Docjar.
Jad eclipse info:
There is also grepcode.com (not sure how old this site is, perhaps this answer is an update for new solutions now), sample query: