JAVA download command in matlab code [duplicate] - java

I want Matlab program to call a java file, preferably with an example.

There are three cases to consider.
Java built-in libraries.
That is, anything described here. These items can simply be called directly. For example:
map = java.util.HashMap;
map.get(1) %returns 10
The only complication is the mapping Matlab performs between Matlab data types and Java data types. These mappings are described here (Matlab to Java) and here (Java to Matlab). (tl; dr: usually the mappings are as you would expect)
Precompiled *.jar files
You first need to add these to Matlab's java class path. You can do this dynamically (that is, per-Matlab session, with no required Matlab state), as follows:
You can also add these statically by editing the classpath.txt file. For more information use docsearch java class path.
Precompiled *.class files.
These are similar to *.jar file, except you need to add the directory containing the class file, rather than the class files themselves. For example:
%NOT THIS: javaaddpath('c:\full\path\to\directory\containing\class\files\classname.class')

Ok, I'll try to give a mini-example here. Either use the java functions right from the Matlab window as zellus suggests, or, if need permits, create your own java class. Here's an example:
package testMatlabInterface;
public class TestFunction
private double value;
public TestFunction()
value = 0;
public double Add(double v)
value += v;
return value;
Then turn it into a jar file. Assuming you put the file in a folder called testMatlabInterface, run this command at the command line:
jar cvf testMatlab.jar testMatlabInterface
Then, in Matlab, navigate to the directory where your testMatlab.jar file is located and run the command, import testMatlabInterface.* to import all the classes in the testMatlabInterface package. Then you may use the class like so:
>> methodsview testMatlabInterface.TestFunction
>> me = testMatlabInterface.TestFunction()
me =
>> me.Add(10)
ans =
>> me.Add(10)
ans =
>> me.Add(10)
ans =
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


How to instantiate Java class from MATLAB? [duplicate]

I want Matlab program to call a java file, preferably with an example.
There are three cases to consider.
Java built-in libraries.
That is, anything described here. These items can simply be called directly. For example:
map = java.util.HashMap;
map.get(1) %returns 10
The only complication is the mapping Matlab performs between Matlab data types and Java data types. These mappings are described here (Matlab to Java) and here (Java to Matlab). (tl; dr: usually the mappings are as you would expect)
Precompiled *.jar files
You first need to add these to Matlab's java class path. You can do this dynamically (that is, per-Matlab session, with no required Matlab state), as follows:
You can also add these statically by editing the classpath.txt file. For more information use docsearch java class path.
Precompiled *.class files.
These are similar to *.jar file, except you need to add the directory containing the class file, rather than the class files themselves. For example:
%NOT THIS: javaaddpath('c:\full\path\to\directory\containing\class\files\classname.class')
Ok, I'll try to give a mini-example here. Either use the java functions right from the Matlab window as zellus suggests, or, if need permits, create your own java class. Here's an example:
package testMatlabInterface;
public class TestFunction
private double value;
public TestFunction()
value = 0;
public double Add(double v)
value += v;
return value;
Then turn it into a jar file. Assuming you put the file in a folder called testMatlabInterface, run this command at the command line:
jar cvf testMatlab.jar testMatlabInterface
Then, in Matlab, navigate to the directory where your testMatlab.jar file is located and run the command, import testMatlabInterface.* to import all the classes in the testMatlabInterface package. Then you may use the class like so:
>> methodsview testMatlabInterface.TestFunction
>> me = testMatlabInterface.TestFunction()
me =
>> me.Add(10)
ans =
>> me.Add(10)
ans =
>> me.Add(10)
ans =
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Loading java code at runtime

I got a little project where I have to compute a list. The computation depends on serveal factors.
The point is that these factors change from time to time and the user should be allowed to change this by it's self.
Up to now, the factors are hard-coded and no changes can be done without recompiling the code.
At the moment the code looks like this:
if (someStatement.equals("someString")) {
My idea is to make an editable and human readable textfile, configfile, etc. which is loaded at runtime/ at startup? This file should hold the java code from above.
Any ideas how to do that? Please note: The targeted PCs do not have the JDK installed, only an JRE.
An effective way of going about this is using a static initializer. Static Block in Java A good and concise explanation can be found under this link.
One option here that would allow this would be to use User Input Dialogs from the swing API - then you could store the users answer's in variables and export them to a text file/config file, or just use them right in the program without saving them. You would just have the input dialogs pop up at the very beginning of the program before anything else happens, and then the program would run based off those responses.
You could use Javascript for the configuration file language, instead of java. Java 7 SE and later includes a javascript interpreter that you can call from Java. it's not difficult to use, and you can inject java objects into the javascript environment.
Basically, you'd create a Javascript environment, insert the java objects into it which the config file is expected to configure, and then run the config file as javascript.
Okay, here we go... I found an quite simple solution for my problem.
I am using Janino by Codehaus (Link). This library has an integrated Java compiler and seems to work like the JavaCompiler class in Java 7.
BUT without having the JDK to be installed.
Through Janino you can load and compile *.java files(which are human readable) at runtime, which was exactly what I needed.
I think the examples and code-snippets on their homepage are just painful, so here's my own implementation:
Step one is to implement an interface with the same methods your Java file has which is loaded at runtime:
public interface ZuordnungInterface {
public ArrayList<String> Zuordnung(ArrayList<String> rawList);}
Then you call the Janino classloader when you need the class:
File janinoSourceDir = new File(PATH_TO_JAVAFILE);
File[] srcDir = new File[] { janinoSourceDir };
String encoding = null;
ClassLoader parentClassLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
ClassLoader cl = new JavaSourceClassLoader(parentClassLoader, srcDir,
And create an new instance
ZuordnungsInterface myZuordnung = (ZuordnungInterface) cl.loadClass("zuordnung")
Note: The class which is loaded is named, so there is no extension needed in the call cl.loadClass("zuordnung").
And finaly the class I want to load and compile at runtime of my program, which can be located wherever you want it to be (PATH_TO_JAVAFILE):
public class zuordnung implements ZuordnungInterface {
public ArrayList<String> Zuordnung(ArrayList<String> rawList){
ArrayList<String> computedList = (ArrayList<String>) rawList.clone();
if (Model.getSomeString().equals("Some other string")) {
computedList.add("Yeah, I loaded an external Java class");
return computedList;
That's it. Hope it helps others with similar problems!

Execute .jar file in Spoon (Pentaho Kettle)

I need to execute a java jar file from Spoon.
The program has only one class, and all I want is to run it with or without parameters.
The class is named "Limpieza", and is inside a package named:
I have deploy the jar to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kettle\data-integration\lib
And from a Modified JavaScriptValue step, I am calling it this way:
var jar = com.everis.csv.clean.Limpieza;
This is not working at all, is there a way around to make it work?
Also would be nice to have a way to see the logs printed by the program when it runs.
I am not getting any error when I run the transformation.
Check the blog below:
Hope this might help :)
Spoon will load any jar files present in its
folder and its subfolders during startup, so if you want to access classes from a custom jar, you could place the jar here.
So you need to create a custom jar and place the jar in
While calling a custom class in "Modified Java Script Value" or in "User Defined Java Class step" you should call with fully qualified name. For example var jar = com.everis.csv.clean.Limpieza.getInstance().getMyString();
Note: After placing the jar, make sure you restart the Spoon.
If still does not work please attach the Pentaho.log (data-integration-server/logs/Pentaho.log) and catalina.out(data-integration-server/tomcat/logs) logs
The answer was to create a User Defined Java Class (follow the guide Rishu pointed), and here is my working code:
import java.util.*;
import com.everis.csv.Cleaner;
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException
Cleaner c = new Cleaner();
// The rest of it is for making it work
// You will also need to make a Generate Rows step that inputs a row to this step.
Object[] r = getRow();
if (r == null) {
return false;
r = createOutputRow(r, data.outputRowMeta.size());
putRow(data.outputRowMeta, r);
return true;

Make JAR as a standalone executable

Is there a way to convert JAR lib into JAR standalone?
I need to find a standalone java executable that convert PDF into TIFF and I've found these JARs:
Any ideas?
Easiest might be to create another Jar with a Main() entry point, and then just use the java.exe executable to run it:
> java.exe -cp MyJarMain.jar;MyPDFJar.jar com.mydomain.MyMain myPDF.pdf
Where MyMain is a class with a Main static method.
You'll need something with a main entry point to pass in and interpret some command line arguments (myPDF.pdf in my made-up example)
You could do an assembly (are you using maven?) and make sure the Main-Class entry in the points to the main class.
Since there is no main-Method, you have to write one, or write a whole new class to call the class/method TiffConver.convertPDF .
The question is, how you're going to use it. From the command line, you need no executable jar. From the Gui, maybe you want to pass a file to be converted by drag and drop? Then you should take the parameter(s) passed to main as Input-PDF-Names (if they end in .pdf) and pass the names iteratively to TiffConverter, for "a.pdf b.pdf" =>
TiffConver.convertPDF ("a.pdf", "a.tiff");
TiffConver.convertPDF ("b.pdf", "b.tiff");
TiffCoverter will silently overwrite existing tiffs, so check that before or change the code there - this is clearly bad habit, and look out for more such things - I didn't.
* Remove target file if exists
File f = new File(tif);
if (f.exists()) {
Maybe you wan't to write a swing-wrapper, which let's you choose Files interactively to be converted. This would be a nice idee, if no filename is given.
If the user passes "a.pdf xy.tiff" you could rename the converted file to xy, as additional feature.
Without a main-class, however, a standalone jar would be magic.
However, building a native executale is almost always a bad idea. You loose portability, you don't profit from security- and performance improvements to the JVM or fixed bugs. For multiple programs you need always an independend bugfix, which you might have to manage yourself, if you don't have a package-management as most linux distros have.
after clearing some questions:
public static void main (String [] args) {
if (args.length == 1 && args[0].endsWith (".pdf")) {
String target = args[0].replaceAll (".pdf$", ".tif");
convertPDF (args[0], target);
This method you put into TiffConvert. It will allow you to convert a simple pdf-File, and generate a tif-File with the same basename but ending in .tif, silently overwriting an existing one of the same name.
I guess you now need to know how to start it?

Is it possible to "add" to classpath dynamically in java?

java -classpath ../classes;../jar;. parserTester
How can i get the functionality in the above command programmatically? Like, is it possible to run as:
java parserTester
and get the same result? I tried using URLClassLoader but it modifies the classpath and does not add to it.
Thanks for the response Milhous. But that is what i am trying to do.. How is it possible to get the jar into the classpath first? I tried using a custom classloader too :(
That works.. But sorry that i need to run it only as:
java parserTester
I would like to know if such a thing is possible???
It needs to be so bcoz i have and .class in a separate folder. I need to retain the file structure. The parserTester makes use of a jar in a separate jar folder.
You can use a to load classes with any program defined list of URL's you wish:
public class URLClassLoader
extends SecureClassLoader
This class loader is used to load
classes and resources from a search
path of URLs referring to both JAR
files and directories. Any URL that
ends with a '/' is assumed to refer to
a directory. Otherwise, the URL is
assumed to refer to a JAR file which
will be opened as needed.
The AccessControlContext of the thread
that created the instance of
URLClassLoader will be used when
subsequently loading classes and
The classes that are loaded are by
default granted permission only to
access the URLs specified when the
URLClassLoader was created.
And a little fancy footwork can extend it to support using wildcarded pathnames to pick up entire directories of JARs (this code has some references to utility methods, but their implementation should be obvious in the context):
* Add classPath to this loader's classpath.
* <p>
* The classpath may contain elements that include a generic file base name. A generic basename
* is a filename without the extension that may begin and/or end with an asterisk. Use of the
* asterisk denotes a partial match. Any files with an extension of ".jar" whose base name match
* the specified basename will be added to this class loaders classpath. The case of the filename is ignored.
* For example "/somedir/*abc" means all files in somedir that end with "abc.jar", "/somedir/abc*"
* means all files that start with "abc" and end with ".jar", and "/somedir/*abc*" means all files
* that contain "abc" and end with ".jar".
public void addClassPath(String cp) {
String seps=File.pathSeparator; // separators
if(!File.pathSeparator.equals(";")) { seps+=";"; } // want to accept both system separator and ';'
for(StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(cp,seps,false); st.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
String pe=st.nextToken();
File fe;
String bn=null;
if(pe.length()==0) { continue; }
fe=new File(pe);
if(fe.getName().indexOf('*')!=-1) {
if(!fe.isAbsolute() && pe.charAt(0)!='/' && pe.charAt(0)!='\\') { fe=new File(rootPath,fe.getPath()); }
try { fe=fe.getCanonicalFile(); }
catch(IOException thr) {
log.diagln("Skipping non-existent classpath element '"+fe+"' ("+thr+").");
if(!GenUtil.isBlank(bn)) {
fe=new File(fe,bn);
if(classPathElements.contains(fe.getPath())) {
log.diagln("Skipping duplicate classpath element '"+fe+"'.");
else {
if(!GenUtil.isBlank(bn)) {
else if(!fe.exists()) { // s/never be due getCanonicalFile() above
log.diagln("Could not find classpath element '"+fe+"'");
else if(fe.isDirectory()) {
else if(fe.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || fe.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
else {
log.diagln("ClassPath element '"+fe+"' is not an existing directory and is not a file ending with '.zip' or '.jar'");
log.diagln("Class loader is using classpath: \""+classPath+"\".");
* Adds a set of JAR files using a generic base name to this loader's classpath. See #link:addClassPath(String) for
* details of the generic base name.
public void addJars(File dir, String nam) {
String[] jars; // matching jar files
if(nam.endsWith(".jar")) { nam=nam.substring(0,(nam.length()-4)); }
if(!dir.exists()) {
log.diagln("Could not find directory for Class Path element '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
if(!dir.canRead()) {
log.error("Could not read directory for Class Path element '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
FileSelector fs=new FileSelector(true).add("BaseName","EG",nam,true).add("Name","EW",".jar",true);
if((jars=dir.list(fs))==null) {
log.error("Error accessing directory for Class Path element '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
else if(jars.length==0) {
log.diagln("No JAR files match specification '"+new File(dir,nam)+".jar'");
else {
log.diagln("Adding files matching specification '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
for(int xa=0; xa<jars.length; xa++) { addURL(createUrl(new File(dir,jars[xa]))); }
private URL createUrl(File fe) {
try {
URL url=fe.toURI().toURL();
log.diagln("Added URL: '"+url.toString()+"'");
if(classPath.length()>0) { classPath+=File.pathSeparator; }
return url;
catch(MalformedURLException thr) {
log.diagln("Classpath element '"+fe+"' could not be used to create a valid file system URL");
return null;
I have to agree with the other two posters, it sounds like you're overcomplicating a test class.
It's not that unusual to have the .java and .class files in separate folders, while depending on jar files in yet a third, without programmatically changing the classpath.
If you're doing it because you don't want to have to type the classpath on the command line everytime, I would suggest a shell script or batch file. Better yet, an IDE.
The question I really have is why are you doing trying to manage the classpath in code?
You could implement your own class loader, but that class/jar has to be in the classpath for it to be executed.
java -cp *.jar:. myClass
export CLASSPATH=./lib/tool.jar:.
java myClass
java -jar file.jar
You can write a batch file or shell script file to export the classpath and run the java program.
In Windows,
set classpath=%classpath%;../classes;../jars/*
java ParserTester
In Unix,
export classpath=%classpath%:../classes:../jars/*
java ParserTester
If you name the file name as parser.bat or, you can just run that by calling parser in respective OS.
From java 1.6, you can include all the jars in a directory into the classpath just by saying /*
If you are trying to generate a java file dynamically, compile and add into the classpath, set the directory into which the class file gets generated in the classpath beforehand. It should load the class.
If you are modifying the already generated java class, basically recompiling after modification and if you want to load the new class, you need to use your custom class loader to avoid the caching of the class.
I think what you want is an "Execution Wrapper" or a platform specific "Launcher"... typically this component is used to detect your OS and architecture and dependencies and then makes adjustments before launching your application. It is an old school design pattern (talking 80's and earlier) but is still used a lot today. The idea is that you program can be system and environment agnostic and the launcher will make preparations and tell the software everything it needs to know. Many modern open source programs do this with Shell scripts and Batch Files, etc... Apache Tomcat for example. You could just as easily make the wrapper in java an have it launch the software with a command line exec (be sure to add " &" to the end of you exec command in *NIX so your wrapper can exit leaving only your software running... also lets you close the shell window without killing the process)
Did I understand right?! The only reason you have it that you want to launch your class without specifying the classpath and load it at runtime? ...
java parserTester
instead of
java -classpath ../classes;../jar;. parserTester
Probably I didn't get your reason. But if "that's" what you want you can do the following ( although it does not make much sense to me )
Launch the class
From the main method lauch another class an programatically set the classpath there.
End of history.
Something like the following "java -pseudo code "
public static void main( String [] args ) {
String classpath = "classes;../jar";
Runtime.getRuntime().execute("java + classpath + " parserTester ");
Please tell me if I get it right. If you want to do something else I would gladly help.
Excellent good post, in my case I did this to work well (note: Windows specific):
set classpath=%classpath%;../lib/*
java -cp %classpath% com.test.MyClass

