I have a standalone project which is gradle based. When I do gradle build, the jar is generated under build/libs. How do I run this executable jar from command line? I tried : java -cp build/libs/foo.jar full.package.classname but I get noClassFoundException for the classes that were imported. How do I include dependent jars as part of classpath?
Since question is marked with gradle tag I assume you want to run jar from gradle build. I also assume you use java plugin for your gradle build.
Add next lines in your gradle:
task runFinalJar(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = files('build/libs/foo.jar')
classpath += sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = full.package.classname
You can now include your task to the build process:
Or just run it form command line:
gradle build runFinalJar
UPDATE: It is cleaner to use application plugin as Peter suggested
Add a simple task to run jar
task runJar(type: JavaExec) {
main = "-jar";
args jar.archivePath
UPDATE: jar.archivePath is now deprecated, you can use jar.archiveFile.get()
task runJar(type: JavaExec) {
main = "-jar";
args jar.archiveFile.get()
Either use the application plugin to create an archive containing your code, its dependencies, and startup scripts, or create an executable fat Jar. The latter shouldn't be done in the naive way, but with the gradle-one-jar (or a similar) plugin.
I think that the answers go beyond what the question actually is. The question is, or can be restated as, how to run a JAR which gradle builds.
The questioner states that they've tried java -cp build/libs/foo.jar full.package.classname to no avail.
The correct syntax is java -jar build/libs/foo.jar, or if the JAR is right there, obviously it's then just java -jar foo.jar as normally.
The question should be edited for clarity, IMHO.
I am a newbie, so my explanations here will be simplistic. My build.gradle file contains only one line: apply plugin: 'java'. I have a hello world java code in src/main/java/org/dx/test/App.java. From the command shell, I typed: gradle build. And then I saw this jar file magically created:
All of the above answers did not work. What worked for me is:
java -cp build/libs/helloworld.jar org.dx.test.App
Now, I know gradle is full of sorcercy so I am sure my situation may not fully reflect your situation. The actions are did were:
Create that one line build.gradle file
Create the App.java under the doctor's prescribed folder location
Type gradle build
To run a jar in terminal, first build a jar using "gradle clean build" then , navigate to -> build -> distribution -> unzip <filename>.zip file
-> cd to unzipped file
-> cd bin
there will be 2 files - projectname & <projectname.bat> run the jar with ./projectname
If there are some args to be passed to main method use : run the jar with ./projectname params
So, I've recently (partially) completed a Java project with Gradle. Importantly, the project uses absolute pathing to access files in my resources folder, since those files will change after the JAR is made. When I use Eclipse's "export as runnable JAR" functionality, I get something that works perfectly - putting the .jar file in my main directory lets it find everything. However, using Gradle's build function doesn't, because Gradle adds extra layers between the .jar and the resources. To demonstrate, here's my "normal" directory:
./program root directory
|_[actual resources]
And here's the directory Gradle makes:
./build folder
| |_program.jar
|_[actual resources]
What I want from Gradle is:
./build folder
|_[actual resources]
Yes, I could manually move the resources and program.jar around in the directory to achieve this, but that feels wrong - this is exactly what Gradle is supposed to do for me, right? I know there has to be SOME way to do it. I just don't know how. So that's why I'm asking for help - how do I do this?
To change the output of resources:
sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir = "$buildDir/resources"
To change where the JAR file is put:
jar {
// use destinationDir for Gradle < 5.1
destinationDirectory = buildDir
If all your resources are meant to be external you may want to exclude them from the JAR file:
jar {
include '**/*.class'
destinationDirectory = buildDir
That will only include .class files from the jar task's input. You can customize this using the include and exclude options.
I am using CMake to compile jar file with add_jar command. Problem is that when I try to add INCLUDE_JARS to specify dependency to external jar, the code will not run. Here is the code example:
ENTRY_POINT com.test.Main
Running the testJar with "java -jar testJar.jar" gives me the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/json/JSONException
The org.json jar should be in classpath, right? Adding manifest file with classpath solves the problem but is there way to do this without the manifest file?
And yes, I would use maven or gradle for building but as of restrictions in the project I cannot do that :)
The option INCLUDE_JARS only makes sure that the given external jar is added to the class path upon compilation of the given Java source files. The jar file is neither copied to the build directory nor is it added to the jar file generated by add_jar.
If inclusion of the external jar in the Manifest file is not an option for you, manually add it to the class path upon running the testJar, i.e.:
java -cp path/to/json-20171018.jar -jar testJar.jar
Hi Guys I have included the Webcam-Capture API in my project.
When I run it in Netbeans everything works fine. But when i compile everything to a runnable jar i get this message trying to run it by cmd line.
can anyone of you help me?
i already tried to unbound and rebound all jars and changing jdks but its not working
add -classpath flag in the command line ,pointing to the path where Webcam-Capture API exists in your file system, unless you want to create a single package executable.In your case It should be something like below
java -classpath YOURJAR.jar;folder_of_dependant_jar/*;. com.awesome.pagackage.Starter
Where YOURJAR.jar contains the com.awesome.pagackage.Starter.main(String args[])
You also mentioned that your jar is a runnable jar it also means that while exporting/building you can do one of the following way.( NOTE , this feature is in eclipse , but you would get the idea ).Each of the following options you see in the library handling does specific things.
The first option: Extracts the dependent jar into your target jar as java packaging.This means if your package is com.awesome.package and the dependent jar has package logic.package; , after the runnable jar is build you could find both these package exists in your jar file.
The second option: I think it is more on eclipse specific since eclipse adds few classes of its own , of runnable generation, so I am not explaining it here.
The third option : is the most interesting one. it creates folder stucture like below
ndon_lib\external.jar ( external jar file )
ndon.jar ( your jar file )
This time the manifest.mf file contains something like below.
Class-Path: . ndon_lib/external.jar
Main-Class: com.awesome.pagackage.Starter
You should set the classpath
java -cp "your.jar" "yourclass"
Below is my sample class file:
package org.foo.tutorial;
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
In order to execute the project (maven framework) we run:
>java -cp Something-1.0.SNAPSHOT.jar org.foo.tutorial.APP
The above command works fine and gives me the output 'HELLO WORLD'.
However, if I leave out the third argument in the above command (org.foo.tutorial.APP) I get the following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class target.MavenTutorialApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
My question is:
Why should the groupId and app name matter when I am supplying the entire 'jar' file ?
The error is a bit misleading. Your java command is incorrect since you don't specify a class. The Something-1.0.SNAPSHOT.jar is meant to be part of the -cp option but java is interpreting it as the class.
That's how java behaves
The java command starts a Java application. It does this by starting a
Java runtime environment, loading a specified class, and calling that
class's main method.
If your .jar file contains an entry point specified by a Main-Class header in the manifest, then you can simply run
java -jar Something-1.0.SNAPSHOT.jar
Let me try to answer your question.
Why should the groupId and app name matter when I am supplying the
entire 'jar' file ?
Lets divide the question into smaller part -
What is group id? - The id of the project's group.
What is artifactId? - The id of the artifact (project) and off course version is part of default artifact name.
While running a java program under jvm there are no such effect that how you built jar, for example it is produced by maven or gradle build process or even command line.
Things that matter is jar file and entry point or the class where main reside.
This may be out of scope of this question, but i felt relevant.
To run java program from jar file, you can explicitly mention like above. Also you can create executable jar file by adding manifest file, where it define the entry point of the executable -
Main-Class: org.foo.tutorial.APP
How to create executable jar?
Also maven maven-assembly-plugin helps to package executable jar.
I need help including imported jar files into my java program in Linux. Here is the program:
import java.sql.*;
public class CreateCoffees
public static void main(String args[])
try {
catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
In order to execute Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"); I need two .jar files added into the classpath:
I put these jar files into the same directory as my CreateCoffees.java file, then compile and run it like this:
javac CreateCoffees.java
java CreateCoffees
But I got this error
ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
Then I tried the "-classpath" option
javac -classpath ./db2jcc_license_cu.jar:./db2jcc4.jar CreateCoffees.java
java -classpath ./db2jcc_license_cu.jar:./db2jcc4.jar CreateCoffees
but got this
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CreateCoffees
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: CreateCoffees
How to I include those jar files into a my runnable jar so I can run it with java -jar myjar.jar ?
Try this
java -classpath ./db2jcc_license_cu.jar:./db2jcc4.jar:. CreateCoffees
when you use -classpath it looses current directory from classpath so it needs . in classpath as well explicitly
How to include the jars of your project into your runnable jar:
I'll walk you through it step by step with Eclipse Version: 3.7.2 running on Ubuntu 12.10. I'll also show you how to make the build.xml so you can do the ant jar from command line and create your jar with other imported jars extracted into it.
Basically you ask Eclipse to construct the build.xml that imports your libraries into your jar for you.
Fire up Eclipse and make a new Java project, make a new package 'mypackage', add your main class: Runner Put this code in there.
Now include the mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar from Oracle which enables us to write Java to connect to the MySQL database. Do this by right clicking the project -> properties -> java build path -> Add External Jar -> pick mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar.
Run the program within eclipse, it should run, and tell you that the username/password is invalid which means Eclipse is properly configured with the jar.
In Eclipse go to File -> Export -> Java -> Runnable Jar File. You will see this dialog:
Make sure to set up the 'save as ant script' checkbox. That is what makes it so you can use the commandline to do an ant jar later.
Then go to the terminal and look at the ant script:
So you see, I ran the jar and it didn't error out because it found the included mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar embedded inside Hello.jar.
Look inside Hello.jar: vi Hello.jar and you will see many references to com/mysql/jdbc/stuff.class
To do ant jar on the commandline to do all this automatically: Rename buildant.xml to build.xml, and change the target name from create_run_jar to jar.
Then, from within MyProject you type ant jar and boom. You've got your jar inside MyProject. And you can invoke it using java -jar Hello.jar and it all works.