I am currently making a program to procedurally generate 2d terrain maps, with different technics such as perlin noise, simplex, voronoi, fractal noise, etc. on a size-defined image to be able to use it in my games requiring a 2d terrain.
I've come across the "Modelling fake planets" section of http://paulbourke.net/fractals/noise and I need to make it on a 2d texture, and not on a 3d world like it is explained.
Now I'm trying to
create a line from point 'X' to point 'Y'
That line will define a zone with a boolean value for left or right of the line to be "darker".
Doing that for a number of iteration to create a texture.
Using the RGB value of the final image to change stuffs such as forests, lakes, etc.
this would work this way:
overrides with this method below,
I used my high school maths powers to create a code sample but it's not really working...
How should i change it so it works instead of just being failing?
Is there a simpler way than using what i am using?
Java file:
if i need an example on how i will proceed, here it is:
package Generator;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Random;
import VectorialStuffs.Vector2;
public class Linear
public static BufferedImage generateImage(Dimension dim, int iterations)
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(dim.width, dim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
//point X and point Y
Vector2 pointX;
Vector2 pointY;
//difference between those
Vector2 diff;
Vector2 side;
double slope;
Random rand = new Random();
boolean direction; //the orientation of the dark zone. (left/right)
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
pointX = new Vector2(0, 0);
pointY = new Vector2(0, 0);
direction = rand.nextBoolean();
side = new Vector2(0, 0); //there are 4 sides of the image.
while (side.x == side.y)
side.x = rand.nextInt(3); //0 - 1 - 2 - 3
side.y = rand.nextInt(3);
switch(side.x) //not the x coord, the X point! ;D
//x = random and y = 0
case 0:
pointX.x = rand.nextInt(dim.width);
pointX.y = 0;
//x = max and y = random
case 2:
pointX.x = dim.width;
pointX.y = rand.nextInt(dim.height);
//x = random and y = max
case 1:
pointX.x = rand.nextInt(dim.width);
pointX.y = dim.height;
//x = 0 and y = random
case 3:
pointX.x = 0;
pointX.y = rand.nextInt(dim.height);
switch(side.y) //not the y coord, the Y point! ;D
//x = random and y = 0
case 0:
pointY.x = rand.nextInt(dim.width);
pointY.y = 0;
//x = max and y = random
case 2:
pointY.x = dim.width;
pointY.y = rand.nextInt(dim.height);
//x = random and y = max
case 1:
pointY.x = rand.nextInt(dim.width);
pointY.y = dim.height;
//x = 0 and y = random
case 3:
pointY.x = 0;
pointY.y = rand.nextInt(dim.height);
diff = new Vector2((pointY.x - pointX.x), (pointY.y - pointX.y));
slope = diff.y / diff.x;
Graphics graph = image.getGraphics();
if (direction) //true = right | false = left
int start; //the start x coordinate, on the line then increases until reaching the end of the image
int end = dim.width;
graph.fillRect(pointX.x - 8, pointX.y -8, 16, 16);
graph.fillRect(pointY.x - 8, pointY.y -8, 16, 16);
for (int times = 0; times < dim.height; ++times) //horizontal drawer
start = (int)((times-diff.y)/slope + diff.y); //this is where it goes wrong?
for (int value = start; value < end; ++value)
graph.setColor(new Color(rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), 100));
graph.fillRect(value, times, 1, 1);
int start; //the start x coordinate, on the line then increases until reaching the end of the image
int end = dim.width;
graph.fillRect(pointX.x - 8, pointX.y -8, 16, 16);
graph.fillRect(pointY.x - 8, pointY.y -8, 16, 16);
for (int times = 0; times < dim.height; ++times) //horizontal drawer
start = (int)((times-diff.y)/slope);
for (int value = end; value < start; --value)
graph.setColor(new Color(rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), 100));
graph.fillRect(value, times, 1, 1);
return image;
In this case vector2 is just a class with X and Y, which can be accessed (this is probably going to be temporary).
Startup part to avoid you losing time:
terrainImage = Linear.generateImage(size, 1); //size being a Dimension. -> "new Dimension(256, 256)"
if (terrainImage != null)
Icon wIcon = new ImageIcon(terrainImage);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "message", "title", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION, wIcon);
here is the code that needs improvement:
if (direction) //true = right | false = left
int start; //the start x coordinate, on the line then increases until reaching the end of the image
int end = dim.width;
graph.fillRect(pointX.x - 8, pointX.y -8, 16, 16);
graph.fillRect(pointY.x - 8, pointY.y -8, 16, 16);
for (int times = 0; times < dim.height; ++times) //horizontal drawer
start = (int)((times-diff.y)/slope + diff.y); //this is where it goes wrong?
for (int value = start; value < end; ++value)
graph.setColor(new Color(rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), 100));
graph.fillRect(value, times, 1, 1);
int start; //the start x coordinate, on the line then increases until reaching the end of the image
int end = dim.width;
graph.fillRect(pointX.x - 8, pointX.y -8, 16, 16);
graph.fillRect(pointY.x - 8, pointY.y -8, 16, 16);
for (int times = 0; times < dim.height; ++times) //horizontal drawer
start = (int)((times-diff.y)/slope);
for (int value = end; value < start; --value)
graph.setColor(new Color(rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), 100));
graph.fillRect(value, times, 1, 1);
i can't get it to work like i showed in the picture above, all it does is either nothing, or offset from the 2 points.
Also, sometimes it freezes for no reason, so idk what will happen if i make more iterations of this :/
The pattern generation element of your code should only take about 3 lines, including rotation, colour pattern modulation and all as a function of iterations of i.
I will try and be clear:
you don't need a bar/line to generate your maps, you need any pattern on one/2 axes that starts off half of the period of the map and that gets a smaller and smaller proportion of the map or a smaller and smaller period.
A line is round(x); or round (x+y) or round(sin(x+y +translatebar)+barwidth)<--a real bar in middle not just on side //
you can do curvy and zigzag lines later and 2D lines using additions and multiplications of X and Y functions. That function is essentially just a single line where you can change it X value so that rotates.
instead of a functional X every time which make a vertical line, you need to use sinus and co sinus function to generate X and Y values.
4 example 30; rotation is : round( X * 0.866+ Y* 0.5)
Get the sine and cosine of a random values and it will give you random rotations of your pattern the handy thing is that you just make a random value of your loop iteration and send it to a sign cosine.
OK i ll write this in pseudocode it will be simpler:
var pattern = 0; // black canvas
for(var i=1; i=100; i++)
pattern += round((sin (X*sin(pseudorand(i)) + Y*cos(pseudorand(i)) + translation) + roundshift )*strength;
The above loop will generate thousands of map patterns by adding bars of different rotations.
Round = quantizes your sin(XY) function so it is just black and white / red grey.
Sin(XY) = a variable function to use as a pattern, quantized by round to 0/1 values... multiply and clamp that value in the same line so it doesnt exceed 1 or 0
roundshift = value inside round(sin) pattern that shifts the sin down or up inside the round value resulting in smaller or larger amouts of black/white ration of each iteration. its a multiple of i so it's a function of i, gets smaller every loop.
xsin(rnd i) ycos(rnd i) = rotates your pattern both rnd's are same number necessarily.
translate value = when you +/- a number to a Sin(x+translate). it moves bar backwards/forwards
in the end your pattern value will equals maxiumum 100, so devide by 100 so it's 0-1 or mult by 2.56 for 256, and use a color randomiser to make RGB random multiples of your pattern value.
The above loop obviously needs to run once for every pixel x y.
i dont know how to do the canvas array/texture addin pixels in JS, it should be easy.
The above code will give you great patterns and visual feedback of your errors so you should be able to refine it very nicely, only think i missed is clamp to 0-1 values of sin (-1 1)+ roundshift result.
so a bar is round(sin(xy)+translate), and you can use many many functions of xy added muptiplied sins to add together everything else instead bars, graph circles, squares, wiggles, ovals, rectangles etc.
there is a website all about patterns of this type, except for ordered angles and say 5-6 iterations, using dots bars triangles etc, he is Canadian and on deviant art as well, if there weren't so many TD pattern generated I could find his website!
Here is a website explaining the process of "pattern piling" it's overlaying many shapes in smaller and smaller iterations.
only difference is he uses ordered rotations to create symmetry, and you want random rotations to create chaos maps.
see all the pics of piled patterns in 2d, he has many examples on deviant art and his site, i learnt alot from this guy:
here is more work of superimposed smaller and smaller patterns in symmetry rotations:
same as this using random sin cos rotations.
I have a simple 2D polygon with 4 points.
int[] x = {38, 100, 80, 18};
int[] y = {50, 50, 100, 100};
Polygon poly = new Polygon(x, y, 4);
The above polygon is just an example. The polygon above could really be anything as long as the polygon is always convex, always has 4 points, and is a parallelogram. I need to split it into any number of even parts, all proportional to the bigger polygon, as long as the number is a square number. Is there any simple way I can do this? I am using Graphics on a Jframe if that's important at all.
The code below works for any convex 4-sided polygon. When the initial polygon is a parallelogram, the resultant sub-polygons are by nature all parallelograms too, all with the same size, i.e. they are even-sized.
Since the desired number of parts must be a square number, it means we can simply split the 4-sided polygon horizontally and vertically into partsPerSide = sqrt(parts).
When we split a 4-sided polygon into multiple parts, we may end up with coordinates that are not exact integers. We can simply round the value to an integer, but then the pieces wouldn't be exactly even in size. Whether that is acceptable is a matter of choice. Visually, the rounding can be noticed, since the lines won't be 100% straight.
In the code below, we assume that rounding is not acceptable, i.e. we want exact even sizes. If rounding is ok, simply comment out the if (rounded != delta) throw new ArithmeticException() code at the end, then call splitFourSided() with the desired number of partsPerSide.
Enough talk, here is the code:
private static Polygon[][] splitFourSided(Polygon poly, int partsPerSide) {
if (poly.npoints != 4)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polygon must be 4-sided");
if (partsPerSide <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There must be a positive number of parts per side");
int[][] x = splitFourSided(poly.xpoints, partsPerSide);
int[][] y = splitFourSided(poly.ypoints, partsPerSide);
Polygon[][] pieces = new Polygon[partsPerSide][partsPerSide];
for (int row = 0; row < partsPerSide; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < partsPerSide; col++) {
pieces[row][col] = new Polygon(
new int[] { x[row][col], x[row][col+1], x[row+1][col+1], x[row+1][col] },
new int[] { y[row][col], y[row][col+1], y[row+1][col+1], y[row+1][col] },
return pieces;
private static int[][] splitFourSided(int[] xy, int parts) {
// To visualize, assume values are [topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft].
// The 'xy' array is either the x-coordinates or the y-coordinates.
// First we split left and right sides, e.g. for 3 parts:
// From: ┌ To: ┐
// ├ ┤
// ├ ┤
// └ ┘
// Then we split between those:
// ┌─┬─┬─┐
// ├─┼─┼─┤
// ├─┼─┼─┤
// └─┴─┴─┘
int[] from = splitRange(xy[0], xy[3], parts);
int[] to = splitRange(xy[1], xy[2], parts);
int[][] grid = new int[parts + 1][];
for (int i = 0; i <= parts; i++)
grid[i] = splitRange(from[i], to[i], parts);
return grid;
private static int[] splitRange(int from, int to, int parts) {
int[] prorated = new int[parts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= parts; i++)
prorated[i] = prorate(from, to, i, parts);
return prorated;
private static int prorate(int from, int to, int index, int parts) {
if (index == 0)
return from;
if (index == parts)
return to;
double delta = (to - (double) from) * index / parts;
int rounded = (int) Math.round(delta);
if (rounded != delta)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot prorate to integer value");
return from + rounded;
int[] x = {38, 100, 80, 18};
int[] y = {50, 50, 100, 100};
Polygon poly = new Polygon(x, y, 4);
splitAndDrawFourSided(g, poly, 2);
private static void splitAndDrawFourSided(Graphics g, Polygon poly, int partsPerSide) {
Polygon[][] pieces = splitFourSided(poly, partsPerSide);
for (int row = 0; row < partsPerSide; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < partsPerSide; col++)
Graphics gMain = g.create();
try {
} finally {
To search for a valid number of parts, we can add a search loop, and change the coordinates so they are only divisible by 7.
int[] x = {37, 100, 79, 16};
int[] y = {50, 50, 99, 99};
Polygon poly = new Polygon(x, y, 4);
for (int partsPerSide : new int[] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }) {
try {
splitAndDrawFourSided(g, poly, partsPerSide);
break; // stop when successful
} catch (#SuppressWarnings("unused") ArithmeticException ignored) {
continue; // try next number of parts
If we remove the rounding check, that code will of course always just split by 2 parts per side, i.e. into 4 parts. This shows the effect of rounding, e.g. in this case the center row coordinates ended up a bit to the right, causing the black and red lines to not match up. Even without the red line depicting the input parallelogram, the rounding can be noticed. Anti-aliasing helps, but it can still be noticed that the vertical lines aren't 100% straight.
I'm trying to take this code I finally got working for drawing one star and am confused on how to get it working for drawing 25 different stars (such as different sides and spikinness but I am unsure how to go about it exactly. I assume I would make a new random variable int randomStars = (int)(Math.random()*25+1); // Variable for 25 Random Stars to randomly generate the stars but I'm kind of confused where to take it from there.
I'd appreciate the help.
My Code (Using DrawingPanel.java):
import java.awt.*;
public class StarSampler {
public static void main(String[] args)
DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel(500, 500);
Graphics2D g = panel.getGraphics();
panel.setBackground(new Color(250, 0, 0));
fillStar(g, 250, 250, 150, 5, .3); // How to rotate it to start at center?
public static void fillStar(Graphics2D g, int ctrX, int ctrY, int radius, int nPoints, double spikiness)
double xDouble[] = new double[2*nPoints];
double yDouble[] = new double[2*nPoints];
int xPoint[] = new int[2*nPoints];
int yPoint[] = new int[2*nPoints];
nPoints = (int) (nPoints * 2);
int randomStars = (int)(Math.random()*25+1); // Variable for 25 Random Stars
// Would Nestest loop go here? for (randomStars++; randomStars < 25; randomStars++)
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
double iRadius = (i % 2 == 0) ? radius : (radius * spikiness);
double angle = (270) + (i * 360.0) / (nPoints);
xPoint[i] = (int) (ctrX + iRadius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)));
yPoint[i] = (int) (ctrY + iRadius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)));
g.fillPolygon(xPoint, yPoint, nPoints); // Creates polygon
My Output:
Build up slowly. First concentrate on positioning two stars, just two. Pick the coordinates for the centre of the stars and place them. Adjust to get it right (your first attempt will probably have errors). Test, fix, test again, fix again. Repeat.
Then play with the spikiness and other changes so the stars aren't identical. When, and only when, that is tested and working move on to three, four etc. stars. With more stars you will have to be more careful to avoid overlaps.
Update: this question is seeking guidance on how to get a set of neighbors for any given coordinate.
I created a 2d array that contains coordinates,
int[][] coordinates= { { -1, -1 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, +1 },
{ 0, -1 }, { 0, +1 }, { +1, -1 }, { +1, 0 }, { +1, -1 } };
As you can tell, these are the neighbors for coordinates (0,0).
Now I am trying to implement a method that takes two parameters (int positionX, int positionY), and use the input parameters value coordiante(x,y) as the starting coordinate and find all the neighbors for this coordinate.
I am thinking about something like this:
int getNearCoordinates(int positionX, int positionY) {
for (int[] coordinate: coordinates) {
//I am not sure what to do after this
I am trying to use a loop to get the individual coordinate from the 2d array I created and I am stuck at here. How do I find a way to appropriately find positionX's and positionY's neighbor?
What are neighbours?
All orange points in diagram below are neighbours of Origin (0,0)
I'd recommend to
Use a dedicated class (Coordinate) instead of int[]. This makes your code easier to extend (3rd dimention, etc) or to change (using double instead of int, etc.). In the example you can see an imutable class - this hinders code to have side effects.
Use Collection instead of Array. This makes handling much easier (you can simply add and remove items)
Use java8-Streaming-API. It is lightning fast and makes your code better readable.
Additional ideas:
You could even make getNearCoordinates part of the Coordinate class. This would make new Coordinate(27,35).getNearCoordinates() available.
Instead of storing x and y in separate fields you could also use a Map<Axis, Integer>. This would make your code a little bit harder to understand - but would reduce duplicated code.
You could also generate the collection of directions by using two nested loops for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) use(new Coordinate(x,y)). This would make your code cleaner, but might be harder to understand.
Example code:
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class Snippet {
// make a class to be more flexible
class Coordinate {
// final fields are making this an "imutable"
final int x;
final int y;
/** constructor to take coordinate values */
Coordinate(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
/** moves this coordinate by another coordinate */
Coordinate move(Coordinate vector) {
return new Coordinate(x + vector.x, y + vector.y);
/** using Collection instead of Array makes your live easier. Consider renaming this to "directions". */
Collection<Coordinate> coordinates = Arrays.asList(
new Coordinate( -1, -1 ), // left top
new Coordinate( -1, 0 ), // left middle
new Coordinate( -1, +1 ), // left bottom
new Coordinate( 0, -1 ), // top
new Coordinate( 0, +1 ), // bottom
new Coordinate( +1, -1 ), // right top
new Coordinate( +1, 0 ), // right middle
new Coordinate( +1, +1 ) // right bottom
/** #return a collection of eight nearest coordinates near origin */
Collection<Coordinate> getNearCoordinates(Coordinate origin) {
// turn collection into stream
// move the origin into every direction
// turn stream to collection
Same behaviour without Java8-streaming API would look like this:
/** #return a collection of eight nearest coordinates near origin */
Collection<Coordinate> getNearCoordinates(Coordinate origin) {
Collection<Coordinate> neighbours = new ArrayList<>();
for (Coordinate direction : coordinates)
return neighbours;
Two points A(x1,y1), B(x2,y2) are neighbours if this expression is true:
Math.abs(x1-x2) <= 1 && Math.abs(y1-y2) <= 1
Here if both differences are equal to zero then A equals B.
This is not the best way to implement it (using int[] for points), the purpose of this answer is to show the algorithms.
If you are talking about an unbounded plane then you will always have 8 points, so you could implement it the following way:
// first point index, 2nd: 0 = x, 1 = y
public int[][] getNeighbours(int x, int y) {
int[][] ret = new int[8][2];
int count = 0;
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
if (i == 0 && j == 0)
ret[count][0] = x + i;
ret[count++][1] = y + j;
return ret;
It gets more interesting if the plane is bounded, using an ArrayList this time:
public List<int[]> getNeighbours(int x, int y, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY) {
List<int[]> ret = new ArrayList<int[]>(8); // default initial capacity is 100
for (int i = Math.max(x - 1, minX); i <= Math.min(x + 1, maxX); i++)
for (int j = Math.max(y - 1, minY); j <= Math.min(y + 1, maxY); j++) {
if (i == x && j == y)
ret.add(new int[] {i, j});
return ret;
The latter will work for any point, also outside of the plane or just at the border.
That depends on how you define a neighbour. The code below will test the coordinates and return true for the diagonal as well as horizontal and vertical neighbours.
if (Math.abs(coordinate[0] - positionX) <= 1 && Math.abs(coordinate[1] - positionY) <= 1)
make sure to import java.lang.Math
Printing of the coordinates is just an example of course, but may be useful for debugging.
It may seem obvious, but you could duplicate coordinates, and add the given coordinate's x and y values to those of each coordinate, fit example using a for loop.
I'm trying to create a basic graph for my application, but I'm having a small issue with it. Presently, what happens is that my graph is generated as I'd hope, but when I go to graph my points inside of it, the points are always "off by 1", specifically, my point that should sit at spot 15 on the graph is displayed at 14. The same is true for all other points in my graph, as they are also displayed 1 lower than they should be. I tried to add 1 to cond, but that didn't seem to change any of the actual points as they're displayed, and simply shifted my labels on the y axis to start higher. Below is the code that I think is responsible, but if more is needed, simply ask and I shall post what's asked.
Note: This is for a class assignment where the purpose is to generate 2d graphics, so I can't use a graphing class specifically, although I know it be a far easier job to do so.
The code is below:
public class GraphicsView extends View {
ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
Path xPath = new Path();
Path yPath = new Path();
Path zPath = new Path();
Path drawGrid = new Path();
Integer xAxis;
Integer yAxis;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Integer counter = points.size();
Integer xCord;
yAxis = this.getHeight();
xAxis = this.getWidth();
<Setting different paint objects to the right colors here>
xPath.moveTo(20, yAxis-20);
yPath.moveTo(20, yAxis-20);
zPath.moveTo(20, yAxis-20);
drawGrid.moveTo(22, yAxis-20);
drawGrid.lineTo(22, 0);
drawGrid.moveTo(22, yAxis-20);
drawGrid.lineTo(xAxis, yAxis-22);
//Left right Axis (X)
for (Integer ctr = counter; ctr > 0; ctr--) {
Integer value = counter- ctr + 1;
canvas.drawText(value.toString(), (xAxis-20)/ctr,yAxis-5, grid);
//Up down Axis (Y)
for (Integer ctr = 1; ctr < 22; ctr++) {
Integer value = ctr - 1;
canvas.drawText(value.toString(), 5, scale(yAxis, ctr), grid);
for (Point point : points)
xCord = ((xAxis -20) / counter);
xPath.lineTo(xCord, scale(yAxis,point.getxCord()));
xPath.addCircle(xCord, scale(yAxis, point.getxCord()), 2, Direction.CW);
yPath.lineTo(xCord, scale(yAxis, point.getyCord()));
yPath.addCircle(xCord, scale(yAxis,point.getyCord()), 2, Direction.CW);
zPath.lineTo(xCord, scale(yAxis, point.getzCord()));
zPath.addCircle(xCord, scale(yAxis, point.getzCord()), 2, Direction.CW);
canvas.drawPath(xPath, xPaint);
canvas.drawPath(yPath, yPaint);
canvas.drawPath(zPath, zPaint);
counter -= 1;
private Integer scale(Integer Axis, Integer cord) {
Integer point = 0;
point = (Axis - (((Axis-20)/21)) * cord);
return point;
To reiterate, what I'm looking for is a way to resolve it so that when a value is set to 15, it shows it as being along the 15 on the y axis. At present, it shows it as being beside 14.
Whenever you call point.getyCord() just add a + 1 to it.
point.getyCord() + 1
And can you confirm that when you are setting a y value it is actually going in as the desired value.
Your problem lies here:
for (Integer ctr = 1; ctr < 22; ctr++) {
Integer value = ctr - 1;
canvas.drawText(value.toString(), 5, scale(yAxis, ctr), grid);
Your Y axis starts with label 0, but it puts it at the 1 position, since value = ctr - 1. When you use the scale() function later on, you don't offset it by one.
Two methods to fix this:
Modify scale() to offset for you
private Integer scale(Integer Axis, Integer cord) {
Integer point = 0;
point = (Axis - (((Axis-20)/21)) * (cord + 1));
return point;
If you use this method, you should also get rid of the value variable you used when drawing the axis, since you can just use ctr for the string as well.
Offset your y coordinate every time
As Colin Gillespie said, you can just add 1 to point.getCord().
I prefer the first method, since it's cleaner, and you only ever have to offset it once, in that function. With the second method, any time you ever pass a coordinate to scale, you'll have to remember to offset it.
I would like to implement a "grid view" of pixmaps. This is how I would like the UI to behave: You click a button and it shows a QGraphicsView with a QGraphicsScene (done) and then I would like to show all of my QPixmaps in a grid view. I don't actually want to see a grid I just want to organize the pixmaps like 10 columns (pixmaps) pr. row, and then a 10px whitespace in-between each pixmap. (not done). How would this be implemented?
EDIT: Here's what I've done so far (which produces the outcome described in the second comment)
public SpriteScene() {
super(0, 0, 800, 500);
QPixmap[] sprites = GUI.getWInterface().sprites;
List<QPixmap> l = Arrays.asList(sprites);
Iterator<QPixmap> i = l.iterator();
int rows = 10 / sprites.length;
boolean isDone = false;
for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
if(i.hasNext()) {
QGraphicsPixmapItem pixmap = addPixmap(i.next());
pixmap.setPos(x * 64 + 10 , y * 64 + 10);
} else {
isDone = true;
if(isDone) {
SpriteScene extends QGraphicsScene and is being added to a QGraphicsView like this:
spriteView = new QGraphicsView(new SpriteScene(), this);
spriteView.setGeometry(0, 35, 850, 550);
spriteView.setAlignment(new Qt.AlignmentFlag[]{Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop});
Oh and by the way each pixmap is 64x64px :)
pixmap.setPos(x * 64 + 10 , y * 64 + 10);
Write that down on paper for the first few values:
x = 0, y = 0 => pos = ( 10, 10)
x = 1, y = 0 => pos = ( 74, 10)
x = 2, y = 0 => pos = (138, 10)
There's only 64 pixel different between each successive x offset. You need 74 pixels - the size of the pixmap plus the size of the border.
Set a few variables for your image with, height, horizontal and vertical spacing, and your code should look like:
pixmap.setPos(x * (width+hspacing) + offsetx, y * (height+vspacing) + offsety);
The offsetx/y would probably look nicer if they were half the respective spacing valued to get the grid "centered".