How to set the background image of a button in java swing - java

I want to change the background image of a JButton in swing,
The method :
Button.setIcon (),
Set’s the icon only not the background,
Is there a easy way to do that?

You can still use setIcon but you will need to set the alignment to make the text appear over the image

One option is to subclass JButton, override paintComponent() method and paint the icon there.

The easy way use SynthLookAndFeel as described here or you could go with creating a class that extends JButton and provide a new implementation of paintComponent(Graphics g)


Is it possible to make a selection tool for an ImageIcon in a JLabel?

I want to be able to select part of an image in an ImageIcon on JLabel and fill it with color.
Is this possible I have become a little confused as I have read that an ImageIcon is not selectable but I am not sure if that means I have to find another way of displaying the image?
Possible, yes, difficult, yes.
You need to start with a BufferedImage, which you can then wrap in a ImageIcon and apply to a JLabel.
You would then need to register a MouseMotionListener and MouseListener to the label to detect the area which was selected, you would then modify the BufferedImage accordingly and repaint everything.
Having said that, I wouldn't use a JLabel, as you can't accurately calculate the location that the label renders the icon, instead, I'd make myself a custom component, extending from JPanel and encapsulate the functionality within it and use custom painting to paint the image (and the selection area)
Start by having a look at How to Write a Mouse Listener, Performing Custom Painting, 2D Graphics and possibly Reading/Loading an Image, Writing/Saving an Image

Draw something on JButton's right and top corner

I am trying to create JButton such as there must be a number painted on the top and right corner of JButton.
For example, in case of notification buttons there is a message in the button, how is that possible? Can the help be taken of paint method to draw the label?
there are three ways, by using
JLayer (Java7) based on JXLayer(Java6)
JButtton (all JComponents) is container too, there is easy and possible use standard LayoutManagers (only JFrame == BorderLayout and JPanel == FlowLayout have got implemented LayoutManager in API directly), then basically everything is possible
JButton and any JComponent extend Container class, so you should be able to add elements into JButton as if it were a simple panel. So in your case you can add a JLabel with your text into a button.
Also consider implementing Icon to decorate the button; ColorIcon is a simple example. You can use the color to signify buttons that are likely to need attention, and you can use drawString() specify a number.

How to add multiple layers onto JPanel

I need some help with Java Swing components and its capabilities. I need to add a JPanel to a JFrame and paint an Ellipse2D on it. Onto the Ellipse2D I want to add another element, in my case it is a picture (right now I use an ImageIcon, maybe wrong). How can I achieve adding the Ellipse2D and the picture on the panel as shown in the image I attached?
The reason why I need the images separated is, because I need to change the filling color of the ellipse sometimes.
Thanks for any help.
What you need is to create a custom JPanel implementation and override paintComponent method.
Inside it, you just do:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// Draw ellipse here
// Draw your image here. It will be drawn on top of the ellipse.
This way, you can hold the ellipse fill color in the CustomPanel class, and just call repaint() method after you change the color.
your idea could be very good described (including code example) in the Oracles tutorial How to Decorate Components with the JLayer Class
notice JLayer is available only for Java7, but its based on (for Java6) JXLayer
you can use (I'm using) GlassPane too, with the same / similair output to the Swing GUI
quite easy and nice output is by using OverlayLayout, there is possible to overlay J/Component(s) with Graphics e.g., a few examples
take the two images as image icons like
ImageIcon car=new ImageIcon("image path");
ImageIcon elipse=new ImageIcon("image path");
add those two image icons two label
JLabel carLabel=new JLabel(car);
JLabel ellipseLabel=new JLabel(ellipse);
and set the position of ellipse and car

Change JButton Shape while respecting Look And Feel

I know this question has been asked a million times, and can be done by overriding paintComponent(), but what I want to know is how to change the shape while respecting the current Look And Feel. If I want to change the shape to a circle, I also want the button to look like a button, just with a different shape.
I tried making a JButton, the overriding paintComponent, then clipping it to a circle, but I didn't get the border effects on Nimbus LAF.
Is there a better way? Or is there a method in JButton?
For drawing components a ComponentUI is used. This UI class has a paint method and is used to paint the component. The paint method uses the settings of the L&F which are stored as properties in the UIManager.
To create your own component RoundButton extending from e.g. AbstractButton you can create your own RoundButtonUI (maybe extending from ButtonUI). Here you can create your own paint method using the properties of a normal button like Button.font or Button.foreground to draw your own component with the same L&F values as a normal button.
In your RoundButton class you should implement the method getUIClassID() which will return the string "RoundButtonUI". This causes your RoundButtonUI to be used.
A good example is JButton itself.

Displaying image in a JFrame

I have a JFrame and I want to load a image to it when I click the load image button. Once I click next button I want to change the image. Loading image to a variable is no problem. I load it to Image img. I just want to show it. Which means i want to load it to a JLable or JPanel. How can I do this. Please help me.
Let use ImageIcon & JLabel.setIcon(...)
JLabel supports Icon/ImageIcons. This means that you can create a simple JLabel, pass an ImageIcon to it, and have it display. This should probably cover what you need.
JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image));
Create a custom component and override the paint(Graphics g) method. Use the given Graphics object to paint the image. You could cast to Graphics2D first if you need some more advanced options. Look through the methods defined by Graphics(2D), you'll find what you need pretty soon.
A subclass of JPanel would work well. The best choice really kind of depends on how you managed the contents of the JFrame.

