Changed Image file is not getting displayed using struts2 - java

I am tring to upload a file using struts2.File uploading is successful.I tried out many hints from stack overflow,but still failed to find a solution for this.
Nw when i try to change the image,the new image appears only after clearing the cache.It does not change spontaneously.The struts2 framwork makes use of tiles and
the images are getting displayed on header and leftContainer.
The file is named after the memberId logged in..(which is stored in session)
I made use of fileUpload code from:
destPath = org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
destPath = destPath + "images";
//where images are stored in images folder of webapps..
When i try uploading a new image,this image will be renamed by the memberId of the loggedin member(stored in session).
What my exact problem is that, new file is getting successfully uploaded to the images path.It is also renamed correctly.But this new image appears only when i either refresh the page or clear the cache.Why is this so??
How can refreshing be avoided?
Please help..........


JavaFX: ImageView cannot load image that was created by the program itself. Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:

I am attempting to create a program in which the user selects an image from a different folder on their computer and JavaFX copies that image into the project directory for future use. A new folder is created that will store the newly created image file. This is essentially the code for selecting and copying the image into the project directory:
Stage window = (Stage) ap.getScene().getWindow();
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
fileChooser.setTitle("Select Image File");
File selectedFile = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(window);
//Creates a new directory for the new calendar that the user wants to create
File file = new File("src/DefaultUser/" + nameField.getText() + "/");
//Creates a new file name with logo as the name, but keeping the extension the same
int index = selectedFile.getName().lastIndexOf(".");
String ext = selectedFile.getName().substring(index);
//Stored in newFileName
String newFileName = "logo" + ext;
File newFile = new File(file.getPath() + "/" + newFileName);
//Copies the selected file into the project src folder, with newFileName as the new file name
Files.copy(selectedFile.toPath(), newFile.toPath());
Then the program moves onto a different scene and thus a different controller actually loads the image into an ImageView. I know that the path for the Image works properly but for whatever reason the program cannot find the image file to load it into the ImageView.
Here is essentially the code used for that:
image.setImage(new Image("DefaultUser/" + imagePath));
Don't worry about what imagePath is in this case because I am absolutely positive it paths to the correct location for the newly created image file. This is because if I close the JavaFX program and rerun it, the image loads properly.
At first, I thought it was because it took time for the image to be copied into the project directory but I checked that the file actually existed within the code and it did so this is apparently not the case. I tried using Thread.sleep() to delay the program a bit so that the code would potentially have more time to copy the file but it still threw the same error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid URL: Invalid URL or resource not found
The strangest part about this is that the program works perfectly fine, it's just that I have to restart the JavaFX program for it to be able to detect the image file, even though I know it exists. Is there something weird about JavaFX and creating new files and accessing them within the same program? I am truly lost. Thank you so much in advance for any help and I'm sorry if this doesn't give enough information because I don't want to have to explain the whole project.
Just like haraldK and James_D said in the comments putting stuff in the src folder is generally a bad idea. I solved the issue by moving the folder out into the project directory instead.

Why am I getting a NoSuchFileException when running readAllBytes on this file

I am trying to make a simple android app that uses OpenAPLR
So I copied the code under the Java section on how to make a REST api request and put it all into onClick method of a button and took a picture of a license plate and saved it as license_plate.jpg in the location
But whenever I run the application I always get an error pointing to these lines
Path path = Paths.get("drawable/license_plate.jpg");
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: drawable/license_plate.jpg
Where should I be saving this image so I can use it during the application?
And where should I be saving images used for future applications when I am not just using a single picture I have already preloaded?
You give wrong path. You can only save a picture in your device and
then give image folder path for example :
Path path = Paths.get("/storage/projects/alpr/samples/testing/car1.jpg");
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);

How to add src path image to my pdf using Image.getInstance() method?

Here in my web-application under Images folder pdficon.png image is available I want to add this image using Image.getInstance() method but whaen I tring like this..
image = Image.getInstance("images/pdficon.png");
Here it showing Exception is
IOException :: C:\Users\Developpc\Downloads\wildfly-9.0.2.Final\bin\images\pdficon.png (The system cannot find the path specified)
So,what I need to do....
Signup for some free image hosting account and upload your image. After uploading your image you can get the URL of the image and put that URL for image.getInstanceMethod.
Image img = Image.getInstance(IMG_URL);
If you are using that image multiple times then create an string constant and use that.

Updated Image not getting reflected

I am trying to crop image.There is an ajax call made to the server end where cropping takes place and original file gets replaced with cropped image.
Now when i get back the control, i still see the old image even though cropped image exists at the same location.
Changes reflect only after page refresh which i don't want users to do it.Code for crop image is as follows
BufferedImage originalImgage = File(filePath+"\\"+subFolder+"\\"+fileName));
ImageIO.write(originalImgage,extention,new File(filePath+"\\"+subFolder+"\\"+dateStamp+"_"+fileName));//save original image
BufferedImage SubImgage = originalImgage.getSubimage(xAxis,yAxis,width,height);
File outputfile = new File(filePath+"\\"+subFolder+"\\"+fileName);
pls help
Try to replace the image src parameter with the new path returned from ajax in ajax success call back.
Well after struggling a lot finally found the problem.The image is cached by the browser. So whenever u do any operations on image on the same file location , the latest copy is not download.Instead old image from cache is still referred.
Hence the solution was to make browser download latest copy.This was simple.
Append dummy parameter to file path forcing browser to download
rand = new Date().getTime();
var image_Path = filePath+"?crop="+rand

Upload Image using Java is not saving properly in the cloud

My form has an upload button for the user to save file images.
ServletContext context = ServletActionContext.getServletContext();
String appPath = context.getRealPath("");
String filePath = appPath+"\\images\\categories";
File fileToCreate = new File(filePath, getMyFileFileName());
FileUtils.copyFile(getMyFile(), fileToCreate);
I need to upload the picture and put it on the image/categories folder for future access. It is working well in my localbuild but when I deployed it on the cloud by uploading the .war file, it doesn't work anymore. It cannot find the image.
HTML Error upon accessiing the image is as follow
type Status report
message /Teapop/images/categories/team.png
description The requested resource (/Teapop/images/categories/team.png) is not available.
What am I doing wrong?
please try to use File.separator instead
String filePath = appPath+File.separator+"images"+File.separator+"categories";
and please give me some feedback
Hope that helps .

