Convert JSONObject to Map - java

I have a JSONObject with some attributes that I want to convert into a Map<String, Object>
Is there something that I can use from the or ObjectMapper?

You can use Gson() ( library if you find any difficulty using Jackson.
//changed yourJsonObject.toString() to yourJsonObject as suggested by Martin Meeser
HashMap<String, Object> yourHashMap = new Gson().fromJson(yourJsonObject, HashMap.class);

use Jackson ( from
HashMap<String,Object> result =
new ObjectMapper().readValue(<JSON_OBJECT>, HashMap.class);

This is what worked for me:
public static Map<String, Object> toMap(JSONObject jsonobj) throws JSONException {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Iterator<String> keys = jsonobj.keys();
while(keys.hasNext()) {
String key =;
Object value = jsonobj.get(key);
if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
value = toList((JSONArray) value);
} else if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
value = toMap((JSONObject) value);
map.put(key, value);
} return map;
public static List<Object> toList(JSONArray array) throws JSONException {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
for(int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
Object value = array.get(i);
if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
value = toList((JSONArray) value);
else if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
value = toMap((JSONObject) value);
} return list;
Most of this is from this question: How to convert JSONObject to new Map for all its keys using iterator java

The best way to convert it to HashMap<String, Object> is this:
HashMap<String, Object> result = new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonString, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>(){}));

Note to the above solution (from A Paul):
The solution doesn't work, cause it doesn't reconstructs back a HashMap< String, Object > - instead it creates a HashMap< String, LinkedHashMap >.
Reason why is because during demarshalling, each Object (JSON marshalled as a LinkedHashMap) is used as-is, it takes 1-on-1 the LinkedHashMap (instead of converting the LinkedHashMap back to its proper Object).
If you had a HashMap< String, MyOwnObject > then proper demarshalling was possible - see following example:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeFactory typeFactory = mapper.getTypeFactory();
MapType mapType = typeFactory.constructMapType(HashMap.class, String.class, MyOwnObject.class);
HashMap<String, MyOwnObject> map = mapper.readValue(new StringReader(hashTable.toString()), mapType);

The JSONObject has a method toMap which returns Map<String,Object>.
The Maven dependency used in pom.xml:
You can find the current-version here.

Found out these problems can be addressed by using
ObjectMapper#convertValue(Object fromValue, Class<T> toValueType)
As a result, the origal quuestion can be solved in a 2-step converison:
Demarshall the JSON back to an object - in which the Map<String, Object> is demarshalled as a HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap>, by using bjectMapper#readValue().
Convert inner LinkedHashMaps back to proper objects
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Class clazz = (Class) Class.forName(classType);
MyOwnObject value = mapper.convertValue(value, clazz);
To prevent the 'classType' has to be known in advance, I enforced during marshalling an extra Map was added, containing <key, classNameString> pairs. So at unmarshalling time, the classType can be extracted dynamically.

This is how I did it in Kotlin:
mutableMapOf<String, Any>().apply {
jsonObj.keys().forEach { put(it, jsonObj[it]) }

Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
JSONObject rec = JSONObject.parseObject(<JSONString>);
map.put(rec.get("code").toString(), rec.get("value").toString());


How to map JSON to Java HashMap

I have a JSON like this: [{key:key1, value:value1}, {key:key2, value:value2}, ..., {key:keyn, value:valuen}]
and I need a HashMap in Java from that json like: {key1:value1, key2:value2, ..., keyn:valuen}
Is there a simple way to have it converted like this? I'm trying with Jackson but don't know how to specify key and value keywords.
It is very simple:
I would recommend using Jackson library:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>> typeRef = new TypeReference<>() {};
Map<String, Object> mapping = new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonStr, typeRef);
The input JSON describes an array/list of map entries where each entry is a POJO:
class Entry {
private String key;
private String value; // the type of value may be Object
Here #Data is a Lombok annotation which provides getters, setters, toString, etc.
So, at first a list of map entries is read, which is converted then to the map:
String json = "[{\"key\":\"key1\", \"value\":\"value1\"}, {\"key\":\"key2\", \"value\":\"value2\"}, {\"key\":\"keyN\", \"value\":\"valueN\"}]";
// step 1: read raw list of entries
List<Entry> input = mapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference<List<Entry>>() {});
// step 2: convert to map
Map<String, String> mapRead =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
{key1=value1, key2=value2, keyN=valueN}
Here's a solution using the JSON-P api.
import javax.json.*;
var str = "[{\"key\":\"key1\", \"value\":\"value1\"}, {\"key\":\"key2\", \"value\":\"value2\"}, {\"key\":\"keyN\", \"value\":\"valueN\"}]";
JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(str));
JsonArray jarr = reader.readArray();
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
for(JsonValue jv : jarr) {
JsonObject jo = (JsonObject)jv;
map.put(jo.getString("key"), jo.getString("value") );
I am using a JsonReader to convert the String to a JsonArray object.
Each entry of this JsonArray is a JsonObject like {key: keyX, value: valueX}.
I get the values corresponding to 'key' and 'value' and add them to a HashMap using a for loop.

Remove the key-value pairs (nested at any level) from a Json String using LinkedTreeMap

I have a Json String representing a object which further has another nested objects. Also, I have a list of keys which I need to remove from this Json String. These keys can be at any nested level of object inside this string. Finally I need to compare this edited Json string to another string and output the differences. I need to remove those key-value pairs from first Json string because I need to ignore those keys during comparison. Currently, I am converting the Json String to LinkedTreeMap provided by Gson API and then doing Map.difference() to compare. Please suggest a solution to this.
I did it by traversing recursively inside the Nested LinkedTreeMap till I find the field and remove it if it exists. The full path of Key needs to be provide to get the exact key-value location inside the Object (like "objects.desc" in the below Json Sample to remove desc from the Json String)
Json Sample:
"message": "MSG",
"code": "COD001",
"objects": [
"resource": "Student",
"field": "StudentId",
"desc": "Student Description"
Code Sample:
public MapDifference<String, Object> getMapDifference(String jsonString1, String jsonString2) {
MapDifference<String, Object> mapDifference = null;
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type mapType = new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() {
Map<String, Object> firstMap = gson.fromJson(jsonString1, mapType);
Map<String, Object> secondMap = gson.fromJson(jsonString2, mapType);
firstMap = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(firstMap) ? new HashMap<>() : firstMap;
secondMap = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(secondMap) ? new HashMap<>() : secondMap;
//This contains the List of keys that is required to be filtered out from Json Strings before comparision like {"message", "objects.desc"}
List<String> firstIgnoreList = getIgnoreList1();
List<String> secondIgnoreList = getIgnoreList2();
filterKeys(firstMap, firstIgnoreList);
filterKeys(secondMap, secondIgnoreList);
mapDifference = Maps.difference(firstMap, secondMap);
return mapDifference;
private void filterKeys(Map<String, Object> keyMap, List<String> ignoreList) {
if (!(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(keyMap) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ignoreList))) { -> recursiveRemove(keyMap, key));
private static void recursiveRemove(Map<String, Object> keyMap, String key) {
List<String> path = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(key.trim(), "."));
int size = path.size();
int index = 0;
List<LinkedTreeMap> treeMapList = new ArrayList<LinkedTreeMap>();
treeMapList.add((LinkedTreeMap) keyMap);
while (index != size - 1) {
int i = index++;
List<LinkedTreeMap> treeMapListTemp = new ArrayList<LinkedTreeMap>(); -> {
Object obj = treeMap.get(path.get(i));
if (obj instanceof List) {
treeMapListTemp.addAll((List<LinkedTreeMap>) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof LinkedTreeMap) {
treeMapListTemp.add((LinkedTreeMap) obj);
treeMapList = treeMapListTemp;
} -> treeMap.remove(path.get(size - 1)));

Java - Convert complexe List#toString to a List

I use this list:
List<HashMap<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>>
And I need to save it to a text file.
So with the List#toString method, I obtain a text like that:
[{{key=value, key=value, key=value}={key=value, key=value}}, {{key=value, key=value, key=value}={key=value, key=value}}, {{key=value, key=value, key=value}={key=value, key=value}}]
How can I convert it back to a List?
You are better off using a format like JSON or YAML. Usng toString() means there is too many corner cases like a = { } or , appearing in a key or value.
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1=new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> hash=new HashMap<>();
List<HashMap<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>> lists=new ArrayList<>();
hash.put(map1, map1);
The toString() method produces a format that is intended for logging and debugging, not for serialization and deserialization.
I recommend to convert your object into json format (other formats like xml can work just as well) and use a json library such as "Gson" for conversions.
Example how you can convert your object into a json string:
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(myObject);
Example how you can convert the json string back into an object, see:
creating Hashmap from a JSON String
Update: Here's a complete example of the first part:
List<HashMap<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>> myObject = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> hashMap1 = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> key1 = new HashMap<>();
key1.put("key1", "keyValue1");
Map<String, Object> value1 = new HashMap<>();
value1.put("value1", "valueValue1");
hashMap1.put(key1, value1);
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
String json = gson.toJson(myObject);
This example prints:
Update2 Use Pair (from apache commons lang3) instead of HashMap. That makes a lot more sense.
List<Pair<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>> myObject = new ArrayList<>();
MutablePair<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> pair1 = new MutablePair<>();
Map<String, Object> key1 = new HashMap<>();
key1.put("key1", "keyValue1");
Map<String, Object> value1 = new HashMap<>();
value1.put("value1", "valueValue1");
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(myObject);

Simple Java Json to Array

I'm stuck on something silly I'd appriciate some help with,
I'm getting this string via a stringified object in javascript:
What's the cleanest, simplest way to convert this into an array of objects?
I've started doing something ugly by just removing the unwanted characters and doing something like this:
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(value.split(",")));
for(String s : list)
But I'm sure there is a cleaner, simpler way ideally with GSON
Your JSON string looks like a simple list of key/value pairs. How about converting it to a Map
public static void jsonToMap(String t) throws JSONException {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(t);
Iterator<?> keys = jObject.keys();
while( keys.hasNext() ){
String key = (String);
String value = jObject.getString(key);
map.put(key, value);
System.out.println("json : "+jObject);
System.out.println("map : "+map);
Hope it helps.
jackson having ObjectMapper class which also doing this but it map the with the object and key name and object field name should be same for mapping code will be
import following package;
call will be
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Yourclass classObj = objectMapper

Gson: Is there an easier way to serialize a map

This link from the Gson project seems to indicate that I would have to do something like the following for serializing a typed Map to JSON:
public static class NumberTypeAdapter
implements JsonSerializer<Number>, JsonDeserializer<Number>,
InstanceCreator<Number> {
public JsonElement serialize(Number src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext
context) {
return new JsonPrimitive(src);
public Number deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
JsonPrimitive jsonPrimitive = json.getAsJsonPrimitive();
if (jsonPrimitive.isNumber()) {
return jsonPrimitive.getAsNumber();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a number field, but was " + json);
public Number createInstance(Type type) {
return 1L;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, Number> map = new HashMap<String, Number>();
map.put("int", 123);
map.put("long", 1234567890123456789L);
map.put("double", 1234.5678D);
map.put("float", 1.2345F);
Type mapType = new TypeToken<Map<String, Number>>() {}.getType();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Number.class, new
String json = gson.toJson(map, mapType);
Map<String, Number> deserializedMap = gson.fromJson(json, mapType);
Cool and that works, but it seems like so much overhead (a whole Type Adapter class?). I have used other JSON libraries like JSONLib and they let you build a map in the following way:
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
for(Entry<String,Integer> entry : map.entrySet()){
json.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Or if I have a custom class something like the following:
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
for(Entry<String,MyClass> entry : map.entrySet()){
JSONObject myClassJson = JSONObject.fromObject(entry.getValue());
json.put(entry.getKey(), myClassJson);
The process is more manual, but requires way less code and doesn't have the overhead of haivng to create a custom Type Adapter for Number or in most cases for my own custom class.
Is this the only way to serialize a map with Gson, or has anyone found a way that beats out what Gson recommends in the link above.
Only the TypeToken part is neccesary (when there are Generics involved).
Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
myMap.put("one", "hello");
myMap.put("two", "world");
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
String json = gson.toJson(myMap);
Type typeOfHashMap = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType();
Map<String, String> newMap = gson.fromJson(json, typeOfHashMap); // This type must match TypeToken
The default Gson implementation of Map serialization uses toString() on the key:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
Map<Point, String> original = new HashMap<>();
original.put(new Point(1, 2), "a");
original.put(new Point(3, 4), "b");
Will give:
"java.awt.Point[x\u003d1,y\u003d2]": "a",
"java.awt.Point[x\u003d3,y\u003d4]": "b"
Using enableComplexMapKeySerialization
If you want the Map Key to be serialized according to default Gson rules you can use enableComplexMapKeySerialization. This will return an array of arrays of key-value pairs:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().enableComplexMapKeySerialization()
Map<Point, String> original = new HashMap<>();
original.put(new Point(1, 2), "a");
original.put(new Point(3, 4), "b");
Will return:
"x": 1,
"y": 2
"x": 3,
"y": 4
More details can be found here.
In Gson 2.7.2 it's as easy as
Gson gson = new Gson();
String serialized = gson.toJson(map);
I'm pretty sure GSON serializes/deserializes Maps and multiple-nested Maps (i.e. Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) just fine by default. The example provided I believe is nothing more than just a starting point if you need to do something more complex.
Check out the MapTypeAdapterFactory class in the GSON source:
So long as the types of the keys and values can be serialized into JSON strings (and you can create your own serializers/deserializers for these custom objects) you shouldn't have any issues.
Map<String, Object> config = gson.fromJson(reader, Map.class);

