What I'm trying to do is to generate a random string of numbers E.G 2645237 and one char in a string in the range of A-Z E.G. W and combine the two strings to make 2645237W. I can generate a random number no problem. What I'm stuck on is: 1. Generating a random Char as a string. 2. Combining the two strings to create one string. To be clear what it's for is a school assignment to achieve some extra credit in my marking. Like always I'm not looking for the full answer. Some pseudo-code or a working example would be fine but I'd like the final "A-HA!" moment to be my own doing. A final parameter. This end result (the one string) would need to be a generated 50 times differently (I can do this) and then used as a sort of password. (Meant to replicate a PPS number, the added char is the bit that has my whole class stumped).
I'm not looking to cheat my way to a coded answer, just stuck on this problem (We've all been there)
You can generate a random character simply by doing 'a' (or 'A' for upper case) and then generating a random number from 0 to 25 and adding that to it. i.e. 'a'+3 is 'd'. Note the use of a single quote character to say this is a char literal as opposed to the double quote for a String literal.
That random character can then be appended to the string. StringBuilder would do it for you easily, I'm not sure off hand what the String + operator will do with it.
Random rn = new Random();
int range = 9999999 - 1000000 + 1;
int randomNum = rn.nextInt(range) + 1000000; // For 7 digit number
Random rc = new Random();
char c = (char)(rc.nextInt(26) + 'A');
String str = randomNum+""+c;
str prints like 1757217Y
To generate the letter and append on your number sequence:
String msg1 = "random number sequence";
Random gen = new Random();
char c = (char) (65 + gen.nextInt(26));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String result = sb.toString();
By the way, 65 is the ascii code of the letter 'A' and gen.nextInt(26) generates a number between 0 and 25, ie, we have a range between 65 and 90 which are the letters' A'-'Z' in ascii table
I have to convert a binary number to a hex number. The way I have decided to do this is to split the binary string into several strings of length 4 and assign each string its corresponding value in hex number (i.e. 1000 = 8, 1101 = D).
I have seen several question asking for a way to split a string into strings of size 4 the same thing but all of those solutions used a regex that gave a single string. For example I found this line of code in a solution:
When I tried to use it with the binary number "10011000", I got "[1001, 1000]" but as a single string (the brackets, comma, and blank space were included as characters) and I was left with the same problem, how do I split a string.
Is there a way to split a string into an array of smaller strings?
You can try making the string a char array and then into another array of strings, add each 4 characters of the char array.
Try this:
String BinaryNumber = "10011010";
char[] n = new char[BinaryNumber.length()];
for(int i=0; i<BinaryNumber.length(); i++){
n[i] = BinaryNumber.charAt(i);
String str;
String[] NumberArray = new String[(BinaryNumber.length())/4];
int count = 0;
for(int i=0; i<BinaryNumber.length(); i+=4){
str = String.valueOf(n[i])+String.valueOf(n[i+1])+String.valueOf(n[i+2])+String.valueOf(n[i+3]);
NumberArray[count] = str;
I think this might be the solution, though it will only work if the length of the BinaryNumber is divisible by 4.
Try it like this.
String binaryNumber = "110101111";
// first make certain the binary string is a multiple of length four so
// pad on the left with 0 bits.
binaryNumber = "0".repeat(3 - (binaryNumber.length()+3) % 4)
+ binaryNumber;
// Then you can just split it like this as you described.
String[] groups = binaryNumber.split("(?<=\\G.{4})");
for (String v : groups) {
For example, I would like to convert the int value 12 into a String output of BCD: 00 12 (0x00 0x12).
If I have int value of 256, it will be 02 56 (which is 0x02 0x56),
or if I have a int value of 999, it will be 09 99 (0x09 0x99),
9999 would be 99 99 (0x99 0x99).
Right now, my only solution is to create a String array of size 4, and calculate how many characters are there by converting the int value into String. If there are 2 characters, I will add 2 x 0 into the array first before adding the 2 characters, and then make them back into a single String variable.
int value = 12;
String output = Integer.toString(value);
// then count the number of characters in the String.
// 4 minus (whatever number of characters in the String, add zeros
// add the characters:
stringArray[0] = "0";
stringArray[1] = "0";
stringArray[2] = "1";
stringArray[3] = "2";
// then, concatenate them back
If there are 3 characters, I will add one 0 into the array first before adding 3 characters. I was wondering if there is any other way?
You can use String.format to append leading 0 and use substring to split in to two part.
int value = 12;
String output = String.format("%04d",value);
System.out.println(output.substring(0,2)+" "+output.substring(2,4));
String.format("%04d",value) will append 0s in the front if the length is less than 4.
If you do not want to use substring you can use String.split and String.join like below.
" ",
output.split("(?<=\\G.{2})") will split the string in 2 characters each.
Is that what you are asking for?
public static String formatTheString(String string, int length) {
return String.format("%"+length+"s", string).replace(' ', '0');
and pass the values like
I think what you are asking is not correct.
refer this for BCD.
and below code is sufficient for what you need
in above code n is your number.
I am generating a password which will have 6 to 10 digit.
This is my code which gives me random password of 6-10 digit,
val AB = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789:<=>?#_!#%&()*+,-.~";
val rnd = new Random();
def randomPassword(): String = {
val len = rnd.nextInt(5) + 5
val sb = new StringBuilder(len);
for (i <- 0 to len)
return sb.toString();
It works fine but the problem is that sometimes it gives all numbers or alphabets.
I want the combination of alphabets and number and special character every time. any suggestion?
Here is a more idiomatic solution to the problem which provides a better API.
object password {
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.immutable.Stream
private def gen = Random.alphanumeric
def get(len: Int): String = {
def build(acc: String, s: Stream[Char]): String = {
if (s.isEmpty) acc
else build(acc + s.head, s.tail)
build("", gen take len)
Lets generate some passwords
1 to 25 foreach { _ => println(password get 8) }
You will see something like
Note: this solution can go a couple of optimization rounds. E.g. #tailrec, StringBuilder.
def randomPassword(): String = {
val len = rnd.nextInt(5) + 5
val sb = new StringBuilder(len);
for (i <- 0 to len)
if(sb.toString is allString or allNum){
return randomPassword();
return sb.toString();
The simple solution imho would be (pseudo code)
generate password
if no alphabet;
if not max length;
add an alphabet
change last letter with an alphabet
if no digit;
if not max length;
add an digit
change first letter with an digit
if no special;
if not max length;
add an special
change second letter with an special
This never reduce entropy unless you already have a max length password.
Generate a random password of all letters first, then replace some of the letters with numbers/special characters as you desire.
(By the way, I'm not familiar with Scala, so I'm going to use Java's syntax, as I wouldn't know whether I'm typing something valid otherwise. My apologies.)
// Split source string into letters, numbers, and specials
String AB = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
String numbers = "0123456789";
String specials = ":<=>?#_!#%&()*+,-.~";
String randomPassword() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int len = rnd.nextInt(5) + 5;
// Generate password with letters first. This part is the same as the original code.
for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
// Generate an index to replace with a number
int numberIndex = rnd.nextInt(len);
// Generate an index to replace with a special character
int specialIndex;
do {
specialIndex = rnd.nextInt(len);
} while (specialIndex == numberIndex);
// Replace one letter with a number
sb.setCharAt(numberIndex, numbers.charAt(rnd.nextInt(numbers.length())));
// Replace one letter (or the number if you're unlucky) with a special character
sb.setCharAt(specialIndex, specials.charAt(rnd.nextInt(specials.length())));
It's a start, and has a flaw (only one number + special character), but it is easily fixable. This solution is also more efficient than generating entirely new passwords if one does not satisfy your criteria, and you're guaranteed to get a password that works when the method returns.
Using immutable data structures is more idiomatic to scala. The following code works.
protected def nextChar(): Char = Random.nextPrintableChar()
def randomString(length: Int = 10): String = {
(0 until length).map(_ => nextChar()).mkString
To ensure there's always a number, special character, and alphabet in string, i would generate each category of letters separately then randomly concatenate them in a functional way or simply with Random.shuffle(characterList).mkString =D.
You could do apply the principle of the while loop.
Store the appended password into a variable.
Use a while loop to check if it doesn't contain a number and/or symbol, if it doesn't, regenerate the password again and store it into the variable.
When the while loop breaks automatically, return the variable.
You can try this one, it works for me.
$length = 45;
$chars = array_merge(range(0,9), range('a','z'), range('A','Z'));
$password = implode(array_slice($chars, 0, $length));
echo "This is the password: ".$password;
An example of output:
This is the password: wmU7KaZoOCIf4qn2tz5E06jiQgHvhR9dyBxrFYAePcDWk
So I want to generate a random string but only want certain characters to be the string (Only ones that can be used in a file name to be hosted so something like www.example.com/HERE.EXTENTION).
So how can I make a random string that is a length that I want with only certain letters I want.
I know I can do a for look from the length, and then use the random number and cast that to a char and add it to a string. But I don't want characters that I don't want to be added and going through a loop with all that I don't want because that would take too long.
Use this quick method:
String genRand(int length){
Random rand=new Random();
String possibleLetters = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
return sb.toString();
Edit possibleLetters to include the characters you want. Note that \ and newlines must be escaped.
Store all your accepted letters in an array, then generate a random number between 0 and the length of this array N times, to get N indices of a letter in the array. Concatenate the letters.
Note that if your goal is to generate unique names, random is not the solution. A random doesn't guarantee uniqueness.
Other than the two answers -
You can have it like <yourChoiceOfName>-<currentTime>.yourext. This way the chances of two files with the same name is lesser.
The currenttime could include milliseconds.
In this case you have a known length i.e. length of yourChoiceOfName + length of currentTime + lenght of yourext.
I need to write a program where the program would generate random letter and i would need to store this random character into an array
char[] arrayRandom = new char[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
randomNumLet = (generator.nextInt(20) + 1);
System.out.print(arrayRandomLetter[randomNumLet] + " ");
arrayRandomLetter[randomNumLet] = arrayRandom[i];
is there anything wrong with my code?
because when i run this and printed the array i get boxes for all the values in the array and there are some letter that this line of code cannot print
System.out.print(arrayRandomLetter[randomNumLet] + " ");
You're assigning an element of arrayRandomLetter a value from arrayRandom. As you never initialize arrayRandom, its values are all 0. 0 is not the value of a printable character, hence the boxes.
An easy way to pick a random character is like this:
char randomChar = chars.charAt(random.nextInt(chars.length()));
You are trying to print arrayRandomLetter before it is assigned.
I'm not going to give you the answer, but I will give you a hint:
(char)('A' + 1) is 'B'
#fastcodejava's answer explains why you are seeing "boxes" -- rendering the ASCII NUL character.
#Mark Peters is also correct, but that's not the simplest solution.