Spring - Where to find the distribution jar files? - java

I will be starting to learn spring so I tried to download the latest sping version but I have encountered a problem and Im stuck. I can't find the distribution jar files. All I can see are java source files.
Here are the steps I did :
I went to this link projects
I clicked the Spring Framework link.
I checked the page and found nothing until I noticed the Cat Image
Download the zip and extracted it.
I checked the folder spring-core and found src folder. I tried to find any dist folder but found nothing except java files.
I did not bother to open all folders because I think it would be a waste of time.
Please help me. Im just starting to learn and now a bit frustrated.

1) consider all comments already given on your question, gradle and maven are very helpfull, and help you with nested dependecies
2) http://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring/


Installation of metadata-extractor

I'm stuck on installation.
I downloaded Maven, but I'm not sure which file within
the metadata-extractor folder (that I downloaded from the repo) to use as the target.
I tried all the files at the top level.
All attempts have failed, e.g.
java -jar metadata-extractor-2.13.0.jar build.gradle
com.drew.imaging.ImageProcessingException: File format could not be determined
I am using v2.13.0 of the meta-data extractor
I've just started to code and took interest in this project but also had issues using it. Instead of using Maven i just downloaded the source code from github and threw the 'com' folder into my myproject/src folder. Then i downloaded the xmpcore-6.1.10.jar library and added it to the Build Path. Got it working that way. I hope someone will give you a better solution but if you just wanna do something right away, you can try this solution.
Try downloading IntelliJ and create a "new project from version controll". Use the URL given on the GitHub page (under download/code). That will save you a lot of problems.

How to solve the path to an imported JAR file (NetBeans 9.0)

I am using NetBeans 9.0 with imported libraries (JAR files). Some of those I downloaded from a school's computer and others from home.
When I want to do the build it shows an error that it can't reach the library, even worst, I can not even remove libraries by some reason. Not even "manually" (enter the file's project and manually delete it).
In this picture you can see the build error log for some imported libraries (jsoup and jfreecharts) which by some reason can not be read.
On the right of the image you see the Edit for JSoup which shows a different path to the JAR file.
Why is NetBeans still looking for the previous path?
How I am supposed to solve this path problem when I can not even remove libraries?
How I can avoid this problem in the future?
Not using NetBeans won't be accepted as an answer.
Thanks for your interest and time.
Head over libraries in your project
Right click on it with your mouse and then into properties
This will set you into Categories: -> Libraries.
(Already solved the path issue that is why there are no red paths here)
There you can see all the classpaths of your libs and if those are correct. Delete those which are on red and reimport the JARs into your project.
Click on the path you want to delete and press Remove
This will solve the issue AND be able able to delete libraries that you are not using anymore.

SUMO SRTM osmosis plugin

I have been trying to run the SRTM-osmosis plugin (https://github.com/locked-fg/osmosis-srtm-plugin) for quite some time now. In the wiki, it is mentioned that you should move the compiled jar to the directory (/~.openstreetmaps/osmosis/plugins). I can't find the .jar file and don't know to generate it as mentioned in the wiki ?
Anyone faced a similar problem with the SRTM plugin ?!
The documentation was updated (https://github.com/locked-fg/osmosis-srtm-plugin). Just copied the .jar file to (~/.openstreetmaps/osmosis/plugins) and used the command: osmosis --read-xml map.osm --write-srtm tagName=ele --write-xml map_with_srtm.osm

STS project gives error cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file

I am for the first time trying java in Spring Tool Suite and using an example project imported, now running into endless issues. I tried building the project and go the following error:
Archive for required library: 'C:/Users/cccc/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-client/7.1.0/
vaadin-client-7.1.0.jar' in project 'quicktickets-dashboard' cannot be read or is not a
valid ZIP file quicktickets-dashboard Build path Build Path Problem
This is probably a spring issue and not related to the project itself. Please does anyone have a working solution to this. Tried a few, building, closing, rebuilding, deleting local repository etc. but still the same issue. Any ideas appreciated.
The most likely explanation is that your maven cache is corrupted. First, check if the C:/Users/cccc/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-client/7.1.0/vaadin-client-7.1.0.jar jar is complete. Run jar tvf on the file to make sure you can use it.
If you're lucky, things will work if you delete the C:/Users/cccc/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-client/7.1.0/ folder, but if that doesn't work, you will have to try deleting C:/Users/cccc/.m2/repository. It's just a local cache of artifacts downloaded from maven central or an internal repository, so it is OK to delete.
I am 90% certain this would fix your problem.
I clear /.m2/repository/.cache and it works fine.

selenium-server-standalone-2.37.0.jar is broken?

I'm trying to use the library "selenium-server-standalone-2.37.0.jar" in a project. The project was previously using "selenium-server-standalone-2.24.1.jar", but I think that is too out of date for my current version of Chrome.
When I tried to switch out the old jar for the new jar, though, I started getting the Eclipse error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Archive for required library: 'mypath/lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.37.0.jar' in project 'BookProject' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file BookProject Build path Build Path Problem
So I tried unpacking the jar with 7-zip, but in there I got the error:
Can not open file 'mypath/selenium-server-standalone-2.37.0.jar' as archive
Is this jar actually broken, or is there something I'm missing here? If this one isn't working, does anyone know where I could find the previous version? I couldn't find that anywhere.
If you are unable to open the jar even using 7-zip, then it's corrupt.
I'd recommend re-downloading it. Furthermore, when using eclipse, it might be a good idea to clear your dependency cache when upgrading things.. that usually solves things.
I suppose that it could be possible that the jar itself is just corrupt. If that's the case, try going to https://code.google.com/p/selenium/downloads/list and where it says "Search: Current Downloads" Select "Deprecated Downloads"
I still use

