WebLogic EJB 8.1 unhandled exception? - java
I am seeing the following error in logs from last week:
<Feb 7> <Warning> <WLW> <000000> <Id=top-level; Method=processes.FTPInboundProcess.subscription(); Failure=com.bea.wli.bpm.runtime.UnhandledProcessException: Unhandled process exception [ServiceException]>
<Feb 7> <Info> <EJB> <BEA-010213> <Message-Driven EJB: AsyncDispatcher's transaction was rolledback. The transaction details are: Xid=BEA1-3C63D2E9CC47D571774C(183265728),Status=Rolled back.
The code is below:
package processes;
import com.bea.data.RawData;
import com.bea.jpd.JpdContext;
import com.bea.jpd.JpdContext.ExceptionInfo;
import com.bea.jpd.ProcessDefinition;
import com.bea.wli.eventGenerator.FileEventGeneratorDocument;
import com.bea.wli.eventGenerator.TimerEventGeneratorDocument;
import com.bea.xml.XmlObject;
import com.bea.xml.XmlTokenSource;
import com.integration.exception.AppException;
import com.integration.util.EnvProperties;
import com.integration.util.KeyGenerator;
import com.integration.util.LogParameters;
import com.integration.util.MessageDataOperation;
import com.integration.util.PASLevel;
import com.integration.util.PASLogger;
import com.integration.util.StringEncrypter;
import com.integration.util.Utility;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import ftp.InterfaceDocument.Interface;
import ftp.InterfacesDocument;
import ftp.InterfacesDocument.Factory;
import ftp.InterfacesDocument.Interfaces;
import inbound.IFileAdapter;
import inbound.impl.FTPClientImpl;
import inbound.impl.FileClientImpl;
import inbound.impl.SFTPClientImpl;
import outbound.PostProcess;
public class FTPInboundProcess
implements ProcessDefinition
public boolean bIsFtpDeleteSuccess;
public boolean isWriteToLocalDirSuccess;
public String fileArchiveDir;
public boolean isChDirSuccess;
public byte[] ftpData;
public boolean isPutSuccess;
public TimerEventGeneratorDocument timerEventGeneratorDoc;
public FileEventGeneratorDocument fileEventGeneratorDoc;
public RawData inputRawData;
public IFileAdapter ftp;
public static String PROCESS_NAME = "FileXFRI";
public String processLabel;
public long processStartTime;
public long originalStartTime;
public long processId;
public long parentProcessId;
public String key;
public String protocol;
public String documentKey;
public boolean bAppException;
public boolean bMesageInorder;
public boolean bNewMessage;
public String errorStr;
public String sftpkey;
public String fileName;
public int fileCounter;
public String emailUser;
public transient Logger logger;
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public FTPInboundProcess.Callback callback;
public String ftpHostName;
public int ftpPort;
public String ftpUserName;
public String ftpPassword;
public String ftpDir;
public String ftpArchDir;
public String ftpLocalDir;
public String filePattern;
public String isFtpPostActionDeleteRequired;
public String isFtpPostActionArchiveRequired;
public String isEncryptRequired;
public long fileSize;
public String interfaceId;
public String emailYN;
public HashMap dataMap;
public XmlObject inputXML;
public String[] listOfFTPFiles;
public boolean isFTPConnected;
JpdContext context;
int postProcessReturnvalue;
public void subscription(XmlObject x0, TimerEventGeneratorDocument x1)
this.inputXML = x0;
this.timerEventGeneratorDoc = x1;
void initProcessVariables()
this.processStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.processLabel = "";
this.processId = 0L;
this.postProcessReturnvalue = 0;
this.parentProcessId = 0L;
this.documentKey = "";
this.bAppException = false;
this.errorStr = "";
this.fileSize = 0L;
this.interfaceId = "";
this.emailYN = "";
this.emailUser = "";
this.dataMap = new HashMap();
public void init()
throws Exception
this.logger = PASLogger.getLogger("PAS." + PROCESS_NAME);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINER, "Timer InputXML :" + this.inputXML.xmlText());
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINER, "Type::" + this.inputXML.getClass());
String xmlText = this.inputXML.xmlText();
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINER, "INPUT::" + xmlText);
InterfacesDocument input = InterfacesDocument.Factory.parse(xmlText);
this.interfaceId = input.getInterfaces().getInterfaceArray()[0].getId();
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINER, "Interface id : " + ((InterfacesDocument)this.inputXML).getInterfaces().getInterfaceArray(0).getId());
this.processId = KeyGenerator.generateKey("PROCESS_ID");
this.documentKey = (PROCESS_NAME + "::FTP::" + this.interfaceId + "::" + this.processId);
this.key = (PROCESS_NAME + "::FTP::" + this.interfaceId + "::" + this.processId);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINER, "Parsing Input Document End:" + System.currentTimeMillis());
this.processLabel = ("Key=" + this.key + ",ProcessId=" + this.processId + ",InterfaceId=" + this.interfaceId);
this.processStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
MessageDataOperation.insertMessageData(this.processId, this.documentKey, PROCESS_NAME, this.key, this.processStartTime, this.parentProcessId);
this.protocol = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".PROTOCOL");
this.ftpHostName = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPHOST");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINEST, " ftpHostName :" + this.ftpHostName);
this.ftpPort = Integer.parseInt(EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".PORT"));
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.WARNING, "FTP Port not defined for the Interface :" + this.interfaceId + " .... using default port");
this.ftpPort = 21;
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " ftpPort :" + this.ftpPort);
this.sftpkey = Utility.nullToStr(EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".SFTPKEY"));
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " SFTPKEY :" + this.sftpkey);
this.dataMap.put("SFTPKEY", this.sftpkey);
this.ftpUserName = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPUSER");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " ftpUserName :" + this.ftpUserName);
this.ftpPassword = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPPASSWORD");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " ftpPassword :" + this.ftpPassword);
this.filePattern = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FILEPATTERN");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " filePattern :" + this.filePattern);
this.ftpArchDir = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPARCH");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " ftpArchDir :" + this.ftpArchDir);
this.ftpDir = Utility.nullToStr(EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPDIR"));
this.ftpLocalDir = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPLOCALDIR");
this.fileArchiveDir = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FILEARCHIVEDIR");
this.isFtpPostActionDeleteRequired = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPPOSTDELETE");
this.isEncryptRequired = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".ENCRYPT");
this.isFtpPostActionArchiveRequired = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".FTPPOSTARCHIVE");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " ftpLocalDir :" + this.ftpLocalDir);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " isFtpPostActionArchiveRequired :" + this.isFtpPostActionArchiveRequired);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, " isFtpPostActionDeleteRequired :" + this.isFtpPostActionDeleteRequired);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
void updateProcessLabel(String label)
public boolean isAppException()
return this.bAppException;
public boolean isMessageInorder()
return this.bMesageInorder;
String getErrorEmailUser(Object[] args)
throws Exception
if ((args == null) || (args.length == 0)) {
return "";
this.emailUser = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".EMAIL_USER");
return this.emailUser;
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
return "";
public void context_onInitialMessageFailure(String methodName, Object[] args)
throws Exception
this.processId = Utility.context_onInitialMessageFailure(PROCESS_NAME, args, this.logger);
String body = "Due to the error the interface file could not be sent. \n";
body = body + "System will retry the file after sometime.";
this.errorStr = "";
sendErrorEmail(body, getErrorEmailUser(args));
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void globalExceptionHandler()
throws Exception
Exception e = null;
e = this.context.getExceptionInfo().getException();
this.errorStr = e.getMessage();
catch (Throwable localThrowable) {}
this.bAppException = Utility.globalExceptionHandler(e, this.logger, PROCESS_NAME, this.processId, this.parentProcessId, "", this.inputRawData.byteValue(), "xml", true);
if (this.bAppException) {
this.processLabel = (this.processLabel + ",AppException , " + e.getClass());
} else {
this.processLabel = (this.processLabel + ",SystemException , " + e.getClass());
this.logger.log(PASLevel.INFO, "Exception Raised in Process , Process Label:" + this.processLabel);
public void systemExceptionProcessing()
throws Exception
public void sendDataErrorEmail()
throws Exception
String body = "Due to the error the file could not sent \n\n\n";
body = body + ",Filename=" + this.fileName;
this.emailUser = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".EMAIL_USER");
sendErrorEmail(body, this.emailUser);
public void sendErrorEmail(String body, String to)
throws Exception
String subject = "";
String cc = "";
String bcc = "";
HashMap map = new HashMap();
body = body + this.errorStr;
subject = "Due to the error the interface file could not be sent. " + this.key;
if ((to == null) || (to.equals(""))) {
to = Utility.getErrorEmail();
Utility.sendEmail(PROCESS_NAME, this.processId, "Business", body, subject, to, "", cc, bcc, "");
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public boolean isMessageInorder1()
return this.bMesageInorder;
public void handleAppException()
throws Exception
public void cleanup()
throws Exception
this.inputRawData = null;
public void setFilesCount()
throws Exception
this.fileCounter = 0;
public void decrementFileCount()
throws Exception
this.fileCounter += 1;
public boolean checkFileCounterCondition()
return this.fileCounter < this.listOfFTPFiles.length;
public void raiseFTPConnectionException()
throws Exception
Exception e = new Exception("Error: FTP Connection Failure");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error: FTP Connection Failure", new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public boolean isFTPConnected()
return this.ftp.isConnected();
public boolean checkNoOfFilesReceived()
if ((this.listOfFTPFiles != null) && (this.listOfFTPFiles.length > 0)) {
return true;
return false;
public void sendEmail()
throws Exception
String subject = "";
String to = "";
String cc = "";
String bcc = "";
String body = "";
HashMap map = new HashMap();
this.emailYN = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".EMAIL_YN");
if ((this.emailYN != null) && (!this.emailYN.equals("Y"))) {
this.emailUser = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".EMAIL_USER");
body = "Interface has processed the following file succesfully. :Filename:" + this.fileName;
to = this.emailUser;
subject = "Interface has sent the following file succesfully. Key::" + this.key + ":Filename:" + this.fileName;
if ((to == null) || (to.equals("")))
this.logger.log(PASLevel.WARNING, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + "Email Receipent not specified.", new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, null));
to = Utility.getErrorEmail();
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "SCPExtract ... Sending an Email");
Utility.sendEmail(PROCESS_NAME, this.processId, "Business", body, subject, to, "", cc, bcc, "");
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void createFTPClient()
throws Exception
if (this.protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("SFTP"))
this.ftp = new SFTPClientImpl();return;
if (this.protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("FTP"))
this.ftp = new FTPClientImpl();return;
this.ftp = new FileClientImpl();
public void connect()
throws Exception
if (((this.protocol.equals("FTP")) || (this.protocol.equals("SFTP"))) && ((this.ftpUserName == null) || (this.ftpPassword == null) || (this.ftpHostName == null)))
Exception e = new Exception("ftpUserName = null || this.ftpPassword = null || ftpHostName = null");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "Connecting to the server .... :" + this.ftpHostName);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "Host:" + this.ftpHostName + ":User:" + this.ftpUserName + ":Password:" + this.ftpPassword);
this.ftp.connect(this.ftpHostName, this.ftpPort, this.ftpUserName, this.ftpPassword, this.dataMap);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "Connected to the server:" + this.ftpHostName);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void getRemoteFilesList()
throws Exception
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "Retriving List of Files .... :FtpDir:" + this.ftpDir);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "File Pattern .... ::" + this.filePattern);
if (!this.ftpLocalDir.equals("")) {
if (!this.ftpDir.equals("")) {
ArrayList list = this.ftp.listFiles(this.filePattern);
this.listOfFTPFiles = new String[list.size()];
System.arraycopy(list.toArray(), 0, this.listOfFTPFiles, 0, list.size());
for (int ind = 0; ind < this.listOfFTPFiles.length; ind++) {
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "List of Files:" + this.listOfFTPFiles[ind]);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, "ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void disconnect()
throws Exception
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "Zero input files ..... Disconnecting ...");
public void getFile()
throws Exception
this.fileName = this.listOfFTPFiles[this.fileCounter];
if (this.fileName == null) {
throw new Exception(" FTP fileName is null");
ByteArrayOutputStream getFileByteArrayOutputStream = this.ftp.getFile(this.fileName);
this.ftpData = getFileByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "Got File Data ...");
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void backup()
throws Exception
String archiveYN = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".LOCALARCHIVE");
String asciiYN = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".ASCII_YN");
if (archiveYN.equals("Y"))
byte[] fileArchData;
if ((asciiYN.equals("Y")) && (this.isEncryptRequired.equals("Y")))
StringEncrypter encrypter = new StringEncrypter();
fileArchData = encrypter.encrypt(new String(this.ftpData)).getBytes();
fileArchData = this.ftpData;
Utility.createFile(this.fileArchiveDir + "/" + this.interfaceId + "_" + this.processId + "_" + this.fileName, fileArchData);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "File Archieved ...::" + archiveYN + "::EncryptionYN::" + this.isEncryptRequired);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void disconnect1()
throws Exception
catch (Throwable localThrowable) {}
public void disconnect2()
throws Exception
catch (Throwable localThrowable) {}
public void doPostProcess()
throws Exception
String sapPostProcessClass = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".POSTPROCESS");
sapPostProcessClass = "washpost.pas.outbound.impl." + sapPostProcessClass;
Map fileMap = new HashMap();
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "PostProcess ::" + sapPostProcessClass);
if (!sapPostProcessClass.equals(""))
Class c = Class.forName(sapPostProcessClass);
PostProcess postProcess = (PostProcess)c.newInstance();
String passByRefFlag = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".REFERENCE_YN");
byte[] tempFtpData = this.ftpData;
if ((passByRefFlag != null) && (passByRefFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")))
String localDir = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".LOCALDIR");
String localFileName = localDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + this.fileName;
Utility.createFile(localFileName, this.ftpData);
tempFtpData = new byte[0];
this.postProcessReturnvalue = postProcess.doUpload(tempFtpData, this.fileName, this.interfaceId, this.processId, fileMap);
this.logger.log(PASLevel.FINE, "***** PostProcess Return::" + this.postProcessReturnvalue);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
this.postProcessReturnvalue = -1;
this.errorStr = e.getMessage();
throw e;
public void writeFileToExceptionDir()
throws Exception
String exceptionDirPath = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".EXCEPTION_DIR_PATH");
Utility.createFile(exceptionDirPath + "/" + this.fileName, this.ftpData);
String message = "Error while performing post process :: " + this.fileName + ", File is stored in Exception Directory. ";
message = message = "::ErrorMessage::" + this.errorStr;
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void writeFileToInputDir()
throws Exception
String inputDirPath = EnvProperties.getProperty(PROCESS_NAME + "." + this.interfaceId + ".INPUT_DIR_PATH");
String completeFileName = this.interfaceId + "." + this.fileName;
Utility.createFile(inputDirPath + "/" + completeFileName, this.ftpData);
String message = "Interface has saved the file: " + completeFileName + " to input Directory ";
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void updateLog()
throws Exception
this.processLabel = (this.processLabel + ",FilesProcessed=" + this.fileCounter);
MessageDataOperation.updateMessageSentData(this.processId, "Y");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.INFO, "Process Completed, Process Label:" + this.processLabel);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
public void updateLog1()
throws Exception
this.processLabel += ",FilesProcessed=0";
MessageDataOperation.updateMessageSentData(this.processId, "Y");
this.logger.log(PASLevel.INFO, "Process Completed, Process Label:" + this.processLabel);
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.log(PASLevel.SYSTEM_ERROR, ":ProcessLabel:" + this.processLabel + ":Error:" + e.getMessage(), new LogParameters(this.processId, PROCESS_NAME, this.processLabel, e));
throw e;
This code makes use of a FTP timer even generator to kick off a transaction daily. The problem is, when the timer triggers its spitting out that error and at the same time the transaction is going through. I did try multiple try/catch blocks, but could not get any additional information so far. This has been happening ever since a server outage. Can anyone suggest
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access
Please note that i am writing a java program using tes4j and i am able to extract the tiff file and save it as pdf but many times i am getting this error. I am running the files as a batch using callable i am taking 5 files and process them during which i get this error. test4j i am using as a maeven dependency. Error Description java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.report(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) at com.mkyong.listener.SerachablePDFConversionService.processAllFiles(SerachablePDFConversionService.java:197) at com.mkyong.listener.SerachablePDFConversionService.run(SerachablePDFConversionService.java:107) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access at com.sun.jna.Native.invokeInt(Native Method) at com.sun.jna.Function.invoke(Function.java:419) at com.sun.jna.Function.invoke(Function.java:354) at com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.invoke(Library.java:244) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.gsapi_init_with_args(Unknown Source) at org.ghost4j.Ghostscript.initialize(Ghostscript.java:350) at com.mkyong.listener.SerachablePDFConversionService.convertPDFToTiff(SerachablePDFConversionService.java:137) at com.mkyong.listener.SerachablePDFConversionService$1.call(SerachablePDFConversionService.java:213) at com.mkyong.listener.SerachablePDFConversionService$1.call(SerachablePDFConversionService.java:1) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) Code package com.apache.pdfbox.ocr.tesseract; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.ghost4j.Ghostscript; import org.ghost4j.GhostscriptException; import net.sourceforge.tess4j.ITesseract; import net.sourceforge.tess4j.ITesseract.RenderedFormat; import net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract; import net.sourceforge.tess4j.TesseractException; public class SerachablePDFConversionService { private static final String OCR_INPUT_FOLDER = System.getenv("OCR_INPUT"); private static final String OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER = System.getenv("OCR_OUTPUT"); private static final String OCR_SUCCESS_FOLDER = System.getenv("OCR_SUCCESS"); private static final String TESSDATA_PREFIX = System.getenv("TESSDATA_PREFIX"); public static void main(String[] args) { File inputFiles[] = new File(OCR_INPUT_FOLDER).listFiles(); String tiffFileName = ""; String inputFileName = ""; try { for (File inputFile : inputFiles) { inputFileName = inputFile.getName(); System.out.println("Input File Name is [" + inputFileName + "]"); if (inputFileName != null && inputFileName.length() > 0 && inputFileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(".pdf") > 0) { tiffFileName = inputFile.getName().replaceAll(".pdf", ".tif").replaceAll(".PDF", ".tif"); System.out.println("Tiff File Name is [" + tiffFileName + "]"); System.out.println("Start Time" + new Date()); if (SerachablePDFConversionService.convertPDFToTiff(inputFileName, tiffFileName).equals("true")) { System.out.println("PDF to tiff conversion is successful"); if (SerachablePDFConversionService.doOCR(inputFileName, tiffFileName).equals("true")) { System.out.println("Searchable PDF creation is successful"); Files.move( FileSystems.getDefault() .getPath(OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + inputFileName), FileSystems.getDefault() .getPath(OCR_SUCCESS_FOLDER + File.separator + inputFileName), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); System.out.println("End Time" + new Date()); } else { System.out.println("Searchable PDF creation is failed"); } } else { System.out.println("PDF to tiff conversion is failed"); } } else { } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR in Main Method: " + e.getMessage()); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } public static String covertToTiffAndOCR(ArrayList<String> inputFiles) throws Exception { String success = "false"; for (String inputFileName : inputFiles) { System.out.println("File Name " + inputFileName); String tiffFileName = ""; if (inputFileName != null && inputFileName.length() > 0 && inputFileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(".pdf") > 0) { tiffFileName = inputFileName.replaceAll(".pdf", ".tif").replaceAll(".PDF", ".tif"); System.out.println("Tiff File Name is [" + tiffFileName + "]"); if (SerachablePDFConversionService.convertPDFToTiff(inputFileName, tiffFileName).equals("true")) { System.out.println("PDF to tiff conversion is successful"); if (SerachablePDFConversionService.doOCR(inputFileName, tiffFileName).equals("true")) { System.out.println("Searchable PDF creation is successful"); Files.move(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + inputFileName), FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(OCR_SUCCESS_FOLDER + File.separator + inputFileName), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else { System.out.println("Searchable PDF creation is failed"); } } else { System.out.println("PDF to tiff conversion is failed"); } } else { } } success = "true"; return success; } public static String convertPDFToTiff(String pdfFile, String tiffFile) { System.out.println("Called=========convertPDFToTiff " + pdfFile + "tiffFile " + tiffFile); String opSuccess = "false"; Ghostscript gs = Ghostscript.getInstance(); try { synchronized (gs) { String[] gsArgs = new String[9]; gsArgs[0] = "-gswin64"; gsArgs[1] = "-q"; gsArgs[2] = "-r300x300"; gsArgs[3] = "-dNOPAUSE"; gsArgs[4] = "-dBATCH"; // gsArgs[5] = "-sDEVICE=tiffg4"; // gsArgs[5] = "-sDEVICE=tiffgray"; gsArgs[5] = "-sDEVICE=tiff24nc"; gsArgs[6] = "-sCompression=lzw"; gsArgs[7] = "-sOutputFile=" + OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + tiffFile; gsArgs[8] = OCR_INPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + pdfFile; // execute and exit interpreter gs.initialize(gsArgs); gs.exit(); opSuccess = "true"; } } catch (GhostscriptException e) { opSuccess = "false"; System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { opSuccess = "false"; System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { Ghostscript.deleteInstance(); } catch (GhostscriptException e) { opSuccess = "false"; System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } } return opSuccess; } public synchronized static String doOCR(String pdfFile, String tiffFile) { System.out.println("Called======doOCR " + pdfFile + " tiffFile " + tiffFile); String opSuccess = "false"; ITesseract instance = new Tesseract(); List<RenderedFormat> formats = new ArrayList<RenderedFormat>(); formats.add(RenderedFormat.PDF); try { instance.setDatapath(TESSDATA_PREFIX); instance.setLanguage("eng+ara"); instance.setOcrEngineMode(1); instance.setPageSegMode(3); instance.createDocuments(OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + tiffFile, OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + pdfFile.replaceAll(".pdf", "").replaceAll(".PDF", ""), formats); opSuccess = "true"; } catch (TesseractException e) { opSuccess = "false"; System.out.println("OCR ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { opSuccess = "false"; System.out.println("OCR ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return opSuccess; } public void processAllFiles(ArrayList<String> ipFiles) throws Exception { java.util.List<Callable<String>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<String>>(ipFiles.size()); for (String ipFileName : ipFiles) { System.out.println("11111111" + ipFileName); tasks.add(processPartTask1(ipFileName)); } ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(ipFiles.size()); java.util.List<Future<String>> results = es.invokeAll(tasks); for (Future<String> result : results) System.out.println(result.get()); es.shutdown(); } public Callable<String> processPartTask1(String ipFileName) { return new Callable<String>() { public String call() throws Exception { System.out.println("22222222" + ipFileName); String tiffFileName = ""; String inputFileName = ipFileName; String returnvalue = "false"; if (inputFileName != null && inputFileName.length() > 0 && inputFileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(".pdf") > 0) { tiffFileName = ipFileName.replaceAll(".pdf", ".tif").replaceAll(".PDF", ".tif"); } if (SerachablePDFConversionService.convertPDFToTiff(inputFileName, tiffFileName).equals("true")) { System.out.println("PDF to tiff conversion is successful"); if (SerachablePDFConversionService.doOCR(inputFileName, tiffFileName).equals("true")) { System.out.println("Searchable PDF creation is successful"); Files.move(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(OCR_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator + inputFileName), FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(OCR_SUCCESS_FOLDER + File.separator + inputFileName), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); System.out.println("End Time" + new Date()); returnvalue = "true " + inputFileName; } else { System.out.println("Searchable PDF creation is failed"); } } return returnvalue;// this needs to be changed } }; } public void processPDFFiles() throws Exception { File inputFiles[] = new File(OCR_INPUT_FOLDER).listFiles(); String inputFileName = ""; ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(); try { for (File inputFile : inputFiles) { inputFileName = inputFile.getName(); files.add(inputFileName); } } catch (Exception e) { } SerachablePDFConversionService serachablePDFConversionService = new SerachablePDFConversionService(); serachablePDFConversionService.processAllFiles(files); } }
Google Contact API (No Authentication Header Information Error)
I am new to Google Contact Api. i am trying to retrieve all my contacts using Google Contact API. For this I used Oauth authentication and Google Contact API. import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import com.google.gdata.client.Query; import com.google.gdata.client.authn.oauth.GoogleOAuthParameters; import com.google.gdata.client.authn.oauth.OAuthHmacSha1Signer; import com.google.gdata.client.authn.oauth.OAuthParameters.OAuthType; import com.google.gdata.client.contacts.ContactsService; import com.google.gdata.data.Link; import com.google.gdata.data.contacts.ContactEntry; import com.google.gdata.data.contacts.ContactFeed; import com.google.gdata.data.contacts.GroupMembershipInfo; import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.Email; import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.ExtendedProperty; import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.Im; import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.Name; import com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException; public class GoogleContactsAccess{ /* This method will authenticate the user credentials passed to it and returns an instance of ContactService class.*/ public ContactsService authenticateId(){ GoogleOAuthParameters oAuthParameters = null; ContactsService contactService = null; try{ contactService = new ContactsService("API Project"); oAuthParameters = new GoogleOAuthParameters(); oAuthParameters.setOAuthConsumerKey("ConsumerKey"); oAuthParameters.setOAuthConsumerSecret("ConsumerKey"); oAuthParameters.setScope("https://www.google.com/m8/feeds"); oAuthParameters.setOAuthType(OAuthType.TWO_LEGGED_OAUTH); oAuthParameters.addCustomBaseParameter("xoauth_requestor_id", "my ID#gmail.com"); contactService.setOAuthCredentials(oAuthParameters,new OAuthHmacSha1Signer()); contactService.getRequestFactory().setHeader("GData-Version", "3.0"); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return contactService; } /* This method will print details of all the contacts available in that particular Google account. */ public void printAllContacts(ContactsService myService)throws ServiceException, IOException { // Request the feed URL feedUrl = new URL("https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full?v=3.0&alt=json'"); // The query that will retrieve all contacts Query myQuery = new Query(feedUrl); ContactFeed resultFeed = myService.getFeed(myQuery, ContactFeed.class); // Print the results System.out.println(resultFeed.getTitle().getPlainText()); for (int i = 0; i < resultFeed.getEntries().size(); i++) { ContactEntry entry = resultFeed.getEntries().get(i); if (entry.hasName()) { Name name = entry.getName(); if (name.hasFullName()) { String fullNameToDisplay = name.getFullName().getValue(); if (name.getFullName().hasYomi()) { fullNameToDisplay += " (" + name.getFullName().getYomi() + ")"; } System.out.println("\t\t" + fullNameToDisplay); } else { System.out.println("\t\t (no full name found)"); } if (name.hasNamePrefix()) { System.out.println("\t\t" + name.getNamePrefix().getValue()); } else { System.out.println("\t\t (no name prefix found)"); } if (name.hasGivenName()) { String givenNameToDisplay = name.getGivenName().getValue(); if (name.getGivenName().hasYomi()) { givenNameToDisplay += " (" + name.getGivenName().getYomi() + ")"; } System.out.println("\t\t" + givenNameToDisplay); } else { System.out.println("\t\t (no given name found)"); } if (name.hasAdditionalName()) { String additionalNameToDisplay = name.getAdditionalName().getValue(); if (name.getAdditionalName().hasYomi()) { additionalNameToDisplay += " (" + name.getAdditionalName().getYomi() + ")"; } System.out.println("\t\t" + additionalNameToDisplay); } else { System.out.println("\t\t (no additional name found)"); } if (name.hasFamilyName()) { String familyNameToDisplay = name.getFamilyName().getValue(); if (name.getFamilyName().hasYomi()) { familyNameToDisplay += " (" + name.getFamilyName().getYomi() + ")"; } System.out.println("\t\t" + familyNameToDisplay); } else { System.out.println("\t\t (no family name found)"); } if (name.hasNameSuffix()) { System.out.println("\t\t" + name.getNameSuffix().getValue()); } else { System.out.println("\t\t (no name suffix found)"); } } else { System.out.println("\t (no name found)"); } System.out.println("Email addresses:"); for (Email email : entry.getEmailAddresses()) { System.out.print(" " + email.getAddress()); if (email.getRel() != null) { System.out.print(" rel:" + email.getRel()); } if (email.getLabel() != null) { System.out.print(" label:" + email.getLabel()); } if (email.getPrimary()) { System.out.print(" (primary) "); } System.out.print("\n"); } System.out.println("IM addresses:"); for (Im im : entry.getImAddresses()) { System.out.print(" " + im.getAddress()); if (im.getLabel() != null) { System.out.print(" label:" + im.getLabel()); } if (im.getRel() != null) { System.out.print(" rel:" + im.getRel()); } if (im.getProtocol() != null) { System.out.print(" protocol:" + im.getProtocol()); } if (im.getPrimary()) { System.out.print(" (primary) "); } System.out.print("\n"); } System.out.println("Groups:"); for (GroupMembershipInfo group : entry.getGroupMembershipInfos()) { String groupHref = group.getHref(); System.out.println(" Id: " + groupHref); } System.out.println("Extended Properties:"); for (ExtendedProperty property : entry.getExtendedProperties()) { if (property.getValue() != null) { System.out.println(" " + property.getName() + "(value) = " + property.getValue()); } else if (property.getXmlBlob() != null) { System.out.println(" " + property.getName() + "(xmlBlob)= " + property.getXmlBlob().getBlob()); } } Link photoLink = entry.getContactPhotoLink(); String photoLinkHref = photoLink.getHref(); System.out.println("Photo Link: " + photoLinkHref); if (photoLink.getEtag() != null) { System.out.println("Contact Photo's ETag: " + photoLink.getEtag()); } System.out.println("Contact's ETag: " + entry.getEtag()); } } public static void main(String args[]){ try { GoogleContactsAccess googleContactsAccess = new GoogleContactsAccess(); ContactsService contactSrv = googleContactsAccess.authenticateId(); googleContactsAccess.printAllContacts(contactSrv); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } i tried the above code. i am getting the below exception java.lang.NullPointerException: No authentication header information at com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException.initFromAuthHeader(AuthenticationException.java:96) at com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException.(AuthenticationException.java:67) at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.handleErrorResponse(HttpGDataRequest.java:608) at com.google.gdata.client.http.GoogleGDataRequest.handleErrorResponse(GoogleGDataRequest.java:564) at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.checkResponse(HttpGDataRequest.java:560) at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.execute(HttpGDataRequest.java:538) at com.google.gdata.client.http.GoogleGDataRequest.execute(GoogleGDataRequest.java:536) at com.google.gdata.client.Service.getFeed(Service.java:1135) at com.google.gdata.client.Service.getFeed(Service.java:1077) at com.google.gdata.client.GoogleService.getFeed(GoogleService.java:676) at com.google.gdata.client.Service.getFeed(Service.java:1034) at com.cohere.getcontacts.GoogleContactsAccess.printAllContacts(GoogleContactsAccess.java:59) at com.cohere.getcontacts.GoogleContactsAccess.main(GoogleContactsAccess.java:197) so any one help me to resolve the problem thanks in advance
It looks like you are using ConsumerKey as both key and secret in your code : oAuthParameters.setOAuthConsumerKey("ConsumerKey"); oAuthParameters.setOAuthConsumerSecret("ConsumerKey"); You need to use the correct ConsumerSecret of your app
upload file is not store
The file which i am trying to store in the back end is not a valid directory.. I think the code has a Unix directory config which i need to change to make this work in your windows. how i can identify the directory where the file is trying to be stored. i am getting the following error. [com.keenan.oacommon.forms.services.FormServiceImpl] [checkFileDtlPathCreateIfNotExists] - strFileMstPath is not valid [INFO ] [java.lang.Class] [processListFiles] - strFinalUploadPath [] [INFO ] [com.keenan.oacommon.forms.services.FormServiceImpl] [verifyFilePath] - Validating path [] [ERROR] [com.keenan.oacommon.forms.services.FormServiceImpl] [verifyFilePath] - strFilePath is NULL [ERROR] [java.lang.Class] [processListFiles] - File upload path is not valid here is my java code.. #Override public boolean verifyFilePath(String inFilePath) { boolean isFilePathValid = false; String strFilePath = inFilePath; logger.info("Validating path [" + strFilePath + "]"); if (strFilePath == null || strFilePath.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { logger.error("strFilePath is NULL"); isFilePathValid = false; } else { try { File fileUploadDir = new File(strFilePath); if (fileUploadDir.exists() && fileUploadDir.isDirectory()) { logger.error("File Path [" + strFilePath + "] is good"); isFilePathValid = true; } else { logger.warn("File Path [" + strFilePath + "] is not valid"); isFilePathValid = false; } } catch (Exception e) { isFilePathValid = false; logger.error("Exception while validating File Path [" + strFilePath + "] - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } return isFilePathValid; } #Override public String checkFileDtlPathCreateIfNotExists(String inFilePath, String inAppSeqNo, String inUploadSeqNo) { boolean isFilePathValid = false; /* Main directory (all file uploads) */ String strFileMstPath = null; File fileUploadMstDir = null; /* Sub directory (file uploads per application) */ String strFileDtlAppPath = null; File fileUploadDtlAppDir = null; /* Sub-sub directory (file uploads per upload request) */ String strFileDtlAppUploadPath = null; File fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir = null; boolean fileDirExists = false; String strFinalReturnPath = null; if (inFilePath == null || inFilePath.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { logger.error("inFilePath is NULL"); isFilePathValid = false; } else { try { if (!inFilePath.endsWith("/")) strFileMstPath = inFilePath + "/"; else strFileMstPath = inFilePath; fileUploadMstDir = new File(strFileMstPath); if (fileUploadMstDir.exists() && fileUploadMstDir.isDirectory()) { logger.error("strFileMstPath is good"); strFileDtlAppPath = strFileMstPath + inAppSeqNo + "/"; fileUploadDtlAppDir = new File(strFileDtlAppPath); if (fileUploadDtlAppDir.exists() && fileUploadDtlAppDir.isDirectory()) { fileDirExists = true; logger.debug("fileUploadDtlAppDir [" + fileUploadDtlAppDir.toString() + "] exists and is a dir"); } else { fileDirExists = fileUploadDtlAppDir.mkdir(); } if (fileDirExists) { /* Set fileDirExists to false for the next check */ fileDirExists = false; strFileDtlAppUploadPath = strFileDtlAppPath + inUploadSeqNo + "/"; fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir = new File(strFileDtlAppUploadPath); if (fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir.exists() && fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir.isDirectory()) { fileDirExists = true; logger.debug("fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir [" + fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir.toString() + "] exists and is a dir"); } else { fileDirExists = fileUploadDtlAppUploadDir.mkdir(); } strFinalReturnPath = strFileDtlAppUploadPath; } else logger.error("Could not create strFileDtlAppPath [" + strFileDtlAppPath + "] - not attempting to create strFileDtlAppUploadPath [" + strFileDtlAppUploadPath + "]"); if (fileDirExists) isFilePathValid = true; else isFilePathValid = false; } else { logger.info("strFileMstPath is not valid"); isFilePathValid = false; } } catch (Exception e) { isFilePathValid = false; logger.error("Exception while validating filePath - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (isFilePathValid) return strFinalReturnPath; else return ""; } #Override #Transactional(readOnly = true) public FileUpload getUploadedFileBySeqNo(int inFileSeqNo) { FileUpload fileUploadInstance = null; try { logger.debug("Fetching FileUpload for inFileUploadSeqNo [" + inFileSeqNo + "]"); fileUploadInstance = FormsHelper.getFormDAO().getUploadedFileDetailsBySeqNo(inFileSeqNo); logger.debug("FileUpload for inFileUploadSeqNo[" + inFileSeqNo + "] is [" + fileUploadInstance.toString() + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exceoption while fetching FileUpload for inFileUploadSeqNo [" + inFileSeqNo + "] - " + e.getMessage(), e); fileUploadInstance = null; } return fileUploadInstance; } #Override #Transactional(readOnly = true) public FileUpload getUploadedFileByName(String inFileName, String inUploadSeqNo, String inAppSeqNo) { FileUpload fileUploadInstance = null; int uploadSeqNo = 0; int appSeqNo = 0; try { uploadSeqNo = Integer.parseInt(inUploadSeqNo); appSeqNo = Integer.parseInt(inAppSeqNo); logger.debug("Fetching FileUpload for inFileName [" + inFileName + "]"); fileUploadInstance = FormsHelper.getFormDAO().getUploadedFileDetailsByName(inFileName, uploadSeqNo, appSeqNo); logger.debug("FileUpload for inFileName [" + inFileName + "] is [" + fileUploadInstance.toString() + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while fetching FileUpload for inFileName [" + inFileName + "] - " + e.getMessage(), e); fileUploadInstance = null; } return fileUploadInstance; } #Override #Transactional(readOnly = false) public boolean saveUploadedFileInfo(FileUpload inFileUpload) { boolean fileUploadInfoSavedSuccessfully = false; try { if (inFileUpload == null) { logger.error("inFileUpload is NULL / Blank"); fileUploadInfoSavedSuccessfully = false; } else { FormsHelper.getFormDAO().saveUploadedFileInfo(inFileUpload); fileUploadInfoSavedSuccessfully = true; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while saving FileUpload - " + e.getMessage(), e); fileUploadInfoSavedSuccessfully = false; } return fileUploadInfoSavedSuccessfully; } #Override #Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<FileUpload> getUploadedFilesList(int inUploadSeqNo) { List<FileUpload> uploadedFilesList = null; try { logger.debug("Fetching FileUpload for inFileUploadSeqNo [" + inUploadSeqNo + "]"); uploadedFilesList = FormsHelper.getFormDAO().getUploadedFilesList(inUploadSeqNo); logger.debug("FileUpload for inUploadSeqNo [" + inUploadSeqNo + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exceoption while fetching FileUpload for inUploadSeqNo [" + inUploadSeqNo + "] - " + e.getMessage(), e); uploadedFilesList = null; } return uploadedFilesList; } #Override public Map<String, String> getUserNUploadDetailsForMail(int appSeqNo, String emailAddress) { Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { logger.debug("Fetching getUserNUploadDetailsForMail appSeqNo =[" + appSeqNo + "]" + "and emailAddress = [" + emailAddress + "]"); details = FormsHelper.getFormDAO().getUserNUploadDetailsForMail(appSeqNo, emailAddress); logger.debug("Fetched details [" + details + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exceoption while fetching getUserNUploadDetailsForMail " + e.getMessage(), e); } return details; } Thanks..
asynccallback failures
In my app I need to add string vallues to the file(.property file, if it is important). and user enter this values in gwt GUI. Here is it's important part: final Button submit = new Button("Submit"); addButton(submit); submit.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener<ButtonEvent>() { #Override public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce) { keyWord.selectAll(); regexp.selectAll(); if (keyWord.getValue() != null){ setKeyWord(customerId, keyWord.getValue()); keyWord.setValue(""); } if (regexp.getValue() != null){ setRegExp(customerId, regexp.getValue()); regexp.setValue(""); } } }); } private void setKeyWord(final String customerId, final String keyword){ final AsyncCallback<String> callbackItems = new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) { Window.alert("unable to add " + caught.toString()); } public void onSuccess(final String x) { Window.alert(x); } }; serverManagementSvc.setKeyWords(customerId, keyword, callbackItems); } private void setRegExp(final String customerId, final String regexp){ final AsyncCallback<String> calbackItems = new AsyncCallback<String>() { #Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { Window.alert("unable to add " + throwable.toString()); } #Override public void onSuccess(String s) { Window.alert(s); } }; serverManagementSvc.setRegExp(customerId, regexp, calbackItems); } So I need to use Asunccallback to call methods which are in the "server part". here are these methods: //adds a new keyword to customers properties public String setKeyWords(String customer, String word){ try{ PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/rules.properties"); String newKeyWord = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".keywords" + "," + word)); props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".keywords", newKeyWord); props.save(); }catch (ConfigurationException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return "keyword " + word + " added"; } // adds a new regexp to customer properties public String setRegExp(String customer, String regexp){ try { PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/rules.properties"); String newRegValue = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".regexps" + "," + regexp)); props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".regexps", newRegValue); props.save(); } catch (ConfigurationException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return "regexp " + regexp + " added to " + customer + "'s config"; } all interfaces are present. when I run my code And press "submit" button in gui I see that both asynccallback failured(Window.alert, as you can see, shows "null pointer exception" despite of the fact that values which I send to methods are not null). why can it be? can you suggest me something? UPD here is error which is shown by firebug: uncaught exception: java.lang.ClassCastException function W8(){try{null.a()}catch(a){return a}}
the problem is solved: there were a simple mistake in the code. I've closed brackets at the wrong place: //adds a new keyword to customers properties public String setKeyWords(String customer, String word){ try{ PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/rules.properties"); String newKeyWord = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".keywords") + "," + word); props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".keywords", newKeyWord); props.save(); }catch (ConfigurationException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return "keyword " + word + " added"; } // adds a new regexp to customer properties public String setRegExp(String customer, String regexp){ try { PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration("/home/mikhail/bzrrep/DLP/DLPServer/src/main/resources/rules.properties"); String newRegValue = new String(props.getString("users." + customer + ".regexps") + "," + regexp); props.setProperty("users." + customer + ".regexps", newRegValue); props.save(); } catch (ConfigurationException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return "regexp " + regexp + " added to " + customer + "'s config"; }
I recommend that you recompile the GWT code using -style PRETTY and then check that firebug output again; it may give you a better clue, compared to your updated uncaught exception. Next, I suggest you run it in the eclipse debugger, and set breakpoints in both the client and server code, and then you can inspect the variables and step through the code.
I try to connect to a custom Bluetooth device using BlueCove. I can pair the device, but when I try to search for services I always get SERVICE_SEARCH_DEVICE_NOT_REACHABLE in serviceSearchCompleted() and no services are discovered. If I try the same thing outside Java (in Windows), the PC bluetooth device discovers and can connect (using COM21, COM22, ...) to the SPP service on my device. What am I doing wrong? I also tried to do the service search after the device discovery is ended. Same issue. Please find below my code. Many thanks in advance for any idea on how to solve this, Adrian. public class Test { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Test.class.getName()); private static final String NAME = "XXXX"; private static final String PIN = "1234"; private static final UUID[] UUIDS = new UUID[] {new UUID(0x0003), new UUID(0x1101)}; private LocalDevice localDevice; private DiscoveryAgent discoveryAgent; private DiscoveryListener discoveryListener = new GDiscoveryListener(); private Map<Integer, RemoteDevice> searchForServices = new HashMap<Integer, RemoteDevice>(); private Collection<ServiceRecord> servicesDiscovered = new HashSet<ServiceRecord>(); private Object lock = new Object(); private CountDownLatch waitForDevices; protected void connect() { try { localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); localDevice.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC); LOG.info("Local Device: " + localDevice.getFriendlyName() + "(" + localDevice.getBluetoothAddress() + ")"); discoveryAgent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent(); LOG.finest("Start discovering devices"); discoveryAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, discoveryListener); try { synchronized(lock) { lock.wait(); } if (searchForServices.size() > 0) { waitForDevices = new CountDownLatch(searchForServices.size()); waitForDevices.await(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error waiting to terminate discovery", e); } LOG.finest(servicesDiscovered.size() + " services discovered"); LOG.finest("Device discovery completed"); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error initializing Bluetooth", e); } } private class GDiscoveryListener implements DiscoveryListener { public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice rd, DeviceClass dc) { try { String name = rd.getFriendlyName(false); boolean isMine = NAME.equals(name); LOG.info("Discovered: " + name + "(" + rd.getBluetoothAddress() + ")" + (isMine ? "" : " - ignoring")); if (!isMine) return; if (!rd.isAuthenticated()) { LOG.finest("Try to pair with " + name + " PIN: " + PIN); boolean paired = RemoteDeviceHelper.authenticate(rd, PIN); LOG.info("Pair with " + name + (paired ? " succesfull" : " failed")); } int transID = discoveryAgent.searchServices(null, UUIDS, rd, discoveryListener); searchForServices.put(transID, rd); LOG.finest("Searching for services for " + name + " with transaction " + transID); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot search services for " + rd.getBluetoothAddress(), e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error connecting ", e); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot search services for " + rd.getBluetoothAddress(), t); } } public void inquiryCompleted(int respCode) { synchronized(lock) { lock.notify(); } switch (respCode) { case DiscoveryListener.INQUIRY_COMPLETED : LOG.fine("INQUIRY_COMPLETED"); break; case DiscoveryListener.INQUIRY_TERMINATED : LOG.fine("INQUIRY_TERMINATED"); break; case DiscoveryListener.INQUIRY_ERROR : LOG.fine("INQUIRY_ERROR"); break; default : LOG.fine("Unknown Response Code - " + respCode); break; } } public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transID, int respCode) { String rd = searchForServices.get(transID).getBluetoothAddress(); //searchForServices.remove(transID); switch (respCode) { case DiscoveryListener.SERVICE_SEARCH_COMPLETED: LOG.fine(rd + ": The service search completed normally"); break; case DiscoveryListener.SERVICE_SEARCH_TERMINATED: LOG.fine(rd + ": The service search request was cancelled by a call to DiscoveryAgent.cancelServiceSearch(int)"); break; case DiscoveryListener.SERVICE_SEARCH_ERROR: LOG.warning(rd + ": An error occurred while processing the request"); break; case DiscoveryListener.SERVICE_SEARCH_NO_RECORDS: LOG.info(rd + ": No records were found during the service search"); break; case DiscoveryListener.SERVICE_SEARCH_DEVICE_NOT_REACHABLE: LOG.warning(rd + ": The device specified in the search request could not be reached or the local device could not establish a connection to the remote device"); break; default: LOG.warning(rd + ": Unknown Response Code - " + respCode); break; } if (waitForDevices != null) waitForDevices.countDown(); } public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] srs) { LOG.info("Services discovered in transaction " + transID + " : " + srs.length); for (ServiceRecord sr : srs) { LOG.info(sr.getConnectionURL(ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false)); servicesDiscovered.add(sr); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { new Test().connect(); } }
I had the same problem while connecting to a Bluetooth earpiece. Like you I was also searching for more than one service at a time and It always returned SERVICE_SEARCH_DEVICE_NOT_REACHABLE. So, I tried searching for only one service and it worked. So, try modifying your code as: ... private static final UUID[] UUIDS = new UUID[] {new UUID(0x0003)}