Spring web application healthchecks - java

I'm deploying Spring based web applications on Amazon's Beanstalk platform, and they give me the option of setting a "healthcheck" URL path for my application.
The idea is that their platform will do a request against that URL, after the deployment, to see if the application is successfully started. So, if the request results in an HTTP 200, the application is probably fine. But if it results in an HTTP 500 or something else, the platform knows there's a problem with the application.
So, I wish I could develop some kind of servlet that would check if the Spring Application Context was successfully initialised, or not, to give an appropriate HTTP response code to the platform.
Has anybody attempted something like this? For similar purposes?
I'm wondering if Spring already provides some elegant solution for this.

I'd suggest using health checks functionality from Metrics. You could set up a number of classes that extend HealthCheck class and implement check() method. These health check implementations would be Spring managed beans themselves and could autowire Spring beans and validate them. Then configure HealthCheckServlet to monitor application state. Also check metrics-spring project. It will make Spring and Metrics integration simpler.
If you are using Java Spring configuration you might have a Metrics config like this that extends MetricsConfigurerAdapter from metrics-spring
public class MetricsConfig extends MetricsConfigurerAdapter { }
And then #Import(value = {MetricsConfig.class}) to your Spring config.
You also need and implementation of ServletContextListener to wire up HealthCheckServlet and Spring. This HealthCheckContextListener should be added to your web.xml
public class HealthCheckContextListener extends
HealthCheckServlet.ContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private WebApplicationContext context;
public HealthCheckContextListener(WebApplicationContext context) {
this.context = context;
public HealthCheckContextListener() {}
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
this.context = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(event.getServletContext());
protected HealthCheckRegistry getHealthCheckRegistry() {
return (HealthCheckRegistry) context.getBean(HealthCheckRegistry.class);

The simplest thing you can do is this:
class HealthCheckController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/ping", method = HEAD) {
public void ping() {
Extendable to also test particular beans, DataSources etc.

You should consider what constitutes a healthy app for you (e.g., servlet tier? JMS queues? FTP servers? etc.) and have your health check verify those services' availability. Obviously the health check is going to run frequently, so you don't want to initiate expensive operations over and over again.
Spring Boot is a new project that aims to simplify Spring development by favoring convention instead of configuration. They have implemented a "health check" feature that you can add to a project via an Actuator add-in module.
Here's a reference to their Health Check implementation -- it uses a controller class to return "ok" and, if there is a data source, attempts to run a query to confirm that the database is accessible (something like "SELECT .. from dual" in Oracle syntax).

This can easily be done in the spring boot framework. By adding below dependency
You can check the service by hitting the below URL.


Spring app with React UI - how to serve when #EnableWebMvc is applied?

So I have a React app I want to serve from my Spring app (ala this blog). As part of my gradle build task, I run the npm build command and copy the resulting files to /build/resources/main/static. This works fine and I can access my app at mysite.com/index.html, but I want to control who has access more granularly. As such, I applied #EnableWebMvc to my app, but from there, I can't seem to get my API controller to actually serve the view from the build directory. It seems no matter where I put it, it doesn't like serving directly from /build. Any way to make this work?
The handler looks like:
class MyController {
fun index(): String {
return "index"
As indicated in the Spring Boot documentation, you do not need - in fact, it is not recommended - to use #EnableWebMvc when using Spring Boot. They state, when describing Spring MVC auto-configuration:
Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Spring MVC that works well with most applications.
If you want to keep those Spring Boot MVC customizations and make more MVC customizations (interceptors, formatters, view controllers, and other features), you can add your own #Configuration class of type WebMvcConfigurer but without #EnableWebMvc.
In the guide, they continue when describing static content handling:
By default, Spring Boot serves static content from a directory called /static (or /public or /resources or /META-INF/resources) in the classpath or from the root of the ServletContext. It uses the ResourceHttpRequestHandler from Spring MVC so that you can modify that behavior by adding your own WebMvcConfigurer and overriding the addResourceHandlers method.
In your example, following this advice, you can indicate the static resource handling location with something like (sorry, I am not fluent in Kotlin, forgive for write the example in Java):
public class MyController implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
#GetMapping(path = "/")
public String index() {
return "index";
Please, adapt the paths in addResourceHandlers to your needs.
You can of course place this method in an ad hoc #Configuration.
Having said that, if when you say granular you mean security, the best approach you can take is to configure Spring Security and provide the necessary authorization rules: please, see the relevant documentation.

Spring Boot 2 Actuator doesnt publish jvm metric

I am running a Spring Boot 2 Application and added the actuator spring boot starter dependency. I enabled all web endpoints and then called:
result is:
"names": ["jdbc.connections.active",
But I am missing all the JVM stats and other built-in metrics. What am I missing here? Everything I read said that these metrics should be available at all times.
Thanks for any hints.
I want to share the findings with you. The problem was that a 3rd party library (Shiro) and my configuration for it. The bean loading of micrometer got mixed up which resulted in a too late initialisation of a needed PostProcessingBean which configures the MicroMeterRegistry (in my case the PrometheusMeterRegistry).
I dont know if its wise to do the configuration of the Registries via a different Bean (PostProcessor) which can lead to situations i had... the Registries should configure themselves without relying on other Beans which might get constructed too late.
In case this ever happens to anybody else:
I had a similar issue (except it wasn't Graphite but Prometheus, and I was not using Shiro).
Basically I only had Hikari and HTTP metrics, nothing else (no JVM metrics like GC).
I banged my head on several walls before finding out the root cause: there was a Hikari auto configure post processor in Spring Boot Autoconfigure that eagerly retrieved a MeterRegistry, so all Metric beans didn't have time to initialize before.
And to my surprise, when looking at this code in Github I didn't find it. So I bumped my spring-boot-starter-parent version from 2.0.4.RELEASE to 2.1.0.RELEASE and now everything works fine. I correctly get all the metrics.
As I expected, this problem is caused by the loading order of the beans.
I used Shiro in the project.
Shiro's verification method used MyBatis to read data from the database.
I used #Autowired for MyBatis' Mapper file, which caused the Actuator metrics related beans to not be assembled by SpringBoot (I don't know what the specific reason is).
So i disabled the automatic assembly of the Mapper file by manual assembly.
The code is as follows:
public class SpringContextUtil implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
SpringContextUtil.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public static Object getBean(String beanId) throws BeansException {
return applicationContext.getBean(beanId);
StoreMapper userMapper = (UserMapper) SpringContextUtil.getBean("userMapper");
UserModel userModel = userMapper.findUserByName(name);
The problem can be solved for the time being. This is just a stopgap measure, but at the moment I have no better way.
I can not found process_update_seconds in /actuator/prometheus, so I have spent some time to solve my problem.
My solution:
Rewrite HikariDataSourceMetricsPostProcessor and MeterRegistryPostProcessor;
The ordered of HikariDataSourceMetricsPostProcessor is Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 1;
package org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.jdbc;
class HikariDataSourceMetricsPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, Ordered {
public int getOrder() {
return Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 1;
The ordered of MeterRegistryPostProcessor is Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE;
package org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics;
import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
class MeterRegistryPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, Ordered {
public int getOrder() {
In my case I have used shiro and using jpa to save user session id. I found the order of MeterRegistryPostProcessor and HikariDataSourceMetricsPostProcessor cause the problem. MeterRegistry did not bind the metirc because of the loading order.
Maybe my solution will help you to solve the problem.
I have a working sample with Spring Boot, Micrometer, and Graphite and confirmed the out-of-the-box MeterBinders are working as follows:
"names" : [ "jvm.memory.max", "process.files.max", "jvm.gc.memory.promoted", "tomcat.cache.hit", "system.load.average.1m", "tomcat.cache.access", "jvm.memory.used", "jvm.gc.max.data.size", "jvm.gc.pause", "jvm.memory.committed", "system.cpu.count", "logback.events", "tomcat.global.sent", "jvm.buffer.memory.used", "tomcat.sessions.created", "jvm.threads.daemon", "system.cpu.usage", "jvm.gc.memory.allocated", "tomcat.global.request.max", "tomcat.global.request", "tomcat.sessions.expired", "jvm.threads.live", "jvm.threads.peak", "tomcat.global.received", "process.uptime", "tomcat.sessions.rejected", "process.cpu.usage", "tomcat.threads.config.max", "jvm.classes.loaded", "jvm.classes.unloaded", "tomcat.global.error", "tomcat.sessions.active.current", "tomcat.sessions.alive.max", "jvm.gc.live.data.size", "tomcat.servlet.request.max", "tomcat.threads.current", "tomcat.servlet.request", "process.files.open", "jvm.buffer.count", "jvm.buffer.total.capacity", "tomcat.sessions.active.max", "tomcat.threads.busy", "my.counter", "process.start.time", "tomcat.servlet.error" ]
Note that the sample on the graphite branch, not the master branch.
If you could break the sample in the way you're seeing, I can take another look.

Hazelcast- Right place to register a Map Listener with a IMap

I have the following use-case
I have two Spring boot applications on two separate machines. One application is running with an embedded hazelcast and another application is connecting to the hazelcast running embedded.
I have two maps- one IMap and one MultiMap. I want to add an EntryEvictionListener
to the IMAP. WhaI I want to do is on the eviction of an entry from the IMap, go to the MuliMap and remove the corresponding entry from it.
I am using Spring java configuration. I wanted advice on where should I register the listener with the IMap. The class which implements EntryEvictionListener interface( which will be registered with IMap), it is a spring managed bean and also has other spring managed beans autowired inside of it.
I was planning to register the mapListener in the spring boot application which connects to the embedded hazelcast running in other spring boot application. I was planning to do it inside a postconstruct method, so it runs only once.
Is this a good approach?
Thank you in advance.
Class CustomListener implements HazelcastInstanceAware,EntryEvictedListener{
private HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance;
public void setHazelcastInstance(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance){
public void entryEvicted(EntryEvent<String,String> event){
// get multi map from hazelcast instance
//remove value
The above works!
#indraneel-bende, please check this: http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest-development/manual/html/Distributed_Events/Distributed_Object_Events/Listening_for_Map_Events.html#page_Registering+Map+Listeners
If you use Hazelcast-Spring config, you can add the listener in the Hazelcast Config, could be XML config like in the doc or Java config, and that's it. Make sure that your MapListener is a Spring bean.

Integrate spring-reactor into existing Spring Framework 4 STOMP Over WebSocket application

My application uses the Spring Framework 4 included spring-messaging module (with key abstractions from the Spring Integration project such as Message, MessageChannel,MessageHandler and others that can serve as a foundation for such a messaging architecture.)
My application uses Websocket & STOMP. It maintains connections(websocket sessions) with a high volume of java websocket clients & one of the requirements was to use either akka or reactor.
I want to integrate spring-reactor RingBufferAsyncTaskExecutor in place of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor in clientInboundChannelExecutor & clientOutboundChannelExecutor
to get better Throughput. At least I've identified this approach as the way to integrate spring-reactor into my existing application - this may not be the right approach.
I was looking at reactor-si-quickstart, since it demonstrates how to use reactor with spring integration & since spring-messaging in Spring Framework 4 includes key abstractions from the Spring Integration project. I thought it would be the closest reference.
My working java config for web socket has the following class declaration
public class WebSocketConfig extends WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer.
WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport extends AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration.
In org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration I wanted to try configure RingBufferAsyncTaskExecutor in place of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor clientInboundChannelExecutor() {
TaskExecutorRegistration reg = getClientInboundChannelRegistration().getOrCreateTaskExecRegistration();
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = reg.getTaskExecutor();
return executor;
When I try override this method in WebSocketConfig "The method getOrCreateTaskExecRegistration() from the type ChannelRegistration is not visible" because
in AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration it's protected ....
protected final ChannelRegistration getClientInboundChannelRegistration() {
if (this.clientInboundChannelRegistration == null) {
ChannelRegistration registration = new ChannelRegistration();
this.clientInboundChannelRegistration = registration;
return this.clientInboundChannelRegistration;
I don't fully understand the WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport hierarchy or the WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer interface in my WebSocketConfig. I just played around with overriding what I needed to for my customizations to work.
Not sure if it's relevant, but I don't need an external broker because my application doesn't send any data to all connected subscribers, at the moment and is unlikely to down the line. Communication with daemon type java websocket clients is point-to-point, but the web ui websocket in the browser does use subscribe to get real-time data so it's a convenient setup (rather then spring integration direct channel) and there where clear sources on how to set it up - still I'm not sure it is most efficient application design.
STOMP Over WebSocket Messaging Architecture as described in the spring-framework reference documentation was the most comprehensive approach since this is my first spring project.
Is it possible to get the performance boosts from integrating spring-reactor into my existing application?
Or should I try to use spring integration instead, this would require a lot of modification, as far as I can tell - also it seems illogical that it would be necessary given that Spring Framework 4 included spring-messaging module was from spring integration.
How can should I integrate spring-reactor into my standard spring framework 4 STOMP Over WebSocket Messaging Architecture?
If configuring RingBufferAsyncTaskExecutor in place of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor in clientInboundChannelExecutor & clientOutboundChannelExecutor is the correct way, how should I go about doing this?
Actually the RingBufferAsyncTaskExecutor isn't ThreadPoolTaskExecutor, so you can't use it that way.
You can simply override clientInbound(Outbound)Channel beans from your AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer impl and just use #EnableWebSocketMessageBroker:
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
Environment reactorEnv;
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry configurer) {
configurer.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "/queue");
public AbstractSubscribableChannel clientInboundChannel() {
ExecutorSubscribableChannel channel = new ExecutorSubscribableChannel(new RingBufferAsyncTaskExecutor(this.reactorEnv));
ChannelRegistration reg = getClientOutboundChannelRegistration();
return channel;
And pay attention, please, to the WebSocket support in the Spring Integration.
By the way: point me out, please, to the link for that reactor-si-quickstart.

Spring: how to get hold of Application context in Webapp and Standalone program

I'm new to the Spring Framework. We want to introduce it (3.1) in a web application, currently using struts in the web layer, service facades and business objects in the business layer and self-written JDBC DAOs in the persistence layer (all of it closely coupled!)
I created several .xml configurations, one for the servlet config, scanning the com.mydomain.web package only. Another one on the service layer appContext-service.xml which scans com.mydomain.bs and .bo packages and one for the DAO layer appContext-persistence.xml scanning the .dao package.
We have four Eclipse projects with appropriate project dependencies: Web, Business, Common (contains domain objects, DTOs, Exceptions, etc), DataAccess.
I want to use annotations where possible and already created a MVC controller, a new service with interface and a new dao with interface, using the JDBC template, which all works great.
Now my questions are:
We can't re-write all the code at once, we're talking about a larger code base here. But what do I do, when the newly created service is also needed from services and business objects that are not (yet) Spring aware? They're not beans or not being created by Spring. How would I get hold of my service bean?
We have several standalone applications for batch processing, cleaning up the file system and database tables periodically, etc. They're triggered by cron (UNIX cron) and therefore have their own JVM. How would I best use Spring services here, given the different .xml configurations?
Does my setup make any sense at all?
Thanks for any insight.
It's very common that one let spring handle the lifecycle of all the beans, otherwise it might get a bit tricky. The objects that are not spring beans are hopefully initialized somewhere. Make that initializer a spring bean and make it application context aware
public class SpringContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext = null;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public void init(){
ServiceBean1 srv1 = (ServiceBean1)applicationContext.getBean("serviceBean1");
myNonSpringObject.setService1(srv1); // Or something
Setting up a standalone spring app is very easy. Just create a Spring XML and wire your beans (either via scanning/annotations or XML). It is not really recommended to do this in the main method, but you could easily figure out how to get this setup in your standalone application. Keep in mind that your application itself should not really do much lifecycle logic but let Spring do that.
public class StandaloneSpringApp{
public static void main(String[] args){
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
SomeBeanType bean = (SomeBeanType)ctx.getBean("SomeBeanName");
bean.doProcessing(); // or whatever
Your setup makes perfect sense, even though I cannot visualize your entire scope, your approach is a good starting point for a large modularized spring application.

