How can i know when a socket is idle? - java

I'm trying to write a client server application.
the clients post service requests and the server receives them and display them in a tech room.
everything was fine until I tried to send a screen capture to a special admin client, that should receive a screen capture of the list of live requests.
my main server listening thread looks like this :
while (true) {
clientSocket = echoServer.accept();
log.debug("Server Started Listening");
is = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
os = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
// An option for a stop listening button. currently not available !
if( listening==true ) {
line = is.readUTF();
The pharseToRequest Method looks like this :
public static void pharseToRequest(String input) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(input.split(";;;")));
if (list.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("Login") && list.get(1).equalsIgnoreCase("Login") && list.get(2).equalsIgnoreCase("5"))
AdminClientUpdate tmp = new AdminClientUpdate(list.get(4));
Thread aCU = new Thread (tmp);
ServerRequest newReq = new ServerRequest(list.get(0), list.get(1), Integer.parseInt(list.get(2)),list.get(3),list.get(4));
when the client sends "Login" as the data, I treat him as an ADMIN CLIENT, and try to send it a screencapture, via the AdminclientUpdate thread.
and when a client sent regular data, I just update it on the server screen with the "addRequest" method.
the problem I have is when I try to send the screen capture, it will find its way to the admin client and will be updated there correctly, but my server gets an error and stops working.
I suspect it might have something to do with the listening thread still have data in it from the old request while the AdminclientUpdate thread transferring data, or something.
This is the Error I get from the server , after sending the screen capture :
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The serversocket.accept() continutes reading as is just received a new request from a client ,
when it really did not...
instead of pausing and waiting for a new request...
I'm stuck with this for two weeks now, and very frustrated.
please HELP.

In my case The server should start a new thread to handle every accepted connection, instead of processing each one in-line in the accept thread.
But also I tried to get the first update via the serversocket instead of the login initialization.
now, after getting the 1st update while logging in, I added a Server Socket on the client side so it will keep listening for further updates from server.
EJP's idea gave me the first lead.


Java Server - Sending packets out incorrectly?

Currently have a TCP server built in Java and I'm sending messages/packets out to clients using their socket's OutputStream:
// Send all player's information to everyone else
outerPlayerIter = players.iterator();
while(outerPlayerIter.hasNext()) {
Player outerPlayer =;
Iterator<Player> innerPlayerIter = players.iterator();
while(innerPlayerIter.hasNext()) {
Player innerPlayer =;
boolean isYou = false;
if(innerPlayer.equals(outerPlayer)) isYou = true;
// Send innerPlayer's info to outerPlayer
However, sometimes the clients don't appear to receive all the messages. I can't send multiple messages at the exact same time over one socket.
One way to temporarily fix this was to sleep before I send another packet out. But I'm not sure why this is needed.
Am I doing something wrong in regards to how I'm sending/writing the packets out to be sent? What can be fixed to allow multiple packets to be received correctly at once without sleeping?
It might be due to the fact that the client closes the socket way too fast before the communication should actually finished. Could you please try to bump up the thread.sleep value or, on the client side, if you use any kind of timing, try to bump up that one as well.

Server receiving packets after timeout TCP/IP

I am writing simple Server through TCP/IP for my android app.
I am facing a problem where server only receives messages after the timeout on the app.
My server side:
System.out.println("Connection accepted");
DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
capitalizedSentence = "READY";
writeToUser(outToClient, "READY".getBytes());
String response = readFromUser(connectionSocket);
// Server hangs on readFromUser();
byte[] bytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(foo);
writeToUser(outToClient, bytes);
App side:
if (ack.equals("READY")) {
ack = "";
buf = new byte[556];;
// app hangs on read() and gets timeout
The problem is that, server receives command only after application gets read timeout.
My current scenario is this:
Connection accepted: Application receives "READY"
Application sends commands and tries to read response from server
Server is hanging on readFromUser() and only receives message after the app gets read timeout.
Any ideas what am I doing wrong ?
The code works if I use readLine, instead of read(buf) ( if I understand clearly server hangs on read(buf) and is in waiting mode as socket is not closed yet even though no more data is beeing sent. )
However such way I have to add "\n" after each command, and server is only emulator, app works with different device who does not understand "\n" at the end and will crash.
Is there any way I could make this work without using readLine() ?
Update 2
public void writeToUser(DataOutputStream outToClient, byte[] bytes) throws IOException
String s = new String(bytes);
writeLog("Sent to client: " + s);
public String readFromUser(Socket socket) throws IOException, InterruptedException
BufferedReader inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
String clientSentence = inFromClient.readLine();
writeLog("Received: " + clientSentence);
return clientSentence;
Above readFromUser() method works just as expected. But, this requires adding "\n" on each command sent from client app. And real device I have to communicate with does not understand "\n" and will treat the command as unrecognized... I am writing this server simply for testing purposes and I want it to be as close to real one as possible.
Previously I was just trying to get it done without "\n" on each command using; instead of readLine() and server always got hung on read, and received command only after socket was closed on client side. Even though I know that client sent the command and is waiting for response.
The question is how can I receive command without using readLine(); and "\n" on client side.
'how can I receive command without using readLine(); and "\n" on client side'. If you do not, or can not, want to use "\n" as a command terminator, then you must use another protocol to identify the start and end of the 'command' within the TCP octet/byte stream.
What protocol does your 'real device' server use to identify the start and end of commands? If it uses a byte-by-byte state-machine to identify a valid command then you are going to have to duplicate that in your test server.
You're reading lines but you aren't writing lines. So readLine() blocks until a line terminator arrives or the peer closes the connection.
Append a \n.
Why not you increase timeout from APPs side. Or you can write a thread that will hit server in some interval for some time and if no response then show time out. This problem is in Apps side.

How do I communicate with all threads on a Multithreaded server?

Ok. I'm trying to grasp some multithreading Java concepts. I know how to set up a multiclient/server solution. The server will start a new thread for every connected client.
Conceptually like this...
The loop in
while (true) {
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
System.out.println(socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + " connected");
new ClientHandler(socket).start();
The loop is:
try {
myString = (String) objectInputStream.readObject();
catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
System.out.println(myClientAddress + " sent " + myString);
try {
catch (IOException e) {
This is just a concept to grasp the idea. Now, I want the server to be able to send the same object or data at the same time - to all clients.
So somehow I must get the Server to speak to every single thread. Let's say I want the server to generate random numbers with a certain time interval and send them to the clients.
Should I use properties in the Server that the threads can access? Is there a way to just call a method in the running threads from the main thread? I have no clue where to go from here.
Bonus question:
I have another problem too... Which might be hard to see in this code. But I want every client to be able to receive messages from the server AND send messages to the sever independently. Right now I can get the Client to stand and wait for my gui to give something to send. After sending, the Client will wait for the server to send something back that it will give to the gui. You can see that my ClientHandler has that problem too.
This means that while the Client is waiting for the server to send something it cannot send anything new to the server. Also, while the Client is waiting for the gui to give it something to send, it cannot receive from the server.
I have only made a server/client app that uses the server to process data it receives from the Client - and the it sends the processed data back.
Could anyone point me in any direction with this? I think I need help how to think conceptually there. Should I have two different ClientHandlers? One for the instream and one for the outstream? I fumbling in the dark here.
"Is there a way to just call a method in the running threads from the main thread?"
One simple way to solve your problem would be to have the "server" thread send the broadcast to every client. Instead of simply creating new Client objects and letting them go (as in your example), it could keep all of the active Client objects in a collection. When it's time to send a broadcast message, it could iterate over all of the Client objects, and call a sendBroadcast() method on each one.
Of course, you would have to synchronize each client thread's use of a Client object outputStream with the server thread's use of the same stream. You also might have to deal with client connections that don't last forever (their Client objects must somehow be removed from the collection.)

Java server-multi-client TCP connection I/O

I couldn't find a similar post here, so here it is:
When I start the server and a couple of clients, I want the users on all clients to be able to input data to be processed. Also, I want the server to be able to exit the listening loop once all client sessions are terminated.
Server code listening loop:
//Console console = System.console();
// or
//InputStreamReader str = new InputStreamReader(;
//BufferedReader uinp = new BufferedReader(str);
// ...
try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber)) {
while (listening) {
new SocketServerThread(serverSocket.accept()).start();
//String serverInput = console.readLine("> ");
//if ( serverInput.equalsIgnoreCase("exit") ) { listening = false; }
// or
//System.out.print("> ");
//if ( (uinp.readLine()).equalsIgnoreCase("exit") ) { listening = false; }
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not listen on port " + portNumber);
Here's the thing: 1) If I code the server to be able to receive input and process it (like an "exit" string to tell the server to exit the listening loop), it seems to me that the second client's thread won't run, which I find quite peculiar. 2) If I don't code the server to be able to exit the listening loop, how can the server exit the loop at the user's will?
As you can see, I've tried (a) Console and (b) InputStreamReader and BufferedReader, but none of them worked.
So, my question is this: how can I have the server quit the listening loop at the user's will and allow the second client's thread run at the same time?
I think you have confused the purpose of client server architecture.
A server is a centralized system to which clients can connect and request one or more services. So what you're saying is that you want to stop the centralized system i-e the server and still let other clients keep running? This is not possible. Because a client can not exist without a server (It won't be called a client if it doesn't has a server in the first place)
So if you quit server's listening loop, no client can connect to it. Hence no client thread can be executed.
If you want to that all server-client sessions are terminated at the will of the clients' users. U can do a workaround.
Keep a count variable at the server end. Increment it with each new client coming and decrement on the client leaving. Also, keep a boolean variable like toClose initialised with false at server end again. Now let's say client 'A' tells server to close (like "exit" command as u have already done), you change the value of toClose to true.
Now at the end of each client's session, you check something like this:
if (toClose == true && count <=0 )

Setting up a multi-client/server TCP connection in Java

I'm trying to create a multi-client/server application in Java. I'm having quite some issues because my threads seem to get entangled... Here's what I'm trying to do.
I have a Server-class that accepts clients by using this piece of code:
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
My server should remember the clients that are connected so I create a new Thread called ClientThread with that socket and place that Thread in a List on the Server
That Thread listens to Command-objects that are sent from the client. If it receives a Command, it needs to send it to the Server instance for further processing (without creating a new instance of Server on that ClientThread). I've tried to do this by adding the Server-instance to this Thread when it's created. (Is this the right way?)
My Server should also be able to send Objects back to the clients (1 or more) at any time. I'm trying to do this by using socket.getOutputStream() that is kept in the ClientThread
How should I organize my Threads so that every client is constantly listening to accept objects from the server AND that they can send objects to the Server at any time.
I know this isn't really a specific question, but if you know some info or tutorials that might be helpful for this use case, I'd be really thankful.
btw: I know how to create sockets and send (serializable) objects and so on.. I'm just stuck on how to organize everything
You appear to have tangled Thread and objects. I would
a) make sure you are not extending Thread anywhere or calling your objects XxxxThread. Using an ExecutorService to manage your threads is a good idea.
b) have a simple model for responding to client commands, e.g. each client thread reads a task and then performs a task.
c) Have a wrapper for each connections, e.g. with a sendMessage method.
Since you already know about sockets and threads, I send you the idea pseudo code (case need a specific part of code just let me know)
One thing you did not mention is how to keep track of clients, by its IP o by any other method like an ID? Can any given device open more than one connection with different client ID? Or you'll only accept one connection per device? In any case, if a client is already in the list, what do you suposse to do? Will you communicate the created thread the new socket? Will you destroy that thread and create a new one? Or maybe you'll ignore this new request?
This is my idea (taken from a working application):
Server prepares the server socket and wait in the accept state.
Once a client connects, the server start a thread to attend the client passing the socket it just created with the accept command. When the thread which attends the client starts, the very first message it receives from the client should be a password o special signature to let the client gets in (this is optional).
Server code:
Prepares the server socket which listen in a well known port
Clear client list;
While (!Terminated)
// if you want to impose a limit for connections, check it here:
if (Is the list of connected client full?)
Sleep(reasonable time in seconds or miliseconds);
ClientSocket = ServerSocket.Accept();
if the client's IP is already in the list
depends on what you want to do.
Add client's IP to the list
Start (create) new client Tread(ClientSocket);
// when server finish
If (client list is not empty?)
Kill all threads
Wait until all threads are done
Wait an amount of time and then kill those remaining.
thread client code:
// This is optional, just to make sure a valid client is connected
Read packet from ClientSocket
if (!Is_the_passport_packet)
close socket;
// if passport is not required, start here
While (!Terminated)
if (read packet from client);
switch (packet.Command)
// In your question you said you want the Server thread to process the request
// I guess you have your requirements to do so,
// anyway, you must use a mutex o some other synchronization method.
case TASK_1:
[sync] process TASK_1(packet, ClientSocket);
case TASK_2:
[sync] process TASK_2(packet, ClientSocket);
etc ….
Close Socket;
Log(received an unknown command: packet.command);
else if (Client has quit (closed/broken socket))
// as you may know, a socket is consider shutdown when you received a 0 length data
// and a broken connection when received -1 in either case all you have to do is
Close Socket;
catch (Exception e)
Log(received an exception: e.message);
Remove this client from the client's list

