I am trying to create a jNODE object by parsing a JSON file which is in following format:
While creating jNODE object I am getting an object corresponding to:
and not rest of the two blocks in the JSON file. Can anyone please help with this?
We have tried to use an iterator to travel but it didnt work. Thanks.
Try enclosing the twitter feed in an array and it might be able to parse multiple lines :
How to convert sample JSON given below to a MT940 txt file:
This JSON would be a bad sample to show but hope you get the gist of it...
Just like we have a library in place to parse MT940 strings/txt we also have a library which can help construct a MT940 txt file in Java.
MT940 is SWIFT message type.
Your input is JSON and the output is MT940 text file.
It is always good to have some java model classes representing your json.
Deserialise json input using Jackson to model you gonna use internally.
Use your own library or some third party like https://www.prowidesoftware.com/resources/SWIFT-writer to convert your internal model to MT940
Serialize the result into text file.
To start off, I'm pretty new in programming. I have to create an Android Weather App for a school project and I'm stuck with this big ass JSON:
Out of this, how would I read the temperature out of every 3 hour interval(example: 9.00-12.00 temperature: 5°C, 12.00-15.00 temperature: 7°C etc.).
So I have an Activity that displays the temperature of the entire day by three hour intervals. Since I have no experience with JSON I have no idea what the certain indexes mean, when does it increment(there are like 8 main: thingies).
DISCLAIMER: I have to use JSON, no GSON or other shortcuts, I have to parse and read certain data from this JSON. I get this JSON from open weather map API so it changes every day.
Use volly library for it. You can easily fetch data from json. No async task is needed, if you are using volly library.
First validate the json by going to http://jsonlint.com/. This will help you see the formatted Json string.
Next read up on Json array and Object .
Use AsynTask to get the Json into forecastJsonStr string.
Then you need to convert this forecastJsonStr into JSon object forecastJsonObj
To get weather data in "list" do something similar to
JSONArray weatherArray = forecastJson.getJSONArray("list");
Hope this helps
JSONObject receivedData = new JSONObject("The string that you get as response from the API");
JSONArray weatherList = receivedData.getJSONArray("list");
for(int i=0;i<weatherList.length();i++){
JSONObject data = weatherList.getJSONObjectAt(i);
String date_text - data.getString("dt_txt");
JSONArray weatherData = weatherList.getJSONArray("main");
for(int j=0;j<weatherData.length();j++){
// Here is where you will get all the weather stuff that you need
int temp = weatherData.getInt("temp");
// Similarly other values like temp_min, temp_max
So basically you need to parse the entire thing. In order to understand the whole structure more clearly use something like http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ in order to view the JSON in a more clear way so that you know what you need from the JSON data better. Simple copy paste your data into there and click "Format".
JSON is just a name-value pair kind of storage if you see stored like "name":"value". Integer values don't have the "".
Remember all the JSON is stored in { } and a JSON can be nested in a JSON. So in your example if you see, the entire thing is a JSON. Within that you have a "city" key which has a value within { }. So "city" is a JSONObject.
Similarly "coord" is a JSONObject while "cod" is a String and "cnt" is an integer.
There can also be some instances where a name points to an array of JSON objects like "list" over here. JSON Arrays are signified using a [ ]. Enclosed within are JSON objects separated by comma.
Above is a very simple sample to get you started so that you get a jist of what is going on. So play around and try to extract more data from in there.
All the best and Happy Coding :)
I am using Spring security oauth2. By default oauth2 returns it's own error format like {error : "Invalid_grant", error_description : "something"}. I want to change it my own custom format so in my application, it remains consistent. Can anyone please help me? I have gone through lots of links but didn't find any suitable solution till now.
What you get as a result is a JSON document.
Look at Jackson or Gson libraries for example to parse(deserialize) JSON documents. You can get data values 1 by 1 or deserialize into a class instance.
Once you parse modify the data as you wish
Use the same library Jackson or Gson to write(serialize) a new JSON document.
Jackson may also produce as output XML, YAML and CSV documents
In Java, how would I pull the data for just the "data" section in the following JSON output?
json.get("data") does not work and gives the following error:
Exception in thread "main" org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["data"] not found.
at org.json.JSONObject.get(JSONObject.java:454)
at so4308554.JsonReader.main(JsonReader.java:40)
You have a JSON object. It contains exactly one field: getuserhashrate
{"getuserhashrate": ... }
That field contains another JSON object which has its own fields ("data", "runtime", etc).
{"data":1425,"runtime":8.2659721374512, .. }
From looking at your stack trace, you're using the basic json.org library (or the Android SDK).
You'd parse the JSON and get back the top-level object via:
JSONObject root = new JSONObject(myJsonString);
Then you'd get the object contained in the getuserhashrate field:
JSONObject data = root.getJSONObject("getuserhashrate");
Now you are able to access the fields of that object.
JsonPath is a good tool to extract information from JSON
String json = yourStringjson;
String data = JsonPath.read(json, "$.getuserhashrate.data");
data will be 1425
Just add the libs and it will be a useful tool if you dont want to create beans to have a full marshall
I am having a really challenging time parsing some XML data returned to my Android app.
The data is sent as XML but printing it on my mobile screen, it comes out as the following:
{"sessid":"5eed0b52c6953b52e262b559b5557be4","session_name":"SESS6cbf091341a26e4687fa7850b465755a,"user":{"uid":"15","name":"guest","pass":"084e0343a0486ff05530df6c705c8bb4","mail":"adeoduye#hotmail.com", "mode":"0","sort":"0","threshold":"0","theme":"","signature":"","signature_format":"0","created":"1306008217","access":"1306094503","login":"1306134979","status":"1","timezone":"3600","language":"","picture":"","init":"adeoduye#hotmail.com","data":a:1:{s:13:\"form_build_id\";s:37:\"form-49ea7a4ef10a8a2b31478696f17e8dee\";","form_build_id":"form-49ea7a4ef10a8a2b31478696f17e8dee","roles":{"2":"authenticated user","3":"guest"}}}
Can anyone please help a newbie and give me some ideas on how to parse this type of output and/or plain XML?
This isn't XML but JSON. You have to parse that string using the JSON API.
Basically you create a JSONObject by feeding the string into a JSONTokenizer. You can now query the values from the JSONObject as described in the API reference example.
The String you're seeing here is in JSON format. You can parse this in Andriod using the following library : http://code.google.com/p/google-gson/
For more info on json, checkout http://json.org.