My Project structure has resources folder inside the src/main/ folder. The resources folder contains the file My pom is as follows:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Hibernate dependencies START -->
<!-- Hibernate dependencies END -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.IncludeResourceTransformer">
The Jar is created properly and the main class is mentioned in the manifest. I have the following questions :
The target folder contains the classes folder whch has the class files. The jar also contains them so why are they needed. My goal is to have a executable jar with all the dependancies only.
The resources are not getting added in the jar at all. I have added the transformer according to instructions seen on the net but no use!!!
What are the other dir getting created in the target folder (maven-archiver, surefire, surefire-reports etc) ??
Another jar gets created every time i do a maven clean install (original-Listener....jar)
I have absolutely no clue about how to include resources. Any help is appreciated!!
This is the tag i used for the maven-assembly-plugin:
This created the Listener-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar with all the classes from referred jars in the folders. The manifest also contains the main class.
The problem still is that I cant include the resource bundle in the folder \src\main\resources.
Also I cant understand why jar files referenced from my code are included in the jar as well as inside the META-INF folder.
The problem wasn't in your maven-shade-plugin's configuration, rather that you have explicitly set resource directory to a wrong path:
<!-- wrong -->
As <directory> element's doc says: "Describe the directory where the resources are stored. The path is
relative to the POM."
So if you follow default maven project structure you have to set like this:
<!-- correct -->
or don't set it, then it falls back to same as maven defaults.
I removed the following from the pom.xml and the property files were included at the root dir.
Still havent figured out why there is a repetition of the referred classes in the jar.
I updated my project to Java 17/Wildfly 27/Keycloak 19 and I get the error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jakarta/ws/rs/core/MultivaluedMap
The library Maven: is added in the library of the project via Maven:
Does somebody know why this happens?
My pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Project Auth Post (Keycloak Setup)</name>
<description>This project is responsible to setup Keycloak.</description>
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
"C:\Program Files\ojdkbuild\jdk-17.0.2\bin\java.exe" -
Dtenant.config=../e2e-test/src/main/resources/e2e-config "-
javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.3\lib\idea_rt.jar=55918:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.3\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath C:\work\project\auth-post\target\classes;C:\work\project\common\target\classes;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\keycloak\keycloak-admin-client-jakarta\19.0.0\keycloak-admin-client-jakarta-19.0.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\keycloak\keycloak-core\19.0.0\keycloak-core-19.0.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\keycloak\keycloak-common\19.0.0\keycloak-common-19.0.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-client\6.2.2.Final\resteasy-client-6.2.2.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-client-api\6.2.2.Final\resteasy-client-api-6.2.2.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-core-spi\6.2.2.Final\resteasy-core-spi-6.2.2.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\jakarta\annotation\jakarta.annotation-api\2.1.1\jakarta.annotation-api-2.1.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-core\6.2.2.Final\resteasy-core-6.2.2.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\jandex\2.4.3.Final\jandex-2.4.3.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\jakarta\activation\jakarta.activation-api\2.1.0\jakarta.activation-api-2.1.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\eclipse\angus\angus-activation\1.0.0\angus-activation-1.0.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\ibm\async\asyncutil\0.1.0\asyncutil-0.1.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\logging\jboss-logging\3.5.0.Final\jboss-logging-3.5.0.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\apache\httpcomponents\httpclient\4.5.14\httpclient-4.5.14.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\apache\httpcomponents\httpcore\4.4.16\httpcore-4.4.16.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\commons-logging\commons-logging\1.2\commons-logging-1.2.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\commons-codec\commons-codec\1.15\commons-codec-1.15.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\reactivestreams\reactive-streams\1.0.4\reactive-streams-1.0.4.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-jaxrs\3.15.3.Final\resteasy-jaxrs-3.15.3.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\spec\javax\ws\rs\jboss-jaxrs-api_2.1_spec\2.0.1.Final\jboss-jaxrs-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\spec\javax\xml\bind\jboss-jaxb-api_2.3_spec\2.0.1.Final\jboss-jaxb-api_2.3_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\jakarta\validation\jakarta.validation-api\2.0.2\jakarta.validation-api-2.0.2.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\spec\javax\annotation\jboss-annotations-api_1.3_spec\2.0.1.Final\jboss-annotations-api_1.3_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\sun\activation\jakarta.activation\1.2.2\jakarta.activation-1.2.2.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\commons-io\commons-io\2.6\commons-io-2.6.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\github\stephenc\jcip\jcip-annotations\1.0-1\jcip-annotations-1.0-1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-jaxb-provider\6.2.2.Final\resteasy-jaxb-provider-6.2.2.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\jakarta\xml\bind\jakarta.xml.bind-api\4.0.0\jakarta.xml.bind-api-4.0.0.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\codemodel\4.0.1\codemodel-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\jaxb-core\4.0.1\jaxb-core-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\jaxb-jxc\4.0.1\jaxb-jxc-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\jaxb-runtime\4.0.1\jaxb-runtime-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\txw2\4.0.1\txw2-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\jaxb-xjc\4.0.1\jaxb-xjc-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\glassfish\jaxb\xsom\4.0.1\xsom-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\sun\istack\istack-commons-runtime\4.1.1\istack-commons-runtime-4.1.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\sun\istack\istack-commons-tools\4.1.1\istack-commons-tools-4.1.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\sun\xml\bind\external\relaxng-datatype\4.0.1\relaxng-datatype-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\sun\xml\bind\external\rngom\4.0.1\rngom-4.0.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\org\jboss\resteasy\resteasy-jackson2-provider\6.2.2.Final\resteasy-jackson2-provider-6.2.2.Final.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\fasterxml\jackson\core\jackson-core\2.14.1\jackson-core-2.14.1.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\fasterxml\jackson\core\jackson-databind\\jackson-databind-;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\fasterxml\jackson\core\jackson-annotations\2.13.4\jackson-annotations-2.13.4.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\fasterxml\jackson\jakarta\rs\jackson-jakarta-rs-base\2.13.4\jackson-jakarta-rs-base-2.13.4.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\fasterxml\jackson\jakarta\rs\jackson-jakarta-rs-json-provider\2.13.4\jackson-jakarta-rs-json-provider-2.13.4.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\fasterxml\jackson\module\jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind-annotations\2.13.4\jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind-annotations-2.13.4.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\github\java-json-tools\json-patch\1.13\json-patch-1.13.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\github\java-json-tools\msg-simple\1.2\msg-simple-1.2.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\github\java-json-tools\btf\1.3\btf-1.3.jar;C:\Users\maku\.m2\repository\com\github\java-json-tools\jackson-coreutils\2.0\jackson-coreutils-2.0.jar
Fehler: Hauptklasse kann nicht initialisiert werden
Ursache: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jakarta/ws/rs/core/MultivaluedMap
WildFly (and other JEE / Jakarta EE containers) provide their own Java EE / Jakarta EE classes (servlet API, JAX-RS, JPA, etc.). If you bundle them in your application, these classes will be not be used by WildFly. Even if the class files are identical, the classes in your application are not the same as the provided classes - they have different class loaders. Class equality does not just use the fully qualified class name, it also uses the class loader. As a result, you will most likely get a class mismatch. You didn't show the full stack trace, but this is a likely cause of it.
Mark these dependencies as provided, that should usually solve the issue. You will also have to do something in your shade plugin if they still get included.
The same goes for the RESTEasy dependencies, although that's specific to WildFly / JBoss.
Deleted .idea and reimported everything and now it works
This question already has answers here:
How can I create an executable/runnable JAR with dependencies using Maven?
(33 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
How to make Maven include the JDBC driver for Postgres inside my app's .jar file?
I added this dependency element to the <dependencies> element in my POM.
<!-- -->
The IntelliJ IDE shows the driver was successfully downloaded, as it is listed in the "External Libraries" item of my Project pane. And my code can use the JDBC classes such as PGSimpleDataSource.
When I build, if I look inside the resulting .jar file, there is no JDBC driver included.
My project is driven by Maven, using the maven-archetype-quickstart archetype. I did update all the version numbers within the POM to the latest. My only other change was to add the following to get the manifest file of the JAR to specify a main class.
I thought that Maven by default would bundle all dependencies inside the resulting JAR file. That is the behavior I have seen in building Vaadin web apps. Is that not the case more generally? Or is the JDBC driver special and being omitted for some reason.
If it helps, here is the entire POM.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<description>A simple tryjdbc.</description>
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- see -->
The .war files, such as those you saw in building Vaadin web apps, do include dependencies by default.
In contrast, the .jar files built by Maven do not include any dependencies by default.
You can use a plugin such as maven-shade-plugin to create a shaded jar, which does include the dependencies:
<!-- put your configurations here -->
Further examples can be found on the Apache Maven Shade Plugin project page.
I'm new to Maven.
I created Maven Project and installed it (build succesful),but i cant run jar file from command prompt, it says
Error: Unable to access jarfile
I think i've got mistake in POM file
<project xmlns=""
Building an executable Jar file with Maven can be tricky, but there is a way to do it! It looks like you're on the right track, but might be missing "ParagonCase" in the "packageName" property of the plugin (if your Main function is ru.nick.kru.ParagonCase.Main, then your packageName should be ru.nick.kru.ParagonCase).
I've also found it useful to use the maven shade plugin, which bundles all the necessary dependencies inside the Jar (i.e. you don't need all those dependencies as separate Jars in your classpath when you run the Jar).
In your POM you could add the following build plugin:
<!-- Run shade goal on package phase -->
<!-- add Main-Class to manifest file -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
In order to run the Jar (after it is created with mvn package). Launch it with java:
java -jar ParagonCase.jar
I'm having trouble creating an executable jar with all dependancies and resources packaged in it. So far I have everything inside the jar, but it is looking for the resources OUTside the jar.
Here is the structure of my project:
I'm able to Create the Executable Jar with dependancies packaged in, and the resources are packaged as well, however it is still looking for the resources in the "resources" folder and not IN the JAR.
The jar looks like this:
When I try run it, I get this error: .../MyProject/target/resources/default-style.xml (No such file or directory)
So my problem is this: my dependancies and resources are packaged in the jar like I want, but upon execution it's looking for "resources/" in the "target/" folder and NOT in the JAR.
Here's my pom:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- MyProject INFO -->
<!-- RESOURCES -->
<!-- For Java 6, you need to configure the maven-compiler-plugin. Add this to your pom.xml: -->
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
EDIT: Looks like it might be my code instead. I'll take a look, thanks! (My company's proxy blocks most of stackoverflow so I can't reply to comments >.< That's why I'm writing it here. Thanks Jigar Joshi and Aurand!)
Look into the java build path. The default output folder for the resources might be incorrect. May be that is why resource contents are not copied properly.
I am using Eclipse Maven (m2e) inside Eclipse and I am running my project like this:
My pom.xml looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<property name="compile_classpath" refid="maven.compile.classpath" />
<property name="runtime_classpath" refid="maven.runtime.classpath" />
<property name="test_classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath" />
<property name="plugin_classpath" refid="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<ant antfile="${basedir}/clientExport.xml" target="export-all" />
After I run the maven install it is working...
Maven run configurations:
The problem is that my generated .jar it doesn't have the dependencies included....
How can I configure pom.xml to include all my dependencies in .jar format and not unpacked.. because it seems that unpacked are not working correct...
To be sure that including all jars is ok.. I downloaded and added each library into jar's /lib folder and the jar is running... so.. my only question is: How can I configure pom.xml in order to add all my dependencies in jar format?
I tried all methods:
assembly:single with my descriptor (an assemble.xml file) but it wasn't working
maven copy dependencies plugin but still not working with Eclipse Maven - m2e
I am out of solutions... can anyone tell me a proper way to add my dependencies in jar? I can't believe that maven is so complex and I can't find an answer to my question everywhere..
Thank you in advance
There are a couple of ways of doing this.
1) If you want an uber-jar (repacked with all dependencies), look into using and configuring the maven-shade-plugin:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
This will unpack all dependencies and merge them into one JAR file.
2) If you want to deliver a bundle (zip, tar.gz, etc) with the unpacked JAR files in the bundle (perhaps under lib/) then you need to look into the maven-assembly-plugin:
Note that this requires an assembly descriptor src/main/assembly/dist.xml and example looks like this:
<assembly xmlns="">
And since you are now assembling dependencies, you have better define the dependency in the pom.xml, like so:
... and so on ...
3) If you are delivering a bundle with an executable JAR file launcher, you will likely need to add a maven-jar-plugin configuration in addition to the maven-assembly-plugin:
... and so on ...
Note that the "addClasspath" directive adds the project dependencies to the class path. This is needed for JAR launchers, as they explicitly ignore all CLASSPATH environmental variables.