I have class files loaded on to Hadoop file system.And also i have loaded input file to hdfs.
When I run class file through hadoop command in terminal i get Class not found error.
I have HDFS contents as
Can Some one correct me where i am doing wrong.Or is this can be done in real.
Below is the commandline we use for running a Java mapreduce job on our 4-node Hadoop-2.2.0 cluster daily and it works fine. We run it from the namenode but any machine in the cluster should work fine.
hadoop jar ~/..path../mr_orchestrate/target/mr-orchestrate-1.0.jar com.rr.ap.orchestrate.MROrchestrate /user/hduser/in/Sample_15Feb2014.txt /user/hduser/out/out15Feb2014
You may need the "-libjars" option to add other library paths.
I want to run my custom java code/program on a single node hadoop cluster.
How do I run a Java program in a single node cluster in hadoop? Do I need to convert my Java code into a JAR file and then execute?
Yes, you need to convert into .Jar file. I will explain you step by step
1)Write your java code in Eclipse IDE.
2)To create jar of your project, follow this link
3)Copy your dataset to HDFS using following command
$ bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /path/to/file/on/filesystem /path/to/input/on/hdfs
4)Run your jar by giving path of a dataset which is stored in HDFS, you can follow command
$ bin/hadoop jar path/to/jar/on/filesystem /path/to/input/on/hdfs /path/to/outputdir/on/hdfs
5)The following command is used to verify the resultant files in the output folder.
$ bin/hadoop fs -ls /path/to/outputdir/on/hdfs
6)The following command is used to see the output in Part-00000 file. This file is generated by HDFS.
$ bin/hadoop fs -cat path/to/output_dir/part-00000
Hope this helps you.
I'm trying to run wordcount topology on apache storm via command line in ubuntu and it is using multiland property to split words from sentences with a program written in python.
I've set the classpath of the multilang dir in .bashrc file but still at the time of execution it is giving error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error when launching multilang subprocess
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "python" (in directory "/tmp/eaf0b6b3-67c1-4f89-b3d8-23edada49b04/supervisor/stormdist/word-count-1-1414559082/resources"): error=2, No such file or directory
I found my answer, I was submitting jar to storm but the cluster it contain was Local and hence the classpath was not working while uploading jar to storm, I re modified the code and change the local cluster to storm cluster and then It was uploaded successfully to storm, along this I have also included the classpath of multilang folder in the eclipse ide itself instead of creating it in .bashrc file.
The python installed in the system may have its default path, such as /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. Python modules may have different paths.
Do not fully override $PATH environment variable in .bashrc.
Or you can set the execution bit of the Python script you would like to run, and call the script as a normal program in storm.
I am trying to run hadoop in stand alone mode and have set up all the correct configuration files and have successfully run the wordCount example. The problem arises when I try to organize my source code and jar files into a file hierarchy to make things a little more organized.
hadoop --config ~/myconfig jar ~/MYPROGRAMSRC/WordCount.jar MYPROGRAMSRC.WordCount ~/wordCountInput/allData ~/wordCountOutput
I use the above code to invoke hadoop from a script file in my home directory. It fails to recognize the WordCount file one level below in the MYPROGRAMSRC directory.
The ~/MYPROGRAMSRC directory contains the:
WordCount.jar, WordCount.java, WordCount.class, WordCount$Map.class and WordCont$Reduce.class files.
Buy why is hadoop throwing a ClassNotFoundException:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MYPROGRAMSRC.WordCount
I know my program runs because if I transfer the script file into the same directory as the WordCount.class file and run the following command:
hadoop --config ~/myconfig jar WordCount.jar WordCount ~/wordCountInput/allData ~/wordCountOutput
It runs fine.
hadoop --config ~/myconfig jar ~/MYPROGRAMSRC/WordCount.jar ~/MYPROGRAMSRC/WordCount ~/wordCountInput/allData ~/wordCountOutput
MYPROGRAMSRC.WordCount makes no sense if MYPROGRAMSRC is a directory.
I'm really new to Hadoop and not familiar to terminal commands.
I followed step by step to install hadoop on my mac and can run some inner hadoop examples. However, when i tried to run the WordCount example, it generate many errors such as org.apache can't be resolved.
The post online said you should put it in where you write your java code.. I used to use eclipse. However, in Eclipse there're so many errors that the project was enable to be compiled.
And suggestion?
Assuming you have also followed the directions to start up a local cluster, or pseudo-distributed cluster, then here is the easiest way.
Go to the hadoop directory, which should be whatever directory is unzipped when you download the hadoop library from apache. From there you can run these command to run hadoop
for Hadoop version 0.23.*
cd $HOME/path/to/hadoop-0.23.*
./bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-0.23.5.jar wordcount myinput outputdir
for Hadoop version 0.20.*
cd $HOME/path/to/hadoop-0.20.*
./bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar wordcount myinput outputdir
I am learning to work on hadoop cluster. I have worked for some time on hadoop streaming where I coded map-reduce scripts in perl/python and ran the job.
However, I didn't find any good explanation for running a java map reduce job.
For example:
I have the following program-
Can somebody tell me how shall I actually compile this program and run the job.
Create a directory to hold the compiled class:
mkdir WordCount_classes
Compile your class:
javac -classpath ${HADOOP_HOME}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}-core.jar -d WordCount_classes WordCount.java
Create a jar file from your compiled class:
jar -cvf $HOME/code/hadoop/WordCount.jar -C WordCount_classes/ .
Create a directory for your input and copy all your input files into it, then run your job as follows:
bin/hadoop jar $HOME/code/WordCount.jar WordCount ${INPUTDIR} ${OUTPUTDIR}
The output of your job will be put in the ${OUTPUTDIR} directory. This directory is created by the Hadoop job, so make sure it doesn't exist before you run the job.
See here for a full example.