Java overwrite with serializable - java

I'm reading in a set of data from serializable and as a result I get 2 sets of data, the old one that was already there and the new one that I've just loaded in. I managed to create a separate set of data and it kind of works but it's not the ideal solution here. I'm loading stuff into ArrayLists but that just seems to make the entries null rather than deleting them. So I was wondering how do I overwrite with serializable? Here is my current code that I use to load in the data:
Model m = new Model();
Like I said this created a new instance of Model, but I would rather have it replace the current instance but I'm unsure on how to do that.

If you have students and modules array lists then you can do:
Model m = Model.readModule("out.ser");
Hope this helps.


How to convert ArrayList to ExampleSet in Rapidminer?

I'm creating an extension for rapidminer using java. I have an array of elements of type Example and I need to covert it to a dataset of type ExampleSet.
Rapidminer's ExampleSet definition looks like this:
public interface ExampleSet extends ResultObject, Cloneable, Iterable<Example>
I need to pick certain elements from dataset and send it back, still as ExampleSet, however casting is not working and I can't simply create new ExampleSet object since it's an interface.
private ExampleSet generateSet(ExampleSet dataset){
List<Example> list = new ArrayList<Example>();
// pick elements from sent dataset and add them to newly created list above
return (ExampleSet)list;
You will need more than a simple explicit cast.
In RapidMiner, an ExampleSet is not just a collection of Example. It contains more complex information and logic.
Therefore, you need another approach to work with ExampleSets. Like you already said, it is just the interface, which lead us to choice of the right subtype.
For starters, (Since: 7.3) simply use one of ExampleSets class's methods .
You also need to define each Attribute this ExampleSet is going to have, namely the columns.
Below, I create one with a single Attribute called First
Attribute attributeFirst = AttributeFactory.createAttribute("First", Ontology.POLYNOMINAL);
ExampleSetBuilder builder = ExampleSets.from(attributeFirst);
ExampleSet result =;
You can also get the Attributes in a more generic way using:
Attribute[] attributes = example.getAttributes().createRegularAttributeArray();
ExampleSetBuilder builder = ExampleSets.from(attributes);
If you have many cases where you have to create or alter ExampleSet, I encourage you to write your own ExampleSetBuilder since the original implementation have many drawbacks.
You can also try searching for other extensions, which may already meet your requirements, and you do not need to create one of your own (belive me, it's not Headache-free).
the ExampleSet class is getting deprecated (but still perfectly fine to use).
You might want to consider switching over to the newer data set API called Belt ( It's faster and more intuitive to use. It's still actively developed, so feedback is also welcome.
Also if you have more specific questions, feel free to drop by the RapidMiner community (, where also many of the developers are very active.

How to store list of realm object to Arraylist in android [duplicate]

I have RealmResults that I receive from Realm like
RealmResults<StepEntry> stepEntryResults = realm.where(StepEntry.class).findAll();
Now I want convert RealmResults<StepEntry> to ArrayList<StepEntry>
I have try
ArrayList<StepEntry> stepEntryArray = new ArrayList<StepEntry>(stepEntryResults));
but the item in my ArrayList is not my StepEntry object, it is StepEntryRealmProxy
How can I convert it?
Any help or suggestion would be great appreciated.
To eagerly read every element from the Realm (and therefore make all elements in the list become unmanaged, you can do):
List<StepEntry> arrayListOfUnmanagedObjects = realm.copyFromRealm(realmResults);
But you generally have absolutely no reason to do that unless you want to serialize the objects with GSON (specifically, because it reads field data with reflection rather than with getters), because Realm was designed in such a way that the list exposes a change listener, allowing you to keep your UI up to date just by observing changes made to the database.
The answer by #EpicPandaForce works well. I tried this way to optimize my app performance and I find the following is a bit faster. Another option for people who prefer speed:
RealmResults<Tag> childList = realm.where(Tag.class).equalTo("parentID", id).findAll();
Tag[] childs = new Tag[childList.size()];
return Arrays.asList(childs);
In Kotlin:
var list : List<Student>: listof()
val rl = realm.where(
// subList return all data contain on RealmResults
list = rl.subList(0,rl.size)

MVC in Java array

i am going to type my code here and then I will explain my problem below.
for (int i = 0; i < sales.totalSales(); i++) {
EntidadGeo gec = sales.getSale(i).getCustomer();
EntidadGeo get = sales.getSale(i).getStore();
int[] c = geo.georeferenciar(sales.getSale(i).getCustomer().getCP(), ventas.getVenta(i).getCCustomer().getCalle(), ventas.getVenta(i).getCCustomer().getProvincia());
int[] c2 = geo.georeferenciar(ventas.getSale(i).getStore().getCP(), ventas.getVenta(i).getStore().getCalle(), ventas.getSale(i).getStore().getProvincia());
mapaventas.representar(gec, get);
I have that for loop, what i want to do in my project is to print in a map. The point is what I need to draw in the map are customers and stores and one store can sell to many customers at the same time. In my project I am using MVC pattern, this part belongs to Controller part, and in the model part i draw the map.
It works now but the problem is that my project draw one customer and one store instead of 4 customers per 1 store.
Your problem is here:
mapaventas.representar(gec, get);
So it looks like you have a Map<Vendor, Client> which will only associate only one client per vendor. I have to guess at this because we have no knowledge what the method above does. If I am correct a better solution perhaps is to use a Map<Vendor, ArrayList<Client>>. so that a Vendor can be associated with multiple clients. Then you would do something like
ArrayList<Client> getList = mapaventas.get(gec);
// if the above is null, create the arraylist first and put it
// and the gec into the map.
Note that my variable names and types will not be the same as yours, but hopefully you will understand the concept I'm trying to get across. If not, please ask.
It sounds like your database has a one-to-many relation between Store and Customer. A corresponding object model might be List<Map<Store, List<Customer>>>. Because a Customer may trade at more than one Store, you want "to check there if there is an IdStore already drawn, and then I don't want to draw it."
One approach would be to iterate through the List and add entries to a Set<Location>. Because implementations of Set reject duplicate elements, only one copy would be present, and no explicit check would be required. As a concrete example using JMapViewer, you would add a MapMarker to the mapViewer for each Location in the Set, as shown here.

2D Array that can hold multiple values with no limits

I am quite new to java currently working on a not-so-simple web browser application in which I would like to record a permanent history file with a 2D array setup with 3 columns containing "Date Viewed", "URL", "How many times this URL has been viewed before".
Currently I have a temporary solution that only saves "URL" which is also used for "Back, Foward" features using an ArrayList.
private List tempHistory = new ArrayList();
I am reading through the Java documentation but I cannot put together a solution, unless I am missing the obvious there is no 2D array as flexible a ArrayList like in Python?
From your description it doesn't sound like you need a 2D array. You just have one dimension -- but of complex data types, right?
So define a HistoryItem class or something with a Date property for date viewed, URL for URL, int for view count.
Then you just want a List<HistoryItem> history = new ArrayList<HistoryItem>().
The reason I don't think you really want a 2D array-like thing is that it could only hold one data type, and you clearly have several data types at work here, like a date and a count. But if you really want a table-like abstraction, try Guava's Table.
No, there is no built-in 2D array type in Java (unless you use primitive arrays).
You could just use a list of lists (List<List>) - however, I think it is almost always better to use a custom type that you put into the list. In your case, you'd create a class HistoryEntry (with fields for "Date viewed", URL etc.), and use List<HistoryEntry>. That way, you get all the benefits a proper type gives you (typechecking, completion in an IDE, ability to put methods into the class etc.).
How do you plan to browse the history then? If you want to search the history for each url later on then ArrayList approach might not be efficient.
I would rather prefer a Map with URL as key.
Map<Url,UrlHistory> browseHistory = new HahMap<Url,UrlHistory> ();
UrlHistory will contains all the fields you want to associate with a url like no. of times page was accessed and all.

Populating an existing entity using hibernate

Its sort of the same question as this: Populating an existing entity using NHibernate only in regular Hibernate and not NHibernate. Also that question was not fully answerd IMO.
Too sum up, is it possible (in hibernate) to fill/populate a new entity by a previously attached entity? Something like:
daoService.getEntityManager().find(Student.class, 123L);
Student student = new Student(123) // Creating a new student
The result supposed to be that the student instance will have the exact value as the one found by the entity manager.
I can't use merge, as it returns a new instance (instead of filling the given instance) and I can't use load() if the ID belongs to an already attached entity.
I want the code to be generic to every entity, so its not practical to just set the values manually. I'd rather not use refelection in this context because of all the potential pitfalls (Lazy initialization, inheritance, get methods with no corresponding set methods and vice versa, etc.)
I'm working on a legacy system that uses both JPA entities and non entities (with JDBC) and this can solve me some major problems.
Thanks in advance for the help!
the syntax is not completly accurate since i'm writing of the top of my head
Student student = new Student();
metadata = factory.getClassMetaData(Student.class);
// copy id
for(Property prop in metadata.getPropertyClosureIterator)
prop.setValue(student, prop.getValue(managedStudent));

