I am coding a method that calculates the intersection of a line and a circle as a first step to write some kind of ray casting demo. In case an intersection is calculated it gets the shortest distance to the two points of intersection that will be the collision point, then it repeats the process where the new line originates from the collision point.
I was motivated by this video of a laser hitting different circles.
The method receives the angle of the line, the point where it originates, the size of the window, the radius of the circles, the array of centers of the circles and the GraphicsContext object from JavaFX.
The method has a couple of booleans to determine whether a collision has been made or not, and an ArrayList to store the collisions that will be later drawn on a JavaFX Canvas.
Inside a while loop the equation of the line is defined with the form y = m*x + b. Then checks which of the circles has a distance between the circle center and the line smaller than the radius of the line, this is calculated with the method explained here: math.stackexchange.com.
In case the distance to the center is smaller than the radius a collision occurs against that circle. As far as I know to find the intersection between a line and a circle you need to solve the equation system: y = m*x + b, (x-x1)^2 + (y-y1)^2 = r^2, that I solved via substitution. This results in a second degree polinomial equation that has a real solution if: p1*p1 >= 4*p0*p2.
The solution with the shortest distance to the origin point is the one that the line hits first and is the solution to our problem. A new angle is calculated with the center of the circle, the collision point and the origin point. With this a new line is defined and the loop repeats until no collision against the circles is calculated, situation where the collision against the borders of the window is calculated.
At the end a for loop draws all of the lines defined as couples of points inside collisionList.
This is the code, I've tried to comment it as best as I could:
private void extendPoint(double angle, Point origin, double x, double y, double radius, ArrayList<Point> pointList) {
double newAngle = angle; //Angle that defines the direction of the line
//This is used if the line does not hit a circle
double angle11 = Math.atan2(origin.getY(), origin.getX());
double angle_11 = Math.atan2(origin.getY(), -origin.getX());
double angle_1_1 = angle11 + Math.PI;
double angle1_1 = angle_11 + Math.PI;
boolean noCollision = true; //Will be true if the line does not hit a circle
boolean repeat = true; //If no collision has been made the while loop stops with this
Point currentPoint = Point.copy(origin); // (x0, y0)
Point collision = new Point(-1,-1); //Stores the collision point
Point newDirection = new Point(-1,-1); //Stores the new direction after a collision, returns(magnitud, angle) of a vector
ArrayList <Point> collisionList = new ArrayList<>(); //ArrayList of collision points that will be drawn later
collisionList.add(origin); //The origin point is added as a collision for representation purposes
while(repeat == true) {
//Line equation that passes through a point with an angle
//y = a*x - a*x0 + y0; -> y = m*x + b;
double m = Math.tan(-newAngle);
double a = m;
double b = -m*currentPoint.getX() + (currentPoint.getY());
for(int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); i++) {
Point gridPoint = pointList.get(i); //(x1, y1)
//From: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2552687/distance-between-line-and-point
//Given a line defined as A*x + B*y + C = 0
double A = gridPoint.getY()-currentPoint.getY();
double B = gridPoint.getX()-currentPoint.getX();
double C = -currentPoint.getY()*B + currentPoint.getX()*A;
// double d_cp_gp = Math.abs(m*gridPoint.getX()-b*(gridPoint.getY()))/(Math.sqrt(m*m + 1));
double d_cp_gp = Math.abs(A + B + C)/Math.sqrt(A*A + B*B);
if(d_cp_gp < radius) {
System.out.println("radio " + d_cp_gp);
//The intersection between a line and a circunference:
//Circunference: (x-x1)^2 + (y-y1)^2 = r^2
//Line: y = tan(alpha)*(x-x0)+y0 -> y = a*x + b; a = tan(alfa), b = -tan(alfa)*x0 + y0
//Substituting the line equation in the circunference equation:
//x^2*(1+a^2) + x*(-2x1 + 2*a*b) + 2*a*b + x1^2+b^2-r^2 = 0
double p2 = 1 + a*a;
double p1 = -2*gridPoint.getX() + 2*a*b;
double p0 = gridPoint.getX()*gridPoint.getX() + b*b - radius*radius;
double p0_ = 4*p0*p2;
System.out.println(p1*p1 + " " + p0_);
//Check if the second order equation has solutions
if(p1*p1 >= p0_) {
System.out.println("IT HAS SOLUTION");
double root = Math.sqrt(p1*p1 - p0_);
double sol1x = (-p1 + root)/(2*p2);
double sol2x = (-p1 - root)/(2*p2);
double sol1y = a*sol1x - a*currentPoint.getX() + currentPoint.getY();
double sol2y = a*sol1x - a*currentPoint.getX() + currentPoint.getY();
//The line will intersect twice with the circle, we want the solution
//with the shortest distance to currentPoint (x0,y0)
double distSol1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(currentPoint.getX()- sol1x, 2) +
Math.pow(currentPoint.getY() - sol1y, 2));
double distSol2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(currentPoint.getX()- sol2x, 2) +
Math.pow(currentPoint.getY() - sol2y, 2));
//The collision point is the point that the line hits first
if(distSol1 < distSol2) {
collision.setXY(sol1x, sol1y);
else {
collision.setXY(sol2x, sol2y);
//newAngle returns a vector with the form (magnitude, angle)
newDirection = newAngle(currentPoint, gridPoint, collision, radius);
currentPoint = collision;
//The new line after the collision is defined here
m = Math.tan(-newDirection.getY());
a = m;
b = -m*collision.getX() + (collision.getY());
System.out.println("A collision has been calculated successfully: " + collision.toString());
//If a collision
noCollision= false;
//If no collisions have been detected at the end of the for loop exit the while loop
if(i == pointList.size() - 1 && noCollision == true) {
repeat = false;
//If no collision has been calculated with the circles this
//calculates the collision with the limits of the window
if(noCollision == true && repeat == false) {
if(angle<angle11 || angle > angle1_1) {
collision.setXY(x, m*x + b);
else if(angle > angle11 && angle < angle_11){
collision.setXY((0 - b)/m, 0);
else if(angle > angle_11 && angle < angle_1_1) {
collision.setXY(0, m*0 + b);
else if(angle> angle_1_1 && angle < angle1_1) {
collision.setXY((y - b)/m, y);
System.out.println("Number of collisions: " + (int)(collisionList.size() - 1));
My main problem is that the shortest distance to a circle doesn't seem to be calculated properly, which directly difficults if the rest of the code works properly.
I've tried different methods to find the shortest distance and this is the one that I liked the most as I find it easy to understand, however the implementation doesn't work properly. I've thought that this could be because of JavaFX coordinate system (x increases to the right and y to the bottom) but I'm not sure, I'm a bit lost at this point.
Thanks for your time.
As suggested I am adding some extra code to facilitate reproducibility.
The Point and Vector classes are defined as follows:
public class Point {
private double x;
private double y;
public Point(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;}
public double getX() {
return x;}
public double getY() {
return y;}
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;}
public void setY(double y) {
this.y = y;}
public void setXY(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;}
public String toString() {
return("(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ")");
public static Point copy(Point a) {
return new Point(a.getX(), a.getY());
public class Vector {
private double vx;
private double vy;
private double ptoApX;
private double ptoApY;
private double angle;
private double modulo;
public Vector(double vx, double vy) {
this.vx = vx;
this.vy = vy;
this.ptoApX = 0;
this.ptoApY = 0;
this.angle = angle(vx,vy);
this.modulo = modulo(vx,vy);
public double getVx() {
return this.vx;
public double getVy() {
return this.vy;
public double getPtoApX() {
return this.ptoApX;
public double getPtoApY() {
return this.ptoApY;
public double getAngle() {
return this.angle;
public double getModulo() {
return this.modulo;
public void setVx(double vx) {
this.vx = vx;
public void setVy(double vy) {
this.vy = vy;
public void setPtoApX(double ptoApX) {
this.ptoApX = ptoApX;
public void setPtoApY(double ptoApY) {
this.ptoApY = ptoApY;
public void setAngle(double angle) {
this.angle = angle;
public void setModulo(double modulo) {
this.modulo = modulo;
//To String
public String toString() {
return "("+this.getVx()+","+this.getVy()+")";
public static double dotProduct(Vector a, Vector b) {
return a.getVx()*b.getVx() + a.getVy()*b.getVy();
public static Vector escalarProduct(Vector v, double n) {
return new Vector(n*v.getVx(), n*v.getVy());
public static Vector vectorWith2Points(Point a, Point b) {
Point p = Point.resta(a,b);
return new Vector(p.getX(),p.getY());
public static Vector vectorPointAngle(Point a, double angle, double modulo) {
double angleRadians = Math.toRadians(angle);
Point b = new Point(Math.cos(angleRadians)*modulo, Math.sin(angleRadians)*modulo);
return vectorWith2Points(a,b);
public static double modulo(double vx, double vy) {
return Math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy);
public static double angle(double vx, double vy) {
return Math.atan2(vy, vx);
public static Vector normalize(Vector v) {
return new Vector(v.getVx()/v.getModulo(),v.getVy()/v.getModulo());
public static double angle2vectors(Vector u, Vector v) {
double argument = dotProduct(u,v)/(u.getModulo()*v.getModulo());
return Math.acos(argument);
public static Point polar2cart(double r, double angle) {
return new Point(r*Math.cos(angle), r*Math.sin(angle));
public static Point cart2polar(Point p) {
return new Point(modulo(p.getX(), p.getY()), angle(p.getX(), p.getY()));
And the method to obtain the new angle after a collision:
private Point newAngle(Point origin, Point center, Point c, double radius) {
//Normal vector
Vector n = Vector.vectorWith2Points(c, center);
Vector nNorm = Vector.normalize(n);
//Incident vector
Vector d = Vector.vectorWith2Points(c, origin);
//Tangent vector
Vector tg = new Vector(-nNorm.getVy(), nNorm.getVx());
//Reflected vector
double product = Vector.dotProduct(d,tg);
Vector r = new Vector(d.getVx()-2*product*tg.getVx(),
d.getVy() - 2*product*tg.getVy());
return new Point(r.getModulo(), r.getAngle());
An example of the code of different angles where a collision should be detected:
double x = 600;
double y = 400;
double radius = 10;
Point origin = new Point(x/2, y/2);
ArrayList<Point> pointList = new ArrayList<>();
pointList.add(new Point(40,40));
pointList.add(new Point(500,100));
pointList.add(new Point(40,330));
pointList.add(new Point(450,300));
//This should return a solution
extendPoint(0.4363323129985824, origin, x, y, radius, pointList);
extendPoint(2.6179938779914944, origin, x, y, radius, pointList);
//this returns a solution when it should not
extendPoint(1.5707963267948966, origin, x, y, radius, pointList);
extendPoint(-1.5707963267948966, origin, x, y, radius, pointList);
I wrote an class with everything needed to run the code here: https://pastebin.com/wMjUh9pZ
I think you should create a class that represents an intersection by a ray.
class Intersection{
double distance;
Point loc;
double normal;
That way, distance is along the ray and normal is the normal of the object intersected.
Then I would have a method for finding the intersetion of a circle and a point.
List<Intersection> lineAndCircle( Point org, double angle, Point center, double radius){...}
You seem to have a similar method but you're doing more work in it.
Then you also want to check the edge of the screen.
Intersection lineAndBoundary( Point org, double angle){ ... }
You have a very similar method, but you seem to be doing a lot more work in the method. . This way you are testing separate methods. Then your algorithm works as.
1 go through circles and find intersections.
2 get the intersection with the boundary.
3 find the closest intersection ( the smallest distance greater than 0 )
Doing it this way makes it a bit more extensible. First our ray is re-used a lot. Lets make a class.
class Ray{
Point origin;
double angle;
Then we collide a ray with multiple objects.
interface Interceptable{
List<Intersection> intercepts(Ray r);
Then we can use different classes.
class Circle implements Interceptable{
Point pos;
double radius;
List<Intersection> collides(Ray r){
Now you can right collides and testable.
Circle a = new Circle( new Point( 40, 40 ), 5 );
List<Intersection> yes = a.collides( new Ray( new Point(0, 0), 3.14/4 ) );
List<Intersection> no = a.collides( new Ray( new Point(0, 0), 0) ) );
Then you can narrow your example down to. "How do I write a collide method?" or "Why doesn't my collide method work for this ray/circle pair? I expect it to hit at two points, but it misses." etc.
Here is a complete runnable example that creates a swing window. I kinda enjoy making toy programs like this.
Note that I used an interface for the Intersectable. So now it is circles, but it could be anything that returns a list of Intersection
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class RayAndCircle{
public static void main(String[] args){
List<Intersectable> circles = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i<250; i++){
double r = Math.random()*50 + 50;
double x = 2048*Math.random();
double y = 2048*Math.random();
circles.add( new Circle( r, new double[]{x,y}));
List<LineSegment> segments = new ArrayList<>();
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Ray caster");
JPanel panel = new JPanel(){
public Dimension getPreferredSize(){
return new Dimension(2048, 2048);
public void paintComponent( Graphics g){
for( Intersectable c: circles ){
for( LineSegment segment: segments){
g.drawLine( (int) segment.a[0], (int) segment.a[1],(int)segment.b[0], (int)segment.b[1]);
panel.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter(){
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent evt ){
double x = evt.getPoint().getX();
double y = evt.getPoint().getY();
double theta = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
double dx = Math.cos( theta );
double dy = Math.sin( theta );
Ray ray = new Ray( new double[] {x, y}, new double[]{ dx, dy } );
int count = 500;
Intersectable last = null;
while( ray != null && count > 0 ){
Intersection hit = null;
Intersectable next = null;
for(Intersectable c: circles){
if(c == last){
List<Intersection> intersections = c.intersects(ray);
for(Intersection i : intersections){
if( hit == null ){
hit = i;
next = c;
} else{
if( hit.s > i.s ){
hit = i;
next = c;
if(hit != null){
last = next;
segments.add( new LineSegment( ray.origin, new double[]{ hit.pos[0], hit.pos[1] } ) );
//reflected portion of ray.
double dot = hit.normal[0]*ray.direction[0] + hit.normal[1]*ray.direction[1];
double rx = ray.direction[0] - 2 * hit.normal[0]*dot;
double ry = ray.direction[1] - 2 * hit.normal[1]*dot;
double z = Math.sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry);
ray = new Ray(hit.pos, new double[] { rx/z, ry/z});
} else{
ray = null;
class Ray{
double[] origin; double[] direction;
public Ray( double[] origin, double[] direction){
this.origin = new double[]{origin[0], origin[1]};
this.direction = new double[]{direction[0], direction[1]};
class Intersection{
double s;
double[] pos;
double[] normal;
Circle b;
public Intersection(double s, double[] pos, double[] normal){
this.s = s;
this.pos = pos;
public void setNormal(double[] normal){
double m = Math.sqrt(normal[0]*normal[0] + normal[1]*normal[1]);
if( Double.isNaN(m) || m == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid normal! Magnitude of" + m);
this.normal = new double[] { normal[0]/m , normal[1]/m };
interface Intersectable{
List<Intersection> intersects(Ray ray);
void draw(Graphics g);
class Circle implements Intersectable{
double[] origin;
double radius;
public Circle( double radius, double[] origin){
this.radius = radius;
this.origin = new double[]{origin[0], origin[1]};
Intersection intersectionAt(Ray ray, double s){
double locx = ray.origin[0] + s*ray.direction[0];
double locy = ray.origin[1] + s*ray.direction[1];
double nx = (locx - origin[0])/radius;
double ny = (locy - origin[1])/radius;
return new Intersection( s, new double[]{ locx, locy }, new double[]{nx, ny} );
public List<Intersection> intersects(Ray ray){
double rx = origin[0] - ray.origin[0];
double ry = origin[1] - ray.origin[1];
double m2 = rx*rx + ry*ry;
double m = Math.sqrt(m2);
//position along ray that is closest to circles origin.
double s = rx*ray.direction[0] + ry*ray.direction[1];
//closest distance to circle.
double approach = Math.sqrt(m2 - s*s);
List<Intersection> result = new ArrayList<>();
if( approach < radius ){
//two intersections at points on circle.
//radius is hypotenuse and approach is one of the lengths.
double l = Math.sqrt( radius*radius - approach*approach);
double s1 = s - l;
if(s1 > 0){
result.add( intersectionAt(ray, s1) );
double s2 = s + l;
if(s2 > 0){
result.add(intersectionAt(ray, s2) );
} else if(approach == radius){
//one intersection tangent.
if( s > 0 ){
result.add( intersectionAt(ray, s) );
} else{
return result;
public void draw(Graphics g){
(int)(origin[0] - radius),
(int)(origin[1] - radius),
class LineSegment{
double[] a, b;
public LineSegment( double[] a, double[] b){
this.a = new double[]{a[0], a[1]};
this.b = new double[]{b[0], b[1]};
You'll probably be most interested in the intersects method of the Circle class, and the small chunk of code burried in the mouseClicked method that calculates the reflected ray.
If you only want to know if the line intersects if a given circle, create a second line which originates at the center of the given circle and the direction is the direction of your initial line rotated by 90 degrees. Then compute the intersection of the two lines. If then the distance between the intersection point and the center of the circle is smaller then the radius, both intersect.
A while ago I wrote a small Geometry lib, I striped out the sections which are relevant for you, here is my code:
Line class
public class Line {
final Vector2D positionVector;
final Vector2D directionVector;
public Line(final Vector2D positionVector, final Vector2D directionVector) {
this.positionVector = positionVector;
this.directionVector = directionVector;
public OptionalDouble computeIntersection(final Line line) {
final double numerator = line.getPositionVector().subtract(this.positionVector).cross(this.directionVector);
final double denominator = this.directionVector.cross(line.directionVector);
if (Math.abs(numerator) < 1e-10 && Math.abs(denominator) < 1e-10) {
// collinear
return OptionalDouble.of(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
} else if (Math.abs(denominator) < 1e-10) {
// parallel
return OptionalDouble.empty(); // Lines are parallel.
final double t = line.getPositionVector().subtract(this.positionVector).cross(line.directionVector) / denominator;
return OptionalDouble.of(t);
public Vector2D getPositionVector() {
return positionVector;
public Vector2D getDirectionVector() {
return directionVector;
public Point2D getClosestPointOnLine(final Point2D point) {
final Line line = new Line(new Vector2D(point.getX(), point.getY()), this.directionVector.turn90DegreeClockwise());
final OptionalDouble intersection = this.computeIntersection(line);
final Vector2D result = this.positionVector.add(this.directionVector.lerp(intersection.getAsDouble()));
return new Point2D(result.getX(), result.getY());
intersection function
public static PointResult intersection(final Line l1, final Circle c1) {
final Point2D intersection = l1.getClosestPointOnLine(c1.getCenter());
final double dist = intersection.distance(c1.getCenter());
if (Math.abs(dist - c1.getRadius()) < 1e-10) {
final List<Point2D> result = new LinkedList<>();
return new PointResult(Collections.unmodifiableList(result));
} else if (dist < c1.getRadius()) {
// we have two points
final double adjacentLeg = Math.sqrt(c1.getRadius() * c1.getRadius() - dist * dist);
final Point2D pt1 = intersection.pointAt(l1.getDirectionVector().angle(), adjacentLeg);
final Point2D pt2 = intersection.pointAt(l1.getDirectionVector().angle() + Math.PI, adjacentLeg);
final List<Point2D> result = new LinkedList<>();
return new PointResult(Collections.unmodifiableList(result));
return new PointResult();
void testIntersectionLineCircleTwoPoints() {
final Point2D ptCircleCenter = new Point2D(2.0, 5.0);
final Point2D ptLineCircleIntersection = new Point2D(5.0, 2.0);
final Point2D pt1 = new Point2D(3.0, 0.0);
final Point2D pt2 = new Point2D(7.0, 4.0);
final double a = Math.sqrt((2.0 * 2.0) + (2.0 * 2.0));
final double b = ptCircleCenter.diff(ptLineCircleIntersection).norm();
final double radius = Math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b));
final Line l1 = new Line(pt1, pt2);
final Circle circle = new Circle(ptCircleCenter, radius);
PointResult intersection = GeometryOperation.intersection(l1, circle);
assertEquals(2, intersection.getPoints().get().size());
assertEquals(7.0, intersection.getPoints().get().get(0).getX(), 1e-10);
assertEquals(4.0, intersection.getPoints().get().get(0).getY(), 1e-10);
assertEquals(3.0, intersection.getPoints().get().get(1).getX(), 1e-10);
assertEquals(0.0, intersection.getPoints().get().get(1).getY(), 1e-10);
I did not add the Circle, Vector2D and Point2D class because they are trivial. And the class PointResult is just a list.
My teacher gave me this
In a n - sided regular polygon, all sides have the same length and all angles have the same degree. Design a class named RegularPolygon that contains:
A private int data field named n that defines the number of sides in the Polygon with default value 3.
A private double data field named side that stores the length of the side with default value 1.
A private double data field named X that defines the x - coordinate of the polygon’s center with default value 0.
A private double data field named Y that defines the y - coordinate of the polygon’s center with default value 0.
A constructor that creates a regular polygon with the specified number of sides, length of side, and x - and y- coordinates (values are passed from the parameters to the fields).
The accessor methods for all data fields.
The method getPerimeter() that returns the perimeter of the polygon.
The method getArea() that returns the area of the polygon. The formula is Area = n * s*s / (4 * tan(PI / n)).
2) Write a RegularPolygonTest class, allow the user to enter the data fields, and your program prints out the perimeter and the area of the regular polygon.
This is my code so far:
public class RegularPolygon{
private int n;
private double side, x, y;
public RegularPolygon(){
n = 3;
side = 1;
x = 0;
y = 0;
public RegularPolygon(int n, double side){
this.n = n;
this.side = side;
x = 0;
y = 0;
public RegularPolygon(int sn, double length, double x_coord, double y_coord){
n = sn;
side = length;
x = x_coord;
y = y_coord;
//set n to the user input
public void setN(int other){
n = other;
public int getN(){
return n;
//set side to userinput
public void setSide(double otherside){
side = otherside;
public double getSide(){
return side;
//set x to user input
public void setX(int x_co){
x = x_co;
public double getX(){
return x;
//set y to user input
public void setY(int they){
y = they;
public double getY(){
return y;
//find perimeter
public double getPerimeter(){
return n * side;
//find area
public double getArea(){
double s_squ = side * side;
double pin = Math.PI/n;
double tangent = Math.tan(pin);
return (n*s_squ)/(4*tangent);
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RegularPolygonTest{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner yer = new Scanner(System.in);
//number of sides
System.out.println("Enter number of sides: ");
int sn = yer.nextInt();
//length of sides
System.out.println("Enter length of sides: ");
double length = yer.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the x-coordinate of the center: ");
double x_coord = yer.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the y-coordinate of the center: ");
double y_coord = yer.nextDouble();
if (x_coord == 0 && y_coord == 0){
RegularPolygon rp = new RegularPolygon(sn, length);
else if (sn > 3 && length > 1){
RegularPolygon rp = new RegularPolygon(sn, length, x_coord, y_coord);
RegularPolygon rp = new RegularPolygon();
System.out.println("The perimeter of the " + rp.getN() + "-sided polygon is : "+ rp.getPerimeter() +". And the are is : "+ rp.getArea());
The error I get is that the IDE can't find symbol and it points to all of the rp in the last line. How might I fix this error?
All the rp are inside blocks. You need to define a possibly uninitialized rp before the ifs and use this common rp within the ifs.
I'm kind of new to Java, and trying to write a code that calculate the distance of two points 2 and 3, and scale of 10. Somehow, it does not work. Can you give me a hint, so I can fix the code?
import java.lang.Math;
public class Point {
int x, y;
public Point (int x, int y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public float scale(int factor) {
new Point(x * factor, y * factor);
return factor;
public float distance(){
double distance = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
return distance;
public void main(String[] args) {
float p = new Point(2,3).scale(10);
In scale you are creating a new point with the scaled values and doing nothing with it. You're leaving x and y of the point in question untouched.
You probably mean to multiply x and y by factor, rather than creating a new point.
Also you're printing a variable named distance, which does not exist (so this probably doesnt even compile), rather than calling the method named distance() and printing its returned value.
public class Point {
int x, y;
public Point (int x, int y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public static Point scalePoint(Point p, int factor) { //scale a given point p by a given factor
Point scaledPoint = new Point(p.x * factor, p.y * factor); //by multipling the x and y value with the factor
return scaledPoint; //and return the new scaled point
public static double calculateDistance(Point p1, Point p2){ //to calculate the distance between two points
double distance = Math.sqrt(p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y); //send the two points as parameter to this method
return distance; //and return the distance between this two as a double value
public static void main(String[] args) {
Point p = new Point(2,3);
Point scaledPoint = scalePoint(p, 10);
double distance = calculateDistance(p, scaledPoint);
At the moment your distance method is calculating the distance of a point from the origin (i.e. point 0,0). It would make more sense if you made that explicit:
class Point {
private static final Point ORIGIN = new Point(0, 0);
private final int x;
private final int y;
public float distanceTo(Point other) {
float xDelta = other.x - this.x;
float yDelta = other.y - this.y;
return Math.sqrt(xDelta * xDelta + yDelta * yDelta);
public Point scale(float factor) {
return new Point(x * factor, y * factor);
Then finding the distance to the origin becomes point.distanceTo(Point.ORIGIN) which makes the intent clearer.
I'm am using the environment Robocode in Java and am trying to create a robot to go up against the sample robot spinbot. I am calculating the center of the circle that the spinbot goes around and using that to aim at to get the best chances of hitting the spinbot. My code compiles fine but when I run it, it never goes into the onScannedRobot(ScannedRobot e) method. I tested it by changing the color of the robot at different points and I could tell it never entered.
package LaurasRobot;
import robocode.*;
import java.awt.Color;
// API help : http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/Robot.html
* LaurasRobot - a robot by (Laura)
public class LaurasRobot extends Robot
private double x1;
private double x2;
private double x3;
private double y1;
private double y2;
private double y3;
private int count;
private double centerX;
private double centerY;
* run: LaurasRobot's default behavior
public void run() {
setColors(Color.red,Color.white,Color.blue); // body,gun,radar
// Robot main loop, moves the robot forward and back
while(true) {
* onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot
public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
setBodyColor(Color.yellow);//sets body color
//lets the gun, radar and body of the robot move indipendently
if (count == 3)//creates to sample points to calculate the center of the cirlce with
count = 1;
x3 = e.getDistance()*(Math.cos(e.getBearing()));
y3 = e.getDistance()*(Math.sin(e.getBearing()));
if (count == 2)
count = 3;
x2 = e.getDistance()*(Math.cos(e.getBearing()));
y2 = e.getDistance()*(Math.sin(e.getBearing()));
count = 2;
x1 = e.getDistance()*(Math.cos(e.getBearing()));
y1 = e.getDistance()*(Math.sin(e.getBearing()));
while(y3 != 0.0)
if (count == 3)//creates to sample points to have an updated center
count = 1;
x3 = e.getDistance()*(Math.cos(e.getBearing()));
y3 = e.getDistance()*(Math.sin(e.getBearing()));
if (count == 2)
count = 3;
x2 = e.getDistance()*(Math.cos(e.getBearing()));
y2 = e.getDistance()*(Math.sin(e.getBearing()));
count = 2;
x1 = e.getDistance()*(Math.cos(e.getBearing()));
y1 = e.getDistance()*(Math.sin(e.getBearing()));
double angle = angleGun(e);
turnGunRight(angle);//points the gun at the center of the circle that spinbot is makeing
fire(2);//fires one bullet at power 2
* onHitByBullet: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
* onHitWall: What to do when you hit a wall
public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent e) {
// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
//returns the midpoint of two numbers
public double midPoint(double x1 , double x2)
double midx1;
if (x1 > x2)
midx1 = ((x1 - x2)/2)+x1;
midx1 = ((x2-x1)/2)+x1;
return midx1;
//saves the center points in the instance variables
public void centerPoint()
double midx1 = midPoint(x1,x2);
double midx2 = midPoint(x3,x2);
// double midx3 = midPoint(x1,x3);
double midy1 = midPoint(y1,y2);
double midy2 = midPoint(y3,y2);
// double midy3 = midPoint(y1,y3);
centerX = (midy2- (newSlope2())*midx2-midy1+(newSlope1())*midx1)/( newSlope1() - newSlope2());
centerY = midy1 - (newSlope1())*midx1+(newSlope1())*(centerX);
//get the angle to move the gun and make it stay their
public double angleGun(ScannedRobotEvent e)
double meToCenter = Math.sqrt(((centerX - getX()) * (centerX - getX())) +((centerY - getY()) * (centerY - getY())));
double himToCenter = Math.sqrt(((centerX - x1) * (centerX - x1)) +((centerY - y1) * (centerY - y1)));
double angle = e.getBearing() - Math.cosh(((e.getDistance())*(e.getDistance())+(meToCenter)*(meToCenter)-(himToCenter)*(himToCenter))/(2*(e.getDistance())*(meToCenter)));
return angle;
//gets the perpendicular reciprocal of the lines connecting the first two points
public double newSlope1()
return (-1)/((y1-y2)/(x1-x2));
//gets the perpendicular reciprocal of the lines connecting the second two points
public double newSlope2()
return (-1)/((y3-y2)/(x3-x1));
//gets the perpendicular reciprocal of the lines connecting the third two points
public double newSlope3()
return (-1)/((y1-y3)/(x1-x3));
It would be great if someone could tell what I did wrong/ how to fix it so that the code goes into this method, thanks.
I'm not sure if this has already been answered or solved ( I sure hope so after 10 months), but for future reference to anyone really. The ScannedRobotEvent will only trigger upon the execution of the Scan() method, or if the radar beam moves.
Why am I not getting a circle printed to the screen when I run the following block of code?
It doesn't print it accurately, seems like something I'm doing wrong when it's scanning the coordinates.
public class Question2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DrawMeACircle(3, 3, 3); // should print to the screen an ellipse looking circle
public static void DrawMeACircle(double posX, double posY, double radius) {
double xaxis = 20; // scanning the coordinates
double yaxis = 20; // " "
for (double x = 0; x < xaxis; x++) {
for (double y = 0; y < yaxis; y++) {
//using the formula for a cicrle
double a = Math.abs((posX - x) * (posX - x));
double b = Math.abs((posY - y) * (posY - y));
double c = Math.abs(a + b);
double d = Math.abs(radius * radius);
// checking if the formula stands correct at each coordinate scanned
if ( c == d) {
else {
System.out.print(' ');
I'm afraid that comparing doubles like this
if ( c == d) {
is a very unreliable, they're probably missing by a little bit, and you're not printing the circle where you need to.
I'd recommend checking for a range instead
double arbitraryNumber = 2;
if ( math.abs(c - d) < arbitraryNumber)) {
Or, if you want a more reliable way, I'd make a 2-d char array and treat it as a coordinate system, and then fill the 2-d array with the circle and print the array.
You can fill the array with a little bit of trigonometry. Just figure out where the dot should be every few degrees(or radians) until you've gone 360 degrees