How to convert Hibernate Result Object to String? - java

I implemented a hibernate query and would like to assign the result to one of my class variables.
The problem is that the results of hibernate queries seem to be objects or something, as the syso of a result looks very strange:
This is the method executing the query:
public void updateStock() {
Session session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Criteria criteriaNail = session.createCriteria( WarehouseProduct.class );
criteriaNail.add( "productName", String.valueOf( Product.NAIL ) ) );
List nailCountResult = criteriaNail.list();
System.out.println( nailCountResult.toString() );
The database has only 2 colums and the value I need is in the second.
What I would like to do is something like this:
this.nailCount = nailCountResult.[XYZ --> Get the value from the second column];
Is something like this possible? How can I cast these result objects to something readable?
best regards

First of all I suggest to change the line to
List<WarehouseProduct> nailCountResult = criteriaNail.list();
And now it is not a ResultSet, it's a list of WarehouseProduct Objects.
You can access each object with index.
You can loop over the result list and see them like
for( WarehouseProduct wp : nailCountResult ) {
System.out.println( wp.nailCount);
As a side note, you are breaking encapsulation here. Please look in to it.

All you need to to is this
String value=nailCountResult.get(0).getXXXX();


How to add key and value dynamically and call the procedure in java (Oracle ADF)

ViewObject VO = getViewObjectFromAMImpl("EOView2", "AppModuleDataControl");
Row[] selectedRows = VO.getFilteredRows("tSelect", true);
int counter = 0;
ADFContext adfCtx = ADFContext.getCurrent();
SecurityContext secCntx = adfCtx.getSecurityContext();
String _user = secCntx.getUserName();
//Date vDate = getMinDate();
java.sql.Timestamp startDate = null;
for (Row r : selectedRows) {
startDate = (java.sql.Timestamp) r.getAttribute("StartDate");
if ("E".equals(r.getAttribute("SrcType"))) {
r.setAttribute("UpdatedBy", new Date());
r.setAttribute("LastUpdateDate", new Date());
System.out.println("printing count"+counter);
if (counter == 0) {
JSFUtils.addFacesErrorMessage((String) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("No records Approved."));
} else {
JSFUtils.addFacesInformationMessage((String) JSFUtils.resolveExpression(" records Approved successfully."));
From the above code i will get the selected rows with key and value pair. I want to add those rows ( Key and Value) to a list and i need to call the procedure. Could you please tell me which is the best possible way to achive this.
I want to call the procedure with key and value pair( Multiple values will come)
You should read the doc at
However, I fail to understand why you need to call a pl/sql procedure at all.
You should be able to do everything in ADF or call a procedure directly without iterating over the data just to set some values.
It's not a good idea to change values in ADF, then call a procedure and assume that the framework somehow knows the changes. The procedure runs in the DB in a different transaction. ADF doesn't know about changes done in the function. The function doesn't know about the changes done in ADF until you post them to the DB.

How to send empty list to IN clause

I want to use this SQL query:
String hql = "select e from " + Terminals.class.getName() + " e WHERE e.merchantId IN :merchant_ids";
TypedQuery<Terminals> query = entityManager.createQuery(hql, Terminals.class).setParameter("merchant_ids", merchant_ids);
List<Terminals> merchants = query.getResultList();
But I get error: the right syntax to use near ') So IN clause list into IN (....) can't be empty. Is there some solution to this problem?
It is allowable and even very fine not executing the query:
if (merchant_ids.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>();
} else {
String hql = "select e from " + Terminals.class.getName()
+ " e WHERE e.merchantId IN :merchant_ids";
return entityManager.createQuery(hql, Terminals.class)
.setParameter("merchant_ids", merchant_ids)
I do not know what would happen if one would pass null instead of an empty list;
SQL ... IN NULL could do. On the other hand it might do a full table scan in order to return 0 results.
If x IN() would not result in 0 records (when there is an OR ...) then:
if (merchant_ids.isEmpty()) {
String hql = "select e from " + Terminals.class.getName() + ...
Very often, I used to stuck this kind of case. I couldn't find out a proper solution. Since you are using Spring JPA But I have some workaround to suggest to you.
Implement EntityManger and create your SQL queries in runtime. So you can populate your where cause and everything.
Like this: entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString())
Implement if-else block. Check if the list is empty or not, if false call actual query (with IN block) or else write another query without IN block.
Again I am telling, this may not be a proper solution. But I see this is proper workaround.
I am not familiar with hibernate but since it is an SQL error, the following should work :
TypedQuery<Terminals> query = entityManager
.createQuery(hql, Terminals.class)
But as #Richard Barker mentioned , best solution is to not even execute the query when the list is empty.
You will even save on the unnecessary database call , when you already know that the query is not going to return anything.
I followed #Rambler's suggestion and created a method to return a null:
public static <T> Collection<T> nullIfEmpty(Collection<T> collection) {
return (collection == null || collection.isEmpty()) ? null : collection;
This was easier to add in place, but I agree that it is better to not make the call to the database.

Extract Object Data into usable format

I am a real newbie so go easy on me and my terminology, I am still learning!
I have a Backendless database I would like to show in my app.
I have successfully connected it to my Android Studio app, queried it and returned the data in the following method:
Backendless.Data.of( "database" ).find( queryBuilder, new AsyncCallback>(){public void handleResponse(List'<'Map'>'response ){
The narrative on the Backendless SDK says "the "response" object is a collection of java.util.Map objects"
I then used an iterator:
Iterator itr = response.iterator();
And a while loop to 'get' the object:
Object element =;
I am happy up until this point, the next step is to extract the useful data from element.
I have tried many options of but the only one I have working is element.toString() and use various methods to pick out what I want. This seems so inefficient I thought I would ask the experts for a better option!?
Your question is rather about working with Java Map interface. So I'd advice you to look into its documentation and maybe some tutorials on this topic.
As to your Backendless question, it looks like you got the request part right. Here is the extended example from the docs, which shows you how to retrieve the object fields:
Backendless.Persistence.of( "Contact" ).find( new AsyncCallback<List<Map<String, Object>>>(){
public void handleResponse( List<Map<String, Object>> foundContacts )
Iterator<Map<String, Object>> contactsIterator = foundContacts.iterator();
while( contactsIterator.hasNext() )
Map<String, Object> contact =;
String name = (String) contact.get( "name" ); // in case you have STRING field 'name' in Backendless database
Integer age = (Integer) contact.get( "age" ); // in case you have INT field 'age' in Backendless database
// etc.
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
System.out.err( "Failed find: " + fault );
As you may see, the main concern is to retrieve a Map instead of Object from the response List.
And also your question would be more useful with code samples of what you tried and maybe direct link to the docs you used as an example.

Select formatted Date in JCR SQL2

I would like to execute an JCR SQL2 query, which selects me the year of a date-property. Something like this:
SELECT DATE_FORMAT([jcr:created], '%Y') FROM x
Is something similar even possible= I have searched and did not find anything, but I could just suck at searching, so sorry, if something like this has been answered before.
There is nothing in the JSR-283 specification outlining a way to obtain just the year (or month or day or time) of a DATE field. The only way to accomplish what you want is to get the DATE value (using either the rows or the nodes in the javax.jcr.query.QueryResult object) as a java.util.Calendar object and
If you're query is something like:
SELECT [jcr:created] AS dateField FROM [mix:created] ...
then the following example shows how to do this by using the rows:
javax.jcr.query.QueryResult result = query.execute();
RowIterator iter = result.getRows();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Row row = iter.nextRow();
Value value = row.getValue("dateField");
// Our query won't return a null, since `jcr:created' is mandatory
// and autocreated on `mix:created`, so we don't have to check
// value for null. Other properties, however, may not be mandatory
// so you might need to check null for other queries ...
int year = value.getDate().get(Calendar.YEAR);
// do something with the year
It is important to understand that value.getDate() will attempt to convert the actual value to a DATE if it is not already one. This may cause an exception if the actual value can't be converted.
If the query has a single selector (e.g, a single table in the FROM clause), then each row in the results contains a single node, and rather than using the rows as we did above we can get a NodeIterator:
javax.jcr.query.QueryResult result = query.execute();
NodeIterator iter = result.getNodes();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Node node = iter.nextNode();
// The 'jcr:created' property is mandatory (and autocreated), so
// in our case we don't have to check if the property exists
// or handle a PathNotFoundException. And single-valued properties
// always have a value.
Value value = node.getProperty("jcr:created").getDate();
int year = value.getDate().get(Calendar.YEAR);
// do something with the year
Note that we had to use the property name rather than the alias.

How to select subjects with specific properties from RDF with Jena?

This is a follow up question on my last one, since I am still struggling with this topic... I need to select some subjects from my model that meet specific requirements..
If I list my statements (this is only short part of the output), I get something like this:
WorkOrder2 hasType Workorder .
WorkOrder2 hasResult Fuselage22 .
WorkOrder2 type NamedIndividual .
Now, I would like to select and iterate thourgh all subjects that hasType Workorder. My idea was something like this:
public static ArrayList<String> listAllWorkorders(Model model) {
ArrayList<String> workorders = new ArrayList<String>();
// list of all work orders associated with given fuselage and work
// station
ResIterator it = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(
ResourceFactory.createProperty(ArumCorePrefix + "hasType"), ArumCorePrefix + "Workorder");
while (it.hasNext()) {
Resource r =;
String workorder = trimPrefix(r.toString());
// sort the result alphabetically
return workorders;
However, it does not return anything... If I use listSubjectsWithProperty without the second argument (String), it works but returns not only Workorders but some toher stuff with hasType property, which I do not want to. What is wrong with my code! Can I use something like this and make it work?
Dont worry about the static use of this function (I will take care of this non-elegant way as soon as I udnerstand whats wrong.)
Also, I would like to implement some more compelx filtering - for example selecting subjects with multiple properties that all has to match in order to return them, like hasType Workorder, hasResult someResult, inStation station etc... Does Jena support something like this! If not, what is the common approach?
Thanks for any tips!
And a follow-up: How do I check whether some statement is present in my model? I know that there is model.contains(Statements s) method but do I have to create the statement in argument in roder to call this method? Isnt there some more elegant way like model.contains(Resource r, Property p, Resource o)?
There are a number of ways you can do this in Jena, but they mostly come down to calling
StmtIterator Model.listStatements(Resource,Property,RDFNode)
with the resource as the first argument, and null as the second and third arguments, as a wildcard. The other methods that do similar things are really just special cases of this. For instance,
listObjectsOfProperty(Property p) — listStatements(null,p,null) and take the object from each statement.
listObjectsOfProperty(Resource s, Property p) — listStatements(s,p,null) and take the object from each statement.
listResourcesWithProperty(Property p) — listStatements(null,p,null) and take the subject from each statement
listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, RDFNode o) — listStatements(null,p,o) and take the subject from each statement
For convenience, you might prefer to use the method
StmtIterator Resource.listProperties()
which returns an iterator over all the statements in the resource's model with the given resource as a subject.
Here's some example code that includes your model and uses each of these methods:
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator;
public class ResourcePropertiesExample {
final static String NS = "";
final static String modelText = "" +
"#prefix : <"+NS+"> .\n" +
":WorkOrder2 :hasType :Workorder .\n" +
":WorkOrder2 :hasResult :Fuselage22 .\n" +
":WorkOrder2 :type :NamedIndividual .\n" +
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); new ByteArrayInputStream( modelText.getBytes()), null, "TTL" );
final Resource workOrder2 = model.getResource( NS+"WorkOrder2" );
System.out.println( "Using Model.listStatements()" );
StmtIterator stmts = model.listStatements( workOrder2, null, (RDFNode) null );
while ( stmts.hasNext() ) {
System.out.println( );
System.out.println( "Using Resource.listProperties()" );
stmts = workOrder2.listProperties();
while ( stmts.hasNext() ) {
System.out.println( );
The output is:
Using Model.listStatements()
Using Resource.listProperties()
As for checking whether a model contains certain statements, you can, as you noted, use Model.contains, and I don't think there's anything the matter with that. You can also use the various Resource has* methods, such as
hasLiteral( Property p, [various types of literal] )
hasProperty( Property p, RDFNode / String / String, String )
Using these, you could use, continuing the example above, and assuming you'd defined the property hasResult and resources fuselage21 and fuselage22:
workOrder2.hasProperty( hasResult, fuselage21 ); // false
workOrder2.hasProperty( hasResult, fuselage22 ); // true

