dateadd function is not working in Hibbernate - java

I want to get previous days data from my database and for that I have added a DATE_ADD function in my hibernate query using MySQL Database but I am getting error while running the query and here the query is:
select columnname
from tablename
where columnname = DATE_ADD(day,-1,getDate())

It is simple to call a function if your function is returning a string or varchar value.
session.createSQLQuery("select my_fn(:param1)")
Where my_fn is the name of your function with parameter param1.


Query returning sql string with wrong parameters

I am currently working on fixing some SQL injection bugs in my project.
Here is my current sql string:
String sql = "select * from :table order by storenum";
Here is how I am setting the parameters:
SQLQuery query = sess.createSQLQuery(sql).setParameter("table", table);
(table is a string that is passed in through a method)
Whenever I run the program I get something like this:
select * from ? order by storenum
You can't dynamically bind table names, only values, so you'll have to resort to string manipulation/concatenation to get the table name dynamically. However, you would probably want to escape it to avoid SQL Injections.

How to retrieve output param from Stored Procedure with Hibernate

I am trying to execute a Stored Procedure which updates a column and retrieves the filename from the same table after updating
CREATE DEFINER=`test`#`%` PROCEDURE `update_count`(
IN in_testID VARCHAR(64),
OUT out_FileName VARCHAR(100),
OUT out_Message VARCHAR(100))
UPDATE files SET count=count+1 WHERE testID=in_testID;
SELECT FileName INTO out_FileName FROM files WHERE testID = in_testID;
SET out_Message = 'File updated uccessfully';
JavaCode to execute this StoredProcedure:
Query query = session.createSQLQuery("CALL update_count(:in_testID, #out_FileName, #out_Message)").addEntity(FilesBean.class)
Updated the query.executeUpdate() with query.list(). But the line returning a error ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data
I need to fix this with using the createSQLQuery
The easiest way to do that is return the out parameter as part of the returning parameters (relevant only if you have access to the store procedures).
just add a store procedure like the following one
create procedure myProcedure_only_in_prams (
in in_Id int)
call myProcedure(in_id,#out_Id) ;
select #out_id
after done that it quite simple to use it with Hibernate in the following way
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(
"CALL myProcedure_only_in_parms (:in_Id)")
.setParameter("in_id", 123);
List result = query.list();
The result contains the out parameter, if you want return multiply parameters you can add it by doing select #parm1,#parm2,... ,#parmn
Hope it helped

Java getMetaData() or getString() does not listen to aliases in SQL query

The getMetaData() or getString() function does not listen to the aliases given in my SQL query. The SQL query executes succesfully.
This is a part of my query: SELECT as o_id, o.package_id as o_package_id, o.client_id as o_client_id, o.reciever_id as o_reciever_id,
resultSet.getString(fieldname) only works with id, package_id, client_id, etc., it does not work with, o.package_id, o.client_id, or the field names I gave them in the query o_id, o_package_id, o_client_id.
This causes a problem, I have a query with multiple JOIN's with double field names.
How can I fetch data by aliases?
It has something to do with the JConnector.
force the driver url to have useOldAliasMetadataBehavior as true (which has default value of false in v5.1.6)
Should look like this:
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb?useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true"

Mysql query returns null value even no rows exists

The following query returns null while there are no rows exists in the database.
String sql ="select SUM(amount) from due where date='"+jyearChooser.getYear()+"%'";
What could be the problem?
check the datatye of amount in Db whether its in integer or varchar

UCASE and UPPER sql functions

I am trying to do the following query:
query += "LIKE '" + lastName.toUpperCase() + "%'";
in an example of usage of an servlet to access to a database
But I am getting the error message:
Excepcion java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "UCASE": invalid identifier
On the other hand, when I use the UPPER sql function, the example works but the results do not show the values of the LASTNAME column in uppercase. I do not understand what happens.
You're just comparing the upper case values, but you're selecting the actual values with select *
to get the uppercase name in your resultset you need to use UPPER in your select list, not UCASE, like this:
query += "LIKE '" + lastName.toUpperCase() + "%'";
What your code is doing here is building a query string named query. Once query is complete, it will be sent to the database for parsing and running.
When you are building a query to the database, you have to use the built-in database functions for the part of the query that the database is going to parse and run. So, in your example, Java is doing toUpperCase on lastName and then putting that literal into the query string that will go to the database. UPPER(LAST_NAME) is going into the query string as is, it will get passed to the database just like that and run by the database. So it needs to be a function that the database can parse and run: an Oracle function, not a Java function.
UCASE is a DB2 function & not Oracle. For Oracle, you need to use UPPER .
Second part of your question is already answered by James Z.
Having said that, I am answering because previous answers didn't pointed out SQL injection problem with the way you listed your query.
Make it a habit to always execute parametrized queries with jdbc & not by directly appending values to query string.
Your parameter would be - lastName.toUpperCase()+"%"
SQL Injection

