JLabels in JPanel, on runtime new label contains previous labels - java

The problem is that on runtime when new label is created it displays on the JPanel but containing the label created before.
The code converts text to bits offprint, like "HI" converts to
but when another text is converted like "OK" the bits label shows both "HI" and "OK"
This is the code from the MouseHandler class in mouseClicked method
//Convert button is clicked.
//convert text to image.
TextOverlay textOverlay = new TextOverlay(getTextArea1Tab2().getText());
//save image bits in ArrayList.
for(int i=0; i<textOverlay.imageBits.length;i++)
//add new line after printing each line of bits (bit line length = image width)
if(i!=0 && (i%Control.valves==0)){setBitsString(getBitsString().append("<br />"));}
//add bit to ArrayList
//add new label to ArrayList of labels, the new label is bits offprint of the text's image.
labelsArray.add(new JLabel("<html>"+getBitsString()+"</html>"));
//show binary equivalent on screen

Whatever getBitsString() returns, you always append to it, but you never clear it. You should clear it first when you want to change its content.

It is because of this line:
if(i!=0 && (i%Control.valves==0)){setBitsString(getBitsString().append("<br />")
You append the new bit string and then you add the result of getBitsString() to your label.


Java - textField for loop not completing

I've been trying to make a 9x9 grid of textFields, where each textField is allocated to an element in a 2d array. For example the top left textField is field[0][0], the one right of that is field[1][0], and the bottom right textField is field[8][8].
So far I have
TextField[][] fields = new TextField[9][9]; {
for (Y=0;Y<9;Y++) {
for (X=0;X<9;X++) {
fields[X][Y] = new TextField(1);
fields[X][Y].setBounds(XPosition, YPosition ,32, 32);
YPosition = YPosition+32;
For some reason when I run the program, only the first 5 textFields in the top row get created. I have a feeling all the other textFields are placed under the visible ones. The frame is definitely big enough, and I can't figure out any issues with the code.
Use a grid layout : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/grid.html
Absolute positioning is not reliable.
has fixed the error

Changing variables on button clicks - or in events in general

Introduction to the problem
It seams impossible to change a Veriable in a event (like so for example button.setOnAction(e -> { x = x+2});) and I can see why, but what if that's exactly what I need? It's actually not the first time that I needed to do that, but last time I got around it by saving the changed property directly to a file.
This time I used a really tricky trick to create a 'fake variable' by using the text in an invisibe TextField as my veriable. It works, that's not the problem, but I'd like to have a more 'elegant' salution :D
Friuts of my research
The only two salutions I could find were to either declare a Variable as a class member (which I don't want to do seeing that I already have six of them and don't want to tripple that amount) or to use seperate classes. (I found that here: How to change a variable when a button has been clicked in JavaFx )
The programm
Here is the code of my popup window (I'll spare you of the rest of my stupid programm ^^ ), I'll explain what it does after the codebox. (Note that props is a properties object and one of the mentioned class members as well as propPath (meaning I declared it at the very top of the programm so that it can be accessed from every function)):
private void createNewBuff() throws Exception {
Stage popupStage = new Stage(StageStyle.UTILITY);
popupStage.setTitle("Creating a new Buff");
GridPane layoutGP = new GridPane();
new ColumnConstraints(200), //TextField column col 0
new ColumnConstraints(10), //Gab column col 1
new ColumnConstraints(60), //tf manips column col 2
new ColumnConstraints(30), //Gab column col 3
new ColumnConstraints(80)); //Main buttons col col 4
TextField tfName = new TextField("Unknown Buff");
tfName.setPromptText("Name of the Buff, e.g. \"Unknown Buff\"");
Label lblName = new Label("Name");
layoutGP.add(tfName, 0, 0);
layoutGP.add(lblName, 2, 0);
TextField varTF = new TextField();
TextField tfEffect = new TextField();
tfEffect.setPromptText("Effect of the Buff, e.g. \"+10 LP\"");
Button btnAdd = new Button("Add");
btnAdd.setOnAction(e -> {
String input = tfEffect.getText();
String[] comps = input.split(" "); //components
if (Array.getLength(comps) == 2) {
if (input.contains("+")) {
varTF.setText(varTF.getText() + input + ";");
layoutGP.add(new Label(input), 0, 1 + Array.getLength(varTF.getText().split(";")));
} else if (input.contains("-")) {
varTF.setText(varTF.getText() + input + ";");
layoutGP.add(new Label(input), 0, 1 + Array.getLength(varTF.getText().split(";")));
layoutGP.add(tfEffect, 0, 1);
layoutGP.add(btnAdd, 2, 1);
Button btnDone = new Button("Done");
btnDone.setOnAction(e -> {
int buffNumber = 1;
while (props.containsKey("Buff-" + buffNumber + "-name"))
props.setProperty("Buff-" + buffNumber + "-name", tfName.getText());
props.setProperty("Buff-" + buffNumber + "-effect", varTF.getText());
try {
FileOutputStream streamOut = new FileOutputStream(propPath);
props.store(streamOut, null);
}catch (IOException someE){/*something meaningful*/}
Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel");
btnCancel.setOnAction(e -> popupStage.close());
layoutGP.add(btnDone, 4, 0);
layoutGP.add(btnCancel, 4, 1);
Scene popupScene = new Scene(layoutGP);
I wanted to post a picture there of how it looks once you start it and another of how it looks after you used it, but my reputation is still to low ^^
Therefor I'll provide the links to the pictures: Befor something was done http://i.imgur.com/Wx3nIEX.png After it's used http://i.imgur.com/5QNmWP6.png
What the programm does
It's pretty strait forward actually: my main programm is a character sheet and with that popup you can add a buff to it (later I'll make it so that the effects of the buff get calculated into the values of the sheed, but one step at a time ^^ ). You can set the name of the buff you want to create ("Unknown Buff" is the standart in case you forgett to set one) and then you can simply add defferent effects by writing tem into the TextField and then pressing the 'Add' button. They will list themself top to bottom in the free space. They will also, behind the scenes, save themself as one large string into a hidden TextField to make figuring out in which line each individual Effect has to be displayed and to save it to the properties file afterwards. (and that salution with the undisplayed textfield is exactly the trick I want to remove and turn into a more 'elegant' salution)
Detailed explanaition of the code
At first the Stage is created. Then the layout is made in form of a gridpane und the column sizes are set (every second column is for spacing reasons). After that I'm creating the line for the name (the label and the textfield) and also my tricky textfield that's used as a String variable. Now I'm creating the effect textfield and add button, as well as the event for the button: at first it turns the input from the textfield into a easier to read name and splits it into it's components (at first I used tfEffect.getText() and tfEffect.getText().split(" ") inside the code below, but that was really messy) now I have if statements to verify it and make sure that the Effect is in the right format (that format beeing the amount a certain stat is raised or lowerd, consisting of either a plus or a minus symbol at the beginning and a number after that; followed by a space and then the index of the stat (I haven't been able to implement verifying if the typed thing actually is a valid stat, maybe that'll be content of a future question ;D )). After verifying the programm it adds the effect below all the others. If you're done and happy with you're buff you can click the Done button, it will first look up how many Buffs already exist, then assign the new on a number and save it all to the properties file. The cancel button with of course just cancel it and at the bottom I'm setting the scene and calling the stage.
What I'm hoping for with this question
Now I think you have a pretty clear idea of what I need to do and why I couldn't find a better salution then using a hidden TextField as a variable and I hope it's because I'm a beginner and not because there actually is no better way of doing it ^^
Also if you actually read all of this you may found one or two things I can improve besides that, but that would be the special bonus ;D

Updating value in jTextPane

I have a jTextPane set up and a panel with radioButtons. My jTextPane displays the contents of a text file I have chosen. The 3rd line, 4th index, displayed in my jTextPane specifies a value of type int. When I click my radioButton, I would like that value to increase by 1. So far, I have the following code. I tried to pane.setText(value + 1), but that doesn't seem to work. How do I update the value and display the updated value in jTextPane? My code,
private final ActionListener actionListen = new ActionListener() {
for(String line: pane.getText().split("\\n")){
String lineThree = line[3];
int value = lineThree.charAt(4);

How do I get input from buttons I created using a loop?

I'm trying to make a simple calculator in Java using Swing, and I've created my buttons the following way:
//Our number keypad
public static JPanel numbers(){
//our panel to return
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
//Create and add 3x4 grid layout to panel
GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(3, 4);
//For creating and adding buttons to panel
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
//Create a new button where the name is the value of i
String name = "" + i + "";
JButton button = new JButton(name);
//add action listener
//Add button to panel
return panel;
My question is how do I reference each specific button in my event handler? I can't think of a way to do this without having to manually create each button rather than using a loop.
In your listener, call event.getSource(), and that will return the button which has been pressed. Get the text of the button, and you have its number.
Or create a different instance of your handler for every button, and pass the value of the button (i) to the constructor of the handler. This last solution is cleaner, IMO, because it doesn't depend on the text of the button. If you replaced the text by an image, for example, the first technique wouldn't work anymore.
You can distinguish created buttons by adding the following inside handler:
String buttonText = ((JButton) e.getSource()).getText();
if (<text1>.equals(buttonText)){
//do the stuff
} else if (<text2>.equals(buttonText)){
//do the stuff
} else {
//do the stuff
Method #1: go through the child components of the parent JPanel (quite tedious, has to be rebuilt every time you modify the contents of that JPanel). Make sure they're JButtons by using an if . . instanceof clause.
Method #2: as you create them in that loop, add them to a List (or even better, a Map). I prefer a Map personally as it lets me customise the key for that specific JComponent
HashMap<String, JComponent> buttonList = new HashMap<String, JComponent>();
for(. .) {
buttonList.put("nameForEachButton", button);
I recommend generating the button name based off of the loop counter. Either use your existing name value, or just set it to "button" + i;
Declare your buttons using an array.
JButton[] button = new JButton[9]; //outside the for loop
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//put your code
button[i] = new JButton(name);
//your code

How to identify if the selected text in JTextPane are of different sizes?

I am developing a editor where I have a combobox for font size. User can use it to alter the text size.
I have also implemented the caret listener which tells me the size of selected text and updates the combobox accordingly. Now if the user selects the text of two different sizes I want to populate blank value in Combobox. But I am unable to do that with Caret listener as It gives me size of the first text.
Eg: If my text is "HI". Here H is of size 12 and I is of size 22. Now when I select "HI" caret listener gives me the value of either 12 or 22.
Here is the sample code:
StyledDocument doc = pane.getStyledDocument();
MutableAttributeSet fontSizeStyle = ((StyledEditorKit)pane.getEditorKit()).getInputAttributes();
int fontSize = StyleConstants.getFontSize(fontSizeStyle);
Below code would loop through the selected text in Jtextpane and get each character's size.
String selectedText = pane.getSelectedText();
int k = pane.getSelectionStart();
for(int i=0; i< selectedText.length(); i++) {
AttributeSet fontSize = doc.getCharacterElement(k).getAttributes();

