I am designing backend EJB calls to be called by REST api.
Example for EJB calls;
Get all Systems
getSystems(String systemId)
Now I know that i would get system id to get all systems.
There is a possibility of retrieving them by some another unique id as well
getSystemsByOtherId(String otherId)
There is requirement that there could be sort parameter passed in
getSystems(String systemId, String sort_by, String sort_how)
Would it be better to have something like Map as param and have it passed in with every information
getSystems(Map criteria)
So the key- value pair for Map would have systemId, otherId, sort_by, sort_how and more if needed in future. Or is it better to follow other approach to have unique methods for different params. Or if there is some other better approach.
Thank you.
The first solution is a little cumbersome, in case you want to add or remove parameters you'd have to modify the signature of your EJB every time, the map solution is a little dirty since you'd have to keep track of your parameters names at runtime and if you want to use parameters of a type other than String you'd lose typing info at runtime as well.
This is how I would do it, define a class that encapsulates your parameters:
public class Criteria {
private String systemId;
private String otherId;
private String sortBy;
private String sortHow;
and in your EJB,
getSystem(Criteria criteria)
I'm working on a web service in java. I need help and advice on the issue of Request and Response DTOs. having gone through this question here on stackoverflow:
Reusing DTO for various request/response types vs explicitness of what is required / what should be returned
What is better between the two implementation below:
public class PropertyRequestDTO {
private String province;
private String propertyType;
private String propertyArea;
public class PropertyResponseDTO {
private String address;
private String street;
private String province;
or this:
public class PropertyDTO {
private PropertyRequestDTO propertyRequestDTO;
private PropertyResponseDTO propertyResponseDTO;
In my implementation in setting these DTOs, is better and maintainable to use the PropertyDTO or use the PropertyRequestDTO and PropertyResponseDTO separately?
I think Request and Response Should be different. There is not need to define PropertyDTO . According to rules you will pass data on user end Response Object no need to pass Request Object again. So it will help to decrease network data. COntroller layer only need PropertyRequestDTO no need to pass PropertyResponseDTO object. so no need to combining this two object to another object. These two Objects purpose is different.
First thing:
if you keep both request and response in 1 object then that object will be heavier than one single element and always you will be adding unnecessary load to application for every request and response.
Second thing :
Request and response should not be in same object unless both are identical, so separate those objects. This may leads to other problems in future.
There is this MongoBean: SuperBean
class SuperBean extends MongoBaseBean{
private String id;
private String title;
private String parent;
//And getters, setters
Need is to write an update API, which is capable of performing partial attributes update. Common approach seen across the web as well as heard from my peers is to check the fields in the request for Null and update if not null. But what if the update request is for the value to be updated to Null??
After few discussions, we came up with three approaches:
Set default value for the field in the bean. Hence instead of non-null parent field, if it does not have $ in the request, this will be considered for update.
class SuperBean extends MongoBaseBean{
private String id;
private String title;
private String parent = "$";
//And getters, setters
Let the update API Implementation accept a Map. The actual bean is fetched and all the fields that are present in the request map will be updated.
public SuperBean updatePartial(Map<String,Object> dataObject) {}
Let the update API accept DTO, that contains 2 maps. One to contain old values, other for new values. This could be advantageous in scenarios, where the update has to happen only if the database contains the values as sent in oldDataObj. But this increases the payload size.
class SuperBeanUpdateDTO {
private Map<String, Object> oldDataObj;
private Map<String, Object> newDataObject;
//getters, setters
public SuperBean updatePartial(SuperBeanUpdateDTO updateDTO) {}
What factors should be considered to chose one of these approaches? Is there another better way to approach this problem?
In my projects, we usually choose the way that similar with your second way. but not exactly the same.
for example, in your client side, you have a page or a view to modify your profile info, includes name, birthday, gender, although you just modify the name value, when you click save button, it still will send the data to server includes birthday and gender with name field, but just keep its value as old. and the server API will directly update these three values in database, won't check whether its value changed or not.
if you have another page or view to modify other parts of the profile, likes password, it need add a new method in client and a new API in server. the API URL likes PATCH /reset_password, and the sent data should include old_password and new_password field.
1. we use PUT or PATCH to update a resource, not POST, POST is used to create a new resource.
2. when you update a resource, in the above example, the API likes PATCH /profiles/:id (other's profile) or PATCH /profile (yourself profile), so the sent data doesn't need id field anymore, it includes in your API URL.
I'm playing around with the ZK 8 MVVM form validation system and generally it seems to do what I want, but I wonder what the definition of the dependent property index is...
Let's take a simple validator...
public class FormValidator extends AbstractValidator {
public void validate(final ValidationContext ctx) {
Property[] properties = ctx.getProperties("firstName");
Object value0 = properties[0].getValue();
Object value1 = properties[1].getValue();
So, when this is called before the save command, for every property, I get a Property[] array of length 2. But somehow, I have yet to find out what is stored in [0] and what is stored in [1]. Sometimes it seems that [0] stores the current value (which may or may not be valid according the field validator there) and [1] the last valid entry... But sometimes it seems to be the other way round...
The examples in the documentation always seem to simply take the first element ([0]) for validation, but I would like the understand what both parts of this pair actually mean...
Anyone got an idea for that?
I might be off the mark with my answer, but if you are using ZK8, you should look into using Form binding
That way you do not have to handle Properties in your validator and can retrieve a proxy object matching the bean you use for your form.
If you are using a User POJO with a firstName and lastName attribut.
User myProxy= (User ) ctx.getProperty().getValue();
And then you can validate both fields by simply doing getFirstName and getLastName on myProxy.
Hope it helps.
I am using Spring and Java and implementing REST Based services. I have a set of developers who develop for mobile,iPad and Web too. Consider I have a bean
Class User{
private String Name;
private Integer id;
private String photoURL;
private ArrayList<String> ProjectName;
private ArrayList<String> TechnologyList;
private ArrayList<String> InterestList;
//Getters and setters
While the Web Developers need the entire fields and mobile developers just require two fields from it whereas the iPad requires something in between mobile and web.
Since I am using jackson as a parser, is there a way where while requesting to the controller I can specify which all data I require and avoid the others. For example consider I do a GET request like
Which returns me a JSON structure something like
"name":"My Name",
Sameway if someone asks for some more fields, they could be filtered. Please let me know how this can be done so that my API remains generic and useable for all.
You can achieve what you want but some extra work is necessary. I can offer you two solutions.
1. Return a Map
Simply put every property that is requested into the map.
2. Use Jacksons Object Mapper directly
Jackson lets you set filters that specify which properties are serialized or ignored.
FilterProvider filter = new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("myFilter",
String json = objectMapper.writer(filter).writeValueAsString(value);
You can then return the JSON string directly instead of an object.
For both solutions you would ideally write a class that does the job. But if you do that you could as well write your own message converter. You could extend the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, for instance, and overwrite the writeInternal method to suit your needs. That has the big advantage that you don't need to change your controllers.
The straightforward solution is to implement custom Jackson JSON serializer that will get field names that should be serialized from thread local storage and then serialize only fields which names are presented in that context. For other hand, in controller you can grab all allowed fields names from url and store them into thread local context. Hope this helps.
In my db I have a number of entity classes and I run standart CRUD operations on them via Hibernate. Its not a problem to create generic dao class to make all main operations with classes. For example, in dao I have methods which look like this:
<T> List<T> loadAll(Class clazz)
Now I want to expose these methods to web-service client via Spring 3 operated web-service.
The only way I see is to implement web-methods for all entities i.e. write a class that looks like...
class BookResponse { List<BookEntity> books; }
... and return this in corresponding web-method "BookResponse getAllBooks()". This will ruin my attemts to make a code simplier by using dao with generics.
Is there are any other ways?
How can I do this without implementing web-methods for ALL my entities?
If generic web-service is not possible may be there are some other ways to resolve this task in a simple way?
At the moment I am trying to implement a response class which should look like
public class ServiceResponse<T>{
#XmlElementWrapper( name = "data" )
#XmlElements( #XmlElement(name = "a", type = EntityA.class), #XmlElement(name = "b", type = EntityB.class) )
private List<T> data = new ArrayList<T>( );
So I want to be able to insert a list of any entities mapped with annotations to this response. This produces no erros, but the response given me by web-service is empty.
I think you'll need a new POJO "GenericEntity" which can hold the information of any domain entity class instance.
It would hold a type string and an arbitrary/generic list of named attributes.
It can then be used to represent any of your real domain entities
type = Book
attributes = (title=Order of the Phoenix, author=J K Rowling)
type = Car
attributes = (make=Renault, model=Clio)
These examples show String attributes so you'll have to sort out if this is good enough or if you need strong typing - it's possible but harder.
You can then expose your "GenericEntity" via web services, allowing clients to make calls in and specify which domain entity they wish to search for, and even allow them to specify search criteria too.
Adds and deletes could be done in a similar way.