Following code block works fine in dev mode but when I deploy to server it does not.Could not split the multi line with new line characters?
Basically, Format the multi-line string as "," separated string tokens.
public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) {
String plateStr = "";
if(event.getResults() != null){
String uploadStr = event.getResults();
//Log.warn(this.getClass().getName() + " - event.getResults():"+ uploadStr);
RegExp regExp = RegExp.compile("\\r?\\n");
SplitResult sp = regExp.split(uploadStr);
Log.warn(this.getClass().getName() + " - sp.length():"+ sp.length() + ", SplitResult:"+ sp.toString());
for(int i = 0; i < sp.length() ; i++){
Log.warn(this.getClass().getName() + " - PlateLine["+ i+ "] - " + sp.get(i));
RegExp regLine = RegExp.compile(",");
SplitResult spLine = regLine.split(sp.get(i));
for(int j = 0; j < spLine.length(); j++){
if(spLine.get(j) != null && !spLine.get(j).trim().isEmpty()){
plateStr = plateStr + "," + spLine.get(j);
//plateStr = Arrays.toString(lines).replace("[","").replace("]", "");
plateStr = plateStr.substring(1,plateStr.length());
Log.warn(this.getClass().getName() + " - PlateString:"+ plateStr);
I tried following workaround with java script native query but it also doesn't work.
JsArrayString arrayString = splitString(uploadStr, "\n");
public static final native JsArrayString splitString(String string, String separator) /*-{
return string.split(separator);
GWT JSNI split method bug
Would it be possible to change this:
[quote]user1 posted:
[quote]user2 posted:
to this:
Using Java 6?
ok, wrote some not regex solution.
String str ="[quote]user1 posted:[quote]user2 posted:Test1[/quote]Test2[/quote]Test3";
String startTag = "[quote]";
String endTag = "[/quote]";
String subStr;
int startTagIndex;
int endTagIndex;
while(str.contains(startTag) || str.contains(endTag)) {
startTagIndex = str.indexOf(startTag);
endTagIndex = str.indexOf(endTag) + endTag.length();
if(!str.contains(startTag)) {
startTagIndex = 0;
if(!str.contains(endTag)) {
endTagIndex = startTagIndex + startTag.length();
subStr = str.substring(startTagIndex, endTagIndex);;
str = str.replace(subStr, "");
I compiled this to Java 8. I don't believe I'm using any features not available in Java 6.
Edited: System.lineSeparator() was added in Java 1.7. I changed the line to
public class RemoveQuotes {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "[quote]user1 posted:\r\n" +
" [quote]user2 posted:\r\n" +
" Test1\r\n" +
" [/quote]\r\n" +
" Test2\r\n" +
"[/quote]\r\n" +
input = input.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "");
String endQuote = "[/quote]";
int endPosition;
do {
int startPosition = input.indexOf("[quote]");
endPosition = input.lastIndexOf(endQuote);
if (endPosition >= 0) {
String output = input.substring(0, startPosition);
output += input.substring(endPosition + endQuote.length());
input = output;
} while (endPosition >= 0);
I am getting result in the form {a=2 ,b=5} after spel expression evaluation.
I want to convert it to json.
How do I do it?
Please help!
here is your solution:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String something = "{a=2 ,b=5}";
something = something.replace("{", "");
something = something.replace("}", "");
String[] pairs = something.split(",");
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String pair : pairs) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
String[] temp = list.get(i).split("=");
temp[0] = "\"" + temp[0] + "\"";
list.set(i, temp[0] + ":" + temp[1]);
String contents = "";
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
contents = contents + ", " + list.get(i);
contents = contents.replaceFirst(", ", "");
contents = "{" + contents + "}";
System.out.println("Contents: " + contents);
And here is your result:
Contents: {"a":2 , "b":5}
I am building a tag reader for inventory purpose. Using the for loop to iterate through the tags to count/total the ids. I get an error on my return line "tagsFound cannot be resolved into a variable". How do i use the variable inside the for loop and then access it outside the loop?
public String[] getTags(AlienClass1Reader reader)throws AlienReaderException{
int coneCount = 0;
int drumCount = 0;
// Open a connection to the reader;
// Ask the reader to read tags and print them
Tag tagList[] = reader.getTagList();
if (tagList == null) {
System.out.println("No Tags Found");
} else {
System.out.println("Tag(s) found: " + tagList.length);
for (int i=0; i<tagList.length; i++) {
Tag tag = tagList[i];
System.out.println("ID:" + tag.getTagID() +
", Discovered:" + tag.getDiscoverTime() +
", Last Seen:" + tag.getRenewTime() +
", Antenna:" + tag.getAntenna() +
", Reads:" + tag.getRenewCount()
//tagFound[i]= "" + tag.getTagID();
String phrase = tag.getTagID();
tagFound[i] = phrase;
String delims = "[ ]+";
String[] tokens = phrase.split(delims);
if (tokens[0].equals("0CCE") && tokens[3].equals("1001")){drumCount++;}
if (tokens[0].equals("0CCE") && tokens[3].equals("1004")){coneCount++;}
String[] tagsFound;
tagsFound[i] = tag.getTagID();
System.out.println("Cones= " + coneCount);
System.out.println("Drums= " + drumCount);
// Close the connection
return tagsFound;
public String[] getTags(AlienClass1Reader reader)throws AlienReaderException{
int coneCount = 0;
int drumCount = 0;
// Open a connection to the reader;
// Ask the reader to read tags and print them
Tag tagList[] = reader.getTagList();
if (tagList == null) {
System.out.println("No Tags Found");
} else {
System.out.println("Tag(s) found: " + tagList.length);
String[] tagsFound = new String[tagList.length];
for (int i=0; i<tagList.length; i++) {
tagsFound = "";
Tag tag = tagList[i];
System.out.println("ID:" + tag.getTagID() +
", Discovered:" + tag.getDiscoverTime() +
", Last Seen:" + tag.getRenewTime() +
", Antenna:" + tag.getAntenna() +
", Reads:" + tag.getRenewCount()
//tagFound[i]= "" + tag.getTagID();
String phrase = tag.getTagID();
tagFound[i] = phrase;
String delims = "[ ]+";
String[] tokens = phrase.split(delims);
if (tokens[0].equals("0CCE") && tokens[3].equals("1001")){drumCount++;}
if (tokens[0].equals("0CCE") && tokens[3].equals("1004")){coneCount++;}
tagsFound[i] = tag.getTagID();
System.out.println("Cones= " + coneCount);
System.out.println("Drums= " + drumCount);
// Close the connection
return tagsFound;
the returned array will have empty strings in the positions where the tag does not satisfy the criteria.
I have a String = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404", if I provide space between abcd1 & number eg. abcd1 862893007509396 my code will work fine, but if there is no space like abcd1862893007509396, I will get java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, please help ?:
PFB the code :
String text = "";
final String suppliedKeyword = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404";
String[] keywordarray = null;
String[] keywordarray2 = null;
String modelname = "";
String[] strIMEI = null;
if ( StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase( suppliedKeyword,"model")) {
keywordarray = suppliedKeyword.split("(?i)model");
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(keywordarray[1], "abcd")) {
keywordarray2 = keywordarray[1].split("(?i)abcd");
modelname = keywordarray2[0].trim();
if (keywordarray[1].trim().contains(" ")) {
strIMEI = keywordarray[1].split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < strIMEI.length; i++) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
} else {
text = keywordarray2[1];
After looking at your code the only thing i can consider for cause of error is
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
You are trying to access strIMEI[i+1] which will throw an error if your last element in strIMEI contains "abcd".
I am trying to build a string recursively but it isn't quite working
my code looks like this
public void UpdatePrintList(ArrayList<Node> closedList, ArrayList<Node> openList)
if(count <= iterations)
String line1 = "";
for(int i = 0; i < closedList.size(); i++)
if(i > 0)
line1 = line1 + "-";
line1 = line1 + closedList.get(i).GetMovement();
line1 = line1 + " " + closedList.get(closedList.size()-1).GetG() + " " + closedList.get(closedList.size()-1).GetHeuristic() + " " + closedList.get(closedList.size()-1).GetF();
String line2 = "OPEN ";
for(int i = 0; i < openList.size(); i++)
line2 = FindEarlierNode(openList.get(i), line2);
private String FindEarlierNode(Node varNode, String varString)
if(varNode.OpenedBy() == null)
varString += varNode.GetMovement() + "-";
FindEarlierNode(varNode.OpenedBy(), varString);
varString = varString + varNode.GetMovement() + "-";
return varString;
The strange thing is that I know that this if statement
if(varNode.OpenedBy() == null)
varString += varNode.GetMovement() + "-";
runs correctly, so the function does reach the earliest node. But it doesnt add to the string. The code runs but returns nothing. GetMovement just returns a one or two character string. The output should look like this:
But instead it looks like this:
Can anyone help?
Managed to work it out. This gives me my desired output:
private String FindEarlierNode(Node varNode, String varString)
if(varNode.OpenedBy() != null)
varString = varString + varNode.GetMovement() + "-";
return FindEarlierNode(varNode.OpenedBy(), varString);
return varString += varNode.GetMovement() + " ";
thanks everyone.