I get java.net.SocketTimeoutException when searching in jira. How can I increase the timeout ?
JiraRestClientFactory restClientFactory = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory();
SearchResult results = null;
try {
URI uri = new URI(jira_url);
restClient = restClientFactory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(uri, jira_username, jira_password);
final SearchRestClient searchClient = restClient.getSearchClient();
String jql = searchClient.getFilter(jira_filterid).get().getJql();
// setting max result to 1000 and start with 0
results = searchClient.searchJql(jql, 500, 0).claim();
System.out.println("Took: " + stopWatch.toString() + " to find " + results.getTotal() + " case in jira filter with id " + jira_filterid);
} catch (Exception e) {
return results;
The searching should not take so long, i think it is when doing claim().
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.SocketTimeoutException
at com.google.common.base.Throwables.propagate(Throwables.java:160)
at com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.DefaultHttpClient$3.apply(DefaultHttpClient.java:256)
at com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.DefaultHttpClient$3.apply(DefaultHttpClient.java:249)
at com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promises$Of$2.apply(Promises.java:276)
at com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promises$Of$2.apply(Promises.java:272)
at com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promises$2.onFailure(Promises.java:167)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures$4.run(Futures.java:1172)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors$SameThreadExecutorService.execute(MoreExecutors.java:297)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionList.executeListener(ExecutionList.java:156)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionList.execute(ExecutionList.java:145)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.AbstractFuture.setException(AbstractFuture.java:202)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture.setException(SettableFuture.java:68)
at com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient$1$2.run(SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient.java:59)
at com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient$ThreadLocalDelegateRunnable$1.run(SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient.java:197)
at com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient.runInContext(SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient.java:90)
at com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient$ThreadLocalDelegateRunnable.run(SettableFuturePromiseHttpPromiseAsyncClient.java:192)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:895)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:918)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)
Caused by: java.net.SocketTimeoutException
at org.apache.http.nio.protocol.HttpAsyncRequestExecutor.timeout(HttpAsyncRequestExecutor.java:279)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.LoggingAsyncRequestExecutor.timeout(LoggingAsyncRequestExecutor.java:128)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.DefaultHttpClientIODispatch.onTimeout(DefaultHttpClientIODispatch.java:136)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.DefaultHttpClientIODispatch.onTimeout(DefaultHttpClientIODispatch.java:50)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIODispatch.timeout(AbstractIODispatch.java:169)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.BaseIOReactor.sessionTimedOut(BaseIOReactor.java:257)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIOReactor.timeoutCheck(AbstractIOReactor.java:494)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.BaseIOReactor.validate(BaseIOReactor.java:207)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractIOReactor.execute(AbstractIOReactor.java:284)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.BaseIOReactor.execute(BaseIOReactor.java:106)
at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor$Worker.run(AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor.java:604)
... 1 more
I can not Believe i had to got so deep to change it. you can use reflection to achieve it
try (JiraRestClient client = clientFactory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(new URI(jira.getUrl()), jira.getUsername(), jira.getPassword())) {
try {
Field f1 = Class.forName("com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.internal.async.AsynchronousJiraRestClient").getDeclaredField("httpClient");
Field f2 = Class.forName("com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.internal.async.AtlassianHttpClientDecorator").getDeclaredField("httpClient");
Field f3 = Class.forName("com.atlassian.httpclient.apache.httpcomponents.ApacheAsyncHttpClient").getDeclaredField("httpClient");
Field f4 = Class.forName("org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CachingHttpAsyncClient").getDeclaredField("backend");
Field f5 = Class.forName("org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.InternalHttpAsyncClient").getDeclaredField("defaultConfig");
Field f6 = Class.forName("org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig").getDeclaredField("socketTimeout");
Object requestConfig = f5.get(f4.get(f3.get(f2.get(f1.get(client)))));
f6.setInt(requestConfig, 120 * 1000);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
// now you can start using it :)
} catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) {
logger.error("invalid jira server address: " + jira.getUrl(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("can not access jira server");
it will buy you 120 seconds of socket time.
one workaround that seams to work is to take 100 result for each iteration and set startAt
results = searchClient.searchJql(jql, 100, 0).claim();
results1 = searchClient.searchJql(jql, 100, 100).claim();
results2 = searchClient.searchJql(jql, 100, 200).claim();
and so on.
Disclaimer: i am using the Groovy programming language, but the syntax is very similar to Java, so you should be able to reuse the code (hint: in Groovy no semi-colons are needed, the return statement is optional, instead of variable declaration i am using def or final only).
I am using the following library versions (gradle style):
compile "com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-core:4.0.0"
compile "com.atlassian.fugue:fugue:2.2.1"
Here we have the standard rest client definition:
JiraRestClient getJiraRestClient()
// read user specific Jira password settings and build authentification
final inputFile = new File("${System.getProperty('user.home')}/jiraSettings.json")
final authInfo = new JsonSlurper().parseText(inputFile.text)
// setting up the jira client
def restClient = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory()
I dived into the createWithBasicHttpAuthentication function and extracted and adapted the code (only getClientOptions - I set the socket timeout to 45 seconds, look at HttpClientOptions default settings):
JiraRestClient getJiraRestClient()
return new AsynchronousJiraRestClient(jiraServerUri, getHttpClient());
HttpClientOptions getClientOptions()
def options = new HttpClientOptions();
options.socketTimeout = 45000L;
DisposableHttpClient getHttpClient()
final DefaultHttpClientFactory defaultHttpClientFactory =
new DefaultHttpClientFactory(new AsynchronousHttpClientFactory.NoOpEventPublisher(),
new AsynchronousHttpClientFactory.RestClientApplicationProperties(jiraServerUri),
new ThreadLocalContextManager() {
public Object getThreadLocalContext() {
return null;
public void setThreadLocalContext(Object context) {}
public void clearThreadLocalContext() {}
final HttpClient httpClient = defaultHttpClientFactory.create(getClientOptions())
return new AtlassianHttpClientDecorator(httpClient, getAuthenticationHandler()) {
public void destroy() throws Exception {
BasicHttpAuthenticationHandler getAuthenticationHandler()
// read user specific Jira password settings and build authentification
final inputFile = new File("${System.getProperty('user.home')}/jiraSettings.json")
final authInfo = new JsonSlurper().parseText(inputFile.text)
return new BasicHttpAuthenticationHandler(
The downside is that I might be forced to adapt this code when I switch to a new version of jira-rest-java-client, but I really need this because the timout is just to short, even with heavy use of paging.
java.util.concurrent.Future class has V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit).
Adding timeout helped me:
String jql = searchClient.getFilter(jira_filterid).get(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).getJql();
I cannot upload a file to OneDrive using the MS Graph Java SDK, nor can I find any Java-based examples.
I have found a similar (but unanswered) question here: MS Graph Java SDK: how to upload a large file to OneDrive?
However, I've managed to cobble together a bit more code that was shown in the question raised above (based on a .NET-based example), but still without success.
FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo = new FileSystemInfo();
fileSystemInfo.createdDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
fileSystemInfo.lastModifiedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
DriveItemUploadableProperties properties = new DriveItemUploadableProperties();
properties.name = "test.jpeg";
properties.description = "TEST_DESCRIPTION";
properties.fileSystemInfo = fileSystemInfo;
IDriveItemCreateUploadSessionRequest request = this.graphServiceClient
UploadSession session = request.post();
if(Objects.nonNull(session)) {
int maxSizeChunk = (320 * 1024) * 4;
String macOsPath = "[ADD YOUR VALID FILE PATH]";
File file = new File(macOsPath);
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
ChunkedUploadProvider<File> uploadProvider =
new ChunkedUploadProvider(session, this.graphServiceClient,
inputStream, maxSizeChunk, File.class);
IProgressCallback<File> callback = new IProgressCallback<File>() {
public void progress(long l, long l1) {
log.info("making progress: " + l + ", " + l1);
public void success(File file) {
log.info("Success! " + file.getName());
public void failure(ClientException e) {
log.info("Failure! " + e.getMessage());
uploadProvider.upload(callback, 0);
The error occurs when attempting to post the upload session request:
UploadSession session = request.post();
Rather than returning an upload session, the following error is returned:
"error": {
"code": "invalidRequest",
"message": "The request is malformed or incorrect.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "b9d4026b-0d8f-44b4-9e9e-8d78a0ea5ea3",
"date": "2019-05-30T16:20:11"
I don't fully understand the reason for requiring DriveItemUploadableProperties but you shouldn't be setting any of its properties.
Try using this instead:
UploadSession session = this.graphServiceClient
.createUploadSession(new DriveItemUploadableProperties())
I personally find the most useful examples are the unit tests in the SDK itself. In this case, you can find this in OneDriveTests.Java.
I am able to connect to JIRA by JIRARestClient API and also able to get the information about issue but whenever I am trying to create issue by below code, getting this error "RestClientException{statusCode=Optional.of(400), errorCollections=[ErrorCollection{status=400, errors={issuetype=valid issue type is required}, errorMessages=[]}]}"
IssueRestClient issueClient = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory()
.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(baseUri, username, password).getIssueClient();
IssueType issueType = new IssueType(null, 0L, "bug", false, "my issue", null);
BasicProject basicProject = new BasicProject(null, "CPQ", 1L, null);
IssueInput newIssue = new IssueInputBuilder(basicProject,issueType,"Mopendra").build();
String issueCreated = issueClient.createIssue(newIssue).claim().getKey();
can anyone please help me on this?
the cause is that you should use valid issue type that exists in your Jira and fill parameters correctly. You can fetch existing issue types and choose one you need. See
Jira issue type values for Rest api
Please refer the below-working code. This should solve your problem.
//call method createIssue
final String issueKey = myJiraClient.createIssue("YOUR_PRAJECT_NAME", 1L, "Issue created from Standalone App");
// method declaration
private String createIssue(String projectKey, Long iType, String issueSummary) {
IssueRestClient issueClient = restClient.getIssueClient();
BasicProject cpqProject = null;
IssueType issueType = null;
try {
final Iterable<BasicProject> projects = restClient.getProjectClient().getAllProjects().claim();
System.out.println("======================getting all projoects======================");
for (BasicProject project : projects) {
if(project.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("cpq")) {
cpqProject = project;
Promise<Project> project = restClient.getProjectClient().getProject(projectKey);
for(IssueType type : (project.get()).getIssueTypes()) {
issueType = type;
} catch (Exception e) {
IssueInput newIssue = new IssueInputBuilder(cpqProject, issueType, issueSummary).build();
return issueClient.createIssue(newIssue).claim().getKey();
I have written some REST APIs using Java Servlets on Tomcat. These are my first experiences with Java and APIs and Tomcat. As I research and read about servlets, methods and parameter passing, and more recently thread safety, I realize I need some review, suggestions, and tutorial guidance from those of you who I see are far more experienced. I have found many questions / answers that seem to address pieces but my lack of experience clouds the clarity I desire.
The code below shows the top portion of one servlet example along with an example private method. I have "global" variables defined at the class level so that I may track the success of a method and determine if I need to send an error response. I do this because the method(s) already return a value.
Are those global variables creating an unsafe thread environment
Since the response is not visible in the private methods, how else might I determine the need to stop the process and send an error response if those global variables are unsafe
Though clipped for space, should I be doing all of the XML handling in the doGet method
Should I be calling all of the different private methods for the various data retrieval tasks and data handling
Should each method that accesses the same database open a Connection or should the doGet method create a Connection and pass it to each method
Assist, suggest, teach, guide to whatever you feel appropriate, or point me to the right learning resources so I may learn how to do better. Direct and constructive criticism welcome -- bashing and derogatory statements not preferred.
#WebServlet(name = "SubPlans", urlPatterns = {"*omitted*"})
public class SubPlans extends HttpServlet {
private transient ServletConfig servletConfig;
private String planSpecialNotes,
private String[] subPlanInd = new String[4];
private boolean sc200;
private int httpReturnStatus;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
httpReturnStatus = 0;
httpReturnMsg = "";
sc200 = true;
planAddlReqLinks = null;
planSpecialNotes = null;
legalTermsHeader = "";
legalTermsMemo = null;
public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig)
throws ServletException {
this.servletConfig = servletConfig;
public ServletConfig getServletConfig() {
return servletConfig;
public String getServletInfo() {
return "SubPlans";
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
List<HashMap<String, Object>> alSubDeps = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
String[] coverageDates = new String[6],
depDates = new String[8];
String eeAltId = null,
eeSSN = null,
carrier = null,
logosite = null,
fmtSSN = "X",
subSQL = null,
healthPlan = null,
dentalPlan = null,
visionPlan = null,
lifePlan = null,
tier = null,
healthGroupNum = null,
effdate = null,
holdEffDate = null,
planDesc = "",
planYear = "",
summaryBenefitsLink = null;
int[][] effdates = new int[6][4];
int holdDistrictNumber = 0,
districtNumber = 0,
holdUnit = 0,
unit = 0;
boolean districtHasHSA = false;
XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
try {
eeAltId = request.getParameter("*omitted*");
if ( eeAltId != null ) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(*omitted*);
Matcher m = p.matcher(eeAltId);
if ( m.find(0) ) {
eeSSN = getSSN(eeAltId);
} else {
httpReturnStatus = 412;
httpReturnMsg = "Alternate ID format incorrect.";
System.err.println("Bad alternate id format " + eeAltId);
sc200 = false;
} else {
httpReturnStatus = 412;
httpReturnMsg = "Alternate ID missing.";
System.err.println("alternate id not provided.");
sc200 = false;
if ( sc200 ) {
coverageDates = determineDates();
subSQL = buildSubSQLStatement(eeSSN, coverageDates);
alSubDeps = getSubDeps(subSQL);
if ( sc200 ) {
XMLStreamWriter writer = outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream());
writer.writeEndElement(); // subscriber
if ( sc200 ) {
} else {
response.sendError(httpReturnStatus, httpReturnMsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error writing XML");
public void destroy() {
private String getPlanDescription(String planID) {
String planDesc = null;
String sqlEE = "SELECT ...";
Connection connGPD = null;
Statement stGPD = null;
ResultSet rsGPD = null;
try {
connGPD = getDbConnectionEE();
try {
stGPD = connGPD.createStatement();
planDesc = "Statement error";
try {
rsGPD = stGPD.executeQuery(sqlEE);
if ( !rsGPD.isBeforeFirst() )
planDesc = "No data";
else {
planDesc = rsGPD.getString("Plan_Description");
} catch (Exception rsErr) {
httpReturnStatus = 500;
httpReturnMsg = "Error retrieving plan description.";
System.err.println("getPlanDescription: " + httpReturnMsg + " " + httpReturnStatus);
sc200 = false;
} finally {
if ( rsGPD != null ) {
try {
} catch (Exception rsErr) {
System.err.println("getPlanDescription: Error closing result set.");
} catch (Exception stErr) {
httpReturnStatus = 500;
httpReturnMsg = "Error creating plan description statement.";
System.err.println("getPlanDescription: " + httpReturnMsg + " " + httpReturnStatus);
sc200 = false;
} finally {
if ( stGPD != null ) {
try {
} catch (Exception stErr) {
System.err.println("getPlanDescription: Error closing query statement.");
} catch (Exception connErr) {
httpReturnStatus = 500;
httpReturnMsg = "Error closing database.";
System.err.println("getPlanDescription: " + httpReturnMsg + " " + httpReturnStatus);
sc200 = false;
} finally {
if ( connGPD != null ) {
try {
} catch (Exception connErr) {
System.err.println("getPlanDescription: Error closing connection.");
return planDesc.trim();
I have "global" variables defined at the class level
You have instance variables declared at the class level. There are no globals in Java.
so that I may track the success of a method and determine if I need to send an error response.
Poor technique.
I do this because the method(s) already return a value.
You should use exceptions for this if the return values are already taken.
Are those global variables creating an unsafe thread environment
Those instance variables are creating an unsafe thread environment.
Since the response is not visible in the private methods, how else might I determine the need to stop the process and send an error response if those global variables are unsafe?
Via exceptions thrown by the methods, see above. If there is no exception, send an OK response, whatever form that takes, otherwise whatever error response is appropriate to the exception.
Though clipped for space, should I be doing all of the XML handling in the doGet method
Not if it's long or repetitive (used in other places too).
Should I be calling all of the different private methods for the various data retrieval tasks and data handling
Sure, why not?
Should each method that accesses the same database open a Connection or should the doGet() method create a Connection and pass it to each method
doGet() should open the connection, pass it to each method, and infallibly close it.
NB You don't need the ServletConfig variable, or the init() or getServletConfig() methods. If you remove all this you can get it from the base class any time you need it via the getServletConfig() method you have pointlessly overridden.
The variables you have defined are instance members. They are not global and are not class-level. They are variables scoped to one instance of your servlet class.
The servlet container typically creates one instance of your servlet and sends all requests to that one instance. So you will have concurrent requests overwriting these variables’ contents unpredictably.
It can be ok for a servlet to have static variables or instance member variables, but only if their contents are thread safe and they contain no state specific to a request. For instance it would be normal to have a (log4j or java.util.logging) Logger object as a static member, where the logger is specifically designed to be called concurrently without the threads interfering with each other.
For error handling use exceptions to fail fast once something goes wrong.
Servlets are painful to write and hard to test. Consider using a MVC web framework instead. Frameworks like spring or dropwizard provide built-in capabilities that make things like data access and error handling easier, but most importantly they encourage patterns where you write separate well-focused classes that each do one thing well (and can be reasoned about and tested independently). The servlet approach tends to lead people to cram disparate functions into one increasingly-unmanageable class file, which seems to be the road you’re headed down.
I would like to know a way to set a connection timeout in Soapui java.
I am using soapui version
What i have found so far is reading timeout but what i need now is setting a connection timeout.
This question was asked before but no specific answers were given.
Here is my code so far.
It sends and retrieves requests like i want.
But my problem is handling timeouts.
And if possible i would like to ensure if the read timeout is in milliseconds.
public static void main(String[] args) {
WsdlProject project = null;
WsdlInterface[] interfacesInWSDL = null;
try {
SoapUI.setSoapUICore(new StandaloneSoapUICore(true));
project = new WsdlProject();
interfacesInWSDL = WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl(project, "wsdlPath.wsdl", true);
for (int i = 0; i < interfacesInWSDL.length; i++) {
for (Operation op : interfacesInWSDL[i].getOperationList()) {
WsdlOperation operation = (WsdlOperation) op;
WsdlRequest request = operation.addNewRequest("WSDLRequest");
request.setTimeout("10000");//Read timeout
WsdlSubmitContext submitContext = new WsdlSubmitContext(request);
WsdlSubmit submit = (WsdlSubmit) request.submit(submitContext, false);
Response response = submit.getResponse();
} catch (Exception ex) {
//Exception Logger
Thank you in advance.
hi im creating a simple tool using java to create,update and delete issues(tickets) in jira. i am using rest api following code is im using to authenticate jira and issue tickets.
public class JiraConnection {
public static URI jiraServerUri = URI.create("http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2/issue/HSP-1/");
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
final AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory factory = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory();
final JiraRestClient restClient = factory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(jiraServerUri,"vinuvish92#gmail.com","vinu1994");
System.out.println("Sending issue creation requests...");
try {
final List<Promise<BasicIssue>> promises = Lists.newArrayList();
final IssueRestClient issueClient = restClient.getIssueClient();
System.out.println("Sending issue creation requests...");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
final String summary = "NewIssue#" + i;
final IssueInput newIssue = new IssueInputBuilder("TST", 1L, summary).build();
System.out.println("\tCreating: " + summary);
System.out.println("Collecting responses...");
final Iterable<BasicIssue> createdIssues = transform(promises, new Function<Promise<BasicIssue>, BasicIssue>() {
public BasicIssue apply(Promise<BasicIssue> promise) {
return promise.claim();
System.out.println("Created issues:\n" + Joiner.on("\n").join(createdIssues));
} finally {
according this code i couldn't connect to the jira
**following exception i am getting **
please suggest me best solution to do my task
It seems to me that your error is clearly related to url parameter. The incriminated line and the fact that the error message is about not finding the resource are good indications of it.
You don't need to input the whole endpoint since you are using the JiraRestClient. Depending on the method that you call it will resolve the endpoint. Here is an example that works: as you can see I only input the base url