I would like ask your help for some solutions.
I want to know how can I print report from jasperserver repository.
I spent time googling for a period of time, but still cannot get it solve.
I got this source, but it does not work. Can someone fix it?
Any idears? Please help me.
1.Here is the source code:
package com.src.report;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;
import net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer;
import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.xml.domain.impl.ResourceDescriptor;
import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.JServer;
import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient;
public class PrintService {
private static JServer server = null;
public static void ConnectionString(String webServiceUrl, String username, String password){
server = new JServer();
public static void runReports(String webServiceUrl, String username, String password) throws Exception{
ConnectionString(webServiceUrl, username, password);
WSClient client = new WSClient(server);
ResourceDescriptor resourceDescriptor = new ResourceDescriptor();
resourceDescriptor.setUriString ("/reports/samples/EmployeeAccounts");
Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameterMap.put("MY_PARAMETER_NAME", "myparametervalue");
JasperPrint printer = client.runReport(resourceDescriptor, parameterMap);
JasperViewer.viewReport(printer, false, Locale.ENGLISH);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String webServiceUrl = "http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/services/repository";
String username = "jasperadmin";
String password = "jasperadmin";
runReports(webServiceUrl, username, password);
2.And here is the error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xerces/parsers/AbstractDOMParser
at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient.<init>(WSClient.java:73)
at com.src.report.PrintService.runReports(PrintService.java:37)
at com.src.report.PrintService.main(PrintService.java:51)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractDOMParser
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 3 more
u can make use of the rest api of jasper
it is as simple as:
Refer to this
As I googled for a period of time, I have found some solution related to my question above. My purpose here is not for reputation or anything else, but just wanna tell someone who get the same issue as I did.
My solution is here:
1/ Requirement Jar Files:
activation-1.1.jar axis-1.3.jar
2/ Coding:
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package jaspersoft.src.jasperprint;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;
import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.JServer;
import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.xml.domain.impl.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.print.PrintService;
import javax.print.PrintServiceLookup;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPrintServiceExporter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPrintServiceExporterParameter;
* #author Administrator
public class JasperPrintTest {
private static JServer server = null;
public JasperPrintTest(String webServiceUrl, String username, String password){
server = new JServer();
public List list(String uri) throws Exception{
ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor();
return server.getWSClient().list(rd);
public ResourceDescriptor get(String uri) throws Exception{
return get(uri, null);
public ResourceDescriptor get(String uri, List arg) throws Exception{
ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor();
return server.getWSClient().get(rd, null,arg);
public JasperPrint runReports(String reportUnit, Map params) throws Exception{
ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor();
return server.getWSClient().runReport(rd, params);
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// TODO code application logic here
String webServiceUrl="http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/services/repository";
String username= "jasperadmin";
String password = "jasperadmin";
String printer = "Foxit Reader PDF Printer";
String reporturi = "/reports/samples/AllAccounts";
JasperPrintTest object = new JasperPrintTest(webServiceUrl,username,password);
JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrint();
Map parameterMap = new HashMap();
try {
jasperPrint = object.runReports(reporturi, parameterMap);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ClassForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
PrintService[] printServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null);
PrintService printService = null;
for(PrintService ps : printServices){
printService = ps;
if(printService !=null)
JRExporter jrExporter = new JRPrintServiceExporter();
jrExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
jrExporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_SERVICE, printService);
jrExporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.DISPLAY_PAGE_DIALOG, Boolean.FALSE);
jrExporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.DISPLAY_PRINT_DIALOG, Boolean.TRUE);
try {
} catch (JRException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ClassForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("Printer is not defined");
3/ Result:
Note: but everything is still not dynamic. Please notice.
This question already has answers here:
Compile code fully in memory with javax.tools.JavaCompiler [duplicate]
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I want to treat a String as a Java file then compile and run it. In other words, use Java as a script language.
To get better performance, we should avoid writing .class files to disk.
This answer is from one of my blogs, Compile and Run Java Source Code in Memory.
Here are the three source code files.
package me.soulmachine.compiler;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.tools.*;
* Simple interface to Java compiler using JSR 199 Compiler API.
public class MemoryJavaCompiler {
private javax.tools.JavaCompiler tool;
private StandardJavaFileManager stdManager;
public MemoryJavaCompiler() {
tool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
if (tool == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not get Java compiler. Please, ensure that JDK is used instead of JRE.");
stdManager = tool.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
* Compile a single static method.
public Method compileStaticMethod(final String methodName, final String className,
final String source)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
final Map<String, byte[]> classBytes = compile(className + ".java", source);
final MemoryClassLoader classLoader = new MemoryClassLoader(classBytes);
final Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass(className);
final Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
for (final Method method : methods) {
if (method.getName().equals(methodName)) {
if (!method.isAccessible()) method.setAccessible(true);
return method;
throw new NoSuchMethodError(methodName);
public Map<String, byte[]> compile(String fileName, String source) {
return compile(fileName, source, new PrintWriter(System.err), null, null);
* compile given String source and return bytecodes as a Map.
* #param fileName source fileName to be used for error messages etc.
* #param source Java source as String
* #param err error writer where diagnostic messages are written
* #param sourcePath location of additional .java source files
* #param classPath location of additional .class files
private Map<String, byte[]> compile(String fileName, String source,
Writer err, String sourcePath, String classPath) {
// to collect errors, warnings etc.
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics =
new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
// create a new memory JavaFileManager
MemoryJavaFileManager fileManager = new MemoryJavaFileManager(stdManager);
// prepare the compilation unit
List<JavaFileObject> compUnits = new ArrayList<JavaFileObject>(1);
compUnits.add(fileManager.makeStringSource(fileName, source));
return compile(compUnits, fileManager, err, sourcePath, classPath);
private Map<String, byte[]> compile(final List<JavaFileObject> compUnits,
final MemoryJavaFileManager fileManager,
Writer err, String sourcePath, String classPath) {
// to collect errors, warnings etc.
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics =
new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
// javac options
List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
// options.add("-g:none");
if (sourcePath != null) {
if (classPath != null) {
// create a compilation task
javax.tools.JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task =
tool.getTask(err, fileManager, diagnostics,
options, null, compUnits);
if (task.call() == false) {
PrintWriter perr = new PrintWriter(err);
for (Diagnostic diagnostic : diagnostics.getDiagnostics()) {
return null;
Map<String, byte[]> classBytes = fileManager.getClassBytes();
try {
} catch (IOException exp) {
return classBytes;
package me.soulmachine.compiler;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.tools.FileObject;
import javax.tools.ForwardingJavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject.Kind;
import javax.tools.SimpleJavaFileObject;
* JavaFileManager that keeps compiled .class bytes in memory.
final class MemoryJavaFileManager extends ForwardingJavaFileManager {
/** Java source file extension. */
private final static String EXT = ".java";
private Map<String, byte[]> classBytes;
public MemoryJavaFileManager(JavaFileManager fileManager) {
classBytes = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, byte[]> getClassBytes() {
return classBytes;
public void close() throws IOException {
classBytes = null;
public void flush() throws IOException {
* A file object used to represent Java source coming from a string.
private static class StringInputBuffer extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
final String code;
StringInputBuffer(String fileName, String code) {
super(toURI(fileName), Kind.SOURCE);
this.code = code;
public CharBuffer getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) {
return CharBuffer.wrap(code);
* A file object that stores Java bytecode into the classBytes map.
private class ClassOutputBuffer extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
private String name;
ClassOutputBuffer(String name) {
super(toURI(name), Kind.CLASS);
this.name = name;
public OutputStream openOutputStream() {
return new FilterOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
public void close() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = (ByteArrayOutputStream)out;
classBytes.put(name, bos.toByteArray());
public JavaFileObject getJavaFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location,
String className,
Kind kind,
FileObject sibling) throws IOException {
if (kind == Kind.CLASS) {
return new ClassOutputBuffer(className);
} else {
return super.getJavaFileForOutput(location, className, kind, sibling);
static JavaFileObject makeStringSource(String fileName, String code) {
return new StringInputBuffer(fileName, code);
static URI toURI(String name) {
File file = new File(name);
if (file.exists()) {
return file.toURI();
} else {
try {
final StringBuilder newUri = new StringBuilder();
newUri.append(name.replace('.', '/'));
if(name.endsWith(EXT)) newUri.replace(newUri.length() - EXT.length(), newUri.length(), EXT);
return URI.create(newUri.toString());
} catch (Exception exp) {
return URI.create("mfm:///com/sun/script/java/java_source");
package me.soulmachine.compiler;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* ClassLoader that loads .class bytes from memory.
final class MemoryClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
private Map<String, byte[]> classBytes;
public MemoryClassLoader(Map<String, byte[]> classBytes,
String classPath, ClassLoader parent) {
super(toURLs(classPath), parent);
this.classBytes = classBytes;
public MemoryClassLoader(Map<String, byte[]> classBytes, String classPath) {
this(classBytes, classPath, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
public MemoryClassLoader(Map<String, byte[]> classBytes) {
this(classBytes, null, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
public Class load(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return loadClass(className);
public Iterable<Class> loadAll() throws ClassNotFoundException {
List<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>(classBytes.size());
for (String name : classBytes.keySet()) {
return classes;
protected Class findClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
byte[] buf = classBytes.get(className);
if (buf != null) {
// clear the bytes in map -- we don't need it anymore
classBytes.put(className, null);
return defineClass(className, buf, 0, buf.length);
} else {
return super.findClass(className);
private static URL[] toURLs(String classPath) {
if (classPath == null) {
return new URL[0];
List<URL> list = new ArrayList<URL>();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classPath, File.pathSeparator);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = st.nextToken();
File file = new File(token);
if (file.exists()) {
try {
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {}
} else {
try {
list.add(new URL(token));
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {}
URL[] res = new URL[list.size()];
return res;
In order to represent a Java source file in memory instead of disk, I defined a StringInputBuffer class in the MemoryJavaFileManager.java.
To save the compiled .class files in memory, I implemented a class MemoryJavaFileManager. The main idea is to override the function getJavaFileForOutput() to store bytecodes into a map.
To load the bytecodes in memory, I have to implement a customized classloader MemoryClassLoader, which reads bytecodes in the map and turn them into classes.
Here is a unite test.
package me.soulmachine.compiler;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MemoryJavaCompilerTest {
private final static MemoryJavaCompiler compiler = new MemoryJavaCompiler();
#Test public void compileStaticMethodTest()
throws ClassNotFoundException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
final String source = "public final class Solution {\n"
+ "public static String greeting(String name) {\n"
+ "\treturn \"Hello \" + name;\n" + "}\n}\n";
final Method greeting = compiler.compileStaticMethod("greeting", "Solution", source);
final Object result = greeting.invoke(null, "soulmachine");
assertEquals("Hello soulmachine", result.toString());
JavaCompiler.java from Cloudera Morphlines
How to create an object from a string in Java (how to eval a string)?
动态的Java - 无废话JavaCompilerAPI中文指南
I am using java spark API to write some test application . I am using a class which doesn't extends serializable interface . So to make the application work I am using kryo serializer to serialize the class . But the problem which I observed while debugging was that during the de-serialization the returned class object becomes null and in turn throws a null pointer exception . It seems to be closure problem where things are going wrong but not sure.Since I am new to this kind of serialization I don't know where to start digging.
Here is the code I am testing :
package org.apache.spark.examples;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function;
* Spark application to test the Serialization issue in spark
public class Test {
static PrintWriter outputFileWriter;
static FileWriter file;
static JavaSparkContext ssc;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String inputFile = "/home/incubator-spark/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/InputFile.txt";
String master = "local";
String jobName = "TestSerialization";
String sparkHome = "/home/test/Spark_Installation/spark-0.7.0";
String sparkJar = "/home/test/TestSerializationIssesInSpark/TestSparkSerIssueApp/target/TestSparkSerIssueApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar";
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", "org.apache.spark.examples.MyRegistrator");
// create the Spark context
ssc = new JavaSparkContext("local", jobName,conf);
//ssc = new JavaSparkContext("local", jobName);
} else {
ssc = new JavaSparkContext(master, jobName, sparkHome, sparkJar);
JavaRDD<String> testData = ssc.textFile(inputFile).cache();
final NotSerializableJavaClass notSerializableTestObject= new NotSerializableJavaClass("Hi ");
#SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked"})
JavaRDD<String> classificationResults = testData.map(
new Function<String, String>() {
public String call(String inputRecord) throws Exception {
if(!inputRecord.isEmpty()) {
//String[] pointDimensions = inputRecord.split(",");
String result = "";
try {
FileWriter file = new FileWriter("/home/test/TestSerializationIssesInSpark/results/test_result_" + (int) (Math.random() * 100));
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(file);
InetAddress ip;
ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
outputFile.println("IP of the server: " + ip);
result = notSerializableTestObject.testMethod(inputRecord);
outputFile.println("Result: " + result);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
catch (IOException e1) {
return result;
} else {
System.out.println("End of elements in the stream.");
String result = "End of elements in the input data";
return result;
long processedRecords = classificationResults.count();
Here is the KryoRegistrator class
package org.apache.spark.examples;
import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoRegistrator;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
public class MyRegistrator implements KryoRegistrator {
public void registerClasses(Kryo kryo) {
Here is the class I am serializing :
package org.apache.spark.examples;
public class NotSerializableJavaClass {
public String testVariable;
public NotSerializableJavaClass(String testVariable) {
this.testVariable = testVariable;
public String testMethod(String vartoAppend){
return this.testVariable + vartoAppend;
This is because spark.closure.serializer only supports the Java serializer. See http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/configuration.html about spark.closure.serializer
I am a beginner in java programming. I am trying to read response from url and insert into database. I ran my program which is posted below and it came back with this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javaapp.JavaApplication1.parseResponseString(JavaApplication1.java:41)
at javaapp.JavaApplication1.main(JavaApplication1.java:71)
I have been trying to solve this issue on my own through research, but I could not solve it. I was wondering if anyone can help me. If you do need any other information about my program, please just ask. Thanks in advance!
And here is the code i have written
enter code here package javaapp;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class JavaApplication1
Map<String,String> responseMap=new HashMap<String, String>();
static String input;
public void getResponseFromUrl() throws IOException
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8084/home/Home");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())) ;
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
if (inputLine.contains("<h1>"))
String input = inputLine;
input = input.substring(input.indexOf("<h1>") + 4, input.indexOf("</h1>"));
public void parseResponseString(String input)
String params[]=input.split(",");
for(String param:params)
String key= param.substring(0,param.indexOf('='));
String value= param.substring(param.indexOf('=')+1,param.length());
responseMap.put(key, value);
public void insertToDatabase() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
Connection conn=null;
String insertQuery = " INSERT INTO value_1 (username1,username2,username3,username4,username5) "+
" values (?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
JavaApplication1 application =new JavaApplication1();
application.parseResponseString(input);//shows exception here
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Thanks in advance,please helpme..
The static String input; is null by default and you're passing it to the parseResponseString() method.
You need to assign a value to the input variable.
I believe you wanted the assignment to be done in the getResponseFromUrl() method, where you have created a new input variable. In order to have the static String input; assigned with a value, you need to refer it with the this keyword.
if (inputLine.contains("<h1>"))
String input = inputLine;
this.input = input.substring(input.indexOf("<h1>") + 4, input.indexOf("</h1>"));
at the getResponseFromUrl method the String input is a new variable;
you must change the String input = inputLine; to String input2 = inputLine; and input = input2.substring(input.indexOf("<h1>") + 4, input.indexOf("</h1>"));
your code become :
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class JavaApplication1
Map<String,String> responseMap=new HashMap<String, String>();
static String input;
public void getResponseFromUrl() throws IOException
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8084/home/Home");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())) ;
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
if (inputLine.contains("<h1>"))
String input2 = inputLine;
input = input2.substring(input.indexOf("<h1>") + 4, input.indexOf("</h1>"));
public void parseResponseString(String input)
String params[]=input.split(",");
for(String param:params)
String key= param.substring(0,param.indexOf('='));
String value= param.substring(param.indexOf('=')+1,param.length());
responseMap.put(key, value);
public void insertToDatabase() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
Connection conn=null;
String insertQuery = " INSERT INTO value_1 (username1,username2,username3,username4,username5) "+
" values (?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
JavaApplication1 application =new JavaApplication1();
application.parseResponseString(input);//shows exception here
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I think your problem is here:
String input = inputLine;
input = input.substring(input.indexOf("<h1>") + 4, input.indexOf("</h1>"));
Declaring a new variable input in the first line prevents your code to assign the value to the private field input (which is what you are probably trying to do).
Besides, the first line is useless, just remove it and use directly inputLine in the second one:
input = inputLine.substring(inputLine.indexOf("<h1>") + 4, inputLine.indexOf("</h1>"));
I can be wrong... but you define a String input as a field of your class...
I believe that you want to use in public void getResponseFromUrl() the String input field and not the local input!!
Why I say that... obviously you try in the public void parseResponseString(String input) to take the data in the input field but you don't have anything in there... so you get NullPointerException.
So what you need to change is in:
public void getResponseFromUrl() throws IOException
/*String input = inputLine; -> wrong, because you want to use a field and not a local var... */
input = inputLine; /* now you are using the class field input */
input = input.substring...
I'm trying to use the Lookup web service from DBpedia, but I'm finding difficulties because there's very little information on the web. I found a code example, but when I execute it, I get errors:
at tutorial.DBpediaLookupClient.containsSearchTerms(DBpediaLookupClient.java:111)
at tutorial.DBpediaLookupClient.endElement(DBpediaLookupClient.java:87)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(SAXParser.java:195)
at tutorial.DBpediaLookupClient.<init>(DBpediaLookupClient.java:56)
at tutorial.DBpediaLookupClient.main(DBpediaLookupClient.java:126)
package tutorial;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.Attribute;
public class DBpediaLookupClient extends DefaultHandler {
* #param args
private List<Map<String, String>> variableBindings = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
private Map<String, String> tempBinding = null;
private String lastElementName = null;
private String query = "";
public DBpediaLookupClient( String query ) throws Exception {
this.query = query;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpMethod method = new GetMethod("http://lookup.dbpedia.org/api/search.asmx/KeywordSearch?QueryClass=place&QueryString="+query);
InputStream ins = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser sax = factory.newSAXParser();
sax.parse(ins, this);
}catch (HttpException he) {
System.err.println("Http error connecting to lookup.dbpedia.org");
}catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.println("Unable to connect to lookup.dbpedia.org");
}catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
System.out.println("O parser não foi configurado corretamente.");
}catch (SAXException e) {
System.out.println("Problema ao fazer o parse do arquivo.");
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attribute attributes) throws SAXException {
if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("result")) {
tempBinding = new HashMap<String, String>();
lastElementName = qName;
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("result")) {
System.out.println("Qname:" + qName);
if (!variableBindings.contains(tempBinding) && containsSearchTerms(tempBinding))
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
String s = new String(ch, start, length).trim();
if (s.length() > 0) {
if ("Description".equals(lastElementName)) tempBinding.put("Description", s);
if ("URI".equals(lastElementName)) tempBinding.put("URI", s);
if ("Label".equals(lastElementName)) tempBinding.put("Label", s);
public List<Map<String, String>> variableBindings() {
return variableBindings;
private boolean containsSearchTerms(Map<String, String> bindings) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String value : bindings.values()){
sb.append(value); // do not need white space
String text = sb.toString().toLowerCase();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(this.query);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (text.indexOf(st.nextToken().toLowerCase()) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
DBpediaLookupClient client = new DBpediaLookupClient("berlin");
} catch (Exception e) {
If anybody has any idea of what's wrong please help me. Or if any of you has any other code example it will help a lot too.
I talked to the author of the code and he corrected some minor bugs.
Here is the code:
Here is the link to the corrected code: https://github.com/mark-watson/java_practical_semantic_web/blob/master/src/com/knowledgebooks/info_spiders/DBpediaLookupClient.java
Thats a really good example of the use of the Dbpedia Lookup Service with Jena.
It works perfectly!
Just be careful about the SAX paserhandler which maybe gives you wrong length in characters method
so re structure the linked java code like following:
private StringBuffer fechaiBuffer;
public void startElement(...) {
fechaiBuffer = new StringBuffer();
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
fechaiBuffer.append(ch, start, length);
public void endElement(...) {
s = fechaiBuffer.toString();
// and so on
I'm writing code to upload a file in FileNet.
A standalone java program to take the some inputs, and upload it in FileNet. I'm new to FileNet. Can you help me out, How to do it?
You can use Document.java provided by IBM for your activities and many other Java classes
package fbis.apitocasemanager;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import com.user.DocumentUtil;
public class Addfilescasemanager {
* #param args
public static void addfiles_toicm(String directory, String lFolderPath)
try {
String path = directory;
System.out.println("This is the path:..............................."
+ path);
String file_name;
File folder = new File(directory);
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++)
if (listOfFiles[i].isFile())
file_name = listOfFiles[i].getName();
String filePaths = directory + file_name;
// File file = new File("C:\\FNB\\att.jpg");
File file = new File(filePaths);
InputStream attStream = null;
attStream = new FileInputStream(file);
DocumentUtil.addDocumentWithStream(lFolderPath, attStream,
"image/jpeg", file_name, "Document");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e)
}//end of method
public static void addfile_toicm(File file_name, String lFolderPath)
try {
InputStream attStream = null;
attStream = new FileInputStream(file_name);
DocumentUtil.addDocumentWithStream(lFolderPath, attStream,
"image/jpeg", file_name.getName(), "Document");
System.out.println("File added successfully");
} catch (Exception e)
}//end of method
public static void main(String nag[])
addfiles_toicm("E:\\FSPATH1\\BLR_14122012_001F1A\\","/IBM Case Manager/Solution Deployments/Surakshate Solution for form 2/Case Types/FISB_FactoriesRegistration/Cases/2012/12/06/16/000000100103");
and my DocumentUtil class is
package com.user;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import com.filenet.api.collection.ContentElementList;
import com.filenet.api.constants.AutoClassify;
import com.filenet.api.constants.AutoUniqueName;
import com.filenet.api.constants.CheckinType;
import com.filenet.api.constants.DefineSecurityParentage;
import com.filenet.api.constants.RefreshMode;
import com.filenet.api.core.Connection;
import com.filenet.api.core.ContentTransfer;
import com.filenet.api.core.Document;
import com.filenet.api.core.Domain;
import com.filenet.api.core.Factory;
import com.filenet.api.core.Folder;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.core.ReferentialContainmentRelationship;
import com.filenet.api.util.UserContext;
public class DocumentUtil {
public static ObjectStore objectStore = null;
public static Domain domain = null;
public static Connection connection = null;
public static void main(String[] args)
addDocumentWithPath("/FNB", "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\Sample.txt.txt",
"text/plain", "NNN", "Document");
File file = new File("E:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\TT.txt");
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
addDocumentWithStream("/FNB", fis, "text/plain", "My New Doc", "Document");
public static void initialize()
System.setProperty("WASP.LOCATION", "C:\\Progra~1\\IBM\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\profiles\\AppSrv01\\installedApps\\P8Node01Cell\\FileNetEngine.ear \\cews.war\\WEB-INF\\classes\\com\\filenet\\engine\\wsi");
connection = Factory.Connection.getConnection(CEConnection.uri);
Subject sub = UserContext.createSubject(connection,
com.user.CEConnection.username, CEConnection.password,
domain = Factory.Domain.getInstance(connection, null);
objectStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain, "TARGET", null);
System.out.println("\n\n objectStore--> " + objectStore.get_DisplayName());
public static void addDocumentWithPath(String folderPath, String filePath,
String mimeType, String docName, String docClass) {
Folder folder = Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objectStore,
folderPath, null);
System.out.println("\n\n Folder ID: " + folder.get_Id());
// Document doc = Factory.Document.createInstance(os, classId);
Document doc = CEUtil.createDocWithContent(new File(filePath), mimeType,
objectStore, docName, docClass);
doc = CEUtil.createDocNoContent(mimeType, objectStore, docName, docClass);
ReferentialContainmentRelationship rcr = CEUtil.fileObject(objectStore, doc, folderPath);
public static void addDocumentWithStream(String folderPath,
InputStream inputStream, String mimeType,
String docName, String docClass) {
Folder folder = Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objectStore,
folderPath, null);
System.out.println("\n\n Folder ID: " + folder.get_Id());
// Document doc = Factory.Document.createInstance(os, classId);
Document doc = Factory.Document.createInstance(objectStore, null);
ContentElementList contEleList = Factory.ContentElement.createList();
ContentTransfer ct = Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance();
doc.getProperties().putValue("DocumentTitle", docName);
doc.checkin(AutoClassify.AUTO_CLASSIFY, CheckinType.MAJOR_VERSION);
ReferentialContainmentRelationship rcr = folder.file(doc,
AutoUniqueName.AUTO_UNIQUE, docName,
doc = CEUtil.createDocNoContent(mimeType, objectStore, docName, docClass);
ReferentialContainmentRelationship rcr = CEUtil.fileObject(objectStore, doc, folderPath);
public static ObjectStore getObjecctStore()
if (objectStore != null) {
return objectStore;
// Make connection.
com.filenet.api.core.Connection conn = Factory.Connection
Subject subject = UserContext.createSubject(conn,
CEConnection.username, CEConnection.password, null);
try {
// Get default domain.
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.getInstance(conn, null);
// Get object stores for domain.
objectStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain, "TARGET",
System.out.println("\n\n Connection to Content Engine successful !!");
} finally {
return objectStore;
The above answer is extremely good. Just wanted to save people some time but I don't have the points to comment so am adding this as an answer.
Eclipse wasted a lot of my time getting the above to work because it suggested the wrong classes to import. Here's the list of correct ones:
import com.filenet.api.collection.ContentElementList;
import com.filenet.api.constants.AutoClassify;
import com.filenet.api.constants.AutoUniqueName;
import com.filenet.api.constants.CheckinType;
import com.filenet.api.constants.DefineSecurityParentage;
import com.filenet.api.constants.RefreshMode;
import com.filenet.api.core.Document;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.core.ContentTransfer;
import com.filenet.api.core.Folder;
import com.filenet.api.core.Factory;
import com.filenet.api.core.ReferentialContainmentRelationship;