I am trying to get Venue names from the following codes but keep getting errors. Its obvious the snippet has some logical errors. How do I get it to display data?
String callbackUrl = "https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/samples/explore?client_id=6666666&v=20140101&ll=43,-79&client_secret=55555555";
FoursquareApi foursquareApi = new FoursquareApi(clientId, client_Secret, callbackUrl);
Result<Recommended> result = foursquareApi.venuesExplore(ll, null, null, null, null,null,query, null, null);
if (result.getMeta().getCode() == 200)
for (RecommendationGroup venue : result.getResult().getGroups())
for(Recommendation r: venue.getItems())
CompactVenue cmp = r.getVenue();
System.out.println("Error occured: ");
System.out.println(" code: " + result.getMeta().getCode());
System.out.println(" type: " + result.getMeta().getErrorType());
System.out.println(" detail: " + result.getMeta().getErrorDetail());
Nothing is displayed when the program is run. So I guess its logical error.
I had the same error.
For me it helped to change the venuesExplore() Method of the FoursquareApi.
public Result<Recommended> venuesExplore(String ll, Double llAcc, Double alt, Double altAcc, Integer radius, String section, String query, Integer limit, String basis) throws FoursquareApiException {..}
It seems that there is something wrong with the json parsing of the keywords.
So I changed the:
KeywordGroup keywords = (KeywordGroup) JSONFieldParser.parseEntity(KeywordGroup.class, response.getResponse().getJSONObject("keywords"), this.skipNonExistingFields);
KeywordGroup keywords = new KeywordGroup();
So no keywords in the result but the rest of the answer ist parsed right.
Can’t convert String into json, and it seems that it will be superfluous for the entire string.
Was thinking maybe json might have helped me out here, but it doesn't seem to give me what I want or I don't know how it will be work.
How I can check the string?
I need to check:
METHOD: GET and URL: http://google.com/
also to check the BODY contains the fields userId, replId and view (no values, only keys)
I was trying to find a way to check that:
if (msg.contains("METHOD: GET") && msg.contains("URL: http://google.com/") && msg.contains("BODY: etc...")) {
It doesn't work. Some values from BODY that are dynamic and that's why for BODY the check won't pass if it’s so hardcoded String. And I guess there're any better ways to do that.
I'd like to have something like:
the expected value for METHOD, which contains GET); // same here for URL: http://google.com/
the expected value for BODY that has userId, replId, and view fields); // or make this assertion for each field separately, such as there is an assertion for the userId field, the same assertions for replId and view
And here's the String:
String msg = "METHOD: GET\n" +
"URL: http://google.com/\n" +
"token: 32Asdd1QQdsdsg$ff\n" +
"code: 200\n" +
"stand: test\n" +
"BODY: {\"userId\":\"11022:7\",\"bdaId\":\"110220\",\"replId\":\"fffDss0400rDF\",\"local\":\"not\",\"ttpm\":\"000\",\"view\":true}";
I can't think of any way to check that. Any ideas?
You can use the java.util.List Interface (of type String) and place the string contents into that list. Then you can use the List#contains() method, for example:
String msg = "METHOD: GET\n" +
"URL: http://google.com/\n" +
"token: 32Asdd1QQdsdsg$ff\n" +
"code: 200\n" +
"stand: test\n" +
"BODY: {\"userId\":\"11022:7\",\"bdaId\":\"110220\",\"replId\":\"fffDss0400rDF\",\"local\":\"not\",\"ttpm\":\"000\",\"view\":true}";
// Split contents of msg into list.
java.util.List<String> list = Arrays.asList(msg.split("\n"));
if (list.contains("METHOD: GET")) {
System.out.println("YUP! Got: --> 'METHOD: GET'");
else {
System.out.println("NOPE! Don't have: --> 'METHOD: GET'");
I've tried to use Assert:
String[] arr1 = msg.split("\n");
Map<String, String> allFieldsMessage = new HashMap<>();
for (String s : arr1) {
String key = s.trim().split(": ")[0];
String value = s.trim().split(": ")[1];
allFieldsMessage.put(key, value);
And the same for URL. But my problem is in BODY part. I thought maybe try to parse this particular part of String into json and then only check the necessary keys.
I got an error in my quickfixj Application. First, I got an error like this:
Out of order repeating group members
After that, I added this text into my initiator.config:
But now I got another error in my application:
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field was not found in message, field=55
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(FieldMap.java:223)
at quickfix.FieldMap.getString(FieldMap.java:237)
at com.dxtr.fastmatch.marketdatarequestapps.TestMarketdataRequest.fromApp(TestMarketdataRequest.java:38)
at quickfix.Session.fromCallback(Session.java:1847)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1791)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1862)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1047)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1204)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$SessionMessageEvent.processMessage(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:163)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.block(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:113)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.lambda$blockInThread$1(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:145)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$ThreadAdapter$RunnableWrapper.run(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:267)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
My code for get value of symbols is :
public void fromApp(quickfix.Message message, SessionID sessionID)
throws FieldNotFound, IncorrectDataFormat, IncorrectTagValue, UnsupportedMessageType {
try {
String symbol = message.getString(Symbol.FIELD);
System.out.println(" FromApp " + message);
// String seqNo = message.getString(MsgSeqNum.FIELD);
double bid = message.getDouble(MDEntryPx.FIELD);
double ask = message.getDouble(MDEntryPx.FIELD);
// System.out.println(seqNo + " " + message);
} catch (FieldNotFound fieldNotFound) {
I have also using this code
public void onMessage (MarketDataIncrementalRefresh message, SessionID sessionID) throws FieldNotFound{
MDReqID mdreqid = new MDReqID();
SendingTime sendingtime = new SendingTime();
NoMDEntries nomdentries = new NoMDEntries();
quickfix.fix42.MarketDataIncrementalRefresh.NoMDEntries group
= new quickfix.fix42.MarketDataIncrementalRefresh.NoMDEntries();
MDUpdateAction mdupdateaction = new MDUpdateAction();
DeleteReason deletereason = new DeleteReason();
MDEntryType mdentrytype = new MDEntryType();
MDEntryID mdentryid = new MDEntryID();
Symbol symbol = new Symbol();
MDEntryOriginator mdentryoriginator = new MDEntryOriginator();
MDEntryPx mdentrypx = new MDEntryPx();
Currency currency = new Currency();
MDEntrySize mdentrysize = new MDEntrySize();
ExpireDate expiredate = new ExpireDate();
ExpireTime expiretime = new ExpireTime();
NumberOfOrders numberoforders = new NumberOfOrders();
MDEntryPositionNo mdentrypositionno = new MDEntryPositionNo();
message.getGroup(1, group);
int list = nomdentries.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < list; i++)
message.getGroup(i + 1, group);
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '2')
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '0')
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '0')
System.out.printf("Got Symbol {0} Price {1}",
symbol.getValue(), mdentrypx.getValue());
}catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("error" + ex);
but i also get error like this
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field was not found in message, field=55
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(FieldMap.java:223)
at quickfix.FieldMap.getString(FieldMap.java:237)
at com.dxtr.fastmatch.marketdatarequestapps.TestMarketdataRequest.fromApp(TestMarketdataRequest.java:39)
at quickfix.Session.fromCallback(Session.java:1847)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1791)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1862)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1047)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1204)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$SessionMessageEvent.processMessage(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:163)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.block(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:113)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.lambda$blockInpacket_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
and here the value i check in my message.log
my broker have send to me the price and etc
My question is: how to fix my problem from this code ?
First, I got an error like this:
Out of order repeating group members
Your data dictionary doesn't match your counterparty's. Fix that and this will go away.
After that, I added this text into my initiator.config:
This did not fix anything -- it HIDES your actual problem and has you looking at a new fake problem.
What you need to do:
Your configuration has this, right?
# or if FIX5:
Find your counterparty's documentation, and make sure your xml file's messages and fields match what they say they're going to send you. Make sure all repeating groups have the same fields in the same order.
Here is some documentation about how the Data Dictionary xml file is structured. It's pretty easy.
I am trying to parse JSON to get some values.
This is how I am deSerializing it
JsonObject obj = new JsonParser().parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();
String userName = obj.get("username").getAsString();
JsonObject roles = obj.get("roles").getAsJsonObject();
Boolean isTrial = roles.get("ROLE_Student_Trial").getAsBoolean();
Boolean isStudent = roles.get("ROLE_Student").getAsBoolean();
Boolean isUnlimited = roles.get("ROLE_Student_Unlimited").getAsBoolean(); // LoginTest.java:31
long lastLogin = obj.get("lastLogin").getAsLong();
int token = obj.get("token").getAsInt();
String type = obj.get("type").getAsString();
System.out.println("Student trial is on last login " + timeConverter(lastLogin));
System.out.println("Student access level");
System.out.println("Student is unlimited as " + type + " and its token = " + token);
I was trying to get values of inner JSON,
but I am getting NullPointerException.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at loginActivityHttpURL.LoginTest.main(LoginTest.java:31)
I am answering to my own question.
JSON is case sensitive, so at ("ROLE_Student") gson wouldn't find any value. Instead I corrected it with ("ROLE_student") and it worked.
Thanks to #Tobia Tesan
Change this line
Boolean isStudent = roles.get("ROLE_Student").getAsBoolean();
Boolean isStudent = roles.get("ROLE_student").getAsBoolean();
The green is the lore
and the yellow is the displayname
I'm trying to seperate them in there rightful places for some odd reason there both appearing in both of the places.
public ItemStack applyLore(ItemStack stack, String name, String lore1){
ItemMeta meta = stack.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(name.replaceAll("&([0-9a-f])", "\u00A7$1"));
ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
lore.add(lore1.replaceAll("&([0-9a-f])", "\u00A7$1"));
return stack;
// p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(s), 1));
public void giveItemfromConfig(Player p)
String name ="name:";
String lore ="lore:";
for ( String s : plugin.file.getFile().getStringList(plugin.file.path) ) {
try {
s.split(" ");
if ( s.contains(name) || s.contains(lore) )
String namelength = s.substring(name.length());
String lorelength = s.substring(lore.length());
p.getInventory().addItem(applyLore(new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(s.split(" ")[0])),
namelength.replace("_", " ").replace("ame:", "").replace("e:", "").replace("lor", "").replace("ore", ""),
lorelength.replace("_", " ").replace("lor:", "").replace("e:", "").replace("am", "").replace("lor", "").replace("ore", "")));
} else {
p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(s)));
} catch(Exception e)
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Error in Config, Your id must be a integer ERROR:" + e);
- 276 name:cookie
First thing is the problem is because of "Integer.parseInt(s)".
I dont know why you added this one as we dont have full source code or idea what you are trying to do with String "s" so that you will get result.
If you are doing it to get "276" , I will suggest you to do following :
String s2 = s.replaceAll("[A-Za-z]","").replace(":","").trim();
Integer i = Integer.parseInt(s2);
I have this code. And basically this returns the correct data without the town qualities. When I add the town qualities the method returns nothing, not even the orginal data that it has been and I dont know why. Can anyone see a problem?
protected void listRecords() {
mListForm.deleteAll(); // clear the form
try {
RecordStore rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("Details", true);
RecordEnumeration re = rs.enumerateRecords(null, new RecordSorter(), false);
while (re.hasNextElement()) {
byte [] recordBuffer = re.nextRecord();
String record = new String(recordBuffer);
// extract the name and the age from the record
int endOfName = record.indexOf(";");
int endOfDesc = record.indexOf(";" , endOfName + 1);
int endOfTown = record.indexOf (";", endOfDesc + 1);
String name = record.substring(0, endOfName);
String desc = record.substring(endOfName + 1, endOfDesc);
String town = record.substring(endOfDesc +1, endOfTown);
mListForm.append(name + " aged: "+ desc + " " + town);
catch(Exception e){
mAlertConfirmDetailsSaved.setString("Couldn't read details");
System.err.println("Error accessing database");
Have you tried running it in the debugger? Is the exception happening? Are the three semicolons present in the record? Is there a limit on mDisplay's string size? When setCurrent is called, is the mListForm correct?
In other words, what have you done so far and where is it definitely right, and where does it become wrong?