Basically, i have a button that works fine within one panel. I want the exact same button to display concurrently in another JPanel and react to the same actionlistener etc.
A component can only belong to a single parent, so you cannot add a button to two or more containers.
You can, however, use a ActionListener on multiple buttons.
A simple solution would be use an Action. An Action is a self contained unit of work, it carries with it the configuration details and actionPerformed handler.
You could create two separate instance of the Action and apply it to two different JButtons and get the same visual details and they would carry out the same work when triggered...
See How to Use Actions
I am working on a java swing project and I have a frame with multiple buttons and when someone clicks any of that button,user is asked for an input(say the user enters n) and a new frame is created with n text fields with another button "Ok"
{new frame is created inside the actionPerformed method.So my question is how to handle the action events for this Ok button.I tried using an anonymous class but I can't do much with variables inside it.
Source File:
Use a modal JDialog or JOptionPane. See How to Make Dialogs
Define the functionality for the second window within it's own class, so you can isolate the functionality and management in more easily manageable manner. Provide setters and getters to allow information to passed between it and the class which needs to use it. If you're using a JOptionPane, this step makes it easier to define a custom component which can be displayed by it
I'm trying to figure out how I can have a class listen to another. So this is the idea.
I have a MainFrame class, which is simply a container class, JFrame container, that takes an argument of type JPanel. Basically I want this container class to be able to switch between frames depending on what my other class, FrameSwitcher, will tell it to do.
The other classes are: FrameSwitcher, MainMenu and ScoreBoards.
The idea is that, let's say MainMenu, will contain 4 buttons, each one will listen, BUT will NOT change the frames. Rather it will somehow - and this is the part I need help with - send to the FrameSwitcher what button was clicked, and this information will then be sent to MainFrame to switch to the appropriate frames.
You may be looking for the observer pattern, discussed here. In particular, a PropertyChangeListener, illustrated here, may be a useful approach to loose coupling.
Also consider letting each view export an Action that selects itself from a CardLayout, as suggested in How to Use Actions and How to Use CardLayout.
FrameSwitcher should keep ActionListeners added to the menu. On click it changes it's state and call MainFrame's method switchTo(argumentWhereToSwitch);
On my swing GUI I have lines of data and a number of buttons, the user selects a number of items and then then selects a button.
Each button applies a different rule to the data and so different functions need to be called for every button, I'm using an MVC design pattern and my question is such, How should I handle the different needs of every button?
Create a class 'MyButton' which extends JButton then give this some sort of Enum, I can then create 1 action listener and then check which button has been pressed in the ActionListener by inspecting the Enum.
Similar to above but with a different class for each button then using instanceof to determine which has been pressed.
Implement a separate ActionListener for each button
Which is the best method to use if any? Any advice would be greatly received!
Implement a separate listener for each button.
First because it's the usual solution. Second, between there's no reason to extend JButton just to do something else when it's clicked. That's the role of the ActionListener. Swing components are designed to be used as is, and you should generally not extend them.
It's MVC: you separate the logic (in Actions) and the view (the button).
There is no need to use an enum or to subclass JButton. What you can do to keep things clean when you have dozens of buttons, is a factory class to create Action instances.
If I get your question correctly, you mean to say, you have a data in line items and every line items have a button, which when pressed invokes a rule pertaining to the line item.
If so, then
If you take the 2nd approach, you need to code inside your action listener every time a new line item added in future.
Third approach will also have same implication as above
First approach sounds quite good. You can have a Factory which may have a hashmap keyed with the enum variables and the respective rule. Inside the action listener get the rule from the factory and invoke it.
This way you get a proper separation of concerns and your action listener will act as a controller, having no knowledge of rules and data items.
I am creating a GUI for my project. I am completely stuck at one point. I was able to create a GUI which will make some simple queries like the release number, command name, and few other boolean questions.
Now I want the user to press CONTINUE button to move to the next page of the GUI form. I have created the continue button, but now I need to register an event to it. This is where I am stuck. I have no idea what event can I register to it which will move the GUI to next page. (By moving to the next page I mean, the different GUI pages we see when we are installing a software for our computer.)
For instance, if I am installing iTunes, I'd first select the radio button for "I accept the terms and conditions" and then I'd press the CONTINUE or the NEXT button to move ahead. If I need to come back, I'd press the BACK button.
One logical answer would be to create another GUI form and then link it to the one I created first.
EDIT:: this is the first time I am working in Java, so I might have ignored some obvious facts.
Look into using a CardLayout, adding several JPanels to the CardLayout-using container, and then to swap to the next view (the next JPanel), call the layout's next(...) method in the JButton's ActionListener. You could also randomly access components held by the CardLayout using its show(...) method.
To learn more about this including sample code, please have a look at the CardLayout Tutorial, and the API.
Well, register an ActionListener or an Action with the button. To do that wizard style, have a look at the CardLayout layout manager to switch cards or use a tabbed pane, hide the tabs and switch them inside the action or action listener.
if i understood, i think you should use the CardLayout
If you are using Swing, you can using several instances of JPanel over a one instance of JFrame.
You can have something like that structure:
+---JPanel:current // This panel change by other instance
+---JPanel:controlPanel // This panel contains you button
In you button need add a ActionListener with the method addActionListener
The panel control may need changes your elements, may the text of button or remove the listener and change by other.
I hope that can help
I am developing a desktop Java application with GUI implemented through Swing. I have made a JFrame and have added three buttons on it - Add, Edit, Delete.
Now I want that whenever a user clicks on any of the button, the content specific to that button appears besides those three buttons.
So how to implement this? Should I need to add a JPanel besides those three buttons and then add the content specific to the button to that JPanel?
So far, I have taken a JFrame and have added 3 buttons on it. That's it.
For the Add button, I want to add some buttons and textfields to add information to the database.
For the Delete button, I want to add some buttons to find records in the database based on the information entered through the user in the textfield that appears when the user clicks on the Delete button.
Similar type of content for Edit button.
So how to implement this. Should I need to add a JPanel besides those three buttons and then add the content specific to the button to that JPane
That would be fine. When you push the button, you can call JPanel.removeAll() to remove all the controls currently in the control, and then just do the layout again, specific to whatever button you pushed.
If you have custom swing controls, just add your custom control the JPanel using a BorderLayout and putting in the center.
Another option would be to use a CardLayout, and flipping between the cards when a user presses one of the buttons. If the layouts for the buttons never change, that would probably be a better way to do it. Obviously if the content changes between button presses, you'll need to redo the layout each time.
Either of Chad's or Alex's answers would be fine. You will probably need to call a combination of revalidate() and repaint() on the panel that you've changed, as in the past I've noticed Swing doesn't always like panels being swapped out.
Also, have you considered using a JTabbedPane instead of manually coding the interaction with the add/edit/delete buttons?
I haven't done a lot of Java programming, but I think using 2-3 different JPanel, and make visible the one you need depending on the button that was clicked would do the trick.
I'm not sure if this is the right approach though.
I was using a JFrame to add all buttons and make a new JFrame for a new window and hide a previous one.
gven way are better. I will do that now.