I am having problem figuring out, how can I do this ?
My app wants authorization, so that it is able to post tweets on user's behalf.
How does my web-app generate this page ?
I understand, the need of Access Token to tweet on user's behalf, how do I get them ?
I've had better luck using the Scribe project. Follow this example for an example of Twitter authentication.
The example is currently broken though unless you remove line 50.
request.addBodyParameter("status", "this is sparta! *");
I am trying to fetch Facebook user access token as in the question title.
I configured my application, I am sending request to:
and I always got response where there is a hashtag before first parameter:
Does anyone know why Fb is keep adding the # before access_token??
I have hard time to parse this from HTTP request, as Spring shows me 0 GET parameters.
Is it possible to avoid this situation or parse with #???
Does anyone know why Fb is keep adding the # before access_token?
Because you asked for it, by using response_type=token. You actually want to ask for a code instead.
I want to create a tool wich allow a user to post his planning on several media at once : he has to fill a form with his establishment week planning, then I post it via newsletter, on his facebook and on his website.
I am struggling with the facebook part. I created an app and made the page subscribe to this app then I tried to use Facebook4j to post something on the page but I am not even able to get the page.
Here is my code :
Facebook facebook = new FacebookFactory().getInstance();
facebook.setOAuthAppId("{app_id}", "{app_secret}");
facebook.setOAuthPermissions("public_profile, manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions");
facebook.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken("app_id|app_secret", null));
try {
ResponseList<Account> accounts = facebook.getAccounts();
} catch (FacebookException e) {
which always return me the error :
An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
How can I have an active access token in order to post on pages which suscribed to my app?
NB : I am not sure I actually need an app. If there is an other way to post on multiple pages without asking for logging each time, I am ok with that too. (some kind of permanent page token maybe?)
Okay first, yes you need an app to perform these requests.
To get what you describe you are requesting the permissions needed correctly, you still miss one - namely pages_show_list.
In addition you have to set the OAuthAccessToken to the users token not to the app token.
I'm developing an app that uses OAuth to authenticate.
The problem is that when I try to get the access_token from facebook with passport.js (node.js) I get something different that when I try to get it with Scribe on Android. Is there any reason?
When I try with twitter the access token are the same and I can match users....
Unless I misinterpreted the question, you can use the "id" field in the response from FB to detect whether its the same user or not (regardless of which API/language you end up using). These IDs are unique per user and should allow you to detect whether the same user logged on via Android (Scribe) or passport.js (node). Hope it helps
I've been playing with the [scribe API][1] and a basic example e.g:
In a command line oriented interface, the user is asked to open a web-browser and to copy'n paste the "accessToken".
Once the user has copied the "accessToken", I want to avoid this "browser step" in the later invocations of the tool: can I store the "accessToken" somewhere to re-use it later ? would it work for any server (Twitter ? Flickr... ) ? How should I change the code to reuse the previously saved "accessToken" ?
In the case of the Twitter API you should store the access token as it represents the user's permission for your application to access their account.
However, bear in mind that the token may be revoked by the user, so ensure your application is able to obtain it again.
To change the code to use a previously saved accessToken all you would have to do is look up the token for the current user - perhaps it's retrieved from a database, and then start making requests. Essentially you would just skip the whole "obtaining request token" block of code.
is it possible to retrieve the username of a google account that i have succesfully authenticated using OAuth?
i have retrieved the users Access tokens but i am wondering if their is a API call i can make such has https://google.api/getUserName and pass the access tokens to that call and succesfully retrieve the users email/username?
In a normal OAuth web service, all you need is the secret and id access tokens to make calls to the web service but in google you also need the username too.
Any ideas?
Take a look at http://sites.google.com/site/oauthgoog/Home/emaildisplayscope . That should work for you.
The only way I figured so far is using the Spreadsheet API.
If you request the feed, that lists all documents
There is a field with the username as well:
Unfortunately, this means prompting the user to grant access to his GDocs account, which may be confusing..
But I don't know of any API by Google to directly get the username.
Best way, the following feed was retrieved from the Contacts Data API:
and get next fields from the feed:
This one is PHP, i think a slight modification in JAVA could make this workout