spring security permission programatic check - java

I have in place a spring security ACL system, and it seems to work fine, only that I `m not sure how should I perform a permission check programmatically.
My app is split into 3 layers (View,Service(Business),DAO) and I want to perform the auth in the Service layer. So, for a method that take as an argument a domain object :
public Project updateProject(Project proj) {
the problem is solved with annotations.
But for a method that take as an argument an object that does not have an acl on it I have to programmatically check if user has permission.
Let`s say i have an object ProjectWrapper:
public class ProjectWrapper {
private Project project;
private Something something;
// setters and getters here
so now my Service method received this type of argument:
public Project updateProject(ProjectWapper projWrapp) {
Project p = projWrapp.getProject();
// before performing any operation on project I need to know if current user has neccessary permissions on this object
// ??? how do i check that ?
Do i need to use AclService to perform that ? just like when I need to create/update a permission, or is there an cleaner/nicer possibility ?
The same question for deleteProject(Long id) methods,as first i have to get the object from db to check if the current user has delete permission.

Method security annotations support Spring EL expressions. In case of your wrapper class, you can use it as follows.
#PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#projectWrapper.project, 'write'")
public Project updateProject(ProjectWrapper projectWrapper) {
// body omitted
And if you have just an object identifier instead of the actual object, you can use pattern below.
#PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#id, 'my.package.Project' 'delete'")
public void deleteProject(Long id) {
// body omitted
You may need to adjust default configuration (e.g. strategy to retrieve object identity and the like) to meet you requirements. See org.springframework.security.acls.AclPermissionEvaluator class for more details.


How to create custom #PreAuthorize MethodSecurity in Spring Boot?

I am developing a Spring Boot application. And I have some permission checks in that program that is checked within controller methods. For an example there are some checking methods to check if there is any duplicate records, if that logged in user a member and so on. So what I was thinking is I need to move onto #PreAuthorize. So how can I create custom methods to do those duplicate validations and member validations and used them via #PreAuthorize. I know those duplicate checked can be done in anywhere else but I personally need to use #PreAuthorize. So anybody can help me? I really appreciate that.
You can do this using custom expression with #PreAuthorise
public Organization findOrgById(#PathVariable long id) {
return organizationRepository.findOne(id);
public boolean isDuplicate(Long OrganizationId) {
// add your logic here to check duplicates or any validation
refer https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-create-new-custom-security-expression for more info

How do I add a custom directive to a query resolved through a singleton

I have managed to add custom directives to the GraphQL schema but I am struggling to work out how to add a custom directive to a field definition. Any hints on the correct implementation would be very helpful.
I am using GraphQL SPQR 0.9.6 to generate my schema
ORIGINAL ANSWER: (now outdated, see the 2 updates below)
It's currently not possible to do this. GraphQL SPQR v0.9.9 will be the first to support custom directives.
Still, in 0.9.8 there's a possible work-around, depending on what you're trying to achieve. SPQR's own meta-data about a field or a type is kept inside custom directives. Knowing that, you can get a hold of the Java method/field underlying the GraphQL field definition. If what you want is e.g. an instrumentation that does something based on a directive, you could instead obtain any annotations on the underlying element, having the full power of Java at your disposal.
The way to get the method would something like:
Operation operation = Directives.getMappedOperation(env.getField()).get();
Resolver resolver = operation.getApplicableResolver(env.getArguments().keySet());
Member underlyingElement = resolver.getExecutable().getDelegate();
I posted a huge answer on this GitHub issue. Pasting it here as well.
You can register an additional directive as such:
(schemaBuilder, buildContext) -> schemaBuilder.additionalDirective(...));
But (according to my current understanding), this only makes sense for query directives (something the client sends as a part of the query, like #skip or #deffered).
Directives like #dateFormat simply make no sense in SPQR: they're there to help you when parsing SDL and mapping it to your code. In SPQR, there's no SDL and you start from your code.
E.g. #dateFormat is used to tell you that you need to provide date formatting to a specific field when mapping it to Java. In SPQR you start from the Java part and the GraphQL field is generated from a Java method, so the method must already know what format it should return. Or it has an appropriate annotation already. In SPQR, Java is the source of truth. You use annotations to provide extra mapping info. Directives are basically annotation in SDL.
Still, field or type level directives (or annotations) are very useful in instrumentations. E.g. if you want to intercept field resolution and inspect the authentication directives.
In that case, I'd suggest you simply use annotations for the same purpose.
public class BookService {
#Auth(roles= {"Admin"}) //example custom annotation
public Book addBook(Book book) { /*insert a Book into the DB */ }
As each GraphQLFieldDefinition is backed by a Java methods (or a field), you can get the underlying objects in your interceptor or wherever:
GraphQLFieldDefinition field = ...;
Operation operation = Directives.getMappedOperation(field).get();
//Multiple methods can be hooked up to a single GraphQL operation. This gets the #Auth annotations from all of them
Set<Auth> allAuthAnnotations = operation.getResolvers().stream()
.map(res -> res.getExecutable().getDelegate()) //get the underlying method
.filter(method -> method.isAnnotationPresent(Auth.class))
.map(method -> method.getAnnotation(Auth.class))
Or, to inspect only the method that can handle the current request:
DataFetchingEnvironment env = ...; //get it from the instrumentation params
Auth auth = operation.getApplicableResolver(env.getArguments().keySet()).getExecutable().getDelegate().getAnnotation(Auth.class);
Then you can inspect your annotations as you wish, e.g.
Set<String> allNeededRoles = allAuthAnnotations.stream()
.flatMap(auth -> Arrays.stream(auth.roles))
if (!currentUser.getRoles().containsAll(allNeededRoles)) {
throw new AccessDeniedException(); //or whatever is appropriate
Of course, there's no real need to actually implement authentication this way, as you're probably using a framework like Spring or Guice (maybe even Jersey has the needed security features), that already has a way to intercept all methods and implement security. So you can just use that instead. Much simpler and safer. E.g. for Spring Security, just keep using it as normal:
public class BookService {
#PreAuth(...) //standard Spring Security
public Book addBook(Book book) { /*insert a Book into the DB */ }
Make sure you also read my answer on implementing security in GraphQL if that's what you're after.
You can use instrumentations to dynamically filter the results in the same way: add an annotation on a method, access it from the instrumentation, and process the result dynamically:
public class BookService {
#Filter("title ~ 'Monkey'") //example custom annotation
public List<Book> findBooks(...) { /*get books from the DB */ }
new SimpleInstrumentation() {
// You can also use beginFieldFetch and then onCompleted instead of instrumentDataFetcher
public DataFetcher<?> instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?> dataFetcher, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters parameters) {
GraphQLFieldDefinition field = parameters.getEnvironment().getFieldDefinition();
Optional<String> filterExpression = Directives.getMappedOperation(field)
.map(operation ->
.getAnnotation(Filter.class).value()); //get the filtering expression from the annotation
return filterExpression.isPresent() ? env -> filterResultBasedOn Expression(dataFetcher.get(parameters.getEnvironment()), filterExpression) : dataFetcher;
For directives on types, again, just use Java annotations. You have access to the underlying types via:
This, again, probably only makes sense only in instrumentations. Saying that because normally the directives provide extra info to map SDL to a GraphQL type. In SPQR you map a Java type to a GraphQL type, so a directive makes no sense in that context in most cases.
Of course, if you still need actual GraphQL directives on a type, you can always provide a custom TypeMapper that puts them there.
For directives on a field, it is currently not possible in 0.9.8.
0.9.9 will have full custom directive support on any element, in case you still need them.
UPDATE 2: GraphQL SPQR 0.9.9 is out.
Custom directives are now supported. See issue #200 for details.
Any custom annotation meta-annotated with #GraphQLDirective will be mapped as a directive on the annotated element.
E.g. imagine a custom annotation #Auth(requiredRole = "Admin") used to denote access restrictions:
#GraphQLDirective //Should be mapped as a GraphQLDirective
#Target({ElementType.METHOD}) //Applicable to methods
public #interface Auth {
String requiredRole();
If a resolver method is then annotated with #Auth:
#Auth(requiredRole = {"Admin"})
public Book addBook(Book newBook) { ... }
The resulting GraphQL field fill look like:
type Mutation {
addBook(newBook: BookInput): Book #auth(requiredRole : "Admin")
That is to say the #Auth annotation got mapped to a directive, due to the presence of #GraphQLDirective meta-annotation.
Client directives can be added via: GraphQLSchemaGenerator#withAdditionalDirectives(java.lang.reflect.Type...).
SPQR 0.9.9 also comes with ResolverInterceptors which can intercept the resolver method invocation and inspect the annotations/directives. They are much more convenient to use than Instrumentations, but are not as general (have a much more limited scope). See issue #180 for details, and the related tests for usage examples.
E.g. to make use of the #Auth annotation from above (not that #Auth does not need to be a directive for this to work):
public class AuthInterceptor implements ResolverInterceptor {
public Object aroundInvoke(InvocationContext context, Continuation continuation) throws Exception {
Auth auth = context.getResolver().getExecutable().getDelegate().getAnnotation(Auth.class);
User currentUser = context.getResolutionEnvironment().dataFetchingEnvironment.getContext();
if (auth != null && !currentUser.getRoles().containsAll(Arrays.asList(auth.rolesRequired()))) {
throw new IllegalAccessException("Access denied"); // or return null
return continuation.proceed(context);
If #Auth is a directive, you can also get it via the regular API, e.g.
List<GraphQLDirective> directives = dataFetchingEnvironment.getFieldDefinition().get.getDirectives();

Ways to pass additional data to Custom RevisionEntity in Hibernate Envers?

It's RESTful web app. I am using Hibernate Envers to store historical data. Along with revision number and timestamp, I also need to store other details (for example: IP address and authenticated user). Envers provides multiple ways to have a custom revision entity which is awesome. I am facing problem in setting the custom data on the revision entity.
#RevisionEntity( MyCustomRevisionListener.class )
public class MyCustomRevisionEntity extends DefaultRevisionEntity {
private String userName;
private String ip;
public class MyCustomRevisionListener implements RevisionListener {
public void newRevision( Object revisionEntity ) {
MyCustomRevisionEntity customRevisionEntity = ( MyCustomRevisionEntity ) revisionEntity;
//Here I need userName and Ip address passed as arguments somehow, so that I can set them on the revision entity.
Since newRevision() method does not allow any additional arguments, I can not pass my custom data (like username and ip) to it. How can I do that?
Envers also provides another approach as:
An alternative method to using the org.hibernate.envers.RevisionListener is to instead call the getCurrentRevision( Class revisionEntityClass, boolean persist ) method of the org.hibernate.envers.AuditReader interface to obtain the current revision, and fill it with desired information.
So using the above approach, I'll have to do something like this:
Change my current dao method like:
public void persist(SomeEntity entity) {
public void persist(SomeEntity entity, String userName, String ip) {
//Do the intended work
//Do the additional work
AuditReader reader = AuditReaderFactory.get(entityManager)
MyCustomRevisionEntity revision = reader.getCurrentRevision(MyCustomRevisionEntity, false);
I don't feel very comfortable with this approach as keeping audit data seems a cross cutting concern to me. And I obtain the userName and Ip and other data through HTTP request object. So all that data will need to flow down right from entry point of application (controller) to the lowest layer (dao layer).
Is there any other way in which I can achieve this? I am using Spring.
I am imagining something like Spring keeping information about the 'stack' to which a particular method invocation belongs. So that when newRevision() in invoked, I know which particular invocation at the entry point lead to this invocation. And also, I can somehow obtain the arguments passed to first method of the call stack.
One good way to do this would be to leverage a ThreadLocal variable.
As an example, Spring Security has a filter that initializes a thread local variable stored in SecurityContextHolder and then you can access this data from that specific thread simply by doing something like:
SecurityContext ctx = SecurityContextHolder.getSecurityContext();
Authorization authorization = ctx.getAuthorization();
So imagine an additional interceptor that your web framework calls that either adds additional information to the spring security context, perhaps in a custom user details object if using spring security or create your own holder & context object to hold the information the listener needs.
Then it becomes a simple:
public class MyRevisionEntityListener implements RevisionListener {
public void newRevision(Object revisionEntity) {
// If you use spring security, you could use SpringSecurityContextHolder.
final UserContext userContext = UserContextHolder.getUserContext();
MyRevisionEntity mre = MyRevisionEntity.class.cast( revisionEntity );
mre.setIpAddress( userContext.getIpAddress() );
mre.setUserName( userContext.getUserName() );
This feels like the cleanest approach to me.
It is worth noting that the other API getCurrentRevision(Session,boolean) was deprecated as of Hibernate 5.2 and is scheduled for removal in 6.0. While an alternative means may be introduced, the intended way to perform this type of logic is using a RevisionListener.

Registering and updating application properties using JMX

I have to access some application through an mbean so that I can change its application properties. Now i think this can be done in two ways:
First, either I ask the developer of that application to register all the application properties in an arraylist which my mbean will access.
Secondly, if there is any other way, such that the developer will only need to register editable properties and still my mbean can access both readable/editable(r/w) application properties.
Now since I don't know where these application properties are stored in the JVM, is there a way to implement my second point so that the mbean will just need to access that object and it will get all application properties?
Seems like you have some contradicting requirements here.
You want to change minimal code in the application.
You want to be cause to expose all properties for read and/or write.
You may or may not be talking about System.getProperty(...). If not then I guess you are talking about just fields in various objects.
There are (at least) two ways of doing this. Without knowing how you are exporting the mbeans from the source code right now, I can't tailor my answer to your specific config. My answer will instead show how you might use my SimpleJMX package to expose your properties.
If you are talking about System.getProperty(...) then you could write a JMX mbean that could query any property and return the value:
#JmxOperation(description = "Query for property")
public String queryForProperty(String name) {
return System.getProperty(name);
If, instead, you need to export of fields from some list of objects then you are going to either have to add annotations to each fields you are exporting or you are going to have to write beans that export the fields through delegation. I see no easy way and I know of no package that will easily export a series of objects for you without some sort of information about what is to be exported and how.
Using SimpleJMX, you can export a field by annotating either the field or the get method:
#JmxAttributeField(description = "Number of hits in the cache")
private int hitCount;
// this can also be specified as #JmxAttributeMethod on the getter/setter methods
#JmxAttributeMethod(description = "Number of misses in the cache")
private int getMissCount() {
return missCount;
The #JmxAttributeField supports a isWritable = true to allow the value to be set by JMX. You can also annotation the setter with #JmxAttributeMethod to make it writable.
If you don't want to add annotations to each of your classes, then you are going to have to write some sort of JMX container class that exports the values through delegation:
public class JmxPublisher {
private Class1 object1;
private Class2 object2;
public JmxPublisher(Class1 object1, Class2 object2) {
this.object1 = object1;
this.object2 = object2;
#JmxAttributeMethod(description = "Number of hits in the cache")
public int getClass1HitCount() {
return object1.getHitCount();
#JmxAttributeMethod(description = "Shutdown the background thread")
public void setClass2Shutdown(boolean shutdown) {
return object2.setShutdown(shutdown);
I also think you should express yourself more clearly.
From what I understood - why not providing a way to query the remote application, and get information on all properties and if they are Read-only, Write-only or RW?
This way the list of properties will not be mentioned at the source code of the client application - maybe you should let the user of the client application see the list of properties, and let him edit the properties he can edit, and prevent him from editing the properties he can't.

In a Spring 3 controller, how can I check the permissions of the logged-in user and do certain actions conditionally?

In Spring 3, is there a method that accepts a comma-separated list of permissions and returns a Boolean of whether the logged in user has any of those permissions? I envision doing something like:
//do stuff
Currently, since don't know of any such built-in method, I'm doing this:
Set<String> permissions = new HashSet();
for (GrantedAuthority auth : SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities()) {
if (permissions.contains("PERMISSION_READ") || permissions.contains("PERMISSION_EDIT")) {
//do stuff
I've searched for hours and haven't found a more concise and elegant way of doing this, but one must exist. Thanks for your help!
P.S. I'm already familiar with how to handle permissions in JSP like this: ( how to conditionally show jsp content to logged in users with Spring security ) But what I need now is a way to check within the controller.
The HttpServletRequest has a method isUserInRole, which may be useful. Example:
public String someControllerMethod(HttpServletRequest request, ...) {
boolean read = request.isUserInRole("PERMISSION_READ");
In Spring 3, is there a method that accepts a comma-separated list of permissions and returns a Boolean of whether the logged in user has any of those permissions?
No there is not.
I ended up defining and implementing my own convenience API to do this kind of thing.
You can use Spring security and than use the Pre and Post Annotations which operates on a method level.
The actual logic behind the pre a post annotations is probably accessible so you can probably accomplish what you want.
In Spring 3, is there a method that accepts a comma-separated list of permissions and returns a Boolean of whether the logged in user has any of those permissions?
Are you talking about ExpressionUtils that can evaluate expressions such as hasAnyRole([role1,role2])?
I ended up coding my own class: MyUserDetails class has various methods including one that iterates over roles and permissions to see all the permissions that a user has, such as:
for (Permission permission : role.getPermissions()) {
permissions.add(new GrantedAuthorityImpl(permission.getName()));
It's pretty ugly, but I don't have a better way yet.
I use it by doing something like:
MyUser loggedInUser = myUserDAO.getByUsername(principal.getName());
MyUserDetails loggedInUserUD = new MyUserDetails(loggedInUser);
if (loggedInUserUD.hasAnyPermission("perm1, perm2")){
//do stuff

