I just used maven-release-plugin to release a version, obviously :)
The scm configuration in my parent pom is as follows:
<developerConnection>scm:svn:http:/localhost/svn/project/trunk/project/3. Implementation/02 Source code</developerConnection>
As you can see, after trunk we have several more folders (RUP-style) before reaching the source code.
A mvn release:prepare results in the following scm configuration:
<developerConnection>scm:svn:http://localhost/svn/project/tags/project-1.0.0/02 Source code</developerConnection>
So, somehow, maven-release-plugin manages to replace trunk/project/3. Implementation/02 Source code with tags/project-1.0.0/02 Source code.
Why would this not be tags/project-1.0.0, as I would expect? If I would run mvn release:perform the plugin would checkout the entire 3. Implementation directory.
For reference, my plugin definition is as follows:
Right, I figured out what causes this, looking at the maven-release-manager source code. When rewriting the developerConnection value, the RewritePomsForReleasePhase class calculates the number of subdirectories we need to remove from the developerConnectionUrl to get to the root of our project, based on the local project. Now there are two problems with this approach:
There is no guarantee the local depth will match the remote one. Although this may be best practice.
The working dir (from where mvn is called) does not have to be in the root of the project.
Both apply to my situation. I checked out the project two directories less deep than remote. To clarify:
http://localhost/project/3. Implementation/02 Source code was checked out to
Also, we have a project-parent dir containing our parent pom.
So now it determines we are 1 deep by looking at the local structure (from work dir, i.e. project-parent, to project dir) and applies this to the developerConnection url. Then it does a substring on the original developerConnection with the result and ends up with 02 Source code in my case.
So long story less long: maven-release-plugin does not work as expected when the local directory structure does not match the remote one. Now I have to checkout honoring the server path and also create a new pom, or move the parent pom to the project root to get it to work...
EDIT: Moving the pom to the project base dir would probably fix the issue, leaving the developerConnection url unchanged. Will confirm this for the next release.
I'm about to refactor my dirty annotation processor. Therefore I wanted to create a new one to extract some responsibilities from the old one.
old: com.company.coma.shared.annotation.ComaToolAnnotationProcessor
new: com.company.coma.shared.annotation.ToolProcessor
Now I have removed the old one from the Configuration in my pom.xml
I also removed the ComaToolAnnotationProcessor.java file completely and rebuild the whole project afterwards.
Still this is what my clean install
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:compile (default-compile) on project module-foo: Compilation failure
[ERROR] Annotation processor 'com.company.coma.shared.annotation.ComaToolAnnotationProcessor' not found
What is going on here? How can it still look for this even when I removed any namings of it from the whole project?
EDIT#1: Deactivating the whole annotation processing plugin (maven-compiler) did not help either. I don't understand what is going on. It seems like I have not influence to the dependencies or configurations anymore.
Probably you have (manually or not) added the processor to your META-INF/services file. Therefore it will try to run it, and fail upon not finding the class specified. I believe removing the reference might fix the problem :)
I found the problem. I renamed one of my parent modules lately. But the submodules which actually contained the files to be processed still referred to the old parent artifact. That way all of my configuration of the thought to be new parent did not affected anything. Pretty weird since the the old parent module disappeared completely from my project structure but it surely was still available in my maven repo for sure.
I relied to much on the module-name refactoring feature of my IDE.
I'm trying to create a .bat file to run my generated executable JAR file. I found this method of creating .bat files for running a project. So, I read up on the plugin here and added the following to my pom.xml.
And, yes, as the name suggests, this JAR contains JUnit test cases.
I prevented the plugin from unpacking JARs and creating the repo folder and set that to my already generated lib folder, which contains all the JARs(executables and the dependencies). The .bat file is being generated but, when running it, I'm getting the following error.
Error: Could not find or load main class com.companyname.tests.TestRunner
Also, I want the command prompt to stay after execution. In this case it is closing immediately. Maybe its because I'm getting an error. I'm not sure.
So, got into searching again and found this. But as the accepted answer suggests, my pom.xml already contains -
The assembled directory is -
| `- contains the .bat file
| `- contains the property files and other configuration files
`- contains all the JARs
What am I doing wrong here?
Maybe it's related to (from the README.md)
All dependencies and the artifact of the project itself are placed in a generated Maven repository in a defined assemble directory. All artifacts (dependencies + the artifact from the project) are added to the classpath in the generated bin scripts.
In your pom.xml you prevent the generation of that repository. So you need to ensure that the artifact from the project is copied at the expected place.
Assuming following project settings
the artifact is expected to be at (the CLASSPATH setting in the scripts bin/AutoConfigTest)
where $REPO resolve to target/appassembler/lib.
I found the issue. #SubOptimal was correct in pointing out that the main class isn't visible to the batch file.
For some reason, the test JAR file (which contains the main class) isn't being added to the classpath variable of the batch file. As a result, whenever I ran the batch file, I was getting the error mentioned in the question.
I went back to the documentation and found this.
Sometimes it happens that you have many dependencies which means having a very long classpath, and becomes too long (in particular on Windows based platforms). This option can help in such situation. If you activate this option, your classpath contains only a classpath wildcard (REPO/*). But be aware that this works only in combination with Java 1.6 and above and with repositoryLayout flat.
So, instead of adding individual JAR files into the path, I added the whole lib directory to the classpath by adding the following to the pom.xml.
I could do this because the repository layout of lib was already flat. There were no hierarchies. No other change was required. The batch file now behaves as expected.
We use Jenkins which use md5 fingerprinting to identify artifacts and whether the artifact has changed since the last build. Unfortunately Maven builds always generate binary different artifacts.
Therefore I am looking into making Maven generate the same jar artifact for the same set of input files regardless of where and when they were built, which amongst other things mean that the entries in the jar file must be sorted - not only in the index, but in the order they are written to the jar file.
After examining maven-jar-plugin which use maven-assembly-plugin, my conclusions are that they do not collect all files to be written in memory before writing them all at once, but write one at a time. This mean that it may be better to postprocess the generated jar instead of changing the current behavior so I at that time can sort the entries, zero the timestamps, etc.
I am unfamiliar with writing Maven plugins, so my question is, how should I write a plugin which Maven knows how to tell where the artifact-jar-in-progress is located and how I hook it up in my pom.xml?
(At first I need this to work for jar files, but war files would be nice too).
As mentioned, this can be done based on something similar to maven-shade-plugin. I went ahead and wrote a simple plugin to add this capability -- see https://github.com/manouti/jar-timestamp-normalize-maven-plugin (available on the Central repo).
The behavior is based on the shade plugin. It consists of a single goal called normalize which can be bound to the package lifecycle phase and configured in the project's POM:
A few notes about the plugin:
The artifact under build is accessed via project#getArtifact() where project is a org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject.
Normalization consists of mainly three steps:
Setting the last modified time of all Jar entries to a specific timestamp (default value is 1970-01-01 00:00:00AM but can be changed via -Dtimestamp system property).
Reordering (alphabetically) of attributes in the manifest except for Manifest-Version which always comes first.
Removing comments from the pom.properties file which contain a timestamp that causes the Jar to differ from one build to another.
Once invoked, the goal will generate the output file next to the original artifact (named artifactId-version-normalized.jar), i.e. in the project.build.directory directory.
To create maven plugin project
mvn archetype:generate \
-DgroupId=sample.plugin \
-DartifactId=hello-maven-plugin \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
invoke this command it will generate a skeleton project with a class called MyMojo.java
write your stuff inside execute() method, and install that plugin to your repository by mvn clean install
then attach its execution with your project, in your project pom.xml
to access project properties inside your Mojo
* The Maven project.
* #parameter expression="${project}"
* #required
* #readonly
private MavenProject project;
and then
and read other properties to determine your jar file packed
maven: guide-java-plugin-development
I agree on creating a custom maven plugin seems like a better option. I dont know about an existing plugin provides solution for what you asked.
md5 checksum (or sha-1 in my repository) is generated with install plugin, so seems like you need to extend this or write a new plugin which works after install phase.
I have 2 suggestions about this plugin:
1) When thinking simple, this plugin should:
Read generated jar:
Extract all entries.
Exclude some entries (e.g. MANIFEST.MF).
Sort remaining entries .
Extract md5s for each in memory.
Generate a single md5 from all of those extracted.
However when considering about where & when independency: Accordig to .class file structure Java_class_file there is minor, major versions entries are held in compiled class files. So if compiler changes, .class files will be changed. In this case we need a check on source code level from this point :( So this solution become useless if there is no guarantee on copiler version.
2) As very dirty but easy solution, this plugin may only extract your module's pom.xml file's md5 code. But you must guarantee each change in your jar reflects to a minor version (or built number) manually.
Instead of writing your own plugin you can write a Groovy script that is executed by groovy-maven-plugin:
import java.util.jar.*
String fileName = '${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.jar'
println "Editing file ${fileName}"
JarFile file = new JarFile(fileName);
// do your edit
I'm using the maven-release-plugin. I'm trying to release a branch and it's failing when it tries to execute this command:
cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive copy --file C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\maven-scm-711744598.commit --parents --revision 0 https://domain/svn/app/branches/2.4.8.x https://domain/svn/app/tags/App-"
It gives this error:
svn: E195012: Unable to find repository location for 'https://domain/svn/app/branches/2.4.8.x' in revision 0
I think this is happening in the prepare goal because when it fails it says:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5:prepare
I asked a svn expert about this, and he said:
wait, why is it trying to copy something from r0? By definition there is nothing in r0. r0 is always an empty repository, the first objects are added in r1. That's why it fails. the question is why maven tried it. If you supply a revision argument to 'svn copy' then the branch / tag you create is based on the source from the revision you specify so the source has to exist in that revision (if you don't specify, you get HEAD, i.e., the newest revision) ...and as for that, I know nothing about maven or its plugins
So why is maven trying to copy from revision 0? This is the maven command I ran:
mvn --batch-mode release:prepare release:perform
And my root pom has the maven-release-plugin defined like this:
Also, my scm tag looks like this:
My svn version is 1.8.5 (r1542147)
Just wanted to add this late answer for if anyone has the same problem and the solution in the comment doesn't work.
We had the same problem in a multi module application, only our parent POM had the SCM tag (which worked perfectly in our other applications). We got the same error but could solve it by adding the corresponding SCM tag to each child POM. We never found out why this was...
As I said as a comment above:
I cleaned up EVERYTHING and ran just release:prepare by itself and it succeeded without issue. Perhaps this is a bug where running release:prepare and release:perform together will cause this
I have not run into this issue since running these commands separately.
I also had this problem. In the affected project I had a custom search and replace of some files during the validate phase and I wanted to check in the changes to Svn before tagging so I added a custom check-in action like this:
<preparationGoals>clean verify scm:checkin -Dmessage="perform release"</preparationGoals>
This had the consequences that when the release plugin tried to check in the changes in the pom file, there were no changes since they were already committed by the custom action. Thus causing this error.
I added a "includes" file list to my custom scm:checkin which only included the files that I had been tampering with and this fixed the problem for me.
The resulting configuration looked like this:
<preparationGoals>clean verify scm:checkin -Dmessage="perform release" -Dincludes="TwogWebUtilsGrailsPlugin.groovy,plugin.xml" -DconnectionType="connection"</preparationGoals>
The reason for my custom replace action is because the project is a Grails plugin and I was following the guidelines in this blog post.
LATE EDIT: After upgrading to maven 3.2, this solution seems to break. I am back to where I started.
I'm on creating a maven based java project, which contains the PMD maven plugin. I use my own rule set XML and it works like a charm, except two rule sets: the emptycode and the unnecessary: when I run the build, maven says: "can't find resource". The role definitions look like:
<role ref="rulesets/emptycode" />
<role ref="rulesets/unnecessary" />
In every other cases, this kind of definition works. What I found out is that: there is a rule set with the name "unnecessary" under ecmasrcipt category, so maybe this definition needs some suggestion to use java version. I tried multiple thinks, like set language attribute to the ruleset xml node ("JAVA", based on PMD JavaDoc), and some pre-postfix in ref, but it doesn't work and I found no working solution over the web. Does someone has an idea, what I forgot to set, or what I fail? Thanks for any help!
PMD seems to be a fiddly beastie to use from Maven. I've just figured this out with version 3.0 of the plugin - there are two solutions:
The quick-and-dirty solution: put rulesets in your project:
download the PMD jar (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmd/files/latest/download)
extract lib/pmd-x.x.x.jar
extract from that PMD jar file the rulesets/<type>/<ruleset>.xml files you want to use
place them in a folder under your project - something like ${basedir}/pmd/...
reference them as follows:
The advantage is this is easy, the disadvantage is if you update the PMD version in future you'll need to remember to update these files.
The nice solution: reference rulesets in pmd-x.x.x.jar.
create a custom ruleset such as: ${basedir}/pmd/custom.xml (see http://pmd.sourceforge.net/pmd-5.0.2/howtomakearuleset.html)
reference the PMD rulesets in the following way: <rule ref="rulesets/java/imports.xml"/>
NB: the path is the path inside pmd-x.x.x.jar (see quick-and-dirty above) with no leading slash
reference your custom ruleset as follows:
The advantage is this will always reference the current PMD rulesets from the PMD jar, the disadvantage is it's a bit fiddly to get right.
To experiment with this until it was working (maven-pmd-plugin version 3.0) I kept running mvn pmd:pmd (<linkXref>false</linkXref> in pom.xml) and tweaked the paths until I stopped getting errors.