Currently, I have a UserDao class which creates a query using CriteriaQuery, for example to retrieve an instance of User from the database using its ID (let's call that method findById). So far, it's pretty straightforward and that works fine.
However, I also have a GenericDao, which is extended by UserDao. Before userDao.findById returns its results, it passes the criteriaQuery to the GenericDao so I can add some restrictions to the criteriaQuery.
public class GenericDao
private EntityManager entityManager;
protected Object executeCriteriaQuery(CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
return entityManager.createQuery(prepareQuery(criteriaQuery)).getSingleResult();
private CriteriaQuery prepareQuery(CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
// add restrictions to criteriaQuery
Predicate predicate = ... // some predicate which will be appended to the already formed criteriaQuery
criteriaQuery.where(criteriaBuilder.and(criteriaQuery.getRestriction(), predicate));
return criteriaQuery;
public class UserDao extends GenericDao
public User findById(String id)
CriteriaQuery query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(entityClass);
Root<P> entity = query.from(entityClass);;
query.where(criteriaBuilder.equal(entity.get("id"), id.toUpperCase()));
return executeCriteriaQuery(query);
The thing is: the query that is built in the DAOs that extend my GenericDao may contain a JOIN. I want to add a predicate to a JOIN that is added to the criteriaQuery.
From what I can see, I can retrieve the JOINs in the query by using From.getJoins(). However, according to the Javadoc for that method:
Return the joins that have been made from this bound type. Returns empty set if no joins have been made from this bound type. Modifications to the set do not affect the query.
Returns: joins made from this type
How can I add a predicate to JOIN clauses in my criteriaQuery?
After some time, I decided I'm going to implement a different approach to this particular problem. Since I couldn't find any options on how to do this, I attempted to solve it on a JPA implementation level. Since I use Hibernate, I used Hibernate filters. For Eclipselink users: you can use Eclipselink's Multi tenancy feature.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a solution on a higher level, so I still have to write a new implementation for this if I were to switch implementations. On the other hand, I probably won't switch to new implementations on a regular basis so that probably won't be an issue.
My project involves using GraphQL within a Spring Boot app. For demonstration purposes, here is my GraphQL schema:
type Company{
name: String,
parentOrganization: String,
I'm still learning Spring Boot and JPA, so I use spring-boot-starter-data-jpa for all the JPA, Hibernate, etc.
My problem is, when someone queries only for name and organization, Hibernate queries for all the columns and GraphQL picks the columns requested.
public interface CompanyRepository extends JpaRepository<Company,Long> {
The above code doesn't really give me any flexibility in limiting the columns that are queried. I've tried using Hibernate's Criteria API as well, but whichever way I go, I get this error:
Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class []. Expected arguments are: java.lang.String, java.lang.String [select new package.entity.Company(, generatedAlias0.organization) from package.entity.Company as generatedAlias0]
Below is the code for my Criteria implementation:
public static List<Company> get(EntityManager em, List<String> fieldsAsked){
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Company> cq = cb.createQuery(Company.class);
Root<Company> root = cq.from(Company.class);
List<Selection<?>> selectionList = new LinkedList<Selection<?>>();
for(String name: fieldsAsked){
return em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
How do I get limited columns from Hibernate? I've seen many answers online that ask to make appropriate constructor in the entity class, but that's not really possible for me because my entity parameters are mostly Strings and I cant make constructors for all the permutations possible (because I'm using GraphQL, the control of what to query really goes to the end user of my project).
What should I do? Thanks in advance!
What you want to do is not really possible with Hibernate directly, but you can checkout Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views which also has a GraphQL integration that supports exactly what you are looking for. See
Here is a sample project that shows how you can use this:
Solution 1:
You can create a new DTO class which will be returned by your query.
The DTO class:
public class CompanyDTO(){
And in the repository:
#Query(value = "SELECT new com.example.dto.companyDTO" +
"(,c.parentOrganization)" +
" FROM Company c")
List<CompanyDTO>findCompanySelectedColumns(PageRequest pageable);
Solution 2(clean solution):
You can use interface. Do not implement the interface.
interface customCustomer{
String getName();
String getParentOrganization();
In repository:
I'm relativley new to relational databases and I have some problems concerning the creation of queries. First I want to explain the situation shortly. I have several entity classes. All of them extend AbstractEntity or EntityProperty. So entities can have properties and properties have owning entities, so there is a bidirectional relation.
Now let's say ConcreteEntity extends AbstractEntity and I want to create queries like this: Get all entities of type ConcreteEntity which has at least on property with a name contained in the given list propertyNames. Until now I have the following working criteria query:
CriteriaQuery<AbstractEntity> cq = cb.createQuery(AbstractEntity.class);
Root<EntityProperty> property = cq.from(EntityProperty.class);
Join<EntityProperty, AbstractEntity> entity = property.join(EntityProperty_.owningEntities);
cq.where(property.get([]) propertyNames));;
But now I want only those entities of type ConcreteEntity. How could I achieve this?
In JPQL I wrote "SELECT entity FROM EntityProperty property JOIN property.owningEntities entity" and here I also have no idea how to write it in the way that only a specific type is returned...
Thanks for answers in advance!
EDIT: moved the second question to criteria query: indistinct result lists and removed distinct in the code (that didn't work)
I know this is an old question but just in case someone stumbles upon the same problem, here is how it can be solved.
You can easily filter by entity type like this:
Predicate p = cb.equal(entity.type(), cb.literal(ConcreteEntity.class));
where entity can be a Path (Root and Join included), cb is a CriteriaBuilder object. So in your case it would be something like this:
CriteriaQuery<AbstractEntity> cq = cb.createQuery(AbstractEntity.class);
Root<EntityProperty> property = cq.from(EntityProperty.class);
Join<EntityProperty, AbstractEntity> entity = property.join(EntityProperty_.owningEntities);
property.get([]) propertyNames),
cb.equal(entity.type(), cb.literal.ConcreteEntity.class)
The only way I found until now was to create an enumeration with a value for each class The resulting criteria query is
CriteriaQuery<AbstractEntity> cq = cb.createQuery(AbstractEntity.class);
Root<EntityProperty> property = cq.from(EntityProperty.class);
SetJoin<EntityProperty, AbstractEntity> entity =
cq.where(property.get([]) propertyNames),
List<AbstractEntity> resultList = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
As you can see, every entity now has the attribute entityType. I also have to create the collection suitableSubTypes every time. Another problem is that the returned type is List<AbstractEntity>. What I wanted was a method signature like
public static <T extends AbstractEntity> List<T>
getEntities(Class<T> entityClass, String... propertyNames)
but for now I have
public static List<AbstractEntity>
getEntities(Collection<AbstractEntityType> suitableSubTypes,
String... propertyNames)
So I still hope there exists a better solution...
I'm refactoring a code base to get rid of SQL statements and primitive access and modernize with Spring Data JPA (backed by hibernate). I do use QueryDSL in the project for other uses.
I have a scenario where the user can "mass update" a ton of records, and select some values that they want to update. In the old way, the code manually built the update statement with an IN statement for the where for the PK (which items to update), and also manually built the SET clauses (where the options in SET clauses can vary depending on what the user wants to update).
In looking at QueryDSL documentation, it shows that it supports what I want to do.
I tried looking for a way to do this with Spring Data JPA, and haven't had any luck. Is there a repostitory interface I'm missing, or another library that is required....or would I need to autowire a queryFactory into a custom repository implementation and very literally implement the code in the QueryDSL example?
You can either write a custom method or use #Query annotation.
For custom method;
public interface RecordRepository extends RecordRepositoryCustom,
CrudRepository<Record, Long>
public interface RecordRepositoryCustom {
// Custom method
void massUpdateRecords(long... ids);
public class RecordRepositoryImpl implements RecordRepositoryCustom {
public void massUpdateRecords(long... ids) {
//implement using em or querydsl
For #Query annotation;
public interface RecordRepository extends CrudRepository<Record, Long>
#Query("update records set someColumn=someValue where id in :ids")
void massUpdateRecords(#Param("ids") long... ids);
There is also #NamedQuery option if you want your model class to be reusable with custom methods;
#NamedQuery(name = "Record.massUpdateRecords", query = "update records set someColumn=someValue where id in :ids")
#Table(name = "records")
public class Record {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
//rest of the entity...
public interface RecordRepository extends CrudRepository<Record, Long>
//this will use the namedquery
void massUpdateRecords(#Param("ids") long... ids);
Check repositories.custom-implementations, and jpa.query-methods.named-queries at spring data reference document for more info.
This question is quite interesting for me because I was solving this very problem in my current project with the same technology stack mentioned in your question. Particularly we were interested in the second part of your question:
where the options in SET clauses can vary depending on what the user
wants to update
I do understand this is the answer you probably do not want to get but we did not find anything out there :( Spring data is quite cumbersome for update operations especially when it comes to their flexibility.
After I saw your question I tried to look up something new for spring and QueryDSL integration (you know, maybe something was released during past months) but nothing was released.
The only thing that brought me quite close is .flush in entity manager meaning you could follow the following scenario:
Get ids of entities you want to update
Retrieve all entities by these ids (first actual query to db)
Modify them in any way you want
Call entityManager.flush resulting N separate updates to database.
This approach results N+1 actual queries to database where N = number of ids needed to be updated. Moreover you are moving the data back and forth which is actually not good too.
I would advise to
autowire a queryFactory into a custom repository
Also, have a look into spring data and querydsl example. However you will find only lookup examples.
Hope my pessimistic answer helps :)
I'm observing what I think is an unexpected behaviour in JPA 2 when fetching a list attribute with a criteria query.
My query is as follows (an extract of it):
CriteriaBuilder b = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<MainObject> c = b.createQuery(MainObject.class);
Root<MainObject> root = c.from(MainObject.class);
Join<MainObject, FirstFetch> firstFetch = (Join<MainObject, FirstFetch>) root.fetch(MainObject_.firstFetch);
firstFetch.fetch(FirstFetch_.secondFetch); //secondFetch is a list;
(So let's say I'm fetching a list as a property of the property of an object.)
The thing is when the query returns multiple results, secondFetch values are duplicated as many times as rows are returned. Each firstFetch should have just one secondFetch but has n instead.
The only particularity i see in this case is all MainObjects happen to have the same FirstFetch instance.
So my guess is the join is being crossed, which is normal, but then JPA fails to assign its secondFetch object to each one of the firstFetchs.
Mappings shouldn't be too special, the're more or less like this
public class MainObject{
private FirstFetch firstFetch;
public FirstFetch getFirstFetch() {
return firstFetch;
public class FirstFetch{
private List<SecondFetch> secondFetch;
public List<SecondFetch> getSecondFetch() {
return secondFetch;
& finally
public class SecondFetch {
private FirstFetch firstFetch; //bidirectional
public FirstFetch getFirstFetch() {
return firstFetch;
I've been looking for some sort of distinct sentence to apply to the fetch but there's none (would have been a 'patch' anyway...)
If i change
i'll get the expected result thanks to Sets' Keys, so I do feel this is kind of a misbehaviour in JPA's lists.
I'm not an expert, though, so i could perfectlly be making some mistake in the mappings or query.
Any feeback is very welcome to help clear this out.
I had the exact same problem though I was using JPA criteria API to do the query.
After some research I found a solution which you already mentioned (but was not available, since your not using criteria API): Using distinct.
With JPA criteria it would look like this:
CriteriaQuery<FirstFetch> query = cb.createQuery(FirstFetch.class);
Root<AbschnittC> root = query.from(FirstFetch.class);
root.fetch(FirstFetch_.secondFetch, JoinType.LEFT);
Without using query.distinct(true); the resultset was multiplied with the amount of objects in the secondFetch list.
Hibernate does have something like DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY which sound more adequate than just setting a query distinct. But I have not further investigated this. I am also using Hibernate as the JPA provider. Maybe setting the query distinct in JPA ends up using the same code as Hibernates DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY would?
i'm trying to convert a 'TableController'-Class we used (without ORM) to generate dynamic SQL (actually the order column and direction is appended to the SQL).
Think of this 'TableController' as a class that have a function to return a list of Entities of a given class (known at runtime), in a given order (String column/property name, boolean asc/desc, both at runtime).
The challenge is now, with JPA (Hibernate - but the customer requires to use JPA Interfaces only): How can i realize this without String concatenation, and in a type safe manner?
The challenge is now, with JPA (Hibernate - but the customer requires to use JPA Interfaces only): how can I realize this without String concatenation, and in a type safe manner?
If you're using a JPA 2.0 implementation, I think you should look at the Criteria API to build dynamic queries.
If you're using JPA 1.0, there is no standard way apart from String concatenation (and my suggestion would be to use Hibernate's proprietary Criteria Queries).
The following article might also give you some (concrete) ideas: Hibernate Querying 102 : Criteria API.
Imagine a method that has three parameters: Class entityClass, String orderByColumn, boolean ascending. How would i create a query without string concatenation that gives me all objects of the given class in the correct order?
With the Criteria API from JPA 2.0, you could do something like this:
public <T> List<T> findAllEntitiesOrderedBy(Class<T> entityClass, String orderByColumn, boolean ascending) {
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<T> criteria = builder.createQuery(entityClass);
Root<T> entityRoot = criteria.from(entityClass);;
javax.persistence.criteria.Order order = ascending ? builder.asc(entityRoot.get(orderByColumn))
: builder.desc(entityRoot.get(orderByColumn));
return em.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();