How to use command prompt in eclipse to create Maven Project? - java

I am new to the Maven, Vaadin, Eclipse Kelper. I am working on project which include Maven, Vaadin.
I don't know how to create maven project using command prompt. I tried using website, but not found the proper steps.

you install maven plugin for eclipse. And then you will have facility to create maven projects in eclipse with GUI.

Follow this tutorial:
After that in eclipse you can import the project as existing maven project.


IntelliJ - maven project, View/Tool Windows without maven option

I use IntelliJ IDEA Community 2020.1. I have generated a maven project structure from the command line using a custom archetype. I open that project in IntelliJ this way: File/New/Project from Existing Sources/Create project from existing source. A project is opened but I don't see a maven option in View/Tool Windows. I would like to run mvn install from IDE. What I'm doing wrong ?
You need to add the Maven support for the project that you have created.
Simply right-click on the project --> Add Framework Support --> Choose maven from the option.
For detail, you can follow the steps mentioned here Add maven support.

How to create a GWT project with MAVEN support?

I have core experience of maven(on console) and GWT. Now I want to create a simple GWT Project with the support of maven in eclipse. Is there is any tutorial for GWT-Maven ?
so please describe step by step procedure to configuration in eclipse.
gwt-maven-plugin is useful.
Created project by following command can be imported as "Existing Maven Projects" on Eclipse.
$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.7.0

Eclipse Marketplace - Maven Integration

I am in Eclipse Indigo and trying to install Maven Support for eclipse. I search Eclipse Marketplace with "maven" and found there are two entries:
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP.
Maven Integration for Eclipse.
Now I am confused to choose them.
I am developing web application. So what is the entry I should go for?
Install them both. The first is specifically designed to integrate with WTP, the second one is general Maven integration in Eclipse.
Have you tried to just use Maven? With Indigo, m2e is already integrated. If you look at, you will find there the following features integrated:
If you open the preferences in Eclipse (Windows > Preferences), you will find there the Maven configuration for Eclipse:
You have to configure there, where your Maven installation lives, and can start to use Maven inside Eclipse.

How to run a downloaded Java and Maven Project

I'm new in Maven,Java and Eclipse. I just download a project that uses Maven. I want to know how can import and run this project by Eclipse. I install m2eclipse and work with it but i don't know how can I import a existing project.
You need a maven plugin for Eclipse. m2eclipse or Apache Maven Plugin
This links will help you to import the project. M2eclipse Guideline and Importing maven project into eclipse
Use the Maven Eclipse Plugin. It generates the necessary files for the Eclipse IDE.
For running maven project you will need to install maven plugin in eclipse and than right click on it and select run as maven install
Here is an alternate way without using m2Eclipse plugin.
Install Maven and add the bat file to the path. Once this is done open a command prompt and go to the directory where the pom.xml file of your project exists. At this directory level do a:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will make your project Eclipse friendly. Once this is completed, import the project by using File Menu in Eclipse. File->Import. In dialog select Existng Projects into Workspace. Click Next. Then select the root directory as the directory from which you ran the mvn command. Click Finish.
You project should now be in your Eclipse IDE

Build Netbeans project using Maven commands

How can I build a Netbeans project by using pom.xml?
In Eclipse I have to use following commands to do that:
mvn install
mvn eclipse:eclipse
What are similar commands to build projects in Netbeans?
I think your question is: "How to import a Maven based project into NetBeans for development?"
If so, than see NetBeans wiki. You should just install the Maven plugin and import the project from pom.xml.
P.S. The mvn eclipse:eclipse is a bit deprecated. Check out the m2eclipse.
Import Maven project in Netbeans. Netbeans itself will build your web project.
Netbeans 7 can open Maven projects automatically. In Netbeans just File->Open Project and point to the dir with your pom.xml in it.

