I am using jndi/db alias name used to connect to DB. Its working fine.. But, i need to accomplish the same using Hibernate...
I am not able to connect when i use below properties,
<property name="hibernate.connection.datasource">jdbc/ASPTADMINDEV</property>
And in resurce.xml file, i am using this,
<factories xmi:type="resources.jdbc:DataSource" xmi:id="DataSource_1233129165895" name="Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource" jndiName="jdbc/ASPTADMINDEV" description="New JDBC Datasource" providerType="Oracle JDBC Driver" authMechanismPreference="BASIC_PASSWORD" authDataAlias="ccixdmgr-nprd1-01-nodeMgr/GITPTDEV-ASPTADMIN-ASPTI" manageCachedHandles="false" logMissingTransactionContext="true" diagnoseConnectionUsage="false" relationalResourceAdapter="builtin_rra" statementCacheSize="10" datasourceHelperClassname="com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.Oracle10gDataStoreHelper">
<propertySet xmi:id="J2EEResourcePropertySet_1233129165915">
<resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_1233129165915" name="driverType" type="java.lang.String" value="oci8" description="The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8." required="false"/>
<resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_1233129165916" name="oracleLogFileSizeLimit" type="java.lang.Integer" value="0" description="Oracle10g and beyond: The oracleLogFileSizeLimit specifies the maximum number of bytes to be written to any one file. Property is relevant only if trace file is specified. Default is unlimited" required="false"/>
<resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_1233129165917" name="oracleLogFileCount" type="java.lang.Integer" value="1" description="Oracle10g and beyond: The oracleLogFileCount specifies the number of files to use. Property is relevant only if trace file is specified. Default is 1." required="false"/>
<resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_1233129165918" name="oracleLogFileName" type="java.lang.String" value="" description="Oracle10g and beyond: The oracleLogFileName indicates which file to write the traces to" required="false"/>
<resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_1233129165919" name="oracleLogTraceLevel" type="java.lang.String" value="INFO" description="Oracle10g and beyond: The oracleLogTraceLevel specifies which message ">
......... and so
please let me know what i am doing mistake here..
Forget to paste the error ;).. Below is the error, i am getting
INFO: JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
Apr 9, 2014 4:17:19 PM org.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider configure
SEVERE: Could not find datasource: java:comp/env/jdbc/ASPTADMINDEV
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context
Initial SessionFactory creation failed.org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not find datasource
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:770)
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:140)
Do i need to change any thing. I am using below property
<property name="hibernate.connection.datasource">java:comp/env/jdbc/ASPTADMINDEV</property>
I think you need to give correct JNDI name of the data source, try this one.
<property name="hibernate.connection.datasource">java:comp/env/jdbc/ASPTADMINDEV</property>
We are using Oracle as the database for our Web application. The application runs well most of the time, but we get this "No more data to read from socket" error.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: No more data to read from socket
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CMAREngine.unmarshalUB1(T4CMAREngine.java:1142)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CMAREngine.unmarshalSB1(T4CMAREngine.java:1099)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(T4CTTIfun.java:288)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(T4CTTIfun.java:191)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(T4C8Oall.java:523)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:207)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(T4CPreparedStatement.java:863)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(OracleStatement.java:1153)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1275)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3576)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3620)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.java:1491)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.executeQuery(DelegatingPreparedStatement.java:93)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.executeQuery(DelegatingPreparedStatement.java:93)
at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getResultSet(AbstractBatcher.java:208)
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet(Loader.java:1869)
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(Loader.java:718)
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(Loader.java:270)
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(Loader.java:2449)
... 63 more
We use spring, hibernate and i have the following for the datasource in my applciation context file.
<bean class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"
destroy-method="close" id="dataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="${database.driverClassName}" />
<property name="url" value="${database.url}" />
<property name="username" value="${database.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${database.password}" />
<property name="defaultAutoCommit" value="false" />
<property name="initialSize" value="10" />
<property name="maxActive" value="30" />
<property name="validationQuery" value="select 1 from dual" />
<property name="testOnBorrow" value="true" />
<property name="testOnReturn" value="true" />
<property name="poolPreparedStatements" value="true" />
<property name="removeAbandoned" value="true" />
<property name="logAbandoned" value="true" />
I am not sure whether this is because of application errors, database errors or network errors.
We see the following on the oracle logs
Thu Oct 20 10:29:44 2011
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\ads\ads\trace\ads_ora_3836.trc (incident=31653):
ORA-03137: TTC protocol internal error : [12333] [4] [195] [3] [] [] [] []
Incident details in: d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\ads\ads\incident\incdir_31653\ads_ora_3836_i31653.trc
Thu Oct 20 10:29:45 2011
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20111020102945]
Thu Oct 20 10:29:49 2011
Sweep [inc][31653]: completed
Sweep [inc2][31653]: completed
Thu Oct 20 10:34:20 2011
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\ads\ads\trace\ads_ora_860.trc (incident=31645):
ORA-03137: TTC protocol internal error : [12333] [4] [195] [3] [] [] [] []
Incident details in: d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\ads\ads\incident\incdir_31645\ads_ora_860_i31645.trc
Thu Oct 20 10:34:21 2011
Oracle Version :
For errors like this you should involve oracle support. Unfortunately you do not mention what oracle release you are using. The error can be related to optimizer bind peeking. Depending on the oracle version different workarounds apply.
You have two ways to address this:
upgrade to 11.2
set oracle parameter _optim_peek_user_binds = false
Of course underscore parameters should only be set if advised by oracle support
We were facing same problem, we resolved it by increasing initialSize and maxActive size of connection pool.
You can check this link
Maybe this helps someone.
Another case: If you are sending date parameters to a parameterized sql, make sure you sent java.sql.Timestamp and not java.util.Date. Otherwise you get
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: No more data to read from socket
Example statement:
In our java code, we are using org.apache.commons.dbutils and we have the following:
final String sqlStatement = "select x from person where date_of_birth between ? and ?";
java.util.Date dtFrom = new Date(); //<-- this will fail
java.util.Date dtTo = new Date(); //<-- this will fail
Object[] params = new Object[]{ dtFrom , dtTo };
final List mapList = (List) query.query(conn, sqlStatement, new MapListHandler(),params);
The above was failing until we changed the date parameters to be java.sql.Timestamp
java.sql.Timestamp tFrom = new java.sql.Timestamp (dtFrom.getTime()); //<-- this is OK
java.sql.Timestamp tTo = new java.sql.Timestamp(dtTo.getTime()); //<-- this is OK
Object[] params = new Object[]{ tFrom , tTo };
final List mapList = (List) query.query(conn, sqlStatement, new MapListHandler(),params);
This is a very low-level exception, which is ORA-17410.
It may happen for several reasons:
A temporary problem with networking.
Wrong JDBC driver version.
Some issues with a special data structure (on database side).
Database bug.
In my case, it was a bug we hit on the database, which needs to be patched.
Try two things:
Set in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora on the oracle server server=dedicated to server=shared to allow more than one connection at a time. Restart oracle.
If you are using Java this might help you: In java/jdk1.6.0_31/jre/lib/security/Java.security change securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom to securerandom.source=file:///dev/urandom
I had the same problem. I was able to solve the problem from application side, under the following scenario:
JDK8, spring framework 4.2.4.RELEASE, apache tomcat 7.0.63, Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition
I used the database connection pooling apache tomcat-jdbc:
You can take the following configuration parameters as a reference:
<Resource name="jdbc/exampleDB"
validationQuery="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"
This configuration was sufficient to fix the error. This works fine for me in the scenario mentioned above.
For more details about the setup apache tomcat-jdbc: https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/jdbc-pool.html
Downgrading the JRE from 7 to 6 fixed this issue for me.
Yes, as #ggkmath said, sometimes a good old restart is exactly what you need. Like when "contact the author and have him rewrite the app, meanwhile wait" is not an option.
This happens when an application is not written (yet) in a way that it can handle restarts of the underlying database.
In our case we had a query which loads multiple items with select * from x where something in (...)
The in part was so long for benchmark test.(17mb as text query). Query is valid but text so long. Shortening the query solved the problem.
I got this error then restarted my GlassFish server that held connection pools between my client app and the database, and the error went away. So, try restarting your application server if applicable.
I seemed to fix my instance by removing the parameter placeholder for a parameterized query.
For some reason, using these placeholders were working fine, and then they stopped working and I got the error/bug.
As a workaround, I substituted literals for my placeholders and it started working.
Remove this
Use this
SOME_VAR = 'Value'
Seemed to be an issue with a view. JDBC query was using a view. I took a guess, recompiled the view and error is gone.
In my case the error occurs running a simple query like this in SQLdeveloper:
select count(1) from tabel1 inner join tabel2 on table1.id = table2.id_table1 ;
I solved the error so...
/*+OPT_PARAM('_index_join_enabled' 'false') */
count(1) from tabel1 inner join tabel2 on table1.id = table2.id_table1 ;
I'm currently working on a project involving a distributed Apache Ignite DB on a cluster of Raspberry Pi.
I want to have 2 separate data regions including one with persistence enabled. Here is my custom config :
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration" id="ignite.cfg">
<property name="dataStorageConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
<property name="defaultDataRegionConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
<property name="name" value="default_region"/>
<!-- Set max cache size to 50 MBytes-->
<property name="maxSize" value="#{50 * 1024 * 1024}"/>
<!-- Specifiying an eviction policy that evicts the latest used data when the data hits 90% of the max storage capacity-->
<property name="pageEvictionMode" value="RANDOM_LRU"/>
<property name="evictionThreshold" value="0.9"/>
<property name="dataRegionConfigurations">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
<property name="name" value="persistence_region"/>
<!-- Set max cache size to 100 MBytes-->
<property name="maxSize" value="#{100 * 1024 * 1024}"/>
<!-- Enable persistent data storage -->
<property name="persistenceEnabled" value="true"/>
<property name="authenticationEnabled" value="true"/>
<property name="discoverySpi">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">
<property name="ipFinder">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder">
<property name="multicastGroup" value=""/>
I built my own Docker image with my custom conf based on the official Dockerfile except that I changed the base image with: FROM arm32v7/openjdk:8-jre-alpine
The troubles begin when I try to start my image... I have some warnings such as :
Nodes started on local machine require more than 80% of physical RAM what can lead to significant slowdown due to swapping (please decrease JVM heap size, data region size or checkpoint buffer size) [required=1300MB, available=924MB]
And then several errors like :
[SEVERE][tcp-disco-msg-worker-[crd]-#2-#46][G] Blocked system-critical thread has been detected. This can lead to cluster-wide undefined behaviour [workerName=disco-notifier-worker, threadName=disco-notifier-worker-#45, blockedFor=11s]
After that, it's impossible for me to activate the cluster (through REST, or the control.sh script) and to query it.
If someone has a config file working on Rpi I'm really interested!
I have tried with #alamar 's suggestion (-Xmx384 and checkpoint page buffer size of 20M) but I still have theses errors when activating :
[SEVERE][rest-#68][GridTcpRestProtocol] Failed to process client request [ses=GridSelectorNioSessionImpl [worker=ByteBufferNioClientWorker [readBuf=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=90 lim=90 cap=8192], super=AbstractNioClientWorker [idx=1, bytesRcvd=0, bytesSent=0, bytesRcvd0=0, bytesSent0=0, select=true, super=GridWorker [name=grid-nio-worker-tcp-rest-1, igniteInstanceName=null, finished=false, heartbeatTs=1607710531775, hashCode=9092883, interrupted=false, runner=grid-nio-worker-tcp-rest-1-#39]]], writeBuf=null, readBuf=null, inRecovery=null, outRecovery=null, closeSocket=true, outboundMessagesQueueSizeMetric=null, super=GridNioSessionImpl [locAddr=/, rmtAddr=/, createTime=1607710503680, closeTime=1607710511719, bytesSent=2, bytesRcvd=96, bytesSent0=0, bytesRcvd0=0, sndSchedTime=1607710533267, lastSndTime=1607710503680, lastRcvTime=1607710511719, readsPaused=false, filterChain=FilterChain[filters=[GridNioCodecFilter [parser=GridTcpRestParser [marsh=JdkMarshaller [clsFilter=o.a.i.marshaller.MarshallerUtils$1#1eb05], routerClient=false], directMode=false]], accepted=true, markedForClose=true]], msg=GridClientAuthenticationRequest [cred=SecurityCredentials [login=ignite], super=GridClientAbstractMessage [reqId=1, id=b2d7025f-e4a0-4ab7-8c3e-92e2c1c4aea9, destId=null, super=o.a.i.i.processors.rest.client.message.GridClientAuthenticationRequest#18dd064]]]
class org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException: Failed to send message (connection was closed): GridSelectorNioSessionImpl [worker=ByteBufferNioClientWorker [readBuf=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=90 lim=90 cap=8192], super=AbstractNioClientWorker [idx=1, bytesRcvd=0, bytesSent=0, bytesRcvd0=0, bytesSent0=0, select=true, super=GridWorker [name=grid-nio-worker-tcp-rest-1, igniteInstanceName=null, finished=false, heartbeatTs=1607710531775, hashCode=9092883, interrupted=false, runner=grid-nio-worker-tcp-rest-1-#39]]], writeBuf=null, readBuf=null, inRecovery=null, outRecovery=null, closeSocket=true, outboundMessagesQueueSizeMetric=null, super=GridNioSessionImpl [locAddr=/, rmtAddr=/, createTime=1607710503680, closeTime=1607710511719, bytesSent=2, bytesRcvd=96, bytesSent0=0, bytesRcvd0=0, sndSchedTime=1607710533267, lastSndTime=1607710503680, lastRcvTime=1607710511719, readsPaused=false, filterChain=FilterChain[filters=[GridNioCodecFilter [parser=GridTcpRestParser [marsh=JdkMarshaller [clsFilter=org.apache.ignite.marshaller.MarshallerUtils$1#1eb05], routerClient=false], directMode=false]], accepted=true, markedForClose=true]]
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.cast(IgniteUtils.java:7589)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.resolve(GridFutureAdapter.java:260)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.get0(GridFutureAdapter.java:172)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.get(GridFutureAdapter.java:141)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.protocols.tcp.GridTcpRestNioListener$1$1.apply(GridTcpRestNioListener.java:296)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.protocols.tcp.GridTcpRestNioListener$1$1.apply(GridTcpRestNioListener.java:293)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.notifyListener(GridFutureAdapter.java:399)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.listen(GridFutureAdapter.java:354)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.protocols.tcp.GridTcpRestNioListener$1.apply(GridTcpRestNioListener.java:293)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.protocols.tcp.GridTcpRestNioListener$1.apply(GridTcpRestNioListener.java:261)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.notifyListener(GridFutureAdapter.java:399)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.unblock(GridFutureAdapter.java:347)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.unblockAll(GridFutureAdapter.java:335)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.onDone(GridFutureAdapter.java:511)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.onDone(GridFutureAdapter.java:490)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.onDone(GridFutureAdapter.java:467)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.GridRestProcessor$2$1.apply(GridRestProcessor.java:187)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.GridRestProcessor$2$1.apply(GridRestProcessor.java:184)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.notifyListener(GridFutureAdapter.java:399)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter.listen(GridFutureAdapter.java:354)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.GridRestProcessor$2.body(GridRestProcessor.java:184)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.worker.GridWorker.run(GridWorker.java:120)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to send message (connection was closed): GridSelectorNioSessionImpl [worker=ByteBufferNioClientWorker [readBuf=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=90 lim=90 cap=8192], super=AbstractNioClientWorker [idx=1, bytesRcvd=0, bytesSent=0, bytesRcvd0=0, bytesSent0=0, select=true, super=GridWorker [name=grid-nio-worker-tcp-rest-1, igniteInstanceName=null, finished=false, heartbeatTs=1607710531775, hashCode=9092883, interrupted=false, runner=grid-nio-worker-tcp-rest-1-#39]]], writeBuf=null, readBuf=null, inRecovery=null, outRecovery=null, closeSocket=true, outboundMessagesQueueSizeMetric=null, super=GridNioSessionImpl [locAddr=/, rmtAddr=/, createTime=1607710503680, closeTime=1607710511719, bytesSent=2, bytesRcvd=96, bytesSent0=0, bytesRcvd0=0, sndSchedTime=1607710533267, lastSndTime=1607710503680, lastRcvTime=1607710511719, readsPaused=false, filterChain=FilterChain[filters=[GridNioCodecFilter [parser=GridTcpRestParser [marsh=JdkMarshaller [clsFilter=org.apache.ignite.marshaller.MarshallerUtils$1#1eb05], routerClient=false], directMode=false]], accepted=true, markedForClose=true]]
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioServer.send0(GridNioServer.java:642)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioServer.send(GridNioServer.java:583)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioServer$HeadFilter.onSessionWrite(GridNioServer.java:3693)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioFilterAdapter.proceedSessionWrite(GridNioFilterAdapter.java:121)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioCodecFilter.onSessionWrite(GridNioCodecFilter.java:96)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioFilterAdapter.proceedSessionWrite(GridNioFilterAdapter.java:121)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioFilterChain$TailFilter.onSessionWrite(GridNioFilterChain.java:269)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioFilterChain.onSessionWrite(GridNioFilterChain.java:192)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridNioSessionImpl.send(GridNioSessionImpl.java:117)
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.rest.protocols.tcp.GridTcpRestNioListener$1.apply(GridTcpRestNioListener.java:290)
... 16 more
Result of "control.sh --set-state ACTIVE" :
Control utility [ver. 2.10.0-SNAPSHOT#20201013-sha1:a2fa7ec3]
2020 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: root
Time: 2020-12-11T18:19:04.421
This cluster requires authentication.
Connection to cluster failed. Latest topology update failed.
Command [SET-STATE] finished with code: 2
Control utility has completed execution at: 2020-12-11T18:19:56.559
Execution time: 52138 ms
Thank you!
People did start it occasionally on Rpi.
In your case, please try decreasing JVM's Xmx (-Xmx384 will be OK) and also specify checkpoint page buffer size for persistent region explicitly (20M should be OK in your case).
If you still see "threads blocked" exceptions, please share complete log. You may use Apache Ignite userlist for that. Also, please describe what happens when you try to activate.
There are a couple of things here.
First, I don't think you needed to update the Docker file. A Pi3 has 64-bit cores, so the default should work. I created this one and it works fine on a Pi4.
Second, between your JVM and your data region, you're allocating more memory than your Pi has:
Nodes started on local machine require more than 80% of physical RAM what can lead to significant slowdown due to swapping (please decrease JVM heap size, data region size or checkpoint buffer size) [required=1300MB, available=924MB]
You only appear to have 150Mb for off-heap, so I wonder how big you Java heap is? 8Gb should be plenty.
If your Pi is swapping to disk, that might be causing the blocked system threads.
Finally, since you enabled authentication, you need to supply a username and password when you try to activate the cluster. The default appears to be ignite/ignite.
I am using mybatis 3.4.6 along with org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc 3.28.0. Below is my configuration to use an in-memory database with shared mode enabled
The db.url is correct according to this test class
And I managed to setup the correct transaction isolation level with below mybatis configuration though there is a typo of property read_uncommitted according to this issue which is reported by me as well
<environment id="${db.env}">
<transactionManager type="jdbc"/>
<dataSource type="POOLED">
<property name="driver" value="${db.driver}" />
<property name="url" value="${db.url}"/>
<property name="username" value="${db.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${db.password}" />
<property name="defaultTransactionIsolationLevel" value="1" />
<property name="driver.synchronous" value="OFF" />
<property name="driver.transaction_mode" value="IMMEDIATE"/>
<property name="driver.foreign_keys" value="ON"/>
This line of configuration
<property name="defaultTransactionIsolationLevel" value="1" />
does the trick to set the correct value of PRAGMA read_uncommitted
I am pretty sure of it since I debugged the underneath code which initialize the connection and check the value has been set correctly
However with the above setting, my program still encounters SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE intermittently while reading, which I think it shouldn't happen according the description highlighted in the red rectangle of below screenshot. I want to know the reason and how to resolve it, though the occurring probability of this error is low.
Any ideas would be appreciated!!
The debug configurations is below
jdbcDriver org.sqlite.JDBC
jdbcUrl jdbc:sqlite:file::memory:?cache=shared
jdbcPassword ************
poolMaxActiveConnections 10
poolMaxIdleConnections 5
poolMaxCheckoutTime 20000
poolTimeToWait 20000
poolPingEnabled false
poolPingConnectionsNotUsedFor 0
activeConnections 5
idleConnections 5
requestCount 27
averageRequestTime 7941
averageCheckoutTime 4437
claimedOverdue 0
averageOverdueCheckoutTime 0
hadToWait 0
averageWaitTime 0
badConnectionCount 0
The exception is below
### Error querying database. Cause: org.apache.ibatis.transaction.TransactionException: Error configuring AutoCommit. Your driver may not support getAutoCommit() or setAutoCommit(). Requested setting: false. Cause: org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE] Contention with a different database connection that shares the cache (database table is locked)
### The error may exist in mapper/MsgRecordDO-sqlmap-mappering.xml
### The error may involve com.super.mock.platform.agent.dal.daointerface.MsgRecordDAO.getRecord
### The error occurred while executing a query
### Cause: org.apache.ibatis.transaction.TransactionException: Error configuring AutoCommit. Your driver may not support getAutoCommit() or setAutoCommit(). Requested setting: false. Cause: org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE] Contention with a different database connection that shares the cache (database table is locked)
I finally resolved this issue by myself and share the workaround below in case someone else encounters similar issue in the future.
First of all, we're able to get the completed call stack of the exception shown below
Going through the source code indicated by the callback, we have below findings.
SQLite is built-in with auto commit enabled by default which is contradict with MyBatis which disables auto commit by default since we're using SqlSessionManager
MyBatis would override the auto commit property during connection initialization using method setDesiredAutoCommit which finally invokes SQLiteConnection#setAutoCommit
SQLiteConnection#setAutoCommit would incur a begin immediate operation against the database which is actually exclusive, check out below source code screenshots for detailed explanation since we configure our transaction mode to be IMMEDIATE
<property name="driver.transaction_mode" value="IMMEDIATE"/>
So until now, An apparent solution is to change the transaction mode to be DEFERRED. Furthermore, the solution of making the auto commit setting the same between MyBatis and SQLite has been considered as well, however, it's not adopted since there is no way to set the auto commit of SQLiteConnection during initialization stage, there would be always switching (from true to false or vice versa) and switch would cause the above error probably if transaction mode is not set properly
I use java, apache-cayenne and postgreSQL.
My app works fine on desktop, but I get an error when I run it on Heroku:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Bad value for type timestamp/date/time:
there are also warnings:
INFO org.apache.cayenne.log.JdbcEventLogger - --- transaction started.
WARN org.apache.cayenne.access.types.SerializableTypeFactory - Haven't found suitable ExtendedType for class 'java.time.LocalDate'. Most likely you need to define a custom ExtendedType.
WARN org.apache.cayenne.access.types.SerializableTypeFactory - SerializableType will be used for type conversion.
INFO org.apache.cayenne.log.JdbcEventLogger - --- transaction started.
INFO org.apache.cayenne.log.JdbcEventLogger - SELECT t0.DATE, t0.ROOM, t0.TIME, t0.TYPE, t0.PROFESSOR_ID, t0.SUBJECT_ID, t0.LESSON_ID FROM Lesson t0 JOIN Subject t1 ON (t0.SUBJECT_ID = t1.SUBJECT_ID) WHERE (t0.DATE = ?) AND (t1.USER_ID = ?) [bind: 1->DATE:2017-12-08, 2->USER_ID:81627965]
Here is my xml:
<db-entity name="Lesson">
<db-attribute name="DATE" type="DATE"/>
<db-attribute name="LESSON_ID" type="INTEGER" isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true"/>
<db-attribute name="PROFESSOR_ID" type="INTEGER"/>
<db-attribute name="ROOM" type="VARCHAR" length="50"/>
<db-attribute name="SUBJECT_ID" type="INTEGER"/>
<db-attribute name="TIME" type="TIME"/>
<db-attribute name="TYPE" type="INTEGER"/>
<obj-entity name="Lesson" className="com.intetics.organizerbot.entities.Lesson" dbEntityName="Lesson">
<obj-attribute name="date" type="java.time.LocalDate" db-attribute-path="DATE"/>
<obj-attribute name="room" type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-path="ROOM"/>
<obj-attribute name="time" type="java.time.LocalTime" db-attribute-path="TIME"/>
<obj-attribute name="type" type="int" db-attribute-path="TYPE"/>
I work with the same Heroku Postgres database from desktop and Heroku.
It seems there is some problem connected with LocalDate class. But I have no idea why everything works fine on my computer, while there are problems on heroku.
I also tried to deploy jar which worked fine and it still doesn't work.
Do you have any idea on why this happens and how can I fix it?
Simular question wath asked about production server Bad value for type timestamp on production server
but I doesn't seem I can apply it's answers on Heroku.
In order to use Java 8 java.time.* classes from Cayenne you need to make sure you include cayenne-java8 module to your project, see this docs for details. Without it Cayenne just don't know how to handle those classes.
I am using Spring JDBCTemplate to perform SQL operations on an apache commons datasource (org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource) and when the service is up and running to long, i end up getting this exception:
org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: StatementCallback; SQL [SELECT * FROM vendor ORDER BY name]; The last packet successfully received from the server was 64,206,061 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 64,206,062 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: The last packet successfully received from the server was 64,206,061 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 64,206,062 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.
at org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLExceptionSubclassTranslator.doTranslate(SQLExceptionSubclassTranslator.java:98)
at org.springframework.jdbc.support.AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.java:72)
at org.springframework.jdbc.support.AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.java:80)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute(JdbcTemplate.java:406)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.query(JdbcTemplate.java:455)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.query(JdbcTemplate.java:463)
at com.cable.comcast.neto.nse.taac.dao.VendorDao.getAllVendor(VendorDao.java:25)
at com.cable.comcast.neto.nse.taac.controller.RemoteVendorAccessController.requestAccess(RemoteVendorAccessController.java:78)
I have tried adding the 'autoReconnect=true' to the connection string, but this problem still occurs. Is there another datasource that can be used that will manage the reconnecting for me?
BasicDataSource can manage keeping the connections alive for you. You need to set the following properties :
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 120000 // Two minutes
testOnBorrow = true
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 120000 // Two minutes
minIdle = (some acceptable number of idle connections for your server)
These will configure the data source to keep continually test your connections, and expire and remove them if they become stale. There's a number of other properties on the basic data source that you may want to consider checking into as well to tweak your connection pooling performance. I've run into some strange problems in the past where I was having issues with my database access and it all came down to how the connection pool was configured.
You can try to C3PO:
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource"destroy-method="close">
<property name="user" value="${db.username}"/>
<property name="password" value="${db.password}"/>
<property name="driverClass" value="${db.driverClassName}"/>
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="${db.url}"/>
<property name="initialPoolSize" value="0"/>
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="1"/>
<property name="minPoolSize" value="1"/>
<property name="acquireIncrement" value="1"/>
<property name="acquireRetryAttempts" value="0"/>
<property name="idleConnectionTestPeriod" value="600"/> <!--in seconds-->