Close explorer window created from Java - java

I start an explorer window in java using
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("explorer.exe",folderToOpen);
Process p = pb.start();
Before my java program exists, I want to close this window.
It is important, because this folder is actually a virtual folder.
The folder has been created using a java library for creating kernel level virtual filesystem.
When the program exists, the folder ceases to exists.
Windows explorer doesn't realize this, and keeps showing a number of error messages.
These error messages stop only when the user closes the explorer window of the virtual folder.
For better user experience I need to automatically close this virtual folder on exit.
The problem with explorer.exe is that, it doesn't open the new window in the instance used
to send the command. The window is opened in another process. So I don't have the handle
to the process, and so I cannot close it.
I tried the JNA route, but this threw a system error code 5 (meaning access denied )
final String folderName = Paths.get(super.path).getFileName().toString();
final WinDef.HWND[] windowHandle = new WinDef.HWND[1];
User32.INSTANCE.EnumWindows(new WinUser.WNDENUMPROC() {
public boolean callback(WinDef.HWND hwnd, Pointer pointer) {
char[]c = new char[255];
User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowText(hwnd, c, 250);
String s = new String(c).trim();
if (s.equals(folderName)) {
windowHandle[0] = hwnd;
return false;
return true;
}, Pointer.NULL);
Any suggestion, comments, tips, guide, ideas, hints ?
Thanks :D
Update :
This seems to work, however, the risk is that it might close a similar window ( a window whoes name is same as the window I want to close). This would be bad-side effect.
final String folderName = Paths.get(super.path).getFileName().toString();
User32.INSTANCE.EnumWindows(new WinUser.WNDENUMPROC() {
public boolean callback(WinDef.HWND hwnd, Pointer pointer) {
char[]c = new char[255];
User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowText(hwnd, c, 250);
String s = new String(c).trim();
if (s.equals(folderName)) {
return false;
return true;
}, Pointer.NULL);
anyone there with a better idea ?
Thanks again :D

Use destroy() as shown in Process.
So use p.destroy();


FileDialog generating GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged

My java code is generating the following message when I create a open FileDialog and make it visible. I have checked the code against code examples and I can't find anything wrong. And I am passing in the parent frame reference into the constructor. This is the code example:
public void open() {
if (openAreYouSure()) {
MyFilenameFilter filter = new MyFilenameFilter(Editor.JAWS_FILE_TYPE);
FileDialog d = new FileDialog(frame, "Open", FileDialog.LOAD);
if (!mostRecentDir.equals(""))
String path = d.getDirectory();
String file = d.getFile();
if (path != null && file != null) {"opened file: " + path + file);
mostRecentDir = path;
openFile(path + file);
This comes out when the d.setVisible(true); is called.
Gtk-Message: 12:10:44.979: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
This is the version of java I am using on centos 7.
All the write ups on this type of messages say its caused because you didn't pass in the parent into the dialog you are created, but I am in the constructor. This is happening for all pop dialog my application is creating.
Does anyone have any idea how to suppress or fix this problem? I am not seeing any java bug report on this, but I assume there is somewhere.

Elevate Java application while running

A nasty problem popped out with my software. I am making a program that interacts with another existing software (a game). User has reported that he runs the game with administrator privileges and under that circumstances, my program stops working for him.
Short investigation revealed that some people really need to run the game under administrator account and some don't. It would be great if my program would be able to detect this and warn user if the game is running under administrator account:
If the user clicks "Elevate", I'd like to ask windows to elevate the java.exe running my jar file and invoke the typical UAC dialog.
Obviously, this time the question would not be about java updater but JRE
My question is: Is this possible? Can windows elevate my java.exe instance's privilege? Does java have a way to do it? Or can I use command line command?
I want to avoid restarting the program (though it wouldn't probably be such a big deal).
If you look in the comments, you'll see that there's no avoiding the restart of an application - process can only start elevated, not become elevated. This kinda shifts the question, unfortunately. Basically, it now sounds more like: "How to restart my application with admin rights?". Unless, of course, there's a trick like two java.exe sharing one jar...
If still of interest: In Windows 7 my JavaElevator works. It elevates a running Java process when used in the main method of the Java application. Simply add -elevate as last program parameter and use the elevator in the main method.
The elevator class:
package test;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef;
* Elevates a Java process to administrator rights if requested.
public class JavaElevator {
/** The program argument indicating the need of being elevated */
private static final String ELEVATE_ARG = "-elevate";
* If requested, elevates the Java process started with the given arguments to administrator level.
* #param args The Java program arguments
* #return The cleaned program arguments
public static String[] elevate(String[] args) {
String[] result = args;
// Check for elevation marker.
boolean elevate = false;
if (args.length > 0) {
elevate = args[args.length - 1].equals(ELEVATE_ARG);
if (elevate) {
// Get the command and remove the elevation marker.
String command = System.getProperty("");
command = command.replace(ELEVATE_ARG, "");
// Get class path and default java home.
String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
String vm = javaHome + "\\bin\\java.exe";
// Check for alternate VM for elevation. Full path to the VM may be passed with: -Delevation.vm=...
if (System.getProperties().contains("elevation.vm")) {
vm = System.getProperty("elevation.vm");
String parameters = "-cp " + classPath;
parameters += " " + command;
Shell32.INSTANCE.ShellExecute(null, "runas", vm, parameters, null, 0);
int lastError = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError();
if (lastError != 0) {
String errorMessage = Kernel32Util.formatMessageFromLastErrorCode(lastError);
errorMessage += "\n vm: " + vm;
errorMessage += "\n parameters: " + parameters;
throw new IllegalStateException("Error performing elevation: " + lastError + ": " + errorMessage);
return result;
Usage in the main method of the Java application:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] args1 = JavaElevator.elevate(args);
if (args1.length > 0) {
// Continue as intended.
I know, this is a very basic implementation - sufficient for one of my daily hiccups: Starting an elevated process from Eclipse. But maybe it points someone in some dicrection...
As has been pointed in comments, sadly the Java (or any other process) cannot be elevated while running. While in the case of JWM, it could be theoretically possible to move whole program context from normal user java.exe to elevated one, I don't think it's possible. I hope some day someone will come and tell me I'm wrong.
Surprisingly, even with restart in place, this was a tricky task that took me a while to figure out.
The non java part
First, how do we exactly run a program elevated from command line? There's an answer and you can see it's not simple. But we can break it to this VBS script:
Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
UAC.ShellExecute "program name", "command line parameters", "working directory", "runas", 1
Soon, it also turns out that we won't have any success running java.exe from VBS script. In the end, I decided to run a helper batch file. Finally, here (answer to question in the last link) we have a complete set of two scripts which really run the given .jar file elevated. Here's improved version that allows quick testing by drag'n'dropping the Jar file on it:
' Require first command line parameter
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
MsgBox("Jar file name required.")
WScript.Quit 1
end if
' Get the script location, the directorry where it's running
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strPath = Wscript.ScriptFullName
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPath)
strFolder = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(objFile)
' Create the object that serves as runnable something
Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
' Args:
' path to executable to run
' command line parameters - first parameter of this file, which is the jar file name
' working directory (this doesn't work but I use it nevertheless)
' runas command which invokes elevation
' 0 means do not show the window. Normally, you show the window, but not this console window
' which just blinks and disappears anyway
UAC.ShellExecute "run-normally.bat", WScript.Arguments(0), strFolder, "runas", 0
WScript.Quit 0
The Java part
Java part is more straightforward. What we need to do is to open new process and execute the prepared scripts in it.
* Start this very jar file elevated on Windows. It is strongly recommended to close any existing IO
* before calling this method and avoid writing anything more to files. The new instance of this same
* program will be started and simultaneous write/write or read/write would cause errors.
* #throws FileNotFoundException if the helper vbs script was not found
* #throws IOException if there was another failure inboking VBS script
public void StartWithAdminRights() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
//The path to the helper script. This scripts takes 1 argument which is a Jar file full path
File runAsAdmin = new File("run-as-admin.vbs");;
String jarPath;
//System.out.println("Current relative path is: " + s);
try {
jarPath = "\""+new File(Main.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI().getPath()).getAbsolutePath()+"\"";
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not fetch the path to the current jar file. Got this URISyntax exception:"+ex);
//If the jar path was created but doesn't contain .jar, we're (most likely) not running from jar
//typically this happens when running the program from IDE
//These 4 lines just serve as a fallback in testing, should be deleted in production
//code and replaced with another FileNotFoundException
if(!jarPath.contains(".jar")) {
Path currentRelativePath = Paths.get("");
jarPath = "\""+currentRelativePath.toAbsolutePath().toString()+"\\AutoClient.jar\"";
//Now we check if the path to vbs script exists, if it does we execute it
if(runAsAdmin.exists()) {
String command = "cscript \""+runAsAdmin.getAbsolutePath()+"\" "+jarPath;
System.out.println("Executing '"+command+"'");
//Note that .exec is asynchronous
//After it starts, you must terminate your program ASAP, or you'll have 2 instances running
throw new FileNotFoundException("The VBSScript used for elevation not found at "+runAsAdmin.getAbsolutePath());
This is my version. It creates a VBScript script, then executes it. This only works if the program that is being run is in a jar file, so you will have to run your IDE as administrator to actually test your program.
public static void relaunchAsAdmin() throws IOException {
relaunchAsAdmin(ThisClass.class); //Change ThisClass to the class that this method is in
public static void relaunchAsAdmin(Class<?> clazz) throws IOException {
if(isCurrentProcessElevated()) {
final String dir = System.getProperty("");
final File script = new File(dir, "relaunchAsAdmin" + System.nanoTime() +
try {
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(script));
osw.append("Set s=CreateObject(\"Shell.Application\")" + ln + "s.ShellExecute \"" +
System.getProperty("java.home") + "\\bin\\java.exe" + "\",\"-jar \"\"" +
new File(clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource(
).getLocation().toURI()).getAbsolutePath() + "\"\"\",,\"runas\",0" +
ln + "x=createObject(\"scripting.fileSystemObject\").deleteFile(" +
if(System.getenv("processor_architecture").equals("x86")) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Windows\\System32\\wscript.exe \"" +
script.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");
} else {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Windows\\SysWoW64\\wscript.exe \"" +
script.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");
} catch(URISyntaxException e) {
Note that it is a bit messy. I have been using this method before, so it has been line wrapped to 100 characters (except the comment I wrote for this answer). The
method will have to be implemented in one way or another. You could try using JNI, or you could use a pure Java method, such as writing in the Program Files or System32 directory and seeing if it failed.
Obviously, this solution will only work on Windows. I never needed to elevate on Linux or Mac systems (mainly because I don't have any Mac systems, and I don't use Linux - I just play with it).

Java File.exists and other File operations returning wrong results for an existing File (network, macosx)

The filesystem AirportHDD is mounted (AFP) from the beginning and the file exists when I start this little program.
I tried to figure out the whole day why the following is not working, but couldnt find any solution:
public static void main(String[] arguments)
File f=new File(
the output is:
true, true, ...
as soon as I remove the file from a different computer (AirportHDD is a mounted harddisk over network) then the output keeps saying:
true, true, ...
when I open the finder and goto this directory the output changes to: false, false, ...
when the file is added again (via another pc) the output is still:
false, false, ...
but if you open the finder again and click on the directory and finder shows the existing file, the output changes suddenly to: false, true, true, true, ...
also all other file operations like opening for read are failing as long as java 'thinks' the file is not there
if the program itself is creating and deleting the files then problem is not occurring
just found out while testing that with samba sharing everything is ok, but with AFP it just wont work
is there a way to tell java to do the same thing as finder, like a refresh, or do not try to cache, whatever?
I think you might be looking for the WatchService. Oracle was also kind enough to provide a tutorial.
Because the longevity of these links aren't guaranteed, I'll edit in an example code in a couple of minutes. I just wanted to let you know I think I found something in case you want to start looking at it for yourself.
Following the linked tutorial, I came up with code like this. I'm not sure it'll work (don't have time to test it), but it might be enough to get you started. The WatchService also has a take() method that will wait for events, which means you could potentially assume the file's existence (or lack thereof) based on the last output you gave. That will really depend on what this program will be interacting with.
If this works, good. If not, maybe we can figure out how to fix it based on whatever errors you're getting. Or maybe someone else will come along and give a better version of this code (or better option altogether) if they're more acquainted with this than I am.
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
Path path = Paths.get("/Volumes/AirportHDD/test/lock.csv");
WatchService watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
WatchKey key = null;
try {
key = path.register(watcher,
} catch (IOException x) {
while(true) {//I tend to favor this infinite loop, but that's just preference.
key = watcher.poll();
if(key != null) {
for (WatchEvent<?> event: key.pollEvents()) {
WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
if (kind == OVERFLOW || kind == ENTRY_DELETE) {
else if (kind == ENTRY_CREATE) {
}//for(all events)
}//if(file event occured)
else {
File f=new File(path);
}//else(no file event occured)
}//main() method
Here is a JUnit test that shows the problem
The problem still happens using Samba on OSX Mavericks. A possible reason
is explaned by the statement in:
It aggressively caches file and folder properties and uses opportunistic locking to enable better caching of data.
Please find below a checkFile that will actually attempt to read a few bytes and forcing a true file access to avoid the caching misbehaviour ...
JUnit test:
* test file exists function on Network drive
* #throws Exception
public void testFileExistsOnNetworkDrive() throws Exception {
String testFileName="/Volumes/bitplan/tmp/testFileExists.txt";
File testFile=new File(testFileName);
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
switch (i) {
case 3:
// FileUtils.writeStringToFile(testFile, "here we go");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/ssh phobos /usr/bin/touch "+testFileName);
checkExists source code:
* check if the given file exists
* #param f
* #return true if file exists
public static boolean checkExists(File f) {
try {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
if ( != buffer.length) {
// do something
return true;
} catch ( fnfe) {
return false;
The problem is the network file system AFP. With the use of SAMBA everything works like expected.
Maybe the OS returns the wrong file info in OSX with the use of AFP in these scenarios.

GetModuleFileName for window in focus JNA Windows OS

I have created this method that should return the full path and file name so that I can uniquely identify a program. However, it only returns C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe or an empty string instead of the path for the particular program in focus. What is it that I am doing wrong?
private void getFocusWindow() {
HWND focusedWindow = User32.INSTANCE.GetForegroundWindow();
char[] nameName = new char[512];
User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowModuleFileName(focusedWindow, nameName, 512);
Using psapi:
Provides full path and module file name, only exception is in eclipse when it prints out '�'. See #technomage's answer for more detail about GetModuleFileNameEx method.
private void getFocusWindow() {
PsApi psapi = (PsApi) Native.loadLibrary("psapi", PsApi.class);
HWND focusedWindow = User32.INSTANCE.GetForegroundWindow();
byte[] name = new byte[1024];
IntByReference pid = new IntByReference();
User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowThreadProcessId(focusedWindow, pid);
HANDLE process = Kernel32.INSTANCE.OpenProcess(0x0400 | 0x0010, false, pid.getValue());
psapi.GetModuleFileNameExA(process, null, name, 1024);
String nameString= Native.toString(name);
psapi class:
public interface PsApi extends StdCallLibrary {
int GetModuleFileNameExA(HANDLE process, HANDLE module ,
byte[] name, int i);
GetWindowModuleFileName and GetModuleFileName work only with the current process (i.e. you'll only get useful information for the current process's windows) in Windows NT 4 and later.
The article recommends using the PSAPI function GetModuleFileNameEx instead.
You'll need to convert the Window handle to a module handle (which is probably shorter than converting window handle to PID to module handle). Keep in mind that the window handle is just an address (so you'll need the GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS flag).

Can Java launch the Windows UAC?

As the title says, I'm wondering if it is possible for a program written in Java (and only java) to relaunch himself (preferably a .jar) with administrator privileges, showing in the way the native Windows UAC (in order to make it more trustable for the user), i did my homework and found out that it is possible to accomplish this using bridges between c++ and java, but i would really like to do this as a pure java project.
P.S: In the remote case that this result to be impossible, can someone show me the "easy" way to do this using another language (i mean, I've found tutorials, but they are to complicated for something I think it should not be that complicated).
P.S2: In case it is possible to accomplish this, would it work, on other platforms (OS X, Linux)
It cannot be done in pure java.
Best bet would be to write this to a file:
#echo Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") > %temp%\sudo.tmp.vbs
#echo args = Right("%*", (Len("%*") - Len("%1"))) >> %temp%\sudo.tmp.vbs
#echo objShell.ShellExecute "%1", args, "", "runas" >> %temp%\sudo.tmp.vbs
#cscript %temp%\sudo.tmp.vbs
and save it as something.bat in Windows temp directory (as we have access to this).
You would then execute this from your application using Runtime or ProcessBuilder and exit your application (System.exit(0);).
You should add an immediate start up check to your application that checks if the program has elevation, if it has proceed if not re-run the batch and exit.
Here is an example I made (this must be run when compiled as a Jar or it wont work):
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* #author David
public class UacTest {
public static String jarName = "UacTest.jar", batName = "elevate.bat";
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (checkForUac()) {//uac is on
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I am not elevated");
//attempt elevation
new UacTest().elevate();
} else {//uac is not on
//if we get here we are elevated
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I am elevated");
private static boolean checkForUac() {
File dummyFile = new File("c:/aaa.txt");
try {
//attempt to craete file in c:/
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(dummyFile, true)) {
} catch (IOException ex) {//we cannot UAC muts be on
return true;
return false;
private void elevate() {
//create batch file in temporary directory as we have access to it regardless of UAC on or off
File file = new File(System.getProperty("") + "/" + batName);
private String getJarLocation() {
return getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath().substring(1);
private void runBatchFile() {
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, getJarLocation());
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
String[] cmd = new String[]{"cmd.exe", "/C",
System.getProperty("") + "/" + batName + " java -jar " + getJarLocation()};
try {
Process proc = runtime.exec(cmd);
} catch (Exception ex) {
private void createBatchFile(File file) {
try {
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true)) {
"#echo Set objShell = CreateObject(\"Shell.Application\") > %temp%\\sudo.tmp.vbs\r\n"
+ "#echo args = Right(\"%*\", (Len(\"%*\") - Len(\"%1\"))) >> %temp%\\sudo.tmp.vbs\r\n"
+ "#echo objShell.ShellExecute \"%1\", args, \"\", \"runas\" >> %temp%\\sudo.tmp.vbs\r\n"
+ "#cscript %temp%\\sudo.tmp.vbs\r\n"
+ "del /f %temp%\\sudo.tmp.vbs\r\n");
} catch (IOException ex) {
Use a batch file and the runas command.
I doubt "only Java". At best you would have to have a JNI wrapper around the MSFT module. Unless just invoking the exe using ProcessBuilder counts as "only Java" -- your code to bring up the user console would be only Java but not what it invokes. IOW, Win does not come with a Java API
To relaunch your application elevated, you have to call ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx function from Windows API and use runas verb.
You can use these API in pure Java with JNA library.
To relaunch yourself, you would have to know the full path to java.exe or javaw.exe, the command-line parameters (class path, if any, and the path to your jar). Obviously you can get this information by using Windows API.
What do you mean by remote case?
You cannot start remote elevated process this way.
You can re-launch your application elevated from a network share. Yet it won't work with mapped drives: after elevation there's no access to user's mapped drives.
No, this can't work on other platforms. UAC is a Windows feature. It's similar to sudo in Linux in some ways, so for Linux you can use sudo $pathtojava/java.exe <yourparameters>. However this won't work nicely if your application is not started from a console. Window Managers usually have wrappers which prompt for password in a GUI dialog.
Just do this with Hackaprofaw (v29). Also it was released in 2002 and started development in 1997 soooooo ye. in 2021 its on version 29.10.7 but-
if raw ram = 0
disable "featureII" program = "JAVA(math = any)"
run on "Hackaprofaw (math = v29(x))
when "featureII" disabled

