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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have int CYAN in Color class and get requested color from database
valueColor = this.getArguments().getString("valueColor", valueColor);
that is String "CYAN". How do I use this string as integer variable name in the following example?
int[] color = {color.CYAN,Color.WHITE};
You can parse the color string, thus:
colourString = getArguments().getString("valueColor", colourString);
int valueColor = Color.parseColor(colourString);
You may need to .toLower() as the docs only lists lower case examples:
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Suppose we have a string BE231231.
I need an output like this : BE0231231
need to append zero at a this fixed location in java inside a method
public String appendAtIndex(String base, String toAppend, int index){
return base.substring(0,index) + toAppend + base.substring(index);
You can implement the logic for restrictions on index accordingly so that base.substring does not give errors.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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My Friend ask me this question and i am posting it here, if you have better approach please share
String getRandomMobileNumber() {
double random = Math.random();
Double randomten = random*1000000000.0;
return "0"+Math.round(randomten);
You can use this, see javadoc:
String phoneNumber = "0" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10000000, 99999999);
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Closed 4 years ago.
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String mobiles="1234567890,0987654321,1234567890,1122334455"
I need output as
mobiles = "1234567890,0987654321,1122334455";
int count = 3;
I am coding in java.
Answer by #YSF_L is correct
String mobiles =",")) .distinct() .collect(Collectors.joining(","));
String[] mcounts = mobiles.split(",");
int Count = mcounts.length;
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have
String[] country={"USA","ks a","UK","France"};
I have a variable String z.
I want to say
if(z.equals(any element of my array (USA or ks or France)
but randomly:
Doing action any code
Can anybody help me?
you can use
if ( Arrays.asList(country).contains(z)) {
// your code
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Closed 8 years ago.
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String items = "bookcupdoll";
I want to add a comma in items variable like below:
How should I make the string become an array?
If you are asking how to convert a string to an array...
There is a handy method called "split(String separator)"
If the string looks like : String items = "book,cup,doll";
you can use it like this
String[] array = items.split(",");
And you will end up with an array of size 3 with the 3 different elements.