I have found that there are many similar topics here, but my problem is something more complicated.
Background of my problem:-
I have a JFrame called Main. On this JFrame I have two buttons and one JPanel called WorkingPanel. Then I have another JPanel(called PlayerPanel) but this one is a seprate file (as a class).
Now I want that when I click a button, it should change WorkingPanel to PlayerPanel. I have wrote following code.
private void MenuButtonPlayerViewMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
WorkingPanel = new PlayerPanel();
Please guide me, Thanks.
I have found that there are many similar topics here, but my problem is something more complicated.
On the contrary, your description is of a rather basic problem that is very easily solved by using a CardLayout. I suggest that you do this now. If you had it in place your method could be as simple as:
private void MenuButtonPlayerViewMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
cardLayout.show(cardPanel, WORKING_PANEL);
where cardLayout is your CardLayout variable, cardPanel is the JPanel that displays the "cards" that displays the swapping JPanels, and WORKING_PANEL is a String constant that you used when you added your WorkingPanel instance to the cardPanel.
Point 2:
Don't use a MouseListener on a JButton as it won't behave correctly. For instance, if you disable the button via setEnabled(true) the button won't truly be disabled. Instead use an ActionListener with JButtons as the tutorials will show you. That is what they are for.
For examples of CardLayout-using GUI's, please check out:
getting Jcomponent from other class changes frame size
Java CardLayout Main Menu Problem
Change size of JPanel using CardLayout
Java CardLayout JPanel moves up, when second JPanel added
Java swing; How to toggle panel's visibility?
Clear components of JFrame and add new componets on the same JFrame
gui multiple frames switch
JLabel displaying countdown, java
This one is unusual in that it uses a CardLayout and has one panel fading into the other panel:
CardLayout showing two panels, flashing.
You could use CardLayout instead of that approach. You will be able to switch between different panels very easy and efficiently. It's also wort of mentioning that use of CardLayout is less verbose approach.
Use a CardLayout, containing your two panels, but only showing one at a time. The CardLayout is documented, with examples, in the Swing tutorial.
I want to add JLabel to JPanel (say VisualPanel,which is inside a JFrame) based on the action-performed event (JButton) occurred on another JPanel(say JobPanel) (separate class but add to the JFrame).
How to get the VisualPanel object inside the JobPanel to add the JLabel?
I tried importing the JFrame into JPanel and get the VisualPanel instance but somehow i am getting into infinite recursion.
My question is my design approach correct?. If not how should i go about it?
if my design is correct any suggestion in the right direction is highly appreciated. Thank you.
Give VisualPanel a CardLayout with two panels: one panel that has the JLabel and one that doesn't. Give your JButton an ActionListner that will show() the card you want. Then you can use setSelectedIndex() to select the VisualPanel tab. See the tutorial for examples.
i have 5 jFrames in my java project. And i want to make like a Main Menu.
I mean, i want that the program starts with a jFrame and when i click a button insteand of open the jFrame, all the elements like labels, buttons and tables are being shown in my principal jFrame.
And if i click other button the main frame will clean and charge other jframe.
It is possible? im programming with java jdk 8 and netbeans.
I think who marked duplicate didn't understand my question. I don't want to open or close the frame, or other frames, I want to load the structure and components of several in the same frame. Please read my question before you start complain that is duplicated
i have 5 jFrames in my java project.
And that's a problem.
And i want to make like a Main Menu. I mean, i want that the program starts with a jFrame and when i click a button insteand of open the jFrame, all the elements like labels, buttons and tables are being shown in my principal jFrame. And if i click other button the main frame will clean and charge other jframe.
Yes this can be solved by getting the contentPane (usually a JPanel) from the JFrame whose content you want to display within the currently displayed JFrame, and making it the contentPane of the displayed JFrame, for example:
// create the new JFrame, the one whose content you wish to display
NewJFrame newJFrame = new NewJFrame();
// get its contentPane
Container newContentPane = newJFrame.getContentPane();
// add this content pane into the displayed JFrame
// revalidate and repaint the JFrame so that its new data is well displayed
// displayedJFrame.pack(); // and you might need to do this if sizes are way off
But this extra gymnastics is bulky, prone to bugs and unnecessary. You are painting yourself in a corner by having your class extend JFrame, forcing you to create and display JFrames, when often more flexibility is called for. In fact, I would venture that most of the Swing GUI code that I've created and that I've seen does not extend JFrame, and in fact it is rare that you'll ever want to do this. More commonly your GUI classes will be geared towards creating JPanels, which can then be placed into JFrames or JDialogs, or JTabbedPanes, or swapped via CardLayouts, wherever needed. This will greatly increase the flexibility of your GUI coding.
For this situation what I recommend is that you do that, that your GUI classes create JPanels, and that you add the ones that you want to swap to a JPanel that uses a CardLayout. And then whenever you want to show a different "card", call show(...) on the CardLayout object, passing in the JPanel that uses it, as well as the String key that was used when adding the "card" JPanel to the CardLayout-using JPanel. This is all well-explained in the CardLayout Tutorials.
Other useful links:
For rationale on why to avoid manually swapping please see: What's so special about CardLayout vs manual adding/removal of JPanels?
For using a CardLayout to help control a "multi-page" application with multiple classes, please see: How to Integrate Multi-page Java Desktop Application from Multiple GUI Classes
I'm trying to set a variable to be a new JPanel and then add it once a button is pressed, but it is not working and I don't know why.
private void nextButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
scriptPanel = new GemPanel();
GemPanel is just a JPanel class I made. When I press the next button, it re-sizes the frame to be as small as possible and nothing actually happens. If I re-size it to normal, the original scriptPanel is still there.
What gives?
Instead of trying to remove and add entire panels, a better, less problem prone approach would be to use a CardLayout that will allow to swap views. You can see more at How to use Cardlayout
Also, by the looks of your method signature, it seems you're using the Netbeans builder too. You may also want to take a look at How to Use CardLayout with Netbeans Gui Builder
I am trying to create a simple GUI. I have a menu bar that is filled with various JMenuItems. Each menu item should link to a different "window". Currently, I am thinking the best way to do this is to create a single frame, and create various JPanels. My ActionListeners will toggle visibility of the different panels, and only one panel should be visible at a time. Is this the best way to go about the task? Or is there a better workaround.
Yes, the best way is to use a CardLayout of which there's a great tutorial (please see the link), and many examples online including in this very forum, several of which I've written, including:
Java CardLayout Main Menu Problem
Change size of JPanel using CardLayout
Java CardLayout JPanel moves up, when second JPanel added
Java swing; How to toggle panel's visibility?
Clear components of JFrame and add new componets on the same JFrame
gui multiple frames switch
JLabel displaying countdown, java
JTabbedPane is already implemented for you!
JTabbedPane's tutorial.
I would like to create a "wizard" on a JDialog using the CardLayout, triggered by user pressing the New button from the menubar. In Netbeans I have created a JDialog through which I have a series of jPanels in CardLayout format. In my "New" menu item I wrote the following code to initiate the jDialog as follows,
CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) jDialogNew.getLayout();
cl.show(jDialogNew, "card1");
However, the compiler comes up with the following error,
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException:
java.awt.BorderLayout cannot be cast to java.awt.CardLayout
If anyone is out there that can take me through creating a wizard on "Netbeans" I'd be eternally grateful
Your jDialogNew has a BorderLayout set as its layout and and not a CardLayout, meaning that when you call getLayout() to try to fit it into a variable that cant hold a BorderLayout an exception is thrown. The classes are different so you cannot cast from one to another, causing a ClassCastException.
A possible solution to this is to set your own layout for the jDialogNew. I dont have code infront of me so I cant check myself, but try looking for a method like setLayout(), and pass in a new layout of your choice.
you can do with following
create JFrame -> Add "CARD LAYOUT"
add JPanels to project. Design JPanels. Customize init code of JFrame. Insert JPanels with this.add(jpanel name). for all jpanels setVisible(false) - then setVisible true which jpanel you want to start with.
The way I did it in Netbeans was very easy! All I had to do was to was to introduce a separate JFrame in my resources package (being a part of my overall package) and in that JFrame I created a JPanel with the CardLayout, under which I created all my other JPanels relating to that top JPanel. Now having the JFrame I could set my fixed canvas plus everything else I needed to construct and activate my CardLayout "Wizard" dialogue box! Then I had to call the new JFrame from with my application whenever the event was triggered. It made life a whole lot easier and it works just great!