I'm trying to normalize columns in very large raw, de-normalized CSV tables. Column values are short strings (10-100 bytes). I'm trying to find a faster solution than my current approach(es).
Is converted to the following files:
I've currently got two approaches to normalizing these datasets.
Current Approaches
Single pass in-memory
A single pass approach, storing column values -> normalized_id values in an associative array (a Java HashMap in my case). This will run out of memory at some point, but it's fast when it can store everything in memory. A simple way of lowering memory usage, would be to do a single pass per column.
Multipass sorting
A multipass approach based on sorting. Column values gets their line number attached, and are then sorted (in a memory-efficient merge-sort manner). For examples, column values london,paris,london have line numbers attached and are then sorted: london;1,london;3,paris;2 .
I can now have a single "unique value counter", and simply compare each value with the previous value (e.g. London == London, so do not increment unique value counter). At the end, I have pairs of unique_id,linenum pairs that I can sort by line number to reconstruct the normalized column. Columns can then be merged in a single pass.
This approach can be done in very limited memory, depending on the memory usage of the sorting algorithm applied. The good news is that this approach is easy to implement in something like hadoop, utilising its distributed sorting step.
The multipass approach is painfully slow compared to a single-pass approach (or a single-pass-per-column approach). So I'm wondering what the best way to optimize that approach would be, or if someone could suggest alternative approaches?
I reckon I'm looking for a (distributed) key-value store of some kind, that has as low memory usage as possible.
It seems to me that using Trove would be a good, simple alternative to using Java HashMaps, but I'd like something that can handle the distribution of keys for me.
Redis would probably be a good bet, but I'm not impressed by it's memory usage per key-value pair.
Do you know the rough order of magnitude of the input columns? If so, and you don't need to preserve the original input file order? Then you can just use a sufficiently large hash function to avoid collisions for the input keys.
If you insist on having a dense consecutive key space, then you've already covered the two primary choices. You could certainly try redis, I've seen it used for 10s of millions of key-value pairs, but it is probably not going to scale beyond that. You could also try memcached. It might have a slightly lower memory overhead than redis, but I would definitely experiment with both, since they are fairly similar for this particular usage. You don't actually need Redis's advanced data structures.
If you need more key-values than you can store in memory on a single machine, you could fall back to something like BDB or Kyoto cabinet, but eventually this step is going to become the bottleneck to your processing. The other red flag is if you can fit an entire column in memory on a single machine, then why are you using Hadoop?
Honestly, relying on a dense ordered primary key is one of the first things that gets thrown out in a NoSQL DB as it assumes a single coordinated master. If you can allow for even some gaps, then you can do something similar to a vector clock.
One final alternative, would be to use a map-reduce job to collect all the duplicate values up by key and then assign a unique value using some external transactional DB counter. However, the map-reduce job is essentially a multi-pass approach, so it may be worse. The main advantage is that you will be getting some IO parallelism. (Although the id assignment is still a serial transaction.)
I am fairly new to DS and Algorithms and recently at a job interview I was asked a question on performance tuning along with code. We have a Data Structure which contains multi-billion entries and we need to search a particular word in that data structure. So which Java feature/library can we use to do the searching in the quickest time possible ?
On the spot I could not think of exact answer so I wrote that:
We can store the values in a map and search words in the map (but got stuck how to decide key-value pair in the map).
How can I understand the exact answer to this question and what can be the optimal solution(s) ?
After reading the question and getting clarification in the comments, I think what has become apparent to me is that: you needed to ask follow-up questions.
I'll try to break it down and provide comments that I hope will be helpful, because I also know what it's like to be "in the moment" and how nerves can stab you in the back when you least need them to.
We have a Data Structure which contains multi-billion entries and we need to search a particular word in that data structure.
I think a good follow-up question here would've been:
Q: What specific data structure is being used to contain all this data?
I would press until they give me an actual name and explain why it is not possible to name a Java algorithm/library. For all you know, the data structure could've been String[], a Set<String>, or even a fancy name for a file on disk (if they're trying to throw you off). They could've also clarified and said the DS was not relevant and that you could pick whichever DS you thought was best.
The wording also implies that they implemented the structure and that it's already populated in a system with, presumably, enough memory to hold all of it. Asking to confirm that this is really the case could've given you helpful information.
For example: "Based on the wording, it seems this mystery data structure is already implemented and fully populated in memory in a system with enough memory to hold it. Can you confirm my understanding here is correct? If not, could you clarify further?"
Given the suggested wording, and the fact that we don't have additional clarifications to go from, I will assume, for the purposes of this answer, that my suppositions are indeed correct.
Note that if you had been asked to design the data structure to hold all of this info, you would've had to ask very different questions, take memory constraints into account, and perhaps even ask about character sets/encodings (e.g. ASCII vs multi-byte Unicode).
Also, if you had been asked to design the search algorithm, then knowing the DS is a pre-requisite, and not knowing this could've made the task impossible. For example, the binary search algorithm implementation will look very different if you're working on an array vs a binary search tree, even though both would offer O(lg n) time complexity.
So which java feature/library can we use to do the searching in the quickest time possible?
Consistent with the 1st part, this question only asks what pre-existing/built-in Java code you would choose to perform the search for you. The "quickest time possible" here should make you think about solutions that are in O(1), i.e. are constant time. However, the data structure may open/close doors for you.
Some search algorithms in Java work on generics and others work on other types like arrays. Some algorithms work on Maps while others work on Lists, Sets, and so on. The follow-up question from the first part could've helped in answering this question.
That said, even if you knew the DS, but couldn't think of a specific method name or such at the time, I also think it should be considered reasonable to mention the interface or at least a relevant package and say that further details can be checked on the the Java documentation if you're pressed for more specificity, given that's what it's there for in the first place.
We can store the values in a map and search words in the map (but got stuck how to decide key-value pair in the map).
Given the wording, my interpretation of their question was not "which data structure would you use?", but rather, "which pre-existing search algorithm would you choose?". It seems to me like it was them who needed to answer the question regarding DS.
That said, if you had indeed been asked "which data structure would you use?", then a Map would've still worked against you, since you didn't really need to map a key to a value. You only needed to store a value (i.e. the words). Therefore, a Set, specifically a HashSet, would've been a better candidate, since it also avoids duplicates and should consume less memory in the process because it stores singular values, rather than key/value pairs.
Of course, that's still under the assumption(s) I made earlier. If memory constraints are said to be an issue, then scaling horizontally to multiple servers and so on would've likely been necessary.
How can I understand the exact answer to this question and what can be the optimal solution(s)?
It is probably the case that they wanted to see if you would follow up with questions, given the lack of information they gave you.
There are a couple data structures that allow for efficient searching, assuming that memory requirements aren't an issue and the data structure is already populated.
Regarding time complexity, Set#contains and Map#containsKey are both O(1), assuming that the hash function isn't expensive and that there aren't many collisions.
Because the data structure stores words (assuming you're referring to Strings), then it could also be relatively efficient to use a trie (radix tree, prefix tree, etc.), which would allow you to search by character (which I believe would be O(log n)). If the hash function is expensive or there are many collisions, this could be a good alternative!
The answer that you gave to the interviewer should suffice since hashing is an effective searching method, even for billions of entries.
You did not mention whether the entries are words or documents (multiple words). In both cases a search index could be suitable.
Search indexes extract words from the billion document entries and manage a map of these words to the documents they are used in. Frameworks like Lucene (e.g. as part of SOLR or ElasticSearch) manage memory and persistence for you.
If it were only multiple of thousands of entries, a simple HashMap would be sufficient because there is no need for memory management then. If all of the billion entries are single words, a database could be a slightly better choice.
The hashmap solution is reasonable as stated by others but there are doubts with respect to scalability.
Here is a possible solution for the problem as discussed in the below post
Sub-string match If your entry blob is a single sting or word (without any white space) and you need to search arbitrary sub-string within it. In such cases you need to parse every entry to find best possible entries that matches. One uses algorithms like Boyer Moor algorithm. See this and this for details. This is also equivalent to grep - because grep uses similar stuff inside
Indexed search. Here you are assuming that entry contains set of words and search is limited to fixed word lengths. In this case, entries are indexed over all the possible occurrences of words. This is often called "Full Text search". There are number of algorithms to do this and number of open source projects that can be used directly. Many of them, also support wild card search, approximate search etc. as below :
a. Apache Lucene :
b. OpenFTS :
c. Sphinx
Most likely if you need "fixed words" as queries, the approach two will be very fast and effective
Reference -
Multi-billion entries lie at the edge of what might conceivably be stored in main memory (for instance, storing 10 billion entries at 100 bytes per entry will take 1000 GB main memory).
While storing the data in main memory offers a very high throughput (thousands to millions of requests per second), you'd likely need special hardware (typical blade servers only offers 16 GB, but there are commodity servers that permit installation of up to 3000 GB of main memory). Also, keeping this much data in the Java Heap will likely cause garbage collector pauses of seconds or minutes unless special care is taken.
Therefore, unless the structure of your data admits a very compact representation in main memory (say, you only need membership checking among ints, which is possible with a 512 MB Bitset), you'll not want to store it in main memory, but on disk.
Therefore, you'll need persistence. Any relational or NoSQL database permits efficient searching by key and can handle such amounts of data with ease. To talk to a relational database, use JPA or JDBC. To talk to a non-relational database, you can use their proprietary Java API or an abstraction layer such as Spring Data.
You could also implement persistence from scratch if you wanted to (i.e. the interviewer asks for that). A data structure optimized for efficient lookup in external memory is the B-Tree, that's what many databases use internally :-)
I'm writing a small system in Java in which i extract n-gram feature from text files and later need to perform Feature Selection process in order to select the most discriminators features.
The Feature Extraction process for a single file return a Map which contains for each unique feature, its occurrences in the file. I merge all the file's Maps (Map) into one Map that contain the Document Frequency (DF) of all unique features extracted from all the files. The unified Map can contain above 10,000,000 entries.
Currently the Feature Extraction process is working great and i want to perform Feature Selection in which i need to implement Information Gain or Gain Ratio. I will have to sort the Map first, perform computations and save the results in order to finally get a list of (for each feature, its Feature Selection score)
My question is:
What is the best practice and the best data structure to hold this large amount of data (~10M) and perform computations?
This is a very broad question, so the answer is going to broad too. The solution depends on (at least) these three things:
The size of your entries
Storing 10,000,000 integers will require about 40MiB of memory, while storing 10,000,000 x 1KiB records will require more than 9GiB. These are two different problems. Ten million integers are trivial to store in memory in any stock Java collection, while keeping 9GiB in memory will force you to tweak and tune the Java Heap and garbage collector. If the entries are even larger, say 1MiB, then you can forget about in-memory storage entirely. Instead, you'll need to focus on finding a good disk backed data structure, maybe a database.
The hardware you're using
Storing ten million 1KiB records on a machine with 8 GiB of ram is not the same as storing them on a server with 128GiB. Things that are pretty much impossible with the former machine are trivial with the latter.
The type of computation(s) you want to do
You've mentioned sorting, so things like TreeMap or maybe PriorityQueue come to mind. But is that the most intensive computation? And what is the key you're using to sort them? Do you plan on locating (getting) entities based on other properties that aren't the key? If so, that requires separate planning. Otherwise you'd need to iterate over all ten million entries.
Do your computations run in a single thread or multiple threads? If you might have concurrent modifications of your data, that requires a separate solution. Data structures such as TreeMap and PriorityQueue would have to be either locked or replaced with concurrent structures such as ConcurrentLinkedHashMap or ConcurrentSkipListMap.
You can use a caching system, check MapDB it's very efficient and has a tree map implementation (so you can have your data ordered without any effort). Also, it provides data stores to save your data to disk when it cannot be held on memory.
// here a sample that uses the off-heap memory to back the map
Map<String, String> map = DBMaker.newMemoryDirectDB().make().getTreeMap("words");
//put some stuff into map
map.put("aa", "bb");
map.put("cc", "dd");
My intuition is that you could take inspiration from the initial MapReduce paradigm and partition your problem into several smaller but similar ones and then aggregate these partial results in order to reach the complete solution.
If you solve one smaller problem instance at a time (i.e. file chunk) this will guarantee you a space consumption penalty bounded by the space requirements for this single instance.
This approach to process the file lazily will work invariant of the data structure you choose.
I've huge file with unique words in each line. Size of file is around 1.6 GB(I've to sort other files after this which are around 15GB). Till now, for smaller files I used Array.sort(). But for this file I get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. I know the reason for this error. Is there any way instead of writing complete quick sort or merge sort program.
I read that Array.sort() uses Quicksort or Hybrid Sort internally. Is there any procedure like Array.sort() ??
If I have to write a program for sorting, which one should I use? Quicksort or Merge sort. I'm worried about worst case.
Depending on the structure of the data to store, you can do many different things.
In case of well structured data, where you need to sort by one or more specific fields (in which case system tools might not be helpful), you are probably better off using a datastore that allows sorting. MongoDB comes to mind as a good fit for this given that the size doesn't exceed few 100s of GBs. Other NoSQL datastores might also fit the bill nicely, although Mongo's simplicity of use and installation and support for JSON data makes it a really great candidate.
If you really want to go with the java approach, it gets real tricky. This is the kind of questions you ask at job interviews and I would never actually expect anybody to implement code. However, the general solution is merge sort (using random access files is a bad idea because it means insertion sort, i.e., non optimal run time which can be bad given the size of your file).
By merge sort I mean reading one chunk of the file at a time small enough to fit it in memory (so it depends on how much RAM you have), sorting it and then writing it back to a new file on disk. After you read the whole file you can start merging the chunk files two at a time by reading just the head of each and writing (the smaller of the two records) back to a third file. Do that for the 'first generation' of files and then continue with the second one until you end up with one big sorted file. Note that this is basically a bottom up way of implementing merge sort, the academic recursive algorithm being the top down approach.
Note that having intermediate files can be avoided altogether by using a multiway merge algorithm. This is typically based on a heap/priority queue, so the implementation might get slightly more complex but it reduces the number of I/O operations required.
Please also see these links.
Implementing the above in java shouldn't be too difficult with some careful design although it can definitely get tricky. I still highly recommend an out-of-the-box solution like Mongo.
As it turns out, your problem is that your heap cannot accommodate such a large array, so you must forget any solution that implies loading the whole file content in an array (as long as you can't grow your heap).
So you're facing streaming. It's the only (and typical) solution when you have to handle input sources that are larger than your available memory. I would suggest streaming the file content to your program, which should perform the sorting by either outputting to a random access file (trickier) or to a database.
I'd take a different approach.
Given a file, say with a single element per line, I'd read the first n elements. I would repeat this m times, such that the amount of lines in the file is n * m + C with C being left-over lines.
When dealing with Integers, you may wish to use around 100,000 elements per read, with Strings I would use less, maybe around 1,000. It depends on the data type and memory needed per element.
From there, I would sort the n amount of elements and write them to a temporary file with a unique name.
Now, since you have all the files sorted, the smallest elements will be at the start. You can then just iterate over the files until you have processed all the elements, finding the smallest element and printing it to the new final output.
This approach will reduce the amount of RAM needed and instead rely on drive space and will allow you to handle sorting of any file size.
Build the array of record positions inside the file (kind of index), maybe it would fit into memory instead. You need a 8 byte java long per file record. Sort the array, loading records only for comparison and not retaining (use RandomAccessFile). After sorting, write the new final file using index pointers to get the records in the needed order.
This will also work if the records are not all the same size.
I have an Android application that iterates through an array of thousands of integers and it uses them as key values to access pairs of integers (let us call them id's) in order to make calculations with them. It needs to do it as fast as possible and in the end, it returns a result which is crucial to the application.
I tried loading a HashMap into the memory for fast access to those numbers but it resulted in OOM Exception. I also tried writing those id's to a RandomAccessFile and storing their offsets on the file to another HashMap but it was way too slow. Also, the new HashMap that only stores the offsets is still occupying a large memory.
Now I am considering SQLite but I am not sure if it will be any faster. Are there any structures or libraries that could help me with that?
EDIT: Number of keys are more than 20 million whereas I only need to access thousands of them. I do not know which ones I will access beforehand because it changes with user input.
You could use Trove's TIntLongHashMap to map primitive ints to primitive longs (which store the ints of your value pair). This saves you the object overhead of a plain vanilla Map, which forces you to use wrapper types.
Since your update states you have more than 20 million mappings, there will likely be more space-efficient structures than a hash map. An approach to partition your keys into buckets, combined with some sub-key compression will likely save you half the memory over even the most efficient hash map implementation.
SQLite is an embedded relational database, which uses indexes. I would bet it is much faster than using RandomAccessFile. You can give it a try.
My suggestion is to rearrange the keys in Buckets - what i mean is identify (more or less) the distribution of your keys, then make files that corresponds to each range of keys (the point is that every file must contain just as much integers that can get in memory and no more then that) then when you search for a key, you just read the whole file to the memory and look for it.
exemple, assuming the distribution of the key is uniform, store 500k values corresponding to the 0-500k key values, 500k values corresponding to 500k-1mil keys and so on...
EDIT : if you did try this approach, and it still went slow, i still have some tricks in my sleaves:
First make sure that your division is actually close to equal between all the buckets.
Try to make the buckets smaller, by making more buckets.
The idea about correct division to buckets by ranges is that when you search for a key, you go to the corresponding range bucket and The key either in it or that it is not in the whole collection. so there is no point on Concurnetly reading another bucket.
I never done that, cause im not sure concurrency works on I\O's, but it may be helpfull to Read the whole file with 2 threads one from top to bottom and the other from bottom to top until they meet. (or something like that)
While you read the whole bucket into memory, split it to 3-4 arraylists, Run 3-4 working threads to search your key on each of the arrays, the search must end way faster then.
I'm looking to implement a B-tree (in Java) for a "one use" index where a few million keys are inserted, and queries are then made a handful of times for each key. The keys are <= 40 byte ascii strings, and the associated data always takes up 6 bytes. The B-tree structure has been chosen because my memory budget does not allow me to keep the entire temporary index in memory.
My issue is about the practical details in choosing a branching factor and storing nodes on disk. It seems to me that there are two approaches:
One node always fit within one block. Achieved by choosing a branching factor k so that even for the worst case key-length the storage requirement for keys, data and control structures are <= the system block size. k is likely to be low, and nodes will in most cases have a lot of empty room.
One node can be stored on multiple blocks. Branching factor is chosen independent of key size. Loading a single node may require that multiple blocks are loaded.
The questions are then:
Is the second approach what is usually used for variable-length keys? or is there some completely different approach I have missed?
Given my use case, would you recommend a different overall solution?
I should in closing mention that I'm aware of the jdbm3 project, and is considering using it. Will attempt to implement my own in any case, both as a learning exercise and to see if case specific optimization can yield better performance.
Edit: Reading about SB-Trees at the moment:
Algorithms and Data Structures for External Memory
I'm missing option C here:
At least two tuples always fit into one block, the block size is chosen accordingly. Blocks are filled up with as many key/value pairs as possible, which means the branching factor is variable. If the blocksize is much greater than average size of a (key, value) tuple, the wasted space would be very low. Since the optimal IO size for discs is usually 4k or greater and you have a maximum tuple size of 46, this is automatically true in your case.
And for all options you have some variants: B* or B+ Trees (see Wikipedia).
JDBM BTree is already self balancing. It also have defragmentation which is very fast and solves all problems described above.
One node can be stored on multiple blocks. Branching factor is chosen independent of key size. Loading a single node may require that multiple blocks are loaded.
Not necessary. JDBM3 uses mapped memory, so it never reads full block from disk to memory. It creates 'a view' on top of block and only read partial data as actually needed. So instead of reading full 4KB block, it may read just 2x128 bytes. This depends on underlying OS block size.
Is the second approach what is usually used for variable-length keys? or is there some completely different approach I have missed?
I think you missed point that increasing disk size decreases performance, as more data have to be read. And single tree can have share both approaches (newly inserted nodes first, second after defragmentation).
Anyway, flat-file with mapped memory buffer is probably best for your problem. Since you have fixed record size and just a few million records.
Also have look at leveldb. It has new java port which almost beats JDBM:
You could avoid this hassle if you use some embedded database. Those have solved these problems and some more for you already.
You also write: "a few million keys" ... "[max] 40 byte ascii strings" and "6 bytes [associated data]". This does not count up right. One gig of RAM would allow you more then "a few million" entries.