Using the -Xmx1G flag to provide a heap of one gigabyte, the following works as expected:
public class Biggy {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] array = new int[150 * 1000 * 1000];
The array should represent around 600 MB.
However, the following throws OutOfMemoryError:
public class Biggy {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] array = new int[200 * 1000 * 1000];
Despite the array should represent around 800 MB and therefore easily fit in memory.
Where's the missing memory gone?
In Java you typically have multiple regions (and sub regions) in the heap. You have a young and tenured region with most collectors. Large arrays are added to the tenured area straight away however based on your maximum memory size, some space will be reserved for the young space. If you allocate memory slowly these regions will resize however a large block like this can simply fail as you have seen.
Given memory is usually relatively cheap (not always the case) I would just increase the maximum to the point where you would want the application fail if it ever used that much.
BTW: If you have a large structure like this you might consider using direct memory.
IntBuffer array = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(200*1000*1000*4)
int a = array.get(n);
array.put(n, a+1);
Its a bit tedious to write but has one big advantage, it uses almost no heap. (there is less than 1 KB over head)
There is enough memory available but not as a single continuous
block of memory, as needed for an array.
Can you use a different data structure that uses smaller blocks
of memory, or several smaller arrays?
For example, the following code does work with -Xmx1G:
public class Biggy {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [][]array = new int[200][];
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
array[i] = new int[1000 * 1000];
System.out.println("i=" + i);
Heap memory is divided between three spaces:
Old Generation
Survivor Space
Eden Space
At start this object will live in the old generation and will remain here for a while.
By default, the virtual machine grows or shrinks the heap at each collection to try to keep the proportion of free space to live objects at each collection within a specific range. This target range is set as a percentage by the parameters -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio= and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=, and the total size is bounded below by -Xms and above by -Xmx.
Default ratio in my jvm is 30/70 so max size of object in old generation is limited (with -Xmx1G) by 700Mb(btw, I'm getting the same exception when running with default jvm parameters).
However you could size generations using jvm options. For example you could
run your class with parameters -Xmx1G -XX:NewRatio=10 and new int[200 * 1000 * 1000]; will succeed.
From what I could say Java wasn't designed to hold large objects in memory. Typical usage of memory in application is graph of bunch of relatively small objects and typically you'll get OutOfMemoryError only if you run out of space in all of spaces.
Below are couple useful (and interesting to read) articles:
Ergonomics in the 5.0 Java[tm] Virtual Machine
Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java[tm] Virtual Machine
I am trying to create 2D array in Java as follows:
int[][] adjecancy = new int[96295][96295];
but it is failing with the following error:
JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" at 2017/04/07 11:58:55 - please wait.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using 'C:\eclipse\workspaces\TryJavaProj\core.20170407.115855.7840.0001.dmp' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I System dump written to C:\eclipse\workspaces\TryJavaProj\core.20170407.115855.7840.0001.dmp
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Heap dump using 'C:\eclipse\workspaces\TryJavaProj\' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Heap dump written to C:\eclipse\workspaces\TryJavaProj\
A way to solve this is by increasing the JVM memory but I am trying to submit the code for an online coding challenge. There it is also failing and I will not be able to change the settings there.
Is there any standard limit or guidance for creating large arrays which one should not exceed?
int[][] adjecancy = new int[96295][96295];
When you do that you are trying to allocate 96525*96525*32 bits which is nearly 37091 MB which is nearly 37 gigs. That is highly impossible to get the memory from a PC for Java alone.
I don't think you need that much data in your hand on initialization of your program. Probably you have to look at ArrayList which gives you dynamic allocation of size and then keep on freeing up at runtime is a key to consider.
There is no limit or restriction to create an array. As long as you have memory, you can use it. But keep in mind that you should not hold a block of memory which makes JVM life hectic.
Array must obviously fit into memory. If it does not, the typical solutions are:
Do you really need int (max value 2,147,483,647)? Maybe byte (max
value 127) or short is good enough? byte is 8 times smaller than int.
Do you have really many identical values in array (like zeros)? Try to use sparse arrays.
for instance:
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(27, new HashMap<Integer, Integer>()); // row 27 exists
map.get(27).put(54, 1); // row 27, column 54 has value 1.
They need more memory per value stored, but have basically no limits on the array space (you can use Long rather than Integer as index to make them really huge).
Maybe you just do not know how long the array should be? Try ArrayList, it self-resizes. Use ArrayList of ArrayLists for 2D array.
If nothing else is helpful, use RandomAccessFile to store your overgrown data into the filesystem. 100 Gb or about are not a problem in these times on a good workstation, you just need to compute the required offset in the file. The filesystem is obviously much slower than RAM but with good SSD drive may be bearable.
It is recommended to allocate Maximum Heap Size that can be allocated is 1/4th of the Machine RAM Size.
1 int in Java takes 4 bytes and your array allocation needs approximately 37.09GB of Memory.
In that case even if I assume you are allocating Full Heap to just an Array your machine should be around 148GB RAM. That is huge.
Have a look at below.
Hope this helps.
It depends on maximum memory available to your JVM and the content type of the array. For int we have 4 bytes of memory. Now if 1 MB of memory is available on your machine , it can hold maximum of 1024 * 256 integers(1 MB = 1024 * 1024 bytes). Keeping that in mind you can create your 2D array accordingly.
Array that you can create depends upon JVM heap size.
96295*96295*4(bytes per number) = 37,090,908,100 bytes = ~34.54 GBytes. Most JVMs in competitive code judges don't have that much memory. Hence the error.
To get a good idea of what array size you can use for given heap size -
Run this code snippet with different -Xmx settings:
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter 2-D array of size: ");
size = scanner.nextInt();
int [][]numbers = new int[size][size];
numbers = null;
e.g. with -Xmx 512M -> 2-D array of ~10k+ elements.
Generally most of online judges have ~1.5-2GB heap while evaluating submissions.
I'm trying to store a large amount of longs into an array, but I get an OOM error with my array and ArrayList.
ArrayList<Long> A = new ArrayList<Long>();
Long[] B = new Long[100000000];
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) A.add(i);
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) B[i] = (long) i;
//Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
//at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Unknown Source)
Is there any other simple data structure I can use to store such a large amount of longs or integers?
If you use the -Xmx flag appropriately when running java (see here for more info), you can increase your Heap size. This will allow you to use more memory if needed, in a controlled way. To my knowledge, there is not a way of "asking" for more heap memory from within a program itself (similarly to running the sbrk() or mmap() syscalls in C)
As the answer I linked to says:
For example, starting a JVM like so will start it with 256MB of
memory, and will allow the process to use up to 2048MB of memory:
java -Xmx2048m -Xms256m
Also, you can use "k", "m", or "g" for Kilobytes, Megabytes and Gigabytes respectively.
You cannot exceed 1GB (Heap size, that is), however, unless you are using the 64-bit JVM.
If you do the math with your particular use-case, assuming 64-bit longs * 100000000 costs about 800MB of space.
Does your program require you to store longs? If you were to use Integers instead of longs then you could store much more, either way, what requires you to store so many longs in an array?
Other solutions:
You could give your program more heap space when you start it with the argument -Xmx2G
or some other length greater than the standard 512M or 1G
You could process a less number of array values, then save the array to hard drive. Then process the rest of the array and store it into the file.(Would require basic knowledge of Java's garbage collection)
Any solution depends upon what you're trying to do. For example, if you simply want to iterate through the values, you can declare an Iterator<Long>:
Iterator<Long> myIterator = new Iterator<Long>() {
private long nextValue = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextValue < 100000000;
public Long next() {
return nextValue++;
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Such a solution has O(1) memory usage, because it doesn't require you to store anything more than the next value. But it may not be appropriate to the application.
I'm writing a program in java which has to make use of a large hash-table, the bigger the hash-table can be, the better (It's a chess program :P). Basically as part of my hash table I have an array of "long[]", an array of "short[]", and two arrays of "byte[]". All of them should be the same size. When I set my table size to ten-million however, it crashes and says "java heap out of memory". This makes no sense to me. Here's how I see it:
1 Long + 1 Short + 2 Bytes = 12 bytes
x 10,000,000 = 120,000,000 bytes
/ 1024 = 117187.5 kB
/ 1024 = 114.4 Mb
Now, 114 Mb of RAM doesn't seem like too much to me. In total my CPU has 4Gb of RAM on my mac, and I have an app called FreeMemory which shows how much RAM I have free and it's around 2Gb while running this program. Also, I set the java preferences like -Xmx1024m, so java should be able to use up to a gig of memory. So why won't it let me allocate just 114Mb?
You predicted that it should use 114 MB and if I run this (on a windows box with 4 GB)
public static void main(String... args) {
long used1 = memoryUsed();
int Hash_TABLE_SIZE = 10000000;
long[] pos = new long[Hash_TABLE_SIZE];
short[] vals = new short[Hash_TABLE_SIZE];
byte[] depths = new byte[Hash_TABLE_SIZE];
byte[] flags = new byte[Hash_TABLE_SIZE];
long used2 = memoryUsed() - used1;
System.out.printf("%,d MB used%n", used2 / 1024 / 1024);
private static long memoryUsed() {
return Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
114 MB used
I suspect you are doing something else which is the cause of your problem.
I am using Oracle HotSpot Java 7 update 10
Has not taken into account that each object is a reference and also use memory, and more "hidden things"... we must also take into account also the alignment... byte is not always a byte ;-)
Java Objects Memory Structure
How much memory is used by Java
To see how much memory is really in use, you can use a profiler:
If you are using standard HashMap (or similar from JDK), each "long" (boxing/unboxing) really are more than 8bytes), you can use this as a base... (use less memory)
From what I have read about BlueJ, and serious technical information is almost impossible to find, BlueJ VM is quite likely not to support primitive types at all; your arrays are actually of boxed primitives. BlueJ uses a subset of all Java features, with emphasis on object orientation.
If that is the case, plus taking into consideration that performance and efficiency are quite low on BlueJ VM's list of priorities, you may actually be using quite a bit more memory than you think: a whole order of magnitude is quite imaginable.
I believe one way it would be to clean the heap memory after each execution, one link is here:
Java heap space out of memory
I run into the following errors when i try to store a large file into a string.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(
at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(
at rdr2str.ReaderToString.main(
As is evident, i am running out of heap space. Basically my pgm looks like something like this.
FileReader fr = new FileReader(<filepath>);
sb = new StringBuffer();
char[] b = new char[BLKSIZ];
while ((n = > 0)
sb.append(b, 0, n);
fileString = sb.toString();
Can someone suggest me why i am running into heap space error? Thanks.
You are running out of memory because the way you've written your program, it requires storing the entire, arbitrarily large file in memory. You have 2 options:
You can increase the memory by passing command line switches to the JVM:
java -Xms<initial heap size> -Xmx<maximum heap size>
You can rewrite your logic so that it deals with the file data as it streams in, thereby keeping your program's memory footprint low.
I recommend the second option. It's more work but it's the right way to go.
EDIT: To determine your system's defaults for initial and max heap size, you can use this code snippet (which I stole from a JavaRanch thread):
public class HeapSize {
public static void main(String[] args){
long kb = 1024;
long heapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
long maxHeapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
System.out.println("Heap Size (KB): " + heapSize/1024);
System.out.println("Max Heap Size (KB): " + maxHeapSize/1024);
You allocate a small StringBuffer that gets longer and longer. Preallocate according to file size, and you will also be a LOT faster.
Note that java is Unicode, the string likely not, so you use... twice the size in memory.
Depending on VM (32 bit? 64 bit?) and the limits set ( you may simply not have enough memory available. How large is the file actually?
In the OP, your program is aborting while the StringBuffer is being expanded. You should preallocate that to the size you need or at least close to it. When StringBuffer must expand it needs RAM for the original capacity and the new capacity. As TomTom said too, your file is likely 8-bit characters so will be converted to 16-bit unicode in memory so it will double in size.
The program has not even encountered yet the next doubling - that is StringBuffer.toString() in Java 6 will allocate a new String and the internal char[] will be copied again (in some earlier versions of Java this was not the case). At the time of this copy you will need double the heap space - so at that moment at least 4 times what your actual files size is (30MB * 2 for byte->unicode, then 60MB * 2 for toString() call = 120MB). Once this method is finished GC will clean up the temporary classes.
If you cannot increase the heap space for your program you will have some difficulty. You cannot take the "easy" route and just return a String. You can try to do this incrementally so that you do not need to worry about the file size (one of the best solutions).
Look at your web service code in the client. It may provide a way to use a different class other than String - perhaps a, java.lang.CharSequence, or a special interface, like the SAX related org.xml.sax.InputSource. Each of these can be used to build an implementation class that reads from your file in chunks as the callers needs it instead of loading the whole file at once.
For instance, if your web service handling routes can take a CharSequence then (if they are written well) you can create a special handler to return just one character at a time from the file - but buffer the input. See this similar question: How to deal with big strings and limited memory.
Kris has the answer to your problem.
You could also look at java commons fileutils' readFileToString which may be a bit more efficient.
Although this might not solve your problem, some small things you can do to make your code a bit better:
create your StringBuffer with an initial capacity the size of the String you are reading
close your filereader at the end: fr.close();
By default, Java starts with a very small maximum heap (64M on Windows at least). Is it possible you are trying to read a file that is too large?
If so you can increase the heap with the JVM parameter -Xmx256M (to set maximum heap to 256 MB)
I tried running a slightly modified version of your code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
FileReader fr = new FileReader("<filepath>");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
char[] b = new char[1000];
int n = 0;
while ((n = > 0)
sb.append(b, 0, n);
String fileString = sb.toString();
on a small file (2 KB) and it worked as expected. You will need to set the JVM parameter.
Trying to read an arbitrarily large file into main memory in an application is bad design. Period. No amount of JVM settings adjustments/etc... are going to fix the core issue here. I recommend that you take a break and do some googling and reading about how to process streams in java - here's a good tutorial and here's another good tutorial to get you started.
I am running JVM 1.5.0 (Mac OS X Default), and I am monitoring my Java program in the Activity Monitor. I have the following:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
public class MemoryTest {
public static void memoryUsage() {
Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() -
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
/* create a list */
ArrayList<Date> list = new ArrayList<Date>();
/* fill it with lots of data */
for ( int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++ ) {
list.add( new Date() );
} // systems shows ~164 MB of physical being used
/* clear it */
memoryUsage(); // about 154 MB
list = null;
memoryUsage(); // about 151 KB, garbage collector worked
// system still shows 164 MB of physical being used.
System.out.println("Press enter to end...");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( )
So why doesn't the physical memory get freed even though the garbage collector seems to work just fine?
Many JVMs never return memory to the operating system. Whether it does so or not is implementation-specific. For those that don't, the memory limits specified at startup, usually through the -Xmx flag, are the primary means to reserve memory for other applications.
I am having a hard time finding documentation on this subject, but the garbage collector documentation for Sun's Java 5 does address this, suggesting that under the right conditions, the heap will shrink if the correct collector is used—by default, if more that 70% of the heap is free, it will shrink so that only 40% is free. The command line options to control these are -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio.
There are several command line options for the JVM which help to tune the size of the heap used by Java.
Everybody knows (or should know) about -Xms and -Xmx, which set the minimum and the maximum size of the heap.
But there is also -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio which are the respective limits between which the JVM manages free space. It does this by shrinking the used heap, and it can lower the memory consumption of the program.
You can find more information here:
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q1 Performance Tuning Guide, Chapter 4
Tuning Garbage Collection Outline, by Pete Freitag
You need to use a JVM-specific profiler to monitor the actual heap space being used by the program as opposed to memory allocated to the JVM.
The JVM is not only reluctant to release heap memory that it allocated, but tends to gobble
up space for different reasons, including just-in-time compilation.
Is the OS perhaps showing the memory which is currently allocated to the program - Even though 150~ MB is allocated it does not mean 150~ MB is in use.