I have tried using below query
#Query(value = "select E.SRC,E.TRGT,E.EVNT_STTS,E.ADDL_ATTR from EVNT.EVNT_LOG E where E.EVNT_ID=:eventId and E.ADDL_ATTR IS NULL" , nativeQuery = true)
List<AggregationLog> findByEventIdAndTargetAndAdditionalAttributeWithNULL(#Param("eventId") Long eventId);
in above query I am getting invalid column name.
Please guide me to select a row with eventID and addl_attr as null.
Well... invalid column means oracle cannot resolve the column name in the query. That usually means 1 of 2 things:
A Typo
The columns were created with case sensitivity. Whoever created the table surrounded the column names with double quotes and put column names in something other than all caps. Do a "DESCRIBE <table_name>" in sqlplus, sqldeveloper or any other client and check if the column names are all upper case. If they're not, you will need to enclose them in double quotes in your query with the name matching exactly what you see.
While executing this code in my project:
Integer countObj = (Integer) ht.findByCriteria(criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount())).get(0);
I get the following exception:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Column "PRODUCT_TASK.PRODUCT_TASK_ID" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause."
Here I am using two tables.
Product_task with product_task_id as primary key
Product_info with product_info_id as primary key
product_info_id is the foreign key for Product_task.
By executing that query I will get count.
I am getting this SQL query in my logs:
select count(*) as Count from PRODUCT_TASK pt inner join
where pin.UPC like ? order by pt.PRODUCT_TASK_ID asc**
I know how to change SQL query (group by clause need to be there) but I don't know how to modify the Hibernate query in order to get the result.
You just need to use Projections's .groupProperty() method in your Criteria.
public static PropertyProjection groupProperty(String propertyName)
A grouping property value
Your code would be like this:
Integer countObj = (Integer) ht.findByCriteria(criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()
I have a query which I am trying to test. The query should update the data if it finds data in the table with existing primary key. If it doesn't then insert into the table.
The Primary key is of type int and in the properties I can see Identity is set to "True" which I assume it means that it will automatically set the new id for the primary if it is inserted.
MERGE INTO Test_table t
USING (SELECT 461232 ID,'Test1-data' Fascia FROM Test_table) s
ON (t.ID = s.ID)
UPDATE SET t.Fascia = s.Fascia
INSERT (Fascia)
VALUES (s.Fascia);
The issue here is this query doesn't work and it never inserts the data or updates. Also, query gets compiled and I don't get any compilation error
Also the reason I want this query is to work because then I will use Java prepared statement to query the database so I am assuming I can do
SELECT ? ID,? Fascia FROM Test_table
So that I can pass the values with set methods in java.
Please let me know if there is something wrong in my query.
You are selecting from the target table as your source.
You either need to remove your FROM Test_table or have at least 1 row in Test_table prior to your merge.
rextester demo: http://rextester.com/XROJD28508
MERGE INTO Test_table t
USING (SELECT 461232 ID,'Test1-data' Fascia --FROM Test_table
) s
ON (t.ID = s.ID)
UPDATE SET t.Fascia = s.Fascia
INSERT (Fascia)
VALUES (s.Fascia);
I try to query my Mysql DB using JDBC.
I use the org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcOperations.
The column DATE_FROM in my_table is defined as DATE column (which is also a PK).
A simplified version of a query which works looks like this:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE DATE_FROM >='2015-03-01';
But then, I tried to change the the '2015-03-01' to be given as a named parameter. the query looked like this:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE DATE_FROM >=:fromDate;
while I invoked the NamedParameterJdbcOperations.update() like this:
map.put("fromTime", '2015-03-01');
namedParameterJdbcOperations.update(sql, map);
Although everything, to my understanding, remains the same, I get:
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect date value: ''2015-03-01'' for column 'MEASUREMENT_DATE' at row 1.
Does someone know why?
Did you realize that you named the placeholder in the SQL "fromDate" and in the map, you named it "fromTime"?
I have added two columns in the sql to get the values through hibernate.My databse is oracle and those fields datatype i number. So i have created the beans with long and (tried Integer too) but when retrieving the values(executing the valuesquery).
Its giving me an error
org.hibernate.type.LongType - could not read column value from result set
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getColumnIndex(OracleStatement.java:3711)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.findColumn(OracleResultSetImpl.java:2806)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet.getLong(OracleResultSet.java:444)
at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet_oracle_jdbc_driver_OracleResultSetImpl.getLong(Unknown Source)
at org.hibernate.type.LongType.get(LongType.java:28)
at org.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet(NullableType.java:163)
at org.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet(NullableType.java:189)
PRODUCT_NBR varchar2(54) NOT NULL,
PRODUCT_KEY decimal(22),
PRODUCT_FAMILY_NBR varchar2(30),
PRODUCT_GROUP_NBR varchar2(30),
PRODUCT_GROUP_DESCR varchar2(180),
PRODUCT_LINE_NBR varchar2(30),
PRODUCT_LINE_DESCR varchar2(180),
PL_KEY decimal(22),
PRODUCTLIST varchar2(750),
SALES_KEY decimal(22),
PRODUCT varchar2(60),
sql :
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(channelQuery)
return query.list();
Please help me to fix the issue ?
In your table definition, I can't see all the fields you're using in the addScalar() methods: there are no PRODUCTKEY nor SALESKEY fields. Instead I can see a PRODUCT_KEY and a SALES_KEY fields (underscores). I think you should use the correct name of the fields in the addScalar() methods.
But if your query is the one you put in your comments, you have to correct some details:
you should use p instead of pub as alias for the table name. As there is only one table in the query, you can suppress the alias.
In your SELECT clause, p.productprice is not an existing field in your table. Maybe you want to use p.pricelist instead.
In your WHERE clause, p.productnbr is not an existing field in your table. You should use p.product_nbr instead.
Then you should change the field names in the addScalar() methods to match those you are using in the query.
Modified query
SELECT distinct p.product, p.productlist, p.PL_KEY, p.SALES_KEY
FROM productlist p
WHERE p.product_nbr in ('1002102')
Your code should be:
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(channelQuery)
return query.list();
If you define aliases in your query, then you can use the alias names instead of the field names. For example, with this query:
SELECT distinct p.product, p.productlist, p.PL_KEY as PRODUCTKEY, p.SALES_KEY as SALESKEY
FROM productlist p
WHERE p.product_nbr in ('1002102')
you can use the following code (it's your original code):
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(channelQuery)
return query.list();