B spline basis function seems to produce incorrect values - java

i wanted to implement B-splines in an Java Swing application. And since 4. May i tried nearly everything and spend every minute of my free time, but i don't get them right - i have headach since yesterday :/
To implement the B spline i used the specification from wikipedia
And i made (relating to MCVE) an demo version which can be found here: gist.github.com/soraphis/b-spline
the code shows the problem, its made to be called in an swing JPanel drawcomponent method. But you can comment this line and uncomment 71.
Some additional informations:
a and b in my basis function returns values < 0 or >1 which should not be (see wikipedia)
i want to implement the b splines myself - i dont want to use a library
referencinc to the wikipedia artikel:
basisFunc is B(x)
DeBoor is S(x)
i rly need help with the basis function, and i would like to know how to build up the knot vector "correctly"
Im thankful for every kind of reply
and thx for reading this

I can't imagine an appropriate answer that does not consist of a piece of code that you just can compile and run (without having to insert a main method and the surrounding GUI ... * wink *), regardless of how different it is from your code.
However, the weights that you have assigned to your T-array seemed odd, and the indices of the basis function seemed to be off +/-1. I tried to fix this, but it's still not entirely correct, maybe you or someone else likes to continue debugging this.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class BSplineTest
public static void main(String[] args)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
private static void createAndShowGUI()
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
BSplineTestPanel bSplineTestPanel = new BSplineTestPanel();
class BSplineTestPanel extends JPanel
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Bspline bspline = new Bspline();
class Bspline
double[][] P;
double[] T;
int _k = 3;
public Bspline()
P = new double[4][2];
P[0][0] = 100;
P[0][1] = 100;
P[1][0] = 50;
P[1][1] = 50;
P[2][0] = 100;
P[2][1] = 200;
P[3][0] = 50;
P[3][1] = 200;
private void update()
if (P.length < 2)
T = new double[_k + P.length + 1];
double d = 1.0 / (T.length-1);
for (int i = 0; i<T.length; i++)
T[i] = i * d;
private double basisFunc(int i, int k, double t)
if (k == 0)
if (T[i] <= t && t < T[i + 1])
return 1;
return 0;
double a = (t - T[i]) / (T[i + k] - T[i]);
double b = (T[i + k + 1] - t) / (T[i + k + 1] - T[i + 1]);
return a * basisFunc(i, k - 1, t) + b * basisFunc(i + 1, k - 1, t);
private double[] DeBoor(double t)
double[] V = new double[2];
for (int i = 0; i < P.length; i++)
double scale = basisFunc(i, _k, t);
V[0] += P[i][0] * scale;
V[1] += P[i][1] * scale;
return V;
public void calculatePath(Graphics g)
if (P.length < 2)
return; // zu wenige punkte um ein pfad zu zeichnen
double[] v = null;
double delta = 1 / 32.0;
for (double t = T[2]; t < T[5]; t += delta)
double[] p = DeBoor(t);
if (v != null)
g.setColor(new Color((int)(t*255), 0, 0));
g.drawLine((int) v[0], (int) v[1], (int) p[0], (int) p[1]);
v = p;
for (int i = 0; i < P.length; i++)
int x = (int)P[i][0];
int y = (int)P[i][1];
g.fillOval(x-2, y-2, 4, 4);
g.drawString(String.valueOf(i), x, y+15);
(Compare to http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/Splines/basis.html, "Quadratic B-spline (n = 3, k = 3)")
Apart from that I wonder how such an overly complicated **** like deBoors algorithm could become so "famous". Use De-Casteljau and you'll be done in a few minutes, without a single debugging run.
EDIT A port of the code from http://chi3x10.wordpress.com/2009/10/18/de-boor-algorithm-in-c/
// From http://chi3x10.wordpress.com/2009/10/18/de-boor-algorithm-in-c/
double[] deBoor(int k,int degree, int i, double x, double knots[], double ctrlPoints[][])
if( k == 0)
i = Math.max(0, Math.min(ctrlPoints.length-1, i));
return ctrlPoints[i];
double alpha = (x-knots[i])/(knots[i+degree+1-k]-knots[i]);
double p0[] = deBoor(k-1,degree, i-1, x, knots, ctrlPoints);
double p1[] = deBoor(k-1,degree, i, x, knots, ctrlPoints);
double p[] = new double[2];
p[0] = p0[0] *(1-alpha ) + p1[0]*alpha;
p[1] = p0[1] *(1-alpha ) + p1[1]*alpha;
return p;
int WhichInterval(double x, double knot[], int ti)
int index = -1;
for(int i = 1; i <= ti - 1; i++)
if(x < knot[i]) {
index = i - 1;
if(x == knot[ti - 1]) {
index = ti - 1;
return index;
private double[] DeBoor(double t)
int i = WhichInterval(t, T, T.length);
return deBoor(_k, 3, i, t, T, P);


Java vs C# speed comparison in path search algorithm

Firstly I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, so if I am wrong, please, move it. Thanks.
I had an assignment to compare same algorithm performance in Java and C#. The algorithm is supposed to be A* search, but I think I made it more like flooding, but it works well and I'm not here to fix it. Firstly I'll post the code I was using in Java and C# and then explain what I got.
As body of question is limited to 30000 characters and I entered more, I had to delete functions readFile() from Java and C# to make it fit.
After Jim Mischel has pointed out I updated hash function in C# version to be same as in Java which resulted in better performance.
Also thanks to Matt Timmermans I realized that all this time I was running C# in debug (Result of not thinking it through) and changing to release increased performance even more.
C# version:
File: Program.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace A_Star_Compare
class Program
static int StartX = 0;
static int StartY = 0;
static int TargetX = 0;
static int TargetY = 0;
static int Width = 0;
static int Height = 0;
static TimeSpan TotalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
static double[] TrialTimes = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static Dictionary<int, List<int>> Obstacles = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++)
int Index = 0;
Console.WriteLine("z: " + z);
for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
if (x < 10)
Index += 10;
Index += 100;
string Line = string.Empty;
string FileName = "Maps-" + Index + ".txt";
TotalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
TrialTimes[x] += (double)TotalTime.TotalSeconds / 100;
int Index0 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)
if (i < 10)
Index0 += 10;
Index0 += 100;
string FileName = "Maps-" + Index0 + ".txt";
Console.WriteLine("{0} Map size: {1}*{2}. On average map solved in: {3}", FileName, Index0, Index0, (double)TrialTimes[i] / 10);
static void measureTime()
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Algorithm Solve = new Algorithm(StartX, StartY, TargetX, TargetY, Width, Height, Obstacles);
TotalTime += stopwatch.Elapsed;
File: Algorithm.cs
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace A_Star_Compare
public class Node
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public int G { get; set; }
public int F { get; set; }
public int H { get; set; }
public Node PointsTo { get; set; }
public Node(int x, int y, int g, int f, int h, Node point)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.G = g;
this.F = f;
this.H = h;
this.PointsTo = point;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Node rhs = obj as Node;
return rhs.X == this.X && rhs.Y == this.Y;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 7;
hash = 83 * hash + this.X;
hash = 83 * hash + this.Y;
return hash;
class Algorithm
private Dictionary<int, List<int>> Obstacles { get; set; }
public HashSet<Node> OpenList { get; set; }
public HashSet<Node> ClosedList { get; set; }
private Node Parent { get; set; }
private Node LowestCost { get; set; }
private int StartX { get; set; }
private int StartY { get; set; }
private int TargetX { get; set; }
private int TargetY { get; set; }
private int Width { get; set; }
private int Height { get; set; }
private bool FirstIter = true;
public Algorithm(int stX, int stY, int tgX, int tgY, int wid, int hei, Dictionary<int, List<int>> obs)
this.StartX = stX;
this.StartY = stY;
this.TargetX = tgX;
this.TargetY = tgY;
this.Width = wid - 1;
this.Height = hei - 1;
this.Obstacles = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(obs);
this.Parent = new Node(StartX, StartY, 0, 0, 0, null);
this.LowestCost = new Node(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 0, int.MaxValue, 0, null);
this.ClosedList = new HashSet<Node>();
this.OpenList = new HashSet<Node>();
private bool IsBlockObstacle(int X, int Y)
if (Obstacles.ContainsKey(X) == false || (Obstacles.ContainsKey(X) == true && Obstacles[X].Contains(Y) == false))
return false;
return true;
private void Calculate(ref int H, int G, ref int F, int MovedX, int MovedY, Node AddToList)
int H1 = 0;
H = (TargetX - MovedX) * 10;
if (H < 0)
H *= -1;
H1 = (TargetY - MovedY) * 10;
if (H1 < 0)
H1 *= -1;
H += H1;
F = G + H;
AddToList.F = F;
AddToList.H = H;
AddToList.PointsTo = Parent;
private Node GetNodeFromOpen(Node Find)
Node Ret = null;
foreach (Node Nfo in OpenList)
if (Nfo.Equals(Find))
Ret = Nfo;
return Ret;
private bool CheckNode(Node AddToList, int G)
if (!OpenList.Contains(AddToList))
return true;
Node Check = GetNodeFromOpen(AddToList);
if (Parent.G + G < Check.G)
int Offset = Check.G - Parent.G - G;
Check.G -= Offset;
Check.F -= Offset;
Check.PointsTo = Parent;
return false;
private void ChooseNode()
foreach (Node Nfo in OpenList)
if (Nfo.X == TargetX && Nfo.Y == TargetY)
LowestCost = Nfo;
if (Nfo.F < LowestCost.F)
LowestCost = Nfo;
private void CountCost()
int[] Directions = { 1, -1 };
int[] Diagnoly = { 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 };
int ParentX = Parent.X;
int ParentY = Parent.Y;
int MovedX = 0;
int MovedY = 0;
int H = 0;
int F = 0;
Node AddToList = null;
//Left and right
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
//Check if it is possible to move right or left
if (ParentX + Directions[i] <= Width && ParentX + Directions[i] >= 0)
//Check if blocks to the right and left of parent aren't obstacles
if (!IsBlockObstacle(ParentX + Directions[i], ParentY))
AddToList = new Node(ParentX + Directions[i], ParentY, Parent.G + 10, 0, 0, null);
//Check if it is not on closed list
if (!ClosedList.Contains(AddToList))
MovedX = AddToList.X;
MovedY = AddToList.Y;
Calculate(ref H, AddToList.G, ref F, MovedX, MovedY, AddToList);
CheckNode(AddToList, 10);
//Up and down
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
//Check if possible to move up or down
if (ParentY + Directions[i] <= Height && ParentY + Directions[i] >= 0)
//Check if higher and lower block of parent aren't obstacles
if (!IsBlockObstacle(ParentX, ParentY + Directions[i]))
AddToList = new Node(ParentX, ParentY + Directions[i], Parent.G + 10, 0, 0, null);
if (!ClosedList.Contains(AddToList))
MovedX = ParentX;
MovedY = ParentY + Directions[i];
Calculate(ref H, AddToList.G, ref F, MovedX, MovedY, AddToList);
CheckNode(AddToList, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2)
if (ParentX + Diagnoly[i] <= Width && ParentX + Diagnoly[i] >= 0 && ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1] <= Height && ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1] >= 0)
if (!IsBlockObstacle(ParentX + Diagnoly[i], ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1]))
AddToList = new Node(ParentX + Diagnoly[i], ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1], Parent.G + 14, 0, 0, null);
if (!ClosedList.Contains(AddToList))
MovedX = ParentX + Diagnoly[i];
MovedY = ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1];
Calculate(ref H, AddToList.G, ref F, MovedX, MovedY, AddToList);
CheckNode(AddToList, 14);
public void FullSolve()
Node Final = null;
if (FirstIter)
Parent = LowestCost;
FirstIter = false;
while (true)
if (OpenList.Count == 0)
HashSet<Node> Copy = new HashSet<Node>(OpenList);
foreach (Node Nfo in Copy)
Parent = Nfo;
if (Parent.X == TargetX && Parent.Y == TargetY)
Final = Parent;
Parent = LowestCost;
LowestCost.F = int.MaxValue;
if (Parent.X == TargetX && Parent.Y == TargetY)
Final = Parent;
Java version:
File: AStar_Compare.java
package a.star_compare;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
public class AStar_Compare {
static double totalTime;
static double[] trialTimes = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static int startX;
static int startY;
static int targetX;
static int targetY;
static int width;
static int heigth;
static HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> obstacles = new HashMap<>();
static NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.000000000");
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) {
int Index = 0;
System.out.println("z: " + z);
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
if (x < 10) {
Index += 10;
} else {
Index += 100;
String fileName = "Maps-" + Index + ".txt";
totalTime = 0;
trialTimes[x] += totalTime / 1E9 / 100;
int index0 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
if (i < 10) {
index0 += 10;
} else {
index0 += 100;
trialTimes[i] /= 10;
String fileName = "Maps-" + index0 + ".txt";
System.out.println(fileName + " Map size: " + index0 + "*" + index0 + ". On average map solved in: " + formatter.format(trialTimes[i]));
static void measureTime() {
StopWatch time = new StopWatch();
Algorithm solve = new Algorithm(obstacles, startX, startY, targetX, targetY, width, heigth);
totalTime += time.getNanoTime();
File: Node.java
package a.star_compare;
public class Node {
public int x;
public int y;
public int g;
public int h;
public int f;
public Node pointsTo;
public Node(int gx, int gy, int gg, int gh, int gf, Node point){
this.x = gx;
this.y = gy;
this.g = gg;
this.h = gh;
this.f = gf;
this.pointsTo = point;
public boolean equals(Object other){
if(other == null) return false;
if(other == this) return true;
if(!(other instanceof Node)) return false;
Node rhs = (Node)other;
return this.x == rhs.x && this.y == rhs.y;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 83 * hash + this.x;
hash = 83 * hash + this.y;
return hash;
File: Algorithm.java
package a.star_compare;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
public class Algorithm {
private final HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> obstacles;
private final HashSet<Node> closedList;
private final HashSet<Node> openList;
private Node parent;
private Node lowestCost;
private final int startX;
private final int startY;
private final int targetX;
private final int targetY;
private final int width;
private final int height;
private boolean firstIter = true;
public Algorithm(HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> obs, int stX, int stY, int tgX, int tgY, int wid, int hei) {
this.obstacles = new HashMap(obs);
this.startX = stX;
this.startY = stY;
this.targetX = tgX;
this.targetY = tgY;
this.width = wid - 1;
this.height = hei - 1;
this.parent = new Node(startX, startY, 0, 0, 0, null);
this.lowestCost = new Node(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null);
this.closedList = new HashSet<>();
this.openList = new HashSet<>();
private boolean isBlockObstacle(Integer x, Integer y) {
if (obstacles.containsKey(x) == false || (obstacles.containsKey(x) == true && obstacles.get(x).contains(y) == false)) {
return false;
return true;
private void calculate(int h, int g, int f, int movedX, int movedY, Node addToList) {
int h1 = 0;
h = (targetX - movedX) * 10;
if (h < 0) {
h *= -1;
h1 = (targetY - movedY) * 10;
if (h1 < 0) {
h1 *= -1;
h += h1;
f = g + h;
addToList.f = f;
addToList.h = h;
addToList.pointsTo = parent;
private Node getNodeFromOpen(Node find) {
Node ret = null;
for (Node nfo : openList) {
if (nfo.equals(find)) {
ret = nfo;
return ret;
private boolean checkNode(Node addToList, int g) {
if (!openList.contains(addToList)) {
return true;
} else {
Node check = getNodeFromOpen(addToList);
if (parent.g + g < check.g) {
int offset = check.g - parent.g - g;
check.g -= offset;
check.f -= offset;
check.pointsTo = parent;
return false;
private void chooseNode() {
for (Node nfo : openList) {
if (nfo.x == targetX && nfo.y == targetY) {
lowestCost = nfo;
if (nfo.f < lowestCost.f) {
lowestCost = nfo;
private void countCost() {
int[] directions = {1, -1};
int[] diagnoly = {1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1};
int parentX = parent.x;
int parentY = parent.y;
int movedX = 0;
int movedY = 0;
int h = 0;
int f = 0;
Node addToList = null;
//Left and right
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//Check if it is possible to move right or left
if (parentX + directions[i] <= width && parentX + directions[i] >= 0) {
//Check if blocks to the right and left of parent aren't obstacles
if (!isBlockObstacle(parentX + directions[i], parentY)) {
addToList = new Node(parentX + directions[i], parentY, parent.g + 10, 0, 0, null);
//Check if it is not on closed list
if (!closedList.contains(addToList)) {
movedX = addToList.x;
movedY = addToList.y;
calculate(h, addToList.g, f, movedX, movedY, addToList);
checkNode(addToList, 10);
//Up and down
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//Check if possible to move up or down
if (parentY + directions[i] <= height && parentY + directions[i] >= 0) {
//Check if higher and lower block of parent aren't obstacles
if (!isBlockObstacle(parentX, parentY + directions[i])) {
addToList = new Node(parentX, parentY + directions[i], parent.g + 10, 0, 0, null);
if (!closedList.contains(addToList)) {
movedX = parentX;
movedY = parentY + directions[i];
calculate(h, addToList.g, f, movedX, movedY, addToList);
checkNode(addToList, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
if (parentX + diagnoly[i] <= width && parentX + diagnoly[i] >= 0 && parentY + diagnoly[i + 1] <= height && parentY + diagnoly[i + 1] >= 0) {
if (!isBlockObstacle(parentX + diagnoly[i], parentY + diagnoly[i + 1])) {
addToList = new Node(parentX + diagnoly[i], parentY + diagnoly[i + 1], parent.g + 14, 0, 0, null);
if (!closedList.contains(addToList)) {
movedX = parentX + diagnoly[i];
movedY = parentY + diagnoly[i + 1];
calculate(h, addToList.g, f, movedX, movedY, addToList);
checkNode(addToList, 14);
public void FullSolve() {
Node finalPath = null;
if (firstIter) {
parent = lowestCost;
firstIter = false;
} else {
while (true) {
if (openList.isEmpty()) {
HashSet<Node> copy = new HashSet<>(openList);
for (Node nfo : copy) {
parent = nfo;
if (parent.x == targetX && parent.y == targetY) {
finalPath = parent;
parent = lowestCost;
lowestCost.f = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (parent.x == targetX && parent.y == targetY) {
finalPath = parent;
The testing was done with pregenerated map files. I have 14 map files each of them contains a 100 maps with specific size. With lowest one being map by 10 * 10 and highest being by 500 * 500.
Also note that if each map has 100 examples it means that algorithm was tested 100 times to work with one specific size, furthermore I wanted to increase accuracy even more so I repeat whole process 10 times. Which gives me 1000 test with one map. I of course average those times.
I'm not really familiar with high accuracy time measuring methods so I used StopWatch() in both Java and C# (To use it in Java I downloaded it from apache commons). What I did was after reading one map information I called function measureTime() and started StopWatch() then call Algorithm class and make it solve puzzle after that I'd stop StopWatch() and take time.
Here are the results I got:
I'm posting image because I'm not sure how to make a table here. Times are in second, how much it took to solve one map in average.
Note after "-" symbol there is map size. (Maps-20.txt means map by 20 * 20 and so on)
Also a graph:
These results really surprised me, I was expecting one language having a bit of an advantage, but not like this. After update C# graph looks similar to Java graph, but has steeper growth rate. First I thought that I made some mistake while copying algorithm to Java (Firstly I wrote in C#), but I couldn't find any. So assuming that I didn't make some silly mistake.
How can I improve C# performance even more?
Also one thing I thought about getting these results that in Dictionary<int, List<int>> instead of using List<int> I could use HashSet<int> since I only need to confirm if element exists or not. But as I am not dealing with thousands of elements I don't think that it could be major factor.

Representing Mandelbrot and Julia Sets Graphically in Java

I'm working on a problem where I'm needing to represent the Mandelbrot set graphically using OpenCL and working on my sequential code first. However, the image it is producing isn't very good and I'm unsure if I've missed something somewhere or if this is merely an issue with a lack of resolution (so to speak). I've posted the code below along with a screenshot of what it produces - is this what I should be expecting or have I messed this up somewhere?
public class SequentialMandelbrot {
private static int[] colorMap;
private static int xSize = 200, ySize = 200;
private static float yMin = -2f, yMax = 2f;
private static float xMin = -2f, xMax = 2f;
private static float xStep = (xMax - xMin) / (float)xSize;
private static float yStep = (yMax - yMin) / (float)ySize;
private static final int maxIter = 250;
private static BufferedImage image;
private static JComponent imageComponent;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the image and the component that will paint the image
initColorMap(32, Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE);
image = new BufferedImage(xSize, ySize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
imageComponent = new JPanel()
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.drawImage(image, 0,0,this);
for (int j = 0; j < xSize; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < ySize; k++) {
int iter = mandelbrot(j, k);
if (iter == maxIter) {
image.setRGB(j, k, 0);
} else {
int local_rgb = colorMap[iter%64];
image.setRGB(j, k, local_rgb);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("JOCL Simple Mandelbrot");
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
imageComponent.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(xSize, ySize));
frame.add(imageComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER);
private static int mandelbrot(float j, float k) {
int t = 0;
float norm = 0;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float r = xMin + (j * xStep);
float i = yMin + (k * yStep);
while (t < maxIter && norm < 4) {
x = (x*x) - (y*y) + r;
y = (2*x*y) + i;
norm = (x*x) + (y*y);
return t;
I have also altered the code for the Julia set (from the number 0.45 + 0.1428i) and it produces something equally questionable:
This is your iteration loop, which is incorrect.
while (t < maxIter && norm < 4) {
x = (x*x) - (y*y) + r;
y = (2*x*y) + i;
norm = (x*x) + (y*y);
You are overwriting x before re-using it to calculate y. I suggest using a temporary variable, such as
while (t < maxIter && norm < 4) {
tempx = (x*x) - (y*y) + r;
y = (2*x*y) + i;
x = tempx;
norm = (x*x) + (y*y);
Aside: there is room for some efficiency too, as you are calculating x*x and y*y twice.

finding the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line in a 2D plane

This "Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line."
question from leetcode.com I am trying to solve it but I am not able to pass all test
What I am trying to do is:- I am using a hashmap whose key is the angle b/w the points which I am getting through tan inverse of the slope and I am storing the values for each slope initially the value of the no of occurrance of that point and then incrementing it.
I am using another hashmap for counting the occurance of points.
I am not getting the correct answer for points like (0,0),(1,0) which should return 2 but it's returning 1.
What am I missing?
My code is:
public class MaxPointsINLine {
int max = 0;
int same;
public int maxPoints(Point[] points) {
int max = 0;
Map<Double, Integer> map = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
Map<Point, Integer> pointmap = new HashMap<Point, Integer>();
for(Point point: points)
pointmap.put(point, 1);
pointmap.put(point, pointmap.get(point)+1);
if (points.length >= 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
for (int j = i ; j < points.length; j++) {
double dx = points[j].x - points[i].x;
double dy = points[j].y - points[i].y;
double slope = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (!map.containsKey(slope)) {
map.put(slope, pointmap.get(points[j]));
} else
map.put(slope, map.get(slope) + 1);
for (Double key : map.keySet()) {
if (map.get(key) > max) {
max = map.get(key);
return max;
} else if (points.length != 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Point point1 = new Point(0,0);
Point point2 = new Point(0,0);
//Point point3 = new Point(2,2);
MaxPointsINLine maxpoint = new MaxPointsINLine();
Point[] points = { point1, point2};
class Point {
int x;
int y;
Point() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
Point(int a, int b) {
x = a;
y = b;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Point that = (Point)obj;
if (that.x == this.x && that.y == this.y)
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 1;
The general strategy doesn't seem like it can work. Let's suppose that we've successfully populated map with key-value pairs (a, N) where a is an angle and N is the number of pairs of points that are joined by the angle a. Consider the following arrangement of 6 points:
Explicitly, there are points at (0,0), (1,0), (2,1), (3,1), (0,2), and (1,2). You can check that the maximum number of points that lie on any line is 2. However, there are 3 pairs of points that are joined by the same angle: ((0,0), (1,0)), ((2,1), (3,1)), and ((0,2), (1,2)). So map will contain a key-value pair with N = 3, but that isn't the answer to the original question.
Because of arrangements like the above, it's not enough to count slopes. A successful algorithm will have to represent lines in such a way that you can distinguish between parallel lines.
This one worked for me:
* Definition for a point.
* class Point {
* int x;
* int y;
* Point() { x = 0; y = 0; }
* Point(int a, int b) { x = a; y = b; }
* }
public class Solution {
public int maxPoints(Point[] points) {
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<points.length; i++){
Map<Double, Integer> line = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
Point a = points[i];
int same = 1;
for(int j = i+1; j<points.length; j++){
Point b = points[j];
//System.out.println(" point " + b.toString());
if(a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y){
} else {
double dy = b.y - a.y;
double dx = b.x - a.x;
Double slope;
if(dy == 0){ // horizontal
slope = 0.0;
} else if(dx == 0){//eartical
slope = Math.PI/2;
} else {
slope = Math.atan(dy/dx);
Integer slopeVal = line.get(slope);
//System.out.println(" slope " + slope + " slope value " + slopeVal);
if(slopeVal == null){
slopeVal = 1;
} else {
slopeVal += 1;
line.put(slope, slopeVal);
for (Double key : line.keySet()) {
Integer val = line.get(key);
result = Math.max(result, val + same);
// for all points are same
result = Math.max(result, same);
return result;
The most straightforward solution here seems to be the following: One can consider each pair of points. For each pair, one computes the distance of each other point to the line connecting the two points. If this distance is nearly zero, then the point lies on the line.
When this is done for all pairs, one can pick the pair for which the highest number of points lies on the connecting line.
Of course, this is not very elegant, as it is in O(n^3) and performs some computations twice. But it is very simple and rather reliable. I just implemented this as a MCVE here:
One can set points with left-clicking the mouse. Right-clicks clear the screen. The maximum number of points in one line is displayed, and the corresponding points are highlighted.
(EDIT: Updated to handle points that have a distance of 0, based on the comment)
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class PointsOnStraightLineTest
public static void main(String[] args)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
private static void createAndShowGUI()
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
f.getContentPane().add(new PointsPanel());
f.setSize(600, 600);
class PointsOnStraightLine
// Large epsilon to make it easier to place
// some points on one line with the mouse...
private static final double EPSILON = 5.0;
List<Point> maxPointsOnLine = new ArrayList<Point>();
void compute(List<Point> points)
maxPointsOnLine = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int i=0; i<points.size(); i++)
for (int j=i+1; j<points.size(); j++)
Point p0 = points.get(i);
Point p1 = points.get(j);
List<Point> resultPoints = null;
if (p0.distanceSq(p1) < EPSILON)
resultPoints = computePointsNearby(p0, points);
resultPoints = computePointsOnLine(p0, p1, points);
if (resultPoints.size() > maxPointsOnLine.size())
maxPointsOnLine = resultPoints;
private List<Point> computePointsOnLine(
Point p0, Point p1, List<Point> points)
List<Point> result = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int k=0; k<points.size(); k++)
Point p = points.get(k);
double d = Line2D.ptLineDistSq(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, p.x, p.y);
if (d < EPSILON)
return result;
private List<Point> computePointsNearby(
Point p0, List<Point> points)
List<Point> result = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int k=0; k<points.size(); k++)
Point p = points.get(k);
double d = p.distanceSq(p0);
if (d < EPSILON)
return result;
class PointsPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener
private final List<Point> points;
private final PointsOnStraightLine pointsOnStraightLine;
points = new ArrayList<Point>();
pointsOnStraightLine = new PointsOnStraightLine();
protected void paintComponent(Graphics gr)
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)gr;
for (Point p : points)
g.fillOval(p.x-2, p.y-2, 4, 4);
int n = pointsOnStraightLine.maxPointsOnLine.size();
g.drawString("maxPoints: "+n, 10, 20);
for (Point p : pointsOnStraightLine.maxPointsOnLine)
g.drawOval(p.x-3, p.y-3, 6, 6);
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e))
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)

Need help to fix the GUI [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
The problem is that the text under the bar chart is not aligned with the bars in the bar chart. How do I make them align properly?
What more could I possibly add as details to this question to make your detector shut up? :)
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class SimpleBarChart extends JPanel {
private double[] value;
private String[] languages;
private String title;
private int gapBetweenBars = 40;//MODIFICATION - NOT A PART OF ORIGINAL CODE
public SimpleBarChart(double[] val, String[] lang, String t) {
languages = lang;
value = val;
title = t;
public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) {
if (value == null || value.length == 0) {
double minValue = 0;
double maxValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (minValue > value[i]) {
minValue = value[i];
if (maxValue < value[i]) {
maxValue = value[i];
Dimension dim = getSize();
int clientWidth = dim.width;
int clientHeight = dim.height;
int barWidth = clientWidth / value.length;
Font titleFont = new Font("Book Antiqua", Font.BOLD, 15);
FontMetrics titleFontMetrics = graphics.getFontMetrics(titleFont);
Font labelFont = new Font("Book Antiqua", Font.PLAIN, 10);
FontMetrics labelFontMetrics = graphics.getFontMetrics(labelFont);
int titleWidth = titleFontMetrics.stringWidth(title);
int q = titleFontMetrics.getAscent();
int p = (clientWidth - titleWidth) / 2;
graphics.drawString(title, p, q);
int top = titleFontMetrics.getHeight();
int bottom = labelFontMetrics.getHeight();
if (maxValue == minValue) {
double scale = (clientHeight - top - bottom) / (maxValue - minValue);
q = clientHeight - labelFontMetrics.getDescent();
for (int j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {
int valueP = j * (barWidth + gapBetweenBars) + 1; //MODIFICATION - NOT A PART OF ORIGINAL CODE
int valueQ = top;
int height = (int) (value[j] * scale);
if (value[j] >= 0) {
valueQ += (int) ((maxValue - value[j]) * scale);
} else {
valueQ += (int) (maxValue * scale);
height = -height;
graphics.fillRect(valueP, valueQ, barWidth - 2, height);
graphics.drawRect(valueP, valueQ, barWidth - 2, height);
int labelWidth = labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(languages[j]);
p = j * barWidth + (barWidth - labelWidth) / 2;
graphics.drawString(languages[j], p, q);
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setSize(500, 500);
double[] value = new double[5];
String[] languages = new String[5];
value[0] = 1;
languages[0] = "Visual Basic";
value[1] = 2;
languages[1] = "PHP";
value[2] = 3;
languages[2] = "C++";
value[3] = 4;
languages[3] = "C";
value[4] = 5;
languages[4] = "Java";
frame.getContentPane().add(new SimpleBarChart(value, languages, "Programming Languages"));
WindowListener winListener = new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) {
public void setGapBetweenBars(int gapBetweenBars) {
this.gapBetweenBars = gapBetweenBars;
public int getGapBetweenBars() {
return this.gapBetweenBars;
The value of p in your for loop is incorrect and should rather be:
p = j * (barWidth + gapBetweenBars) + (barWidth - labelWidth) / 2;
You forgot to take the gap into account.
use this in side for loop
int labelWidth = labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(languages[j]);
p = j * (barWidth+gapBetweenBars) + (barWidth - labelWidth) / 2;
changed calculation of space between Languages strings

Constructor is undefined, when it is clearly defined

I am making a program that plots the decay of atoms. Here is my main, which also does the logic. However, I am getting a undefined constructor error, when it is clearly defined in the other class. Why is this happening?
Caution: it isn't notated. Spare me your wrath.
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int chance = 6;
Random r = new Random();
int num = 40;
int[] decayed;
int reps = 25;
decayed = new int[reps];
for (int j = 1; j < reps+1; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int c = r.nextInt(chance);
if (c == chance - 1) {
System.out.printf("\n Trial: " + j + "\n Number left: " + num
+ "\n Decayed: " + decayed[j] + "\n\n");
num = num - decayed[j];
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.getContentPane().add(new Graph(decayed[])); //"Constuctor is undefined for type int" When I am clearly specifying an array.
And my Graph.class. It is copied from some forum (Credit to Crieg Wood).
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Graph extends JPanel
int PAD = 20;
boolean drawLine = true;
boolean drawDots = true;
int dotRadius = 3;
// the y coordinates of the points to be drawn; the x coordinates are evenly spaced
int[] data;
public Graph(int points[]){ //This is the constructor which specifies type int[].
for (int i = 0; i<points.length; i++){ //Copies points[] to data[]
data[i] = points[i];
protected void paintComponent (Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
g2.drawLine(PAD, PAD, PAD, h-PAD);
g2.drawLine(PAD, h-PAD, w-PAD, h-PAD);
double xScale = (w - 2*PAD) / (data.length + 1);
double maxValue = 100.0;
double yScale = (h - 2*PAD) / maxValue;
// The origin location
int x0 = PAD;
int y0 = h-PAD;
// draw connecting line
if (drawLine)
for (int j = 0; j < data.length-1; j++)
int x1 = x0 + (int)(xScale * (j+1));
int y1 = y0 - (int)(yScale * data[j]);
int x2 = x0 + (int)(xScale * (j+2));
int y2 = y0 - (int)(yScale * data[j+1]);
g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
// draw the points as little circles in red
if (drawDots)
for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++)
int x = x0 + (int)(xScale * (j+1));
int y = y0 - (int)(yScale * data[j]);
g2.fillOval(x-dotRadius, y-dotRadius, 2*dotRadius, 2*dotRadius);
The problems here are with the usage of those [] brackets.
Try to re-write your call:
f.getContentPane().add(new Graph(decayed));
Though you were not incorrect, please consider re-writing your constructor to hold to the Java standards and conventions:
public Graph(int[] points){ // NOTE: I moved the [] to a the standard position
for (int i = 0; i<points.length; i++){
data[i] = points[i];
Your syntax is invalid, to refer to your array, simply use the variable name, without the []:
f.getContentPane().add(new Graph(decayed));
Just replace this f.getContentPane().add(new Graph(decayed[]));
with this
f.getContentPane().add(new Graph(decayed));
Just use the name of the variable that you have created without that [].
Those [] brackets are used only at the time of declaration of the method parameters for arrays and not when calling the method.

