How do you seed non scoped named bindings using Guice ? - java

Building a web based application using Guice and have this peculiar situation -
I am using a lot of method interceptors that are lightweight.
My question is - I have a named binding say "Operation.Current" the value of which needs to be changed when one of these interceptors executes within a single request thread. So the bound value changes multiple times within a single request thread. I need this value to be injected as I need.
Currently I am using
request.setAttribute(Key.get(Operation.class, Names.named("Operation.Current")).toString(), op);
in my GuiceFilter to initialize the value. And I want to replace this value when the interceptors execute.
So I need to re seed my value present in the request as an attribute multiple times through the request.
What is a better way to solve this issue ? Since I see that the value is not in a real sense RequestScoped. So ideally this value should be non scoped and bound the name.
But how do I change the value as I need outside a Guice Module ?

You cannot modify the module binding once you created the injector. If you know all instances in advance, try the MapBinder, otherwise consider using a provider-binding, then you can evaluate the required instance dynamically for each call.


A very specific usage of callbacks in Java

This question is about a specific usage of a callback pattern. By callback i mean an interface from which i can define method(s) that is (are) optionnaly (= with a default set to 'do nothing', thanks Java 8) called from a lower layer in my application. My "application" is in fact a product which may have a lot of changes between client projects, so i need to separates somethings in order to reuse what won't change (technical code, integration of technologies) from the rest (model, rules).
Let's take an example :
I developped a Search Service which is based upon Apache CXF JAX-RS Search.
This service parses a FIQL query which can only handle AND/OR condition with =/</&gt/LIKE/... condition to create a JPA criteria query. I can't use a a condition like 'isNull'.
Using a specific interface i can define a callback that will be called when i got the criteria query from apache CXF layer in my search service and add my condition to the existing ones before the query is executed. This condition are defined on the upper layer of my searchService (RestController). This is in order to reduce code duplicate, like retuning a criteria query and finalize it in every methods where i need it. And because using #Transactional in CXF JAX-RS controller does not work well Spring proxy and CXF work (some JAX-RS annotation are ignored);
First question : does this example seems to be a good idea in terms of design ?
Now another example : i have an object which have some basic fields created from a service layer. But i want to be able to set others non-nullable fields not related to the service's process before the entity is persisted. These fields may move from a projects to another so i'd like to not have to change the signature of my service's method every time we add / remove columns. So again i'm considering using a callback pattern to be able to set within the same transaction and before object is persisted by the Service layer.
Second question : What about this example ?
Global question : Except the classic usage of callback for events : is this a pratice to use this pattern for some specific usage or is there any better way to handle it ?
If you need some code sample ask me, i'll make some (can't post my current code).
I wouldn't say that what you've described is a very specific usage of "an interface from which i can define method(s) that is (are) optionally called from a lower layer". I think that it is reasonable and also quite common solution.
Your doubts may be due to the naming. I'd rather use the term command pattern here. It seems to me that it is less confusing. Your approach also resembles the strategy pattern i.e. you provide (inject) an object which performs some calculations. Depending, on the context you inject objects that behave in a different way (for example add different conditions to a query).
To sum up callbacks/commands are not only used for events. I'd even say that events are specific usage of them. Command/callback pattern is used whenever we need to encapsulate an operation within an object and transfer/pass it somehow (by the way, in Java there is no other way to do so but for example in C++ there are pointers to methods, in C# there are delegates...).
As to your second example. I'm not sure if I understand it correctly. Why can't you simply populate all required fields of an object before calling the service?

Struts2 + spring autowiring actions by-name without exposing certain properties

I am using Struts 2 and Spring autowiring. Right now, the default strategy is set to by-name, but usually we use the constructor and the fallback works to autowire in properties when only one implementing class is available.
There is one property however that I'd like to wire into an action class that has several implementing classes, so I made the Action a java bean, with the properties as fields that can be set. Unfortunately, the only ways that these will be used (apparently) is if they have a public getter/setter, which also exposes them to the type converter at request time. In other words, if a client adds their name to the request as form fields or parameters, Struts will attempt to write those values to them.
So my question is, is it actually possible to use by-name autowiring without exposing properties like that (which may or may not be a security hazard), or am I better off just using XML and defining the Action as an object with scope prototype?
I did eventually track down the documentation for the ParametersInterceptor which actually lists three ways you can limit what parameters are set by the interceptor.
Configuring excludeParams in the parameter configuration, which is a global regex which applies to all actions (not what I want, also possibly deprecated as it is no longer described in the most recent class docs).
Setting excludeMethods (does the same as the previous, the preferred method for global excludes)
Implementing ParameterNameAware, which is the closest to what I wanted. Here you can whitelist what parameters are used.
In the end, defining the action as a prototype object in the normal Spring configuration seemed to be the most prudent. Letting the action manage what parameters it has means another place where parameters need to be explicitly white listed every time a change is made.

Why would we use custom scope in spring? When is it needed?

Can any one please help me in understanding custom scope. I went through manual and through many online example and understood how it is being implemented. But, I am still not clear why we need a custom proxy, and why we will go for, limiting the scope of the bean.
As i know that for a singleton- we use singleton when we want a single bean to be given to all references & we use prototype when we want a new reference to be given each time the bean is referenced.
Now my understanding regarding Custom scope is
Custom Scope- we use custom scope as a mid-way between the two that is neither we want to pass single reference nor a new reference every time.. but then it is more close to singleton where we are passing the same bean every time, just from our preferred location(such as underlying threadlocal or map).
please do help me making my concept clear ..The main question here is Why custom scope ? and When is it required?
In different context. For example - in a web application. Two scopes are defined there - "request" and "session". However, these are sometimes not sufficient. Often there is a need for a "flash" scope (lasts for one request and the subsequent redirect) or "conversation" scope (lasts for a sequence of requests forming a conversation).
In such, and similar cases, a custom scope is used.
That actually depends on the problem at hand. For instance, you might want to create a pre-defined number of instances of a particular bean, but not more than that. So until this number is met, you keep creating new instances, but once the number is met, you return existing instances in a balanced manner.
This could be applied to a problem where the instance takes up significant amount of resources (ex. memory) but speeds up the application if a new instance is used. So you could create a feasible amount of new objects when needed, and delegate into existing ones when the number of instances go beyond the that amount(compromising performance over resource utilization).

Is it wrong to pass EJBs as parameters to helper classes?

I'm in the situation where I need to create a cache to store certains values which need to be updated from the database. Since this cache needs to be singular, some sort of singleton implementation seems appropriate.
The problem is that this cache also needs access to the database via an EJB, which can't be injected since the cache exists outside of context (and yes, I'm looking forward to the #singleton annotation in EJB3.1).
The obvious solution is to pass the EJB into the cache as a parameter, but passing EJBs outside of context feels wrong, though I can't say why. Is it accepted practice?
Do note that you are normally not passing the EJB itself "outside of context". What you are typically passing around is a 'stub'. This stub can be passed around as any other normal object reference. Any calls on it will redirect back to an actual bean instance in the EJB container.
So if you have a cache in say the web module, have a backing bean injected with an EJB (or do a JNDI lookup) and pass that reference to a (static) cache, then I don't see a fundamental problem with that.
For all intends and purposes, the #Singleton annotation was indeed made for something like this. Hope you'll able to use it soon ;)
The main advantage of EJB is inside container. If you pass it outside you loose all the advantages which a container provide. Why don't you create a method in EJB that return the data you need. And the you can do, for example, JNDI lookup and call that method. In this way EJB will stay in the container and you will get your data.

Custom spring scopes?

Anyone know of any other custom spring scopes than Servlet Context Scope and ThreadScope ?
If you've made some closed-source custom scope I'd really also be interested in hearing what it does and how it worked out for you. (I'd imagine someone would make a WindowScope in a desktop app ?)
I'm open to all use cases, I'm looking to expand my horizon here.
We implemented our own custom Spring scope. A lot of our code works at a relatively low level, close to the database, and we maintain a conceptual level on top of that with its own object model of data sources, links, attributes etc.
Anyway, a lot of beans require a so-called StorageDictionary (an encapsulation of this object graph) to do their work. When we make non-trivial changes to the object graph, the dictionary sometimes needs to be blown away and recreated. Consequently, we implemented a custom scope for objects that were dictionary scoped, and part of the invalidation of a given dictionary involves clearing this custom scope. This lets Spring handle a nice form of automatic caching for these objects. You get the same object back every time up until the dictionary is invalidated, at which point you get a new object.
This helps not only with consistency but also allows the objects themselves to cache references to entities within the dictionary, safe within the knowledge that the cache will be valid for as long as they themselves are retrievable by Spring. This in turn lets us build these as immutable objects (so long as they can be wired via constructor injection), which is a very good thing to do anyway wherever possible.
This technique won't work everywhere and does depend heavily on the characteristics of the software (e.g. if the dictionary was modified regularly this would be horribly inefficient, and if it was updated never this would be unnecessary and slightly less efficient than direct access). However, it has definitely helped us pass off this management of lifecycle to Spring in a way that is conceptually straightforward and in my opinion quite elegant.
In my company we've created two custom scopes, one that will use Thread or Request and another that will use either Thread or Session. The idea is that a single scope can be used for scoped beans without having to change configuration based on the execution environment (JUnit or Servlet container). This also really comes in handy for when you run items in Quartz and no longer have a Request or Session scope available.
I work on a single web app that runs 4 different web sites under the same servlet context. Each site has its own domain name, e.g.,, etc.
Sites sometimes require their own customised instance of a bean from the app context (usually for customised display of messages or formatting of objects).
For example, say sites 1 and 2 both use the "standardDateFormatter" bean, site 3 uses the "usDateFormatter" bean and site 4 uses the "ukDateFormatter" bean.
I'm planning on using a "site" scope.
We have a Site enum like this:
enum Site {
Then we have a filter that stores one of these Site values in the request's thread using a ThreadLocal. This is the site scope's "conversation id".
Then in the app context there'd be a bean named "dateFormatter", with 'scope="site"'. Then, wherever we want to use a date formatter, the correct one for the user's current site will be used.
Added later:
Sample code here:
Oracle Coherence has implemented a datagrid scope for Spring beans. To sum it up:
A Data Grid Bean is a proxy to a Bean instance
that is stored in a non-expiring
Coherence Distributed Cache (called
Never used them myself but they seem cool.
Apache Orchestra provides SpringConversationScope.
In a Spring Batch application, we have implemented an item scope.
We have lots of #Service components which compute something based on the current batch item. Many of them need the same workflow:
Determine relevant item parts.
Init stuff based on the item.
For each item part, compute something (using stuff).
We moved the workflow into a base class template method, so the subclasses implement only findItemParts(Item) (doing 1 and 2) and computeSomething(ItemPart) (doing 3). So they became stateful (stuff initialized in findItemParts is needed in computeSomething), and that state must be cleared before the next item.
Some of those services also involve injected Spring beans which are also derived from the current item and must be removed afterwards.
We implemented an AbstractScopeRegisteringItemProcessor which registers the item and allows subclasses to register derived beans. At the end of its process method, it removes the item from its scope context, and the derived beans using DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.destroySingleton.
How it worked out
It works, but has the following problems:
We did not manage to get the derived beans cleaned up without registration (just based on their #Scope). The concrete processor must create and register them.
AbstractScopeRegisteringItemProcessor would have been nicer using composition and dynamically implementing all interfaces of the underlying processor. But then the resulting #StepScope bean is a proxy for the declared return type (i.e. AbstractScopeRegisteringItemProcessor or ItemProcessor) without the required callback interfaces.
With the aid of #Eliot Sykes's solution and shared code plus #Cheetah's BeanDefinition registration, I was able to get rid of the registration as singleton beans. Instead, ItemScopeContext (the storage used by both the processor and the Scope implementation; Java-configured via a static #Bean method) implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor. It registers a FactoryBean whose getObject() returns the current item or throws an exception if there is none. Now, a #Component annotated with #Scope(scopeName = "Item", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) can simply inject the item and need not be registered for end-of-scope cleanup.
So in the end, it did work out well.
A spring locale scope based on the users locale wihtin a web application
See related wiki page
In my company, we have also implemented spring custom scope. We have a multi tenant system where every customer can customize settings. Instance based scope of ours, caches the beans which are customer specific. So each time user of a customer logs in, these settings are cached and reused again when other users of the same customers sign in.
I once used a kind of conversation scope to store some objects in the session scope, in order to keep them when re-entering the same page, but limited to a single page to avoid to leave useless objects in the session. The implementation just stored the page URL and cleaned the conversation scope on each page change.

